Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Wednesday Morning - July 11

Well, her real boyfriend dropped her ...


Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Waffling Weasels:
  • Not necessarily IN the house, but -- word on the internet is that Kaitlyn's real boyfriend at home has dropped her and rescinded his waiver with the show that allows her to talk about him.
  • At least I have the satisfaction that, if I went in that house, none of my friends would drop me like a hot potato. Since I'd be hiding around crying to go home, they'd all feel sorry for me!
  • Swaggy is trying so hard to stay this week. I don't think I've ever seen anyone work so politely and thoroughly as he is doing.
  • He's talking long deep sincere kind of talks with EVERYONE .. except Winston and Brett.
  • Meanwhile, Winston isn't campaigning at all. He claims he'll campaign tomorrow (today) just in case of a twist. I haven't seen him start that yet.
  • My only concern if Swaggy stays is that he'll target Tyler and I personally like Tyler in the house.
  • We know Swaggy can win comps.
  • Winston hasn't stepped up to the plate with comps. Maybe he's just holding out.
  • But I see a mean streak in him that I don't really see in Swags.
  • I do think Sam hit the nail on the head when she told Tyler that Swaggy is "pliable." 
  • Kaitlyn pouted about people not hanging around the HoH room with her like they did with Tyler the week before. She wants friends! She needs friends! Where are her friends?!?!
  • Heehee
  • Of course, most of the ones who hung out with Tyler up there were the Level 6 alliance and she's not a part of that. Nor does she know it exists.
  • Rockstar is just realizing now that everything she confided with Kaitlyn on, Kaitlyn told Tyler.
  • So, Kaitlyn might be getting the trust of all the guys, but she's not doing so well with the girls!
  • Kaitlyn told Bayleigh and Swags they can use the HoH room for sex any time they want between now and Thursday.
  • @@
  • I just don't know what to say anymore about that. My dead parents would rise up from their graves and kill me.
  • Then Kaitlyn forgot to give them the room last night.
  • Good.
  • Nothing report-worthy has happened thus far this morning.
  • It still looks like Swaggy might go, but maybe not.
  • Heck, it's so much better than knowing the whole house is going to vote for the same person every week! 

Kaycee looks like such a kid!

Gets a A for effort to save himself

Winston isn't even campaigning.

Swaggy working on Rachel

Waiting for him to play the game

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - July 10

Talking sports ... boring!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of W (Who?) List Celebs:
  • Interesting ... somehow JC got out of sleeping in the Have Not room -- his fellow Have Nots are not happy.
  • You would think it would be easier for a small person to sleep there. Maybe he has a doctor's note.
  • Sam would like to stay around forever in the house if for no other reason than to offer emotional support.
  • Now Scottie is in a "the only people I trust are Kaitlyn and Tyler" phase.
  • Kaitlyn is still waffling on whether Swaggy should go or not despite her thinking that it was an epic legendary move and all.
  • She has no vote unless it's a tie.
  • JC has told her he will vote whatever way she wants.
  • Hmm.
  • Tyler and Sam are still in the Vote Swaggy Out camp.
  • Heh. Scottie was talking with Tyler and Kaitlyn discussing whether Swaggy had the power last week and used it to save Sam.
  • If Scottie wasn't so absent from it all last week, he would have realized that Sam and Swaggy barely talked until last night.
  • No one (except maybe Brett) wants Winston around.
  • But the plan was a Swaggy out scenario. 
  • Will they stick to it?
  • On a side note -- If Fessy keeps flipping his head because of his silly haircut, he's going to end up with whiplash.
  • Now the men loyal to Kaitlyn are: Fessy, Tyler, JC and Scottie.
  • Maybe it's voodoo.
  • Oh my. Sam told Tyler she'll vote whichever way Kaitlyn wants. She thinks that Swaggy is "emotionally pliable" while Winston is a "brick wall."
  • Ew. Kaitlyn said she let Bayleigh and Swags have sex in the HoH shower as a goodbye present.
  • Why do these idiots have no respect for themselves, no shame, no common sense?
  • Kaitlyn admitted to Haleigh that she was the vote that saved Sam last week.
  • Haleigh is upset that Tyler didn't let her in on the plan.
  • Say what?
  • She was flirting all over Fessy at the time!
  • Lots of small talk, sports talk and the like.
  • They still have the yard for now. I imagine they'll be stuck inside tomorrow.
  • Yawn. 

Lazing about ... boring!

A subdued Swagster

I see dead hamsters

Could he be in danger this week?

Quad Cam ... cutting staff or what?

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Tuesday Morning - July 10

Hot tub flirting

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Swaggy Scrambling:
  • I've come to the conclusion that the two best hamsters in the house to talk to when you need someone to listen and advise you are ... (drum roll) ... Sam and JC.
  • What? No Tyler?
  • Nope! Although I think Tyler might be the best game player in the house, most of his consoling is part of his own game plan.
  • I'm surprised about JC -- he did some obnoxious and stupid stuff around the times the feeds arrived. But I've watched and he genuinely has compassion for others. Who woulda thunk it?
  • Sam and Swags had what might be a record-breaking long talk overnight.
  • He told her all of his woes.
  • And, yes ... he does indeed come from a rough environment. Bridgeport, CT has one of the highest rates of violent crime in the nation. I know the city. I don't blame him for wanting out.
  • Sam told him that had he come in as Chris instead of all Swaggy, he probably wouldn't be in the position he's in now.
  • She told she thinks he's shy and the bravado and Swaggy persona are his attempt to hide it.
  • And, the way she listened and told him these things struck a chord with him. It was perhaps the best long talk about personal development I've ever watched on the live feeds.
  • I think she's still going to vote for him to go.
  • Even though she gave him the new nickname of Sunshine Swaggy and he told her how much the talk meant to him.
  • She does seem to read people better than a certain "Life Coach."
  • Ahem.
  • As it stands now, Swaggy's not having much luck going after the two elusive votes he feels he needs.
  • He talked to JC who, while sympathetic, told him he wasn't voting as any part of a group. His vote would be what he feels is best for his own game.
  • He didn't tell Swags what that would be.
  • Hmm. Kaitlyn must have worked her whatever it is she has on both Tyler and Fessy. Both have said they would never vote to evict her.
  • Gah!
  • The person I think I'd like to see gone the most is Rockstar. 
  • Even more than Swaggy.
  • Maybe it's just me. But she irks me every time I see her.
  • Tyler pointed out to Swaggy that Rockstar's mouth caused a lot of the issues people had with him.
  • Kaitlyn, still in her feel sorry for Swaggy epiphany, was told by Tyler that he is still voting Swaggy out and thinks more than six will be aboard that train.
  • JC told Tyler and Kaitlyn that his vote would be for Swags to go. He thinks that, if Swaggy stays, that side would target Kaitlyn next week.
  • I think they'd target Tyler. But what do I know?
  • JC is yet another guy (in addition to Tyler and Fessy) who's soft on Kaitlyn.
  • I'm just not seeing WHY. 
  • Rockstar wants to win so her kids won't have to share bedrooms.
  • Huh. In my family we shared bedrooms until my parents worked so much that they could buy a huge old fixer-upper. They worked for it; they didn't spend three months of their lives going on reality shows on a chance they might win money. I had to share a bedroom with my baby brother until he was two years old. I hated it!
  • Even though I think Swaggy now realizes the error of his ways and attitude, I think he will probably be out this week. 

Sam and Swags have a LONG LONG talk.

Getting too much attention lately

Being next to her killed Orwell

Realizing the renom is his own doing

Monday, July 09, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Monday Evening - July 9

I'll be all alone in the house!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Shock the Hamster:
  • Bayleigh just can't live without her only friend, Swaggy. 
  • Swaggy's main argument for staying is because he doesn't want to leave Bayleigh.
  • Now, this is from a couple who were just saying yesterday (or was it this morning?) how secret their showmance is.
  • Bayleigh told anyone who would listen how she tried to tell Swaggy that he needed to mellow himself in the house.
  • I have heard her give him advice along those lines.
  • Rockstar seems to want to make it seem like Kaitlyn is putting Swaggy on the block because "he's black and he scared her."
  • Rockstar also said that Bayleigh can't just go crazy because she would come across as "a mad black woman."
  • Hmm. Methinks that Rockstar is the one with the issues about race. 
  • I'm not seeing it from Kaitlyn. We know Tyler influenced her.
  • We also see Swaggy's attitude which is really what's done him in.
  • Neither Swaggy nor Bayleigh seem to think it's anything about race.
  • Rockstar.
  • Lots of tears were shed by Kaitlyn ... who had Tyler to console her.
  • Fessy wants both Tyler and Kaitlyn evicted next week. Um. I don't think we're due for a double eviction yet.
  • Swaggy thinks he has five votes he can count on -- he needs two more.
  • Kaitlyn apparently apologized to Fessy for "what she was about to do" just before the ceremony. He says that's not good enough.
  • JC has been supportive of Kaitlyn, telling her he would vote how she wants.
  • Fessy and Swaggy think JC can be swayed to the Swag.
  • I don't think so.
  • Haleigh warned Fessy that if he goes around with Swaggy to fight the cause, he just might be the next target.
  • Kaitlyn, in between her weeping, says it's a new start to everything.
  • Kaitlyn tried to tell Bayleigh that, based on her conversations all weekm there are no established alliances.
  • Well, that might be because no one invited her into one.
  • Scottie feels guilty and kept telling Swaggy he had no clue.
  • He didn't.
  • But Winston knew.
  • Eventually Fessy spoke with Kaitlyn.
  • Things are calming down.
  • Swaggy has delusions that he'll get a power app before Thursday.
  • The App Store opens on Friday.
  • Swaggy talked to Kaitlyn, telling her he trusted her until the Haleigh/Kaitlyn/Fessy blow up.
  • She told him she was proud to stand up for herself.
  • Then she crumpled and told him if he leaves on Thursday she will send him a check for $5,000 so he can get settled in Los Angeles.
  • And ... guess what?
  • Now she told Tyler she wants Swaggy to stay.
  • @@
  • In talking to Fessy, she told him the Swaggy move was all on Tyler.
  • Oh, girl Go sniff an aura or something!  

Must be nose issues week

So, how is Swaggy taking it?

And like this, too.

I have to get two more votes.

Dazed and confused.

Rachel can smile, though.

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds PoV Ceremony Bulletin - July 9

The long feeds block was indeed the Power of Veto Ceremony.

Fessy is ticked. He told Bayleigh and Swaggy he will not talk to Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn kept up with the plan. Swaggy is now on the block with Winston.