Sunday, October 09, 2016

BBOTT: Have Nots, Kerfuffles and Some Safety - into Sunday, October 9

Playing with big balls

Shane is playing a golf-type game with big balls and big clubs. Sheesh. Get your minds out of the gutter!

After an extremely slow start, this group has become more entertaining. Unfortunately, at the moment (at least), things have gone copacetic for the most part. That is, unless your name is Scott.

Here's the skinny, not necessarily in chronological order:
  • Monte, already getting homophobic heat for making a comment about not wanting to sleep with a grown man (CB), is now getting racist heat.
  • He made what he claims was an off-the-cuff joke when others were wondering where Justin gets his (expensive) clothes. "Probably steals them." Monte says he wasn't thinking color when he said it and that, as a white guy from the South, things tend to automatically lean towards him being racist.
  • Justin, as a black guy, took the comment to heart as he thinks it was a comment on his race. Danielle saw how it could be construed that way, as well. I can see it, too.
  • With Monte and Justin almost coming to blows previously over Justin "disrespecting" Morgan by disrobing in front of her ... cue dramatic music now.
  • Um, nah. They all talked things out, all of the hamsters.
  • Except Scott.
  • In the huge mutual respect meeting, Kryssie managed to turn the focus on Scott as Public Enemy Number 1.
  • While Danielle and others think it's a move equivalent to Dan's funeral, me not so much.
  • Y'see, Scott has already been too much involved in going back and forth between the sides. He thinks he's been so honest, but watching him in action is a bit slimy. (Could that be the debt collector in him? Heehee.)
  • And, America has seen that, too.
  • Scott has also been vocal about wanting Kryssie out ... to many people.
  • America's vote on the Have Nots came through, sending a strong message to the house.
  • Monte, Scott and Morgan are the Have Nots. They have nothing but slop to eat. The room is a Halloween Horror theme.
  • That's an indication that they need to step up their image with the fans.
  • Morgan and Scott seem to think their being Have Nots is due to their connection with Monte.
  • Monte is realizing his HoH crashed and burned. Now he's a Have Not. Both were America-involved actions.
  • While I personally think he's a controlling So-and-So with a chip on his shoulder, I see that chip sliding off a bit. There might be salvation for him if he can make it past this week.
  • On the other hand, Scott has his own chip on his shoulder, considering himself an expert BB guy. He ain't. You can watch the show and the live feeds and be a superfan, but that won't make you good on the show in person. I know I've seen every episode, every year and the live feeds from every season. Unlike Scott, I did that as an adult with an adult mind rather than a ten year-old fan mind. I'd probably qualify as more of a superfan than would any kid in his twenties. BUT ... I know I'd suck at the social game aspect. He just thinks he knows it all and it's all blowing back in his face.
  • Let's see ... what else? Oh! As predicted, Kryssie saved Jason with her care package Save a Friend bit.
  • And, last night the Safety choices started. So far -- Kryssie, Whitney, Neeley and Morgan are safe.
  • Most of the hamsters have said they want to be a Have Not with Justin because he cooks.
  • Heh.
  • They better watch out. Be careful what you wish for ...
  • As for the nominations, Alex is realizing that she needs to distance herself some from Monte and America as an Invisible Hamster sees all. But she's still probably going to put up Danielle and Shane. She is tossing around the thought of Scott. But I think she'll stay with her original plan.               
I'm not racist! I'm not homophobic!

No, Kryssie, not equivalent to Dan's funeral.

Decisions, decisions

That's not a joint, Justin.


Saturday, October 08, 2016

BBOTT: Care Package and More - Saturday, October 7

Doesn't want a final two with Jason

... and Scott told him as much. "Oh, I want to work long with you in the game. But I don't want to take you to the final two because you'd win."

Not really the best way to phrase the thought, eh? It would probably be best had he not phrased it at all. I'll agree that it's probably on all of those little hamster minds that being in a final two with Jason would mean second place. That doesn't mean you go ahead and tell him that! And Scott is so proud of himself for saying it. Silly hamster.

Yesterday saw the delivery of the first care package sent by America and the live diary room sessions. Here's how stuff went down:
  • Kryssie got the care package -- it's Save a Friend. She can save one other hamster from nomination this week. Unfortunately, she herself is still vulnerable to being nominated. 
  • She's taking it very seriously. She's thrilled that America seems to like her after being an outcast in her daily life. Or, Jason would call it, a Misfit Toy.
  • She's probably going to save Jason with it.
  • But, the idea of the America involvement is messing with their heads in the HoH.
  • Alex doesn't want to tick off America.
  • In her Diary Room, she said that she's working with Monte right now because she needs him. The divide is already in place in the house and that's the side she happens to be on ... for now.
  • Monte wants her to nominate Justin and Danielle.
  • She more wants to nominate Shane and Danielle.
  • It seems most of the readers here on the blog (and I) would like America to nominate Monte.
  • Monte still wants to work with Shane if he can get him away from Danielle. He thinks that Danielle has taken his focus off the game.
  • Meanwhile, Shane feels comfortable with Danielle, Jason, Kryssie and Justin.
  • Kryssie worked on trying to get Scott to go to their side. Although he told us in the DR bit that he would be open to work with them, he balked at the idea from Kryssie. He said he can't play to please America.
  • Um, well, dude.
  • Alex worked on Kryssie, telling her that it would be best for her (K's) game to save Jason.
  • That's even though Alex hasn't really played with the notion of nominating Jason in the first place. 
  • But she's not telling Kryssie that.
  • Jason has worked his way in solid with both Kryssie and Justin. The latter seems unlikely, but it's true.
  • Justin will be happy to keep pushing Monte's buttons.
  • They're also spreading the word around that Monte is homophobic. 
  • I don't know about that so much. But he does have this thing about how he needs to "protect" women. I can see him with a wife barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.
  • I'm beginning to think I would have liked to see this crew of hamsters on the last televised season more so than the ones we got.
  • Tonight should be the first Safety Ceremony.
  • Still got to get used to the schedule! 

Feels he will have to fight for safety each week

Probably thinking evil thoughts about Monte

Neeley keeps straddling the line


It's great to be picked first for once!

Friday, October 07, 2016

BBOTT: Into Friday, October 7

Jus' gliding along


I needed to get that out of my system.
  • There's been a lot of buzz about Alex cheating in the HoH comp by resting her sword hand in her pocket to steady it.
  • I wouldn't know because the comp was held so late and the flashback function doesn't work.
  • She is still HoH, so BB people aren't seeing an issue.
  • Or, is Monte HoH once again?
  • It almost seems like it.
  • Alex, Morgan and Monte huddled and each one had someone they wanted safe. Alex says she won't put Shelby up. Monte wants Danielle to go to get his bro Shane's head back in the game. Alex doesn't really want to put Jason up, probably more thinking about the America's hand in things.
  • None of them really want Justin in the house. Alex thinks he's too good at everything.
  • Now, last season, Paul kept saying "Never cared" -- but you could tell he did. Justin is more of a true "never cared" kind of guy. He's laidback and easy going, but says what's on his mind because he really never cared what others think of him.
  • It's getting all complicated in the house of hamsters. Neeley hangs out with Jason and company, yet tells Alex she's loyal to Monte.
  • Monte and Justin are getting more acrimonious by the day. 
  • Will there be fisticuffs?
  • The latest is that Justin disrobed to take a shower in front of the girls.
  • Now, it's all fine and dandy that Monte thinks he's a gentleman and I even like that he wears a shirt around the house.
  • BUT ... Monte does seem to think that he's some sort of knight in shining armor going around saving damsels in distress.
  • These damsels can take care of themselves.
  • "Don't disrespect my friend Morgan!"
  • Sheesh.
  • Shane is now more subdued, more taken by Danielle thus alienating himself to others.
  • Scott is leaning more towards the Jason/Kryssie, etc. side of the house.
  • Boy, that early alliance of four guys certainly fell apart quickly!
  • America can start voting on the first care package.
  • Good. Give some of them more paranoia.
  • Alex told Morgan she was the hinky vote, but didn't tell Monte that. He keeps thinking it was us.
  • It looks like Morgan and Alex are going to really work together. Both say that they'll go along with Monte as he thinks he's a leader, but ...!
  • Hmm.
  • Now that they know America has such powers in the game, Alex is reluctant to put Jason on the block because she thinks America wants him to remain.
  • I think we want him to stay, too.
  • It's looking like possibly a Justin/Danielle nomination. Perhaps a Shane thrown in there, but I doubt it.  Scott is a possible, as well.
  • Hmm.
  • Monte's sights have changed from getting Danielle out to getting Justin out.
  • Heck, I want Justin to stay for the entertainment factor. I want to see steam actually come out of Monte's ears.
  • Heehee.

More of a superfan than Michelle BB18

Girls in shades, throwing shade

A subdued Shane

What does America think?

Thursday, October 06, 2016

BBOTT: HoH Comp, Into Thursday - October 6

Remains a virgin

First off, I need to grouse a bit. With this online version, starting any HoH (except like last week's odd one) at midnight Eastern Time ... that's ridiculous! There's no way that someone like me living on this coast and having to be up for work in the morning (unlike the hamsters) can watch! Then, atop of that ... I get up early so I can check out the flashback for the comp and the flashback is NOT WORKING. The farthest back I can go is midnight today their time. C'mon, CBS All Access BBOTT, get it together. You gave us a "show" of stuff that wasn't any new news and now the flashback feature won't even work for your poorly timed HoH comp?

Anyway ...
  • Alex won the HoH
  • It was an endurance comp, for what that was worth. They had to stand and hold a crown on a cut-out of themselves with a sword. 

The new HoH

He's bored

Will probably be on the block again

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

BBOTT: Live Eviction Episode Blog Party - October 5

Well, let's hope this is a bit more exciting than last week's hamster entry fiasco!

My apologies for not posting yesterday nor earlier today. I've been a bit on the exhausted side. Yesterday, Jason saved himself with the veto and Kryssie went up on the block in his place. It's looking like Cornbread might have alienated himself with many in the house. I guess we'll see! It's Cornbread (America's nomination) along with Danielle and Kryssie on the block.

Oh, geez. It's actually the start of the season with intros such as they have for the TV show. I guess we'll see how they edit the longwinded entries from last week. Ick. I'm not going to repeat myself. The only interesting stuff so far is Diary Room reactions and the fact that there's not fifteen minutes between each hamster entering the house.

It looks like they've strung all of the daily recap videos together to make this show. 

I realize I'm not saying much. But I've already reported most of this stuff before. Now Jason is noticing that Morgan and Alex look alike.  Now it's the BB Bug being passed around.

I'm not really liking how they're handling this show. They're acting like it's a television show when it's not. It's an online show with only live feeds viewers watching. We've already seen this stuff. While it's quasi-interesting to see how they edit it, add in music and such ... we've already seen it! 

The first Safety Ceremony is done and over. We've seen it before. 

Now Danielle likes Shane (after liking Justin first). Shane likes her. too. Kryssie breaks down, not the best strategy.

Safety Ceremony number two. We know whose badges won't light. Get on with it. Surprise, surprise! Jason and Danielle are nominated. Jason is Monte's target while Danielle is purely the pawn.

Oh my gosh! A commercial! Oh. Only about ten seconds for Julie's evicted houseguest tomorrow. 

Julie tells them that America will nominate a third person.  

Veto pick time is time for the third nominee announcement. It's Cornbread. But we knew that.

Jason wins veto. We knew that, too. Jason saves himself and Monte puts Kryssie up in his place.

Another message from Julie. She tells them that America will have a vite for eviction. They will not be told whom America picks. 

Ah, the live eviction, obviously not a repeat of what we know.

Danielle wants to stay. CB has had a ball, hopes to stay and have more fun. Kryssie says it's time for her to win, not done here yet.

Monte hosts, not Julie.

The votes to evict:
Neeley -- Cornbread
Jason -- Cornbread
Whitney -- Cornbread
Morgan -- Cornbread
Justin -- Cornbread
Shelby -- Cornbread
Scott -- Cornbread
Alex -- Danielle (for paranoia)
Shane -- Cornbread

Eight hamster votes for Cornbread, plus America's vote for him -- Cornbread is the first evicted hamster on BBOTT.