Friday, February 16, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Feeds into Friday - Feb. 16

Why? I'm tired of "ears" in the BB house!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of An Expected Eviction:
  • Yep, yep ... no suspense going on with this one.
  • As you know, James won the Power of Veto.
  • While James's game strategy is more along the lines of "I'm so good at this, I'm bound to win" versus any actual strategy, he's not a total fool.
  • He saved himself at the Veto Ceremony.
  • As per the earlier conversations among the Powers That Be, Ari put Mark up on the block as a pawn.
  • Right now, since he's a floater -- not doing much of anything in the game itself, yet getting along well with all -- he's a perfect pawn.
  • But, I'd say, with double evictions coming up next week, he should turn his game on. If he continues to float to the end, he's likely lose against anyone who's actually played.
  • So, it's Shannon and Mark on the block.
  • She knows the score.
  • She knows she's going to be evicted.
  • Thankfully, her breakdown of the other day ended and she's more accepting of things.
  • Instead of breaking down, she's trying to reach out to make deals with others -- she'll throw comps, she'll vote they way they want, she'll do this, she'll do that. 
  • She put effort into her campaign. But she knows she's sunk at this point.
  • Shannon spent a lot of time with Metta going over strategy, possible comps coming up, the strengths and weaknesses of others in various types of comps.
  • Meanwhile, Omarosa continues to be Nice Omarosa. 
  • James is still big on the target list.
  • While they prefer him out, they've decided that if he (James) wins HoH, they'll push for Metta/Omarosa nominations and Omarosa out.
  • So, even though she's been cordial, mingling, friendly Nice Omarosa, they know she could turn on the drop of a hat.
  • Providing he doesn't win HoH, James will be the next target. After him, Omarosa, then Mark. Probably then Metta. It's a fairly tight Ari, Ross, Brandi and Marissa pact. The biggest doubt for staying within that would probably be Ross -- Omarosa has pointed out that he's been playing all sides. As the numbers dwindle, his sneakery might catch up to him. 

You're just the pawn, Mark.

Bwaha! I have them all fooled!

This is my shocked look

Coaching the Coach

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Feeds into Thursday, PoV - Feb. 15

Oh my. There are no words.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Chamsters Gone Wild:
  • The day started out with Shannon apologizing for her breakdown and more pep talks.
  • Metta thinks he'll only lose if he walks out of there making no new friends.
  • They talked about there being no quitters in the house, but Metta said they wouldn't LET him quit!
  • Metta surprised Ross by telling him that he (Metta) had been in a few gay bars in Vancouver. Ross had it in his mind that both Chuck and Metta might have some problems over his homosexuality. No way with Metta. I actually don't think Chuck would have had any problems either.
  • Lots and lots of small talk.
  • The idea is still that, if Shannon comes off the block, James will be evicted.
  • James, of course, is unaware of this. He thinks he's loved by all. Cough.
  • The others have him convinced that he's on the block as a pawn.
  • Heh.
  • The feeds were blocked for several hours with Critter Can as they did the PoV comp.
  • Well, I guess James isn't going home.
  • James won the veto.
  • BB gave them a HUGE Valentine's Day/After PoV Comp feast.
  • Omarosa and Metta talked about how Ross did really well on the comp and that he's better at the game than people notice.
  • The chamsters talked about regular BB hamsters having sex on the live feeds and in the house.
  • Y'know, I do like that this bunch isn't all into hooking up and showmances! To me, it's a breath of fresh air!
  • Now Brandi is feeling bad that Shannon will go this week.
  • Ari reminds her that Shannon is good at the game and is playing the game. They need to get her out while they have the chance.
  • Brandi told Ari that they're making a mistake by keeping Metta -- if he's there at the end, he'll win.
  • Um. I adore my Metta entertainment in the house. But he isn't great at the comps and his total lack of BB game knowledge hurts his chances.
  • The names of Omarosa or Mark up as a pawn against Shannon were mentioned.
  • They think Mark would be less risky.
  • So do I. 

Huge after comp feast

Marissa has balls!

Comp sweatshirts

Late night hanging out

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Amazing Race 30: Valentine's Day Blog Party

Ready for two hours of this? Oy! I'll be live blogging the major happenings the best I can as they air here on the East Coast. But the real party is in the comments area -- come join in on the fun! 

I'm thinking that one of these two hours will be a non-Philimination so there will be a final four teams going into it next week's season finale.

The Left Coast Lovely SqueeGee SueGee has updated the blog pool --  

#TeamBigBrother (Cody & Jessica)    DeLee, ChicMc, Megan H
#TeamExtreme (Kristi & Jen)    Janice from GA/FL, Kristen From Ohio
#TeamIndyCar (Alex & Conor)    SueGee, Brian, Brenda
#TeamOceanRescue (Lucas & Brittany)    Donna in FL, Glenn Allen
#TeamYale (Henry & Evan)    Jackie, Ed in Ohio

#TeamRingGirls (Dessie & Kayla)   
#TeamGoatYoga (April & Sarah)    Sharon N, Merrilee

#TeamSlamDunk (Cedric & Shawn)    Nickelpeed, Willie in NC
#TeamChomp (Joey & Tim)    David, Chrob61, tbc 
#TeamWellStrung (Trevor & Chris)    Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Petals 
#TeamFirefighters (Eric & Daniel)    Judi Sweeney, Indiana Jane

Are we ready for this? Let's GO! 

Jess had to get new sneakers. She and Cody now have no love lost for Ocean -- Lucas and Brittany. Teams are heading several thousand miles away to Bahrain. I believe Cody speaks some Arabic. He might have an edge there.

All teams are on the same flight with a connection in Dubai. Lucas seems to have lost his passport. Not good for them! We get a cliffhanger before the commercial as the other teams are boarding the second plane while Lucas and Brittany commiserate. They missed the flight and have to go to the consulate for a replacement.

Teams need to carry timber to scales to weigh 300 pounds to the foremen. It's related to the local shipbuilding traditions.

HA! The Ski Gals are done first beating out Indy Guys! They have to eat a local sweet to get their next clue. 

Indy and Ski make it there first. Then Jess and Cody, then Yale.

Finally Lucas has a passport and they're on the way. 

Jess and Cody make it first to the next clue. It's searching pots for ten matching relics -- one of those needle in a haystack challenges. Jess finds yet another kitty cat to hug. Gah! Evan is steering Henry wrong!

Jess and Cody finish first. Then Kristi and Jen. Then Alex and Conor. Finally, Henry and Evan.

Heh. They have to milk a camel next. Because the other teams got lost, Alex and Conor got there first. They finish it first just as Kristi and Jen get there.

Alex and Conor are on their way to the Pit Stop. Then Kristi and Jen.

Pit Stop:
1. Alex and Conor - each win $7,500.

Henry and Evan arrive at the camels. Jess and Cody are lost. 

2. Kristi and Jen

Cody and Jess just got to the camels. Jess can't handle the milking and passes it off to Cody. 
3. Henry and Evan
4. Jess and Cody 

It's now night time and Lucas and Brittany have arrived in Bahrain. Phil meets up with them. They have been Philiminated. 

Now the teams are heading to Thailand. All of them are there at the same time, starting out. They have to find a garlet (sp?) on elephant statues to get their next clue.  

Detour -- Elephant farm -- take height and weight measurements or seize it, catching frogs. Jess and Cody are stymied trying to find a lady to whom to give the garlet they found.

Wow! Kristi and Jen beat out Yale at the elephant detour. They're now riding an elephant away. Jess is scared of the frogs. Cody caught all their frogs. Now both BB and Indy are done with the frogs. Yale is stuck with the elephant measurements. They're finally on their way.

Roadblock - Who wants to Thai something new? Eating three scorpions while other scorpions are crawling on your teammate. Then the eaters have to eat a frog.

Onto the next Pit Stop, Indy in first but BB on their tails. Now Kristi and Jen are on their way. Yale is quite behind and just got to the Roadblock.

Pit Stop:
1. Alex and Conor - won a trip
2. Jess and Cody 
3. Jen and Kristi 
4. Henry and Evan -- non-Philimination leg (as I figured)

They will have a speed bump in next week's two hour finale.

Celebrity Big Brother : Valentine's Day Show Blog Party

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be updating and live-blogging away the best I can. Refresh the post to get the latest news! For more information on how I'll be handling this season on the blog as well as the show schedule, check this post out. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- join on in!

Oh. And, happy Valentine's Day!

Prayers to the latest whacko gun victims. Sigh.

We'll start by expecting the expected recap. Don't expect me to recap the recap!

Into the aftermath of Keshia going. Omarosa now understands the emotions when people leave the house. She also thinks that now she'll be on the block every nomination. 

Now a segment on Keshia's reasoning for wanting to go home. Of course, they wanted to backdoor Shannon. Keshia tells them that she would be in on the plan but really needs to go home ... like NOW. Brandi isn't understanding the breast milk situation at all. It's all about her needs, y'know. Even Omarosa (Nice Omarosa) thinks Brandi is out of line.

Shannon hasn't a clue that the original plan was to backdoor her. She thinks all is fine and dandy. After all, Keshia was Shannon's target anyway. Shannon and James make up despite Keshia's throwing Shannon under the bus. Both Shannon and James really think Marissa and Ross are with them. Okaaay ... 

HoH Comp time -- Cruise ship set up BB Celebrity Voyage. It's mini golf with big balls and mallets. Huge fans are on them. 

Brandi is up first. 5.56
Shannon 3.04 
Omarosa Out of running
Marissa Out of running 
Ari 2.18 
Metta Out of running
Mark Out of running
James Out of running by a few seconds.

Ari is the new HOH!

Shannon feels safe now. Uh-oh. She shouldn't. 

Both Omarosa and Shannon are thrilled that Ari won HoH. Only Omarosa should be. James think Omarosa and Metta need to go on the block. Shannon pretty much agrees with him. 

Metta continues to crack me up. I'm glad he's not the target and they're still on sending Shannon out. 

In the obligatory Omarosa/White House segment -- she says kind things about Omarosa and discusses how they can't make many changes in the buildings, so they do more interior decorating. 

Ross tried to have Ari go for a real backdoor plan with Omarosa and Metta on the block, then Shannon put up to replace one with the veto and no chance to get off the block.

But the consensus is to put James and Shannon on the block. Shannon is the real target. But if she saves herself, James is the secondary target and he can go.

They use Metta to keep Shannon from talking nominations with Ari. He plays napping. 

Shannon is starting to get a bit leery. She tells James that she's sure they're going up. She tells him that's she's ready to give up and go home. James tries to pep talk her. And now the tears come. 

Nominations Ceremony --
Ari nominates James and Shannon. Nothing personal, biggest competitors. 

The blog party post for The Amazing Race will be posted in a moment. Move on over if you watch it!

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Feeds into Wednesday, Nominations - Feb. 14

Will he rescue James?

My apologies for my absence last night. I had some technical issues. But, on with the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Who Are These People Again?:
  • Ari didn't take to Ross's suggestions for nominations and went with her own initial instinct.
  • She nominated James and Shannon.
  • Of course, she had her Brandi in her ear.
  • Brandi really wanted more of a backdoor situation.
  • The Nice Omarosa has worked her way right in with Brandi and Ari.
  • In my personal opinion, that will only last until either Brandi or Omarosa start hissing and the claws come out.
  • When the nominations were made, Shannon broke down. I mean really ... all over the place.
  • She thinks she's been the target since the first day.
  • Heck, the first day she was not a target -- they didn't even have a comp until after they'd be in the house a week!
  • Everyone tried to console her to no avail.
  • The plan is for some to tell James the target is Shannon and others to tell Shannon the target is James.
  • Yeah, that'll work!
  • Ross told James that he would save him with the veto if he wins it.
  • I was thinking, "Yeah, right." But, on second thought, Ross just might do that to make sure Shannon is voted out because Shannon is a more dangerous player (to Ross) than James. And, Ari seems to be more wary of James than Shannon.
  • However, the crowd thought of Brandi and Ari do want Shannon out first.
  • So, if Shannon wins the veto, they will have to option to oust James instead.
  • Meanwhile, Metta professed his love for Orwell the Owl, said he (Metta, not Orwell) will be a grandfather soon and did not try to escape.
  • If they have America vote on the Most Entertaining on the Live Feeds, my vote would go for Metta.
  • He's also a beans expert -- knows which type of beans give which kind of health benefits. Who woulda thunk it?
  • Ross is still wary of Nice Omarosa.
  • Well, duh. As it should be.
  • He thinks Omarosa is only on board with them right now because Ari is HoH.
  • Well, duh.
  • There's some talk of putting Mark on the block as a pawn if the veto is used.
  • Brandi, Omarosa and Ross were the random PoV player picks. I assume that comp will be later today. Who knows? I don't think even production knows these days. 
The cat ears are a bit too much

Kind and compassionate. Ahem.

Nice Omarosa mingling

In Omarosa's sights ... pow

The Beans Man