Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen-X - October 12 Blog Party

Later on tonight, I'll be live-blogging the BBOTT CBS All Access show and eviction. Stop back for that!

As Survivor airs here on the East Coast, I'll be live-blogging with the major events.  As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!

Here are the blog pool match updates from the Lovely Lifeguard Laurie:

Millennials - Vanua Tribe 
Adam Klein - Brian, Kelsey NY, Sharon N 
Jessica Figgy Figueroa - Donna in Alabama, Laurie 
Justin Jay Starrett - Becky, Jackie, Shayne
Michaela Bradshaw - Donna in NY, Krysta G, Pinky 
Michelle Shubert - Ed in Ohio, Nickelpeed 
Taylor Lee Stocker - Donna in FL, Janice from GA, Stephanie in Baltimore 
Zake Smith - Beachmom, monty924, Glenn
Will Wahl - Cheryl, Indiana Jane 
Hannah Shapiro - David, meb, Terry is a Texan 

Gen-X - Takali Tribe 
Bret LaBelle - Brandi Peralta, Judi Sweeney, Skyriverblue 
Ciandre CeCe Taylor - Anonymouse, Merrilee 
Chris Hammons - Cheryl in NC, Jennasmom, Lanell from TN
David Wright - Buzzmaam, MikesGirl, Sharon C 
Jessica Lewis - Cupcake, Jean, Petals 
Ken McNickle - Dolores in Hollywood, Margo, Russ 
Lucy Huang - Delee, ML
Sunday Burquest - Brenda, Kristen from Ohio, SueGee

Rachel Ako - As first boot, her blog pool people have been reassigned.
Mari Takahashi - cwcamper, Marthalight 
Paul Wachter - ChickMc, PDX Granny

Survivor fans ready? Seventeen are left. Who will be voted out tonight?

The Older Kids: Bret and Chris are ticked about the blindside voting out of Paul. They feel betrayed. Jessica might not have done any favors for herself leading that blindside. Lucy went running to Bret and Chris. She promises them she can get Ken and David on her side against Jessica. Oh noes!

The Kids: They decide to go out pig hunting. Adam decides to go idol hunting instead. And, he's got it! Well, the clue to finding it. But he can't go searching right now. Later on dat action dudes.

Time for the Reward Challenge. Swim out to return ring, then back to flagpole while other tribes try to stop them. It's steak, vegies, spices and more on the line.  First point - Gen-X. Second point goes to Millennials. Then Gen-X gets another point. They're playing for three points. Now it's tied 2-2. Gen-X wins reward!

The Kids: All are in awe of Michaela's performance in the challenge. Adam, who's a bit of a runt, didn't fare as well. But he does find the idol! In a teary moment, he dedicates it to his ill mother ... the real fan behind him being on the show.

The Older Kids: They're loving their food. David tries to pry Lucy for information to no avail. Oh, wait. She tells David and Ken her plan is to get Jessica out. They agree to keep mum. Ken is balking a bit about Lucy being a dictator, such as Paul was.

Immunity Challenge time! Race through obstacles to a chair, others lift chair, retrieve numbered puzzle pieces in order-- it's like going three levels back and forth, up and down, in a scaffold.  

Both tribes are stumped on spelling out the puzzle.  Millennials win Immunity! 

The Older Kids: Lucy is sure her plan to oust Jessica is a go. Ken thinks that he and David need to go for Lucy -- pulling in Jessica and CeCe. They want her to pull in Sunday. Jessica is suspicious ... geez, she needs to believe them! She goes to Lucy! GAH! Ken tells Lucy she was too demanding in front of others. 

Tribal Council time. David made sure to bring his idol. The vote out Jessica mess comes up. Lucy says she thought men could handle her bluntness. 

The tally:
Gah! David plays the idol he has for Jessica. She's shocked.

Jessica, Jessica, Jessica, Jessica, Jessica, CeCe, Lucy, Lucy.

The Jessica votes don't count. Lucy is voted out! Jessica is still in shock.

Next week it's Drop Your Buffs time! 

BBOTT: Renom Day and Other Stuff - into Wednesday, October 12

Talking strategy? Nah ... coloring books.

Well, as expected, Shane took himself off the block with his veto. Up in his place went Kryssie.
  • Although putting Scott up might save Monte, it would also cost that side of the house a number. They honestly think they just might get Danielle out.
  • Me? In a way, I would just as soon Danielle leave out of the three. While I don't care much for Monte, he adds more entertainment to the live feeds than Danielle does with her Shane showmance. I'm tired of showmances.
  • The veto comp punishments went on.
  • Danielle fussed that "it's the middle of winter" claiming it was 5 degrees and there she was having to dive all the way down in the pool to retrieve golf balls at BB's beckon and call.
  • Um, gee. If it were five degrees in Los Angeles, I think that would have hit the news.
  • It was a bit sad to see Scott spend the night on the sand pit. It looked like it was chilly (but not five degrees) and he got dew all over him. He awoke early and told us how many mistakes he's made so far in the game. He apologized to Cornbread. He also said that being a show fan doesn't make you good at the game.
  • Well, duh.
  • Most fans of the show realize they'd suck on the show. 
  • But he does say he's having the time of his life.
  • Oh my. 
  • As for the Kryssie nom, she's very upset with Alex. She feels blindsided because they had been working together to an extent. 
  • Alex told her it's because she knows America loves her (Kryssie) so much.
  • Alex is sure Kryssie will be safe.
  • Out of the noms, Alex's side wants Danielle out. Jason's side wants Monte out.
  • Scott did a bunch of shout-outs. He didn't shout out this blog. Shame on him.
  • He wants to "take out floaters."
  • Well, there aren't many of them this season. He says Justin is not a target of his because Justin has been one of the only ones who seem to care about him. He thinks that Justin and Jason are the only two on the other side who seem to have any faith in him.
  • Scott says that he has info on Shane that he'll bring out because no way will it be Cornbread, Monte, then him (Scott) out.
  • He says he's not just there for the $1,000 a week stipend even though that's more than twice what he earns outside the house.
  • Yikes, collecting debts doesn't pay enough to pay your own debts! Oy!
  • Of course, with him using the stipend bit as strategy, that will backfire on him. They all know he's a "superfan" and it's obvious that a dream of his is to win BB.
  • Sigh. Whitney has no clue what leprosy is. The school systems don't seem to be turning out well-rounded educations as of late.
  • Monte is trash-talking Danielle at every chance.
  • Jason and Company are trash-talking Monte and Shelby at every chance.
  • Justin is sailing through like a charm and has been a surprising refreshment this season ... so far.
  • They had their live DRs last night which are kind of interesting even though we see their interactions with others. It's a good look at what they really think, not just what they're saying to others.
  • And the beat goes on. 

On the block blues

On the block blues

On the sand trap blues

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

BBOTT: America's Nom, Veto Comp - into Tuesday, October 11

The Southern Belles

Y'know ... this season is worthy of television. Probably more so than last season! The America involvement is definitely adding drama to the house as they scurry about like the little rodents they are!
  • America's nomination was revealed.
  • Not surprising, it was Monte.
  • Heh.
  • Of course, with what happened to Cornbread (America's nom last week), Monte is all kinds of freaking out.
  • He thinks everybody hates him. Well, except for his little inner circle of Southern Belles, that is.
  • I don't hate the guy. But he's a bit too controlling and perhaps a tad too old school in some ways for my liking.
  • The veto comp was hosted by Jeff -- he has to earn his pay somehow because there are no Jeffish for the most part this season and Julie Chen has taken over the exit interviews.
  • The veto comp had to do with the huge golf/croquet type mallets and large balls with the yard set up in a mini-golf kind of fashion.
  • There was piped in ooohs and aaahs and applause as the hamsters competed.
  • It's been a long time since we've seen any comps except endurance ones in BB series. It's good to see them play out live with mishaps and all! I do miss the old food comps in which they'd have to win food items for the week.
  • The veto players were Alex, Shane, Danielle, Monte along with Shelby and Scott.
  • Holes were made for points, with 60 points winning the veto. All the others ended up with um ... prizes.
  • Shane won the PoV (and will definitely save himself).
  • Shelby traded her points to wear a caddy costume -- the lesser of the bad prizes.
  • Danielle has to fish golf balls out of the pool at BB command for a week.
  • Monte can't play in the next veto (if he's even still there).
  • Alex will have a disadvantage in the next HoH comp.
  • Scott will have to live in sand for 24 hours. (That seems fitting for his occupation.)
  • Then the hamster scurrying began.
  • Jason and all are determined to get Monte out this week. They think that if Shane saves himself and they can convince the others that Scott will be voted out, Alex will put Scott in his place. Then they vote out Monte.
  • Monte thinks he'll probably get America's vote to go and his bunch thinks they might be able to get Danielle out.
  • Scurry little critters, scurry.
  • The scheming is epic.
  • The HoH bunch is tossing around putting Kryssie up, telling her they know Monte is going home. Monte wants to convince Neeley to give him a sympathy vote because he's going home.
  • About time some real scheming and not house sheeple inside a BB house! 

Trying to figure scenarios

Not napping


I'm not digging the Mickey Mouse man-buns

Jeff hosted the veto comp

The veto winner, Shane, can relax.

Monday, October 10, 2016

BBOTT: Continuing Kerfuffles and Nominations - Into Monday, October 10

Popcorn party of one, please.

Although I was originally a bit dismayed by this cast (how the heck did Cornbread get on the show?), I really wish that all the folks who like BB but didn't want to pay for CBS All Access could see them. They're more interesting than many of the previous hamsters cast in the show.
  • It's BB, but it isn't the same. 
  • It does have the same BB voice reprimanding them.
  • They can't sleep all day like other casts in the past. BB Voice will call them out on napping. There is no napping.
  • But that doesn't keep a contingent from being up late into the night.
  • The night owls are Kryssie, Justin, Jason and Neeley for the most part. Others come and go.
  • Monte thinks he isn't in with them because his own body clock has him going to bed around 10pm.
  • One of the things that I'm not thrilled with is how much the "Misfits" are really picking on Shelby. I mean, Monte is also picked on, but for people who decry bullies to constantly be at the girl ... it's a bit unsettling.
  • I have to say that Jason hiding all the Krackle bars because they're Shelby's favorite, was a hoot, though. Heh.
  • Jason claimed that Monte told him he deliberately runs over squirrels. Now, I didn't see him say that on the feeds for myself. I don't know if it's just Jason embellishing stuff or if it's the truth. If it's the truth, shame on Monte.
  • I think Neeley is in one of the best positions in the house at the moment. Although she hangs out with the Misfits, she's also on good terms with the others.
  • Not unexpected at all, Alex put Shane and Danielle on the block. 
  • As I write this up, we don't know America's nominee yet. I would guess it will be either Monte or Scott.
  • Shane and Danielle stormed out after the announcement, not wanting to even hear what Alex had to say.
  • Shane promises that next week WILL be personal.
  • It's interesting that the lines have been drawn in the house, yet the Misfits could actually accept Morgan, Alex and Whitney if not for Shelby and Monte. Well, except with Shane, that is.
  • And, those girls know that. Will they leave the option open to jump ship?
  • I dunno.
  • Oh, yeah. And then there's Scott. While he tries to mingle with both sides, his game is so tarnished that he's an outsider with both.
  • That's where we stand for now. While I don't think there will be fisticuffs, you could cut the tension in the house with a knife.
  • I don't like tension in my personal life.
  • But I sure find it more entertaining when there's tension in a BB house! 

Neeley is flying under all the radar

I find Kryssie screen cap gold

Running low on cigarettes

More comfortable than the race car beds

Sunday, October 09, 2016

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - October 9, 2016

Good morning! Since it's Sunday morning, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This is a regular Sunday part of this blog in addition to the television posts. Right now I'm covering Big Brother: Over the Top daily -- you can find those posts at this link. I'm also live blogging Survivor episodes as they air on Wednesday evenings. Come join the blog parties!

But this ain't that. This is this.

Let's see ... where to start? Hmm.

Might as well start with the weather. That's as good a place as any. We had grey drizzly weather a lot again this week, but with a few gorgeous autumn days tossed in to remind us how nice it is to live in an area with four seasons. Yesterday was drizzly all day. I must not have seen the most recent forecasts as I could swear last I heard it was supposed to be nice today. Instead, it's raining fairly steady out there. Oh, no matter. Other than a run out to the bodega around the corner sometime today before dark (yeah, I'm like that), I don't have any plans to go anywhere. I'll just decompress most of the day.

I went to an awards luncheon for my workplace on Tuesday. A paid day off to go to a restaurant with good food, but way too many courses! Oh, I shouldn't complain. But it is like a seven-course lunch there. I'm more used to chowing down a sandwich at that hour! The awards were for longevity in the company. While there were two others with as many years listed for me (25), I was the person in the entire luncheon of over a 100 people in five-year increments with the company ... with the longest overall time served. I worked for the company for nine years, then quit. Then, after five years away, I returned to the company. So, I've actually been there 34 years, not 25. Oy. Talk about being in a rut! (And how old I really am ...!)

Not much else is happening here. Not only have I been in a rut for decades, but I lead a rather boring life of work and home as of late. So, onto the photos -- clicking on an image will open a larger version. I hope you all had a good week and that all have made it through Hurricane Matthew okay!

He will save your soul.

The Hispanic Soul-Savers were out and about at the train station. They're not to be confused with the Portable Religion folks -- the Hispanic ones just walk by me thinking I don't speak the language. The others approach me. I wish they wouldn't. It goes against something deep within me when others try to peddle their faith. If they get into my apartment building, I don't answer my door. Eventually, they go away.

Pigeon photo bomb

As one pigeon posed nicely for the camera, another decided to land right in back of him, thus stealing the glory of the shot. North Avenue, Plainfield.

A pretty flower always brings a smile.