Saturday, February 24, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother: Saturday Season Review Show Blog Party

Greetings! I expect tonight's show to be a review of the season or one of those "never seen before" clips shows. It's to end with the start of the HoH comp which, in actuality, went down late last night. While it was blocked to the live feeds, the results are in my most recent live feeds update.

I won't be actually live-blogging tonight's show due to (1.) it's probably a clips show and (B.) my back is really being evil today. However, I probably will jump in with what details we get on the HoH comp.

So, this one is for you -- anyone who wants to hang out in the comments. I'll probably have a few comments of my own! 

They're starting with a recap. 

They promise the start of the HoH and the chamsters "look back on the season." Oh! And never seen before footage! 

Heh. A segment on Mark's cleaning addiction matches a recent live feeds screen cap I posted and captioned: "Sir Cleans A Lot." 

Many clips later, we have the start of the HoH. The yard is a winter scene at Mount BB. They're on suspended in the air ski type platforms. It's snowing. They're moving all around. 

And, there we go.

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Feeds, HoH into Saturday - Feb. 24

Somebunny is the new HoH?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of One More Night:
  • Critter Cam after the live show ended.
  • Extended Critter Cam.
  • Followed by ... Critter Cam.
  • When the feeds finally returned, we have a new HoH.
  • Annnd ... it's ROSS (once again).
  • He apparently made some kind of deal with Mark not to put him (Mark) on the block.
  • The numbers have dwindled so much that there isn't much choice.
  • I think his strong bond with Marissa keeps him from putting her on the block unless he has to do so.
  • He is (currently) planning to put Omarosa and Ari on the block.
  • Ross's target (once again or still) is Omarosa.
  • He says ANYONE but Omarosa needs to win the veto.
  • Anyone.
  • But not Omarosa.
  • I dunno.
  • Omarosa has proved to be pretty good at comps.
  • She's better than Marissa at them and better than Mark most of the time.
  • Aha! Ross says his deal with Mark is that if he wins the veto, he must use it to save Ari and that he will vote Omarosa out.
  • Despite all the scheming and wheeling and dealing, they all are getting along together just fine.
  • They're also neater than the normal hamsters.
  • Mark, James, Metta and Brandi were the most housekeeping chamsters this season.
  • One thing I've caught onto that differs from the "normal" hamsters is that this crowd actually cares about the perception of the public more. They're definitely more interested in not making total idiots of themselves on national television and the Internet.
  • They're all asleep now.  

Once again, he's HoH

Sir Cleans A Lot

Watch out, Ross!

Friday, February 23, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Double Eviction Show Blog Party - Feb. 23

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be updating and live-blogging away the best I can. Refresh the post to get the latest news! For more information on how I'll be handling this season on the blog as well as the show schedule, check this post out. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- join on in!

ALERT! ALERT! - Survivor: Ghost Island starts up next Wednesday! The blog pool is open but you need to sign up for it ONLY ON THIS LINKED POST. Requests not on that post might be missed. And, I don't think y'all know how annoying it is that every season people regularly in the pools want in after the deadline. If you want in on the blog pool, go to the post and sign up before the deadline. Please! 

The recap ended and Julie tells us there are more alliances in the house than houseguests left in the game. She's so right about that!

Mark wants Brandi gone out of the Brandi/Ari nominations. We get the standard "I have to win veto" speeches.

Omarosa, like both Mark and James, wants Brandi out. James tells Ari that Brandi is the target. She's worried that Brandi will win veto.

Time for Omarosa's obligatory White House moment. 

Veto Player random picks -- Mark got who he didn't want -- Omarosa. Brandi also got her nemesis James. Ari got Marissa. 

Ross isn't playing his hand too well with Ari. Hmm.

Julie tells the house it's a double eviction. But they knew it had to happen. 

A segment on Brandi acting out. She even dared people to say something bad about Julie. Then she decides to poke at James. She is right when she says he can be super cocky.  Then Brandi gets upset at Marissa for not standing up for her. 

PoV Comp -- compete one at a time at a secret location, then to HoH to watch the others compete. A BB Toy Company, action figure faces don't match the body. It's a morph type comp. 

Omarosa up first. She tells us she doesn't want to win this veto and deliberately messes up. 38.52 minutes. She tells Ross that she thinks she should be the choice for a final two with him.

Ari up next. 9.10
James is up. Disqualified after he went past Ari's time.
Marissa is up. Disqualified after she went past Ari's time.
Mark is up. Disqualified after he went past Ari's time.
Brandi is up. Disqualified after she went past Ari's time.

ARI wins the Power of Veto! 

Brandi wants Omarosa to be put in Ari's place. Mark isn't sure. He still wants Brandi out. 

Mark tells James that he's nominating Marissa -- twofold in reasoning. He wants Brandi out and fears if he puts up Omarosa then Brandi might not be voted out. Plus Marissa has never been on the block.

Veto Meeting time -- Ari saves herself. Mark puts Marissa on the block. 

Live Eviction One time --
Marissa - Won't campaign against Brandi, cancer survivor, love to family
Brandi - Amazing friendships, love a lot of you, hope Ari wins, shocked Omarosa and I get along.

The votes to evict:
James - Brandi
Ari - Marissa
Ross - Brandi
Omarosa - Brandi

No surprise here. Brandi is out. She was very good with Julie.

HoH Comp time - HG had the time to study works of art knowing they might be part of a comp. Sequestered in separate rooms. BB Auction. Questions on what they studied. True or False. Seven questions, point for each right. 

Tiebreaker between James and Omarosa.

OMAROSA is the new HoH! 

Live nominations -- Omarosa nominated Ross and Marissa.
Oh my. 

Live veto comp! Art-Rageous. Six paintings, a replica in each of six rooms ... one not an exact match. Incorrect, eliminated. First one right wins. 

ROSS wins the PoV! 

The Veto Meeting. Ross saves himself. Omarosa puts James on the block with Marissa. 

Live Eviction Two:
James - NO fun campaigning against Marissa. Consensus is no one can beat her in a final two. Keep me.
Marissa - Better chance of getting you to that final two!

Votes to evict:
Ari - James
Mark - Marissa
Ross - James

Buh-bye, James. He was cocky with Julie.

Sounds like they'll play an HoH before Sunday's show. Tomorrow is clips at 8pm ET/PT but the HoH will "start." (Probably not live.)  I'll let you know what happens in a feeds report tomorrow.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Survivor: Ghost Island - Casting and BLOG POOL OPENS!

The Lovely Lifeguard Laurie has once again graciously offered to run the blog pool for the show. She, but of course, rocks!

I want in! What do I do?
If you want in to the blog pool, you need to sign up in the comments of this post and this post only! Please don't try signing up on any other posts -- we might miss your comment.

Is there money involved in this?
Of course not! You needn't pay anything to get into the pool. You don't need to buy a pool pass or anything! Mind you, you don't win any money either. What you do win is bragging rights until the next season and the smugness that goes with it.

How does it work?
Lifeguard Laurie makes random picks for the castaways and the blog folks. You cheer on that castaway all season until they either win or get their torch snuffed along the way.

When is the cut-off for entering?
All pool requests must be in comments to this here post and submitted by Tuesday, February 27, 3pm ET. Be there or be square.

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Feeds, Renom - Feb. 22

On and on she goes

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of No Brouhahas:
  • That is one thing I'm missing this season -- a good brouhaha.
  • As you know from my bulletin after last night's show, Ari won the Power of Veto.
  • Since she's on the block with Brandi and knows her BB, it should go without saying that she'll save herself.
  • And, so she did.
  • Omarosa is still pushing her anti-Ross campaign.
  • For all the good that does.
  • All the women in the house are starting to get antsy about Mark and James as a duo and, more singularly ... James.
  • But, of course, Mark has the power in the renom.
  • Now, we all remember that Mark did promise Omarosa he wouldn't nominate her or backdoor her if he won HoH.
  • When the PoV meeting, blocked to the live feeds, ended -- it's Marissa on the block with Brandi.
  • Ari and Omarosa talked about how, if it came down to Marissa and Ross in the finals, Marissa would win.
  • Hmm.
  • I think Ross has played more and had to scramble a lot more than Marissa.
  • Oh, whatever.
  • So, are they going to vote out Marissa because she's a threat for the win?
  • Or, are they going to vote out Brandi because she can be annoying? 

I'd be like this listening to Marissa rattle on, too

Better than pimple popping?

Lockdown antics

James likes to poke this bear