Saturday, June 30, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Saturday Evening - June 30

Foosball is a high tech thing?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wayward Girls and Boys:
  • Here's a hint -- the more screencaps I have in an update, the more boring the day was.
  • It's doldrums time, that eternity between comps and action.
  • They got the backyard today. Thus, a lot of exercising and lazing about.
  • They played beauty salon.
  • They played Jenga.
  • They played foosball.
  • They played pool.
  • At least they didn't play chess.
  • They planned a BB prom.
  • Sam is hoping not to be SamBot for the prom. 
  • There had been a long feeds block with previous BB. Maybe BB decided they needed a prom.
  • Well, this crowd is certainly young enough. Grodner would get high school kids in if she could. @@
  • Haleigh seems to have picked up some kind of bug. It will be no bueno if the entire house catches it.
  • I think of Kaitlyn and Fessy as the Odd Couple.
  • Angela thinks that Scottie is Swaggy's little rat.
  • Nah, he's just his hamster!
  • Kaycee and Angela had a long discussion about whether Swags is bisexual or not.
  • Who cares?
  • It sounds like some are taking to heart whatever Sam did yesterday (cursing out production during the comp?) and are waffling on keeping her.
  • Oh, wait. Now they want to keep her again.
  • Sheesh. How many more times will they change their minds?
  • Both Swags and Fessy are full of themselves and think they're running the house.
  • Ha. It's too early in the season for that!
  • It's interesting that Fessy claims he saw Hayleigh's Instagram before the season. He wanted to showmance her, but finds he's vying with Tyler for her attention.
  • Kaitlyn fussed about slop to everyone she could, including us.
  • That's all for now!
Why did I sign up for this? Am I nuts?

Jenga is always a thrill a minute.

At least Rachel acknowledges SamBot.

Jealous of Kaycee's weight-lifting?

I got this, dude!

I love Star Trek!

Big Brother 20: Blog Pool Match Ups!

Yes, the random match-ups are in! Apologies go out to many of you -- it seems like we have some rather slim pickings this season. It's great to welcome both the familiar faces and new folks for the pool! Unlike previous seasons, the first evicted didn't go out before the live feeds even started. So, all 16 hamsters are in the pool.

Here it is ... the moment you've been waiting for:

Steve Arienta - Ginnyjulie, Sally, uncartie, Karen in California
Sam Bledsoe - Shayne McCaslin, HowSad, tbc, Sharon C
Haleigh Broucher - Brian, Sharon S, Monty924, Buzzmaam
Kaycee Clark - Sharon N, Skyriverblue, Indiana Jane, Jenna G
Tyler Crispen - SueGee, Glenn Allen, Jessica Underwood-James, JennasMom
Bayleigh Dayton - Ayana, Margo, Krysta Gibson, KelseyNY
Kaitlyn Herman - Chantel, Michelle Carpintero, Donna in Alabama, Auntie Leigh
Winston Hines - Petals, David, Nickelpeed, Bizaro22
Angie Rockstar Lantry - Merilee, Babs, Jean in Tampa, Chauncey
JC Monduix - Brenda, Delee, T-Town Chick, Willie J
Brett Robinson - Judi Sweeney, Lovelakexo, Ed in Ohio, JonMD1267
Angela Rummans - Janice, Chacha, QuixoticElf, Tilda
Scottie Salton - Lili, Chrob61, JO C, DonnaNY
Faysal Fessy Shafaat - Caela, Marthalight, Cheryl in NC, Marina Tatum
Rachel Swindler - PDX Granny, Jackie, CherryPie, Dr_Celine
Chris Swaggy C Williams - Jennifer, MikesGirl, Nora, CRC, ChickMc

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Saturday Morn - June 30

A new punishment?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the Hamster Habitrail:
  • As you know from my late bulletin, Fessy won the Power of Veto.
  • For someone who's supposedly a fan of the show, he should realize you don't wear that necklace for hours -- it tends to rub it in to others that they did NOT win the PoV.
  • Oh. And, just so you know -- the green garb in the leading off screen cap is not a punishment.
  • They say it's cold in the house this morning.
  • After the comp last night I barely recognized Steve without his hair greased and slicked back. He looked ten years younger.
  • As for the comp -- blocked to the live feeds -- it was apparently very rough on those poor little hamsters and the win came down to a ball. I mean, we're talking snakes (nothing new in the BB house), some kind of electrical shocks. ice baths (not combined with the electrical shocks I hope), paintball guns and more.
  • Sam told Tyler that she's going home. Tyler told her she isn't. But it does make me wonder more about whether she was bluffing about possibly having a power to stay.
  • I'd keep my fingers crossed here but it makes it hard to type.
  • Bayleigh told Swags that America should vote her for a power because she cried all over the place yesterday. 
  • Yeah, let's vote to call her a wahmbulance!
  • Rachel, Kaycee and Angela want to give Sam a sympathy vote. They also think that JC has a power of two votes.
  • I guess no will will really know until they know.
  • If Sam does have a power, her bluffing is professional -- she cried a lot about going home.
  • Hmm.
  • Rumors are it that JC will vote for Sam to stay. If he has a power of multiple votes ...?
  • Oh, the suspense!
  • Rachel doesn't like Rockstar.
  • I don't care that much for either of them.
  • So, how's them apples?
  • But ... Rachel seems to want Sam to stay. So, I will tolerate her.
  • Apparently Little Miss Sam was very potty-mouthed during the comp.
  • Oh, my.
  • The newest alliance name is Level Six -- Tyler, Rachel, Kaycee, Brett, Winston and Angela. Handshake and all.
  • Fessy has said he won't use the veto.
  • Level Six wants to keep Sam. Winston definitely needs convincing.
  • Then, why the heck did Tyler go ahead and put her on the block in the first place?
  • Bayleigh is upset with Swags and thinks he threw the veto comp.
  • She told him she deserves a power because she cried all over the place yesterday and America votes sympathy votes.
  • Hmm.
  • Sam remains upset and isn't doing her own cause any good if she doesn't have a power to stay somehow.
  • Rachel told Tyler that JC said the other side wants to backdoor Angela.
  • That is so very true.
  • But Level Six isn't really sure where JC stands.
  • I do think he wants Sam to stay. But he's trying to be a mini-Andy working both sides. We all know how that usually turns out in the end. Well, except for Andy, I guess. Usually it doesn't work out too well.
  • Heh. Tyler likened the hamsters to piranhas as he watched the fish tank. I thought he knew what he was getting into!
  • JC thinks he's working with Tyler and Hayleigh. I don't think Tyler is actually working with either of them. Tyler said before that he thinks Hayleigh is the weak link of the other side.
  • Hmm.
  • I'm so confused. Does she or doesn't she? Now Sam is telling Tyler that she's scared if she uses "it" someone else will have to be a robot.
  • I say, if that's the case, go for it.
  • Maybe Rockstar would be a robot. That would be more tolerable!
  • The rift thickens -- Winston is the one in Level Six holding out on keeping Sam. Meanwhile, Sam tells Tyler she thinks Winston is a "predator."
  • I think she just may have called that one right!
  • She also told Tyler that she admires Swag because he's so driven, but she can't be a part of that.
  • There was yet another Hamazon delivery in the wee hours of the night for Fessy.
  • It's looking quasi-possible there might be votes enough to keep Sam.
  • But, if she has a power, it would be a sure thing.
  • We won't see until we see. 

After the veto comp

An hour later

Two hours later. Will he sleep with it?

Sam as herself this morning

I should get a power. I cried!

Big Brother 20: PoV Winner Bulletin - June 29

Finally the live feeds returned. I'm not sure if I like the idea of showing old season episodes instead of Critter Cam. I wonder how the pet adoptions were doing using them.

Fessy (Faysal) won the Power of Veto

Friday, June 29, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Friday Evening - June 29

Different fish cam look this season

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Harried Hamsters:
  • I think Swags and Steve are still on East Coast time in their minds. They were up way early.
  • Swags talked to Tyler about who received the good power. He thinks it was Angela and wants to put her on the block to force her to use it.
  • I think Swags just recognizes that Angela might be a powerhouse player and she won't play up to him. Game-wise, that is.
  • He's more into Bayleigh.
  • But Kaitlyn must see it in the stars (or in his aura?) that she needs to play up to Swags.
  • She told him she was in tears last night worrying about whether she might have upset him.
  • @@
  • The feeds were blocked for the veto pick. We know Tyler, Sam and Steve will play. Hmm ... who else?
  • Swags, Scottie, Fessy playing, JC hosting.
  • I hope he can't drink before hosting. Dude is an obnoxious drunk.
  • I love how they're all talking about the next HoH when veto hasn't even been played yet!
  • Brett and Winston are supposedly aligned with Angela. They want her to win HoH so the target will be more on her than them. Go figure.
  • Meanwhile, Tyler wants Sam to go home this week. 
  • He told Sam that he doesn't know who he'd put on the block if she (Sam) won veto. Earlier he said he wants to put up Bayleigh. Hmm.
  • At least he's thinking in the present.
  • But ... did I hear Sam hinting to Tyler that she has the power to stay?
  • When he asked her point blank, she said no.
  • But she said she's not going to go anywhere -- she will be there no matter what.
  • Hmm.
  • I kind of hope she stays. It's not like she didn't get screwed over so far.
  • But she also could be meaning she would stay loyal to him if he went with his first intuition -- getting Steve out.
  • Kaitlyn not only pulled her crying bit on Swags; she did the same with Tyler. He assured her that she wouldn't be going on the block.
  • Kaitlyn annoys me.
  • Now rumors are flying that Sam has the power! Good.
  • Fessy is still getting Hamazon deliveries. Apparently it's some sort of fake ham as they're making him eat it. He's stuffed. Kind of like Orwell.
  • Bayleigh is freaking out crying because she thinks if she goes up as a replacement, she'll go home. 
  • She probably will.
  • But not if Swags can help it.
  • Of course, some still think Angela has the power.
  • Hmm. Tyler told Angela that many thinks she has the power and, if she plays like she does, it might put a larger target on her.
  • Then he told her he thinks Sam is going to stay, "just has a feeling."
  • Angela wants Sam to stay.
  • In a second long talk with Tyler, as he was telling her he wants/needs her to stay ... she told him she had a thing, a sure thing.
  • A power to not be evicted? 
  • She told him she doesn't want to get evicted, nor does she really want to use it.
  • She refused to tell him more so "he wouldn't have to lie" if something came up down the road.
  • Is she bluffing? 
  • At about 8:45pm ET, the feeds were blocked for the veto comp. Instead of Critter Cam, we get old BB shows. They probably want to push the fact you can watch all seasons on CBS All Access.
  • If they return with a PoV winner before I pass out for the night, I'll post it. Otherwise, it will be in the morning.
  • Laters, hamster-watchers! 

Pimple anyone?

Swags likes himself. A lot.

I Robot in offline mode

Dance like no one is watching