Tuesday, August 29, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Tuesday - August 29

All in the game, yo, all in the game.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Confined Cruelty:
  • Y'know, if the house is going to go all kerflooey, they need to not do it on the evening I work late and have to get up early for work the next day!
  • Hmm. Now Josh is saying how he can't stand Kevin and Paul is telling him to cool it because they have to keep him until the final four.
  • Hmm.
  • So now Paul must figure that Alex and Jason are too big a threat? Raven too big a threat? Hmm.
  • Of course, he could be just saying it for Josh and have something totally different in mind.
  • Christmas, Josh and Paul think Kevin would be easier to beat at the end. Of course, they're talking in the comps -- not in popularity or an F2 situation.
  • They're thinking of putting Alex and Jason up next week, telling them they're backdooring Kevin.
  • Um. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I don't think Jason and Alex would buy it.
  • Matt and Raven are now in good graces of Paul and Company. Matt is doing all he can to be voted out (penalties for eating, etc. as a Have Not) to ensure Raven will stay in the game.
  • Paul and Company have already taken Raven under their wings, telling her the plan to put up Alex and Jason. They tell her she must play along that Kevin will be backdoored.
  • Um. WHAT?
  • Didn't that just happen with her and Matt?
  • They tell her it's Alex they want out. Never mind that it's Jason who has such greatly offended her.
  • All Kevin really wants at this point is Raven out before he goes.
  • Kevin also said that if he wins HoH, he wants to put Raven up twice on the block to make sure she leaves.
  • Heh.
  • Kevin wants Raven voted out this week, not Matt.
  • That won't happen -- Paul wants Matt out, plus Matt is adding up the penalties. He is sleeping with Raven not in the Have Not Room.
  • Christmas and Paul plan a fake fight to act like they're not working together.
  • In the wee hours, Paul had a talk with the camera (us). He's thinking he might go the whole season without being on the block. He claims he's so happy, but it's a lonely happiness because he can't really share it with anyone. 
  • And, he says, "I'm pretty sure I'm a psychopath, but ... &#($ it. I don't care."
  • Oh my. If only he used his power for the force of good! 

Sigh. This is sad.

I'm in with the In Crowd!

I cooked every day for them!

BB19: Live Feeds, Veto Meeting Monday - August 28

And they eat food off of there?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Chaotic Crazies:
  • The morning was relatively quiet.
  • All heck broke loose after the veto meeting.
  • As I predicted, Jason did not use the veto.
  • So, Raven and Matt are still on the block.
  • And they're livid.
  • Both screamed at Jason for what seems like forever.
  • Raven yelled that he lied to her.
  • Matt got so heated and in Jason's face that I noticed all of a sudden both Josh and Kevin standing there ready to put themselves between them.
  • Matt claims he doesn't care.
  • He ate food (Have Not) and took a hot shower.
  • BB gave him a penalty vote.
  • So, he ate more.
  • Meanwhile, Paul is already moving on with his plan to oust Kevin next week.
  • He's egging them on to give Kevin a hard time.
  • Even though Jason said something absolutely horrible about Kevin;s family (not to Kevin) and the internet is in an uproar, it was indeed said in jest.
  • But, no, it shouldn't have been said at all.
  • They remain friends.
  • That is, until Kevin leaves the room.
  • Sigh.
  • This is a total mess.
  • But Matt will be out of there this week.
  • That's good. 

Morning laps and yaps

Before the fireworks

Matt goes off on Jason

Kevin and Josh were the bodyguards

Maybe a house will fall on her

Monday, August 28, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Monday - August 28

Let's imagine it's Ian rocking on the hammock

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Casting Catastrophes:
  • I just don't know about this season.
  • I have a lot of "what ifs" in my head.
  • What if Christmas didn't break her foot? 
  • What if Paul hadn't returned to the game and received protection in the first few weeks?
  • What if Cameron had stayed in it?
  • What if they doled out alcohol to this bunch as in all previous seasons?
  • What if casting had nixed putting someone like Raven in there who claims to be so sickly, thus getting more attention to her "cause" and working on the sympathy of cast and fans? *That is, until we all realized that, while she does have some health issues, much of it is embellished.
  • What if Raven hadn't been cast? Would Matt actually play the game or just sit around in that nasty orange shirt with his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth?
  • Oh, well. As people who lose would say ... "it is what it is."
  • Of course, I don't think that the production people realized that everybody would fall for and follow Paul this far into the season!
  • He's been playing the game and his fellow hamsters every single minute.
  • And they're practically blinded by the light. Or something like that.
  • Anyway ... to the day and evening yesterday ...
  • It seemed like a replay of the day before with the exception of not having a totally messed up house from the veto comp.
  • Paul still worked his anti-Kevin agenda.
  • Matt and Raven are sure it's a backdoor plan to get Kevin out and they are indeed just pawns.
  • They did have the yard yesterday.
  • Josh, Christmas, Paul, Alex and Jason sat around trash-talking Raven, Matt, Cody and Mark.
  • And, to a lesser extent (at that time), Kevin.
  • Kevin and Matt are Have Nots this week as they were the first two out of the HoH comp.
  • Kevin fixed up his bed and claims it's now the most comfortable bed in the house.
  • Jason says that Kevin takes his food to be all rebellious and act the villain like he's going to cheat at Have Not, then just throws out the food.
  • In her long list of worldly deeds, Raven claims to have held a real toucan and a sloth.
  • Well, she's held Matt. We know the sloth part is true.
  • Heehee.
  • Paul and Christmas look forward to the arrival of the dollar store games and arts and crafts to keep away the boredom.
  • Josh thinks that Kevin is indeed a father, but thinks his kids are younger than Kevin is claiming. (I doubt anyone could keep up those intricate "lies" about colleges and places the kids are living ...!)
  • Alex still thinks Kevin is all a fake, a hoax.
  • Raven supposedly was in a doctor's office during 9/11 and choreographed a dance tribute to the day. Um. She was about five years old!
  • To her credit, I guess she could have done it later.
  • I guess.
  • Matt and Raven had a big cinnamon and milk throwing fight in the kitchen. Raven claims it was all Matt's fault. Yep, he's her Door Matt and she steps all over him.
  • Later Matt and Raven talked about staging the fake fight and how everyone believed it was real.
  • Hmm.
  • Paul is still working the couples angle in the guise of getting Kevin out. He told Raven that if Jason doesn't use the veto, Josh and Christmas will be angry. He also told her that Josh and Christmas think Alex and Jason are on a power trip.
  • Hey, this way Paul is covered in all cases!
  • Later, he discussed the pros and cons of Matt versus Raven out with Jason and Alex. He thinks if they get Matt out, Raven will be easy to control.
  • I don't know. Raven has come closer to winning comps than Matt!
  • So ... in today's veto meeting, what will Jason do?
  • I say he will keep the nominations the same.
  • And, it's more likely that Matt will go over Raven this week.
  • After all, that's what Paul wants.  

Josh calls her Creepy Christmas

Again ... who is responsible for casting?

The tongue thing and shirt need to go

Gathering of "friends"

Sunday, August 27, 2017

BB19: HoH, Nominations Show Blog Party - August 27

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun!

But first ... the recap. 

Okay, we're to the hot dog buns hanging hamsters HoH comp. They're getting squirted on them and we're getting DR session bits from all. Alex tells us that she and Jason decided one of them would rogue vote Matt and blame it on Kevin. Her vote was indeed accidental and thus Matt got two votes to go.  The wall of buns is tipping, too. Kevin slips and is out first, thinking he needs to depend on Alex or Jason to win and keep him safe.

Matt is out. He want Raven or Paul to win to put up Alex and Jason on the block. Josh is down. Paul jumps, faking that he fell. Raven goes out immediately after Paul. It's down to Jason and Alex. They "fight" for it. Raven is upset that they're staying up. Alex wants safety and a jury vote. Matt is mad because poor Raven is shivering and crying. Ha. Alex finally jumps and Jason wins HoH.

BB switched out the kitchen table for the mid-size one while they were out doing the comp. Jason tells us he wants to put Matt and Raven on the block. Matt is hoping Jason will go after Kevin.

Josh tells Alex that Kevin was freaking out about the hinky Matt votes to Paul. He thinks it's proof that Kevin was the vote. Meanwhile, Jason tells Kevin that it was him and Alex. He tells Kevin to act like he doesn't know.

So now everybody thinks Kevin was one of the votes. If they could blame both votes on him, they would. 

Paul and Alex talk -- they want to make Matt and Raven think that Kevin will be backdoored if they both go on the block. They buy the story.

Jason admitted to Alex that he told Kevin they were the votes for Matt to go. Now she's thinking that Kevin might be a liability to their game. 

A segment on how Raven can't talk. Another segment on the lies she tells. 

The Tree of Temptation is back for its second round at the hamsters. Paul points out to us that the bad apples outweigh the possibility of the good. 

Christmas picks up on Josh being a bit suspicious of Paul. He thinks Paul is getting too close to Alex and Jason. Who woulda thunk that it would be JOSH of all people who is catching onto Paul? 

Kevin tells Jason he fell because he's had surgeries on his wrist. The vote comes up again. Jason really wants him to calm down because his digging will spotlight him.

Raven goes to Jason because she wants to know if she's going on the block. He hints to her that Kevin is still his target (as he had previously told her). She buys it. Jason tells Paul they -- Matt and Raven -- need to be split. If Matt goes, Raven should crumble. Raven tells Matt that Kevin is the real target.

Time for the nominations ceremony.
Jason first nominates Raven, then Matt. Old hat for them, feel comfortable, know the real agenda -- another hint at the backdoor Kevin plan for the two comfortable nominees.

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - August 27, 2017

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, this is my weekly off television topic post taking a look at the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This weekly post is done year in, year out. Big Brother, the main draw for so many of you, only lasts about three months -- although sometimes it seems to be a lifetime. If you're here solely for the BB posts, please feel free to skip this post. You can find my latest BB19 posts by using this link.

This week has been rather icky for me. I caught some kind of bug and was down for the count for several days at the beginning of the week. I missed the eclipse entirely. But, since I didn't have proper eye protection, didn't want to ruin my camera and it wasn't all that full around here, plus a gazillion people across the country photographed and took video of it, I don't really regret my extended rest at the time. I certainly saw enough of it! I'd rather photograph things the whole world isn't watching or those things we all see but don't take the time to appreciate.

That's not to say I took such great photos this week. I was only out and about for three work days. Other than that, I was confined to my bed ... and my bathroom.

Hey, maybe I was taking bubble baths!

Or not.

Without further ado, here are the photos I took this week ...

Nature remains wondrous

When you walk with Jesus ...

... he'll save your soul. (Credit to Tom Waits) 
I've been rewatching The Wire on Amazon Prime. It reminds me of the correlations between Baltimore and Plainfield albeit Plainfield is a much smaller city. Since the show was aired, Plainfield's Hispanic population has grown to the point where they'll be tipping the percentage scales soon, if not already. I don't know if Baltimore's percentages have changed in the same manner. But, when the show first aired, it reflected this town, too. Now, in the current day, the violent crimes seem to be MS-13 or 18th Street related more than sects of the Bloods. Hey, I'm just a citizen as are the majority of folks living here. I took this shot from the Plainfield Train Station looking at North Avenue.