Sunday, October 16, 2016

BBOTT: Safety for Some and Have Nots - Into Sunday, October 16

Surviving better than I thought he would

I had a horribly long work day yesterday and had to flashback the stuff I missed. Yet I know I missed more than I caught anyway.  But that's how things go. Here's the major doings from the day into the overnight:
  • The Have Nots voted by America are Shelby, Alex and Danielle.
  • Heh.
  • Of those three, I really don't mind Alex at all. She's gaming and I don't think she's obnoxious about it at all.
  • As for Danielle, even her own side of the house (except Shane) is growing weary of the girl being so self-centered and overly dramatic.
  • Shelby? She's the Queen of Odd Expressions. From chewing her lips to furrowing her brow, I often can't really concentrate on her game playing when the faces she makes are so entertaining. She's a pretty girl, but those faces ...!
  • Then there was the long dragged-out Safety Ceremony. Scott made these people safe: Justin, Jason, Alex and Whitney (not necessarily in that order).
  • No surprises there.
  • We know his plan. He is using the America's Care Package, choosing the Double Veto and putting up two weaker competitors so that they'll lose and he can backdoor Shane (or Danielle if he can't get Shane). 
  • He plans on nominating Kryssie and Neeley.
  • Lots of petty hiding of stuff continues in the house.
  • Danielle is acting out more and more. I'd rather she be the target than Shane.
  • In other news, with Monte gone, Justin is more beloved by the others every day. Between his lack of knowledge about sneaky backstabbing in BB and his laidback kind of ways, everyone likes him. For all of his worldly talk, he's never been away from home for more than two weeks in his life.
  • If he gets his comp game on towards the end, he could win this whole shebang. 

The gamer with the drawl

Goofy, but doing something right there

These girls are so high school!

Most awkward smoker ever

Late night talks

No green glow for them

Saturday, October 15, 2016

BBOTT: Care Package and Changed Plans - into Saturday, October 15

I want to punch Scott in the throat

The big news of the day Friday was that Scott, as discussed in comments here beforehand, was chosen to receive America's latest care package. It's one which won't really give him a big advantage in the game -- those are being saved for hamsters more to America's liking.
  • So, Scott won the Pick-a-Veto choice. He had three different types to choose from. He's planning on going with the Double Veto.
  • Scott told Justin that he was probably going to go with the Diamond Veto choice.
  • But minds can change.
  • Either way, Scott doesn't necessarily want Justin (or Jason) out. He really wants Shane out, but would settle for Danielle.
  • Danielle, Kryssie and Neeley think America gave him this care package because he's not liked.
  • Well, um.
  • Exactly what Jason and Kryssie were discussing -- Scott nominating people from his side (or just ones he's not targeting), then putting up a target with the double veto, is what Scott is thinking. They really aren't giving him much credit for strategy.
  • Of course, in the strategy arena, it's not just Scott thinking. He has Alex and Shelby helping him think.
  • Instead of nominating his real targets -- Shane and Danielle -- he's thinking of nominating Neeley and Kryssie, assuming he will win veto over them.
  • I'd say it would depend on the comp itself.
  • Meanwhile, the Jason and Company side of the house is hoping that America once again puts up someone from the other side and their vote will oust that one, too.
  • Scott told Neeley of his plan, telling her it was a backdoor plan.
  • Danielle and Shane are unhappy campers.
  • Whatever goes on, barring America nominating Alex, I'm down with it.
  • I want Alex to stay in the game. I don't care what side she's on. I'd also prefer Justin and Jason to stay in, too. But they don't seem to be in trouble this week.
  • Even Danielle's buddies -- Neeley and Kryssie -- are getting a bit tired of Danielle. Other than her being a number for that side, I wouldn't mind if she gets gone this week.
  • I'd like to keep Shane around for his eyes and facial expressions reminding me of a young Bill Murray, though.
  • Now, if Bill Murray and Justin were in the house, that would be perfect entertainment! 
  • Heh. 
Paler than me! Yes!

Morgan looking so much like Alex

The ever-changing looks of Neeley

I've gotta be me

This is a new plan, a better one.

Shelby furrows her brows often

Friday, October 14, 2016

BBOTT: Julie (video) Visit, Not Much Else - Into Friday, October 14

Birthday girl Whitney

They don't seem to have as much downtime in BBOTT as in regular seasons. But Thursday's big event is a video Julie visit and not a heck of a lot more than that going on.
  • Nobody is flocking to Scott's HoH room and hanging out there.
  • While the house is still divided, the one side is not hanging out with him.
  • He needs to bear that in mind, methinks.
  • Alex tried to mend fences with Kryssie over the nomination after she said she wouldn't nominate her last week.
  • Kryssie didn't really take the apology well. She doesn't like being on the block each week even if she's not the target. She says she's not even going to bother unpacking this week.
  • It looks like Scott still plans to nominate Shane and Danielle and considers that a big move.
  • Yeah, like no one's tried that one before!
  • In other news, today is Whitney's birthday and we got fish while they sang to her.
  • Jason and Company think that Alex will be America's vote for nomination and they can get her out this week.
  • I'd prefer Morgan.
  • I don't like her lipstick.
  • That's as good a reason as any. 


Not the same kind of snuggles

Only her husband can call her "baby."

Thursday, October 13, 2016

BBOTT: New HoH in the House - into Thursday, October 13

The BB Barcode HoH Comp

Well, that comp was very exasperating! Not to mention convoluted and bizarre. But, hey ... it's BB Over the Top. We wouldn't expect less.

The comp had them measuring for the largest bar on the bar code. They were each given a chain to measure, but not told how long the chain was. They could use their feet if they wished.
  • Although one answer (can't remember who exactly ... Danielle?) was in the 700s, most were guessing between 40something and 180something.
  • The correct answer was 72.
  • I think I would have just thrown myself down on the mercy of the bar code and hoped it would be for a tasty snack.
  • And, who won?
  • Scott.
  • You heard me.
  • Scott is the new HoH.
  • For the first time in his life (and probably last time) pretty women swarmed him and jumped on him in joy.
  • Seeing as Shane was going to give Scott what for for voting to keep Monte and that side (Jason and Company) were going to shun him, that doesn't bode well for them this week.
  • I'd imagine Jason will be okay -- Scott has an odd fan man crush on him.
  • I see no one running up there to share his HoH bed with him, though.
  • Kryssie's reaction look at the end of the comp showed that she's expecting a third week on the block (out of three weeks).
  • Scott doesn't want to put Alex on the block -- a move with which I agree. Alex is really into the game and I'd like to see more of how her BB game would play out.
  • I'd personally rather Danielle, Shelby or Morgan. But that's just me, maybe.
  • Alex adds to the game. For me, Danielle detracts. Showmances irk me. I don't watch BB to see soft porn. 
  • Scott told us he plans to nominate Shane and Danielle (for a second week).
  • Remember, Monte can't play for Veto this week!
  • Oh, yeah! Monte got the boot last night.
  • Heehee.
  • If Scott follows through with his nominations, I would guess America might go for Alex. It would be better to put Morgan or Shelby up, though. Or even Whitney -- she's totally clueless.
  • We'll see.

His dreams realized

She got to ditch the golf clubs during the comp


A first for Scott - women jumping all over him

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

BBOTT: Weekly Episode and Live Eviction - October 12

I'll admit I'm still on a learning mission with the show and all the newness about how they're doing things. I learned last week that this weekly episode won't really warrant a blow-by-blow updating as it's all stuff we've seen before. So, I'll touch on the stuff I want to bring up and hope y'all do the same in the comments section.

The REAL interest I have in this one won't come for an hour after it airs -- the eviction. I still won't be able to stay up long enough for the HoH comp as it plays out on the live feeds. I really hate the timing of that. The only people that time works for (midnight here!) is the West Coast. I really wish they'd consider changing it! But I doubt they will.

Let's party! 

Heh. In the recap, they actually subtitled Cornbread's exit profanity.

It is interesting to see the music added to the action as we watch the HoH comp from last week play out -- especially the Justin/Shelby bit. Alex wins HoH, but we knew that.

Julie tells them about the care packages from America. Scott thinks he might get one. Wishful thinking, dude! 

Heehee. They showed the Justin flash scene in the bathroom. Now Monte's all panties in a bunch! 

Kryssie gets her care package and can save a friend from nomination. 

America's choices for Have Nots were Monte, Morgan and Scott. But we knew that. 

America nominated Monte while Alex went for the Shane/Danielle showmance.

When Jeff Schroeder arrived to host the PoV comp, Shelby had no clue who he is. Yes, Shane won the Power of Veto. 

Going against her word to her, Alex puts Kryssie up as the replacement nomination.

Finally, live eviction time. They're making speeches. Yay!

Votes to evict:
Shane - Monte
Morgan - Danielle
Justin - Monte
Shelby - Danielle
Jason - Monte
Whitney - Danielle
Neeley - Monte
Scott - Danielle

America's vote will be the tiebreaker. 

By a vote of 5 to 4, Monte is evicted from BBOTT.  