Friday, July 13, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Friday Evening, Nominations - July 13

Master of his domain?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Lonesome Losers:
  • Scottie certainly is not a Kaitlyn. 
  • Tyler and JC tried and tried.
  • I tried to telepathically send signals. 
  • No good.
  • There's no way Scottie will nominate Rockstar for eviction.
  • Nor will he plan to backdoor her.
  • Sigh.
  • Some hamsters were griping about JC's disrespect of the rules in the house.
  • Horrors! He slept on the floor in the Have Not room instead of in the satellite dish bed.
  • I guess it isn't really fair. Fessy got spoken to about putting his legs up on the dresser while in his satellite dish bed.
  • Maybe he should try sleeping on the floor?
  • The App Store opened for business.
  • Haleigh got the Crap App.
  • Tyler told Kaitlyn that he was on that TKO show -- the episode to be shown this coming Wednesday just before BB airs.
  • I doubt I'll be watching as those kind of shows just aren't me.
  • Well, it didn't take long to find out the Power App winner -- Bayleigh told Fessie she got it.
  • I didn't have anything to do with her win.
  • I know Jessica (of Jessica and Cody) had an online campaign for her to win.
  • And people a lot less jaded than myself probably felt sorry for her.
  • Oh well.
  • Bayleigh claims she has the power to change nominations before they happen with the HoH retaining renom power if veto is used. And this is supposed to be good to be used once up until the final eight?
  • Hmm.
  • Bayleigh told JC she didn't win the power, but was sure Swaggy would have won it ... if he was still there.
  • @@
  • No, girl. And you probably only won it because he's gone!
  • JC worked an anti-Rockstar campaign on Bayleigh.
  • Not too sure how that worked out. I think Bayleigh is closer with Rockstar than she is with JC.
  • Long feeds block for nominations.
  • No surprise -- Scottie nominated Brett and Winston. 

Thankfully not pouting

Not on a yatus

Yipes! Now his hair is even worse!

Had more influence over Kaitlyn

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Friday - July 13

Too much excitement?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Krazy Kats:
  •  And, so the guessing game starts.
  • Haleigh told Rockstar that she thinks Scottie is trying to frame her for voting out Swaggy.
  • Now, while Haleigh refused to wear the Swaggy shirt during eviction, she voted for Winston to go.
  • Scottie wore his Swaggy shirt and voted for Swaggy to go.
  • I still don't think the shirts (except for Swags himself) should have been allowed during the eviction. 
  • Tyler and Kaitlyn knew Scottie planned to vote out Swaggy.
  • JC is guessing he flipped.
  • Brett told Angela it was Tyler who got Scottie to flip.
  • Well, yeah. 
  • No never mind now. He's gone.
  • Haleigh is sure she will be the next target.
  • She was ticked that Fessy told Kaitlyn that she voted for Winston to go. She wanted them to think she voted with them for Swaggy to go.
  • Heh. They already figured it out.
  • Move along, little hamsters. Nothing to see here.
  • Kaitlyn, obviously trying to cover all bases, told Fessy and Haleigh that, had there been a tie, she would have voted for Swaggy to stay. Here "guides" told her so.
  • Yeah, right.
  • At least JC is owning what he did. He talked (nicely) to Bayleigh and told her he liked Swaggy, but had to do what's best for his own game.
  • Tyler would like Rockstar to be the next target.
  • So would I.
  • Do you hear us, Scottie?
  • Bayleigh really wants to know how Tyler got Kaitlyn to do that deed to her lovey-dove!
  • Heh. Perhaps because he's playing the game while she was playing a showmance!
  • Ohhh ... Fessy actually heard the audience cheering when he got eliminated in the HoH comp. It shows him where he stands with the public.
  • Although, I must admit that Fessy doesn't bother me all that much. He's not mean. He's kind of a big lunk. I prefer him over Winston in the house.
  • But one is known by the company he keeps.
  • Rockstar. Ew.
  • While Kaitlyn and Rockstar are scheming to have a female alliance and booting guys out, Fessy and Scottie were discussing evening the sides a bit.
  • Is Scottie just talking?
  • After all, now they're dubbing him Evil Genius for wearing the Swaggy shirt while voting out Swaggy.
  • The HoH room reveal went pretty much as they all do -- full of fake excitement. It turns out Scottie has a sister named Kaitlyn.
  • The fake excitement turned to boredom for some ... rather quickly, too.
  • Scottie lied to both Angela and Kaycee, telling them he voted for Winston to go.
  • Then, as a way of making nominations decisions, he questioned them about their votes during the Steve/Sam nominations.
  • Angela said she voted for Steve to go because because he was saying things about her and she felt targeted. Kaycee said she voted for Steve to go because she liked Sam more.
  • So, Scottie told Sam that Angela and Kaycee are good with them because they were honest and he treasures honesty.
  • ... even though he started out the conversation with them with a lie.
  • Rockstar told Scottie they need to get rid of the bros (Winston and Brett).
  • For my entertainment value, they're pretty useless.
  • Scottie told her Winston lied to him about the Steve vote, so ...
  • He wants the liars out!
  • As that talk was going on, Winston and Brett schemed to lie to Scottie and tell him they lied to Sam about the Steve vote.
  • Silly boys.
  • Meanwhile, Scottie continued his lie about voting to keep Swaggy and continued probing about the Steve vote.
  • The honest answer people in his quest are JC, Rachel, Angela, Kaycee, Plus, he previously told Sam, Tyler and Kaitlyn they are safe.
  • Tyler tried to work his puppet strings a bit to influence Scottie to go after Rockstar. He told him that Rockstar lied about things to both sides and can't be trusted.
  • But I don't think he's really going to be swayed.
  • I wouldn't be surprised if, when the nominations come through, it will be Brett and Winston. 
  • At least Scottie won't be crying and cuddling all week. 

Better without the glasses, still annoying

I'm Brett. I just hang around here.

Control your HoH reveal enthusiasm, girls.

I need a cigar!

Sam secures safety with Scottie.

Waiting for Godot?

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - July 12

Will the Backdoor Swaggy plan come to fruition?

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

What's a party without a pool? Here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Sam Bledsoe - Shayne McCaslin, HowSad, tbc, Sharon C
Haleigh Broucher - Brian, Sharon S, Monty924, Buzzmaam
Kaycee Clark - Sharon N, Skyriverblue, Indiana Jane, Jenna G
Tyler Crispen - SueGee, Glenn Allen, Jessica Underwood-James, JennasMom
Bayleigh Dayton - Ayana, Margo, Krysta Gibson, KelseyNY
Kaitlyn Herman - Chantel, Michelle Carpintero, Donna in Alabama, Auntie Leigh
Winston Hines - Petals, David, Nickelpeed, Bizaro22
Angie Rockstar Lantry - Merilee, Babs, Jean in Tampa, Chauncey
JC Monduix - Brenda, Delee, T-Town Chick, Willie J
Brett Robinson - Judi Sweeney, Lovelakexo, Ed in Ohio, JonMD1267
Angela Rummans - Janice, Chacha, QuixoticElf, Tilda
Scottie Salton - Lili, Chrob61, JO C, DonnaNY
Faysal Fessy Shafaat - Caela, Marthalight, Cheryl in NC, Marina Tatum
Rachel Swindler - PDX Granny, Jackie, CherryPie, Dr_Celine
Chris Swaggy C Williams - Jennifer, MikesGirl, Nora, CRC, ChickMc

Steve Arienta

Hamster watchers ready?

I'm not sure what that is that Julie's wearing. It's black and makes her look shouldersy. But, first ... we sit through "previously on."

But first ... Julie hints that Sam might use her power to save him?!?! Say it's not so!

Kaitlyn says Faute is over -- a good thing because I've never been able to spell it! Poor Scottie is confused. Swaggy seems subdued but determined. Kaitlyn cries more. She says she's proud of herself. Bayleigh acts sympathetic towards her ... but it's an act. Kaitlyn cries some more to her. 

Rockstar and company count their votes -- Rockstar, Fessy, Bayleigh, Haleigh and Scott -- deciding they need seven votes total. Swaggy needs to work it.

Winston is worried whether he'll have the votes to stay, even though he knows he's supposedly not the target. 

Fessy is confused (a regular state of mind for him in the house). His two best friends, Kaitlyn and Swags, are turning on each other. She cuddles with Fessy and tells him she loves him.

Swaggy heads to the HoH room to talk to Kaitlyn. He tells her she was fed a lot of miscommunications. Since Tyler told her those, he's happy he's in the room. Oh geez, if he leaves he will miss Bayleigh all summer. Kaitlyn feels sorry for him. Too bad, so sad.

After he thinks he gave an Emmy winning performance with Kaitlyn, he goes to pull on Sam's heartstrings. He tells her the woes of his life. She tells us she sees the person under the persona. In the DR, probably at the prompting of production, she questions whether she should use her power to give him a second chance.

Julie talks with the nominees. 
Swaggy - Thank God and family, want to stay and mix it up, want to keep you safe. On and on.
Winston - Enjoyed getting to know you all.

The votes to evict are:
Bayleigh - Winston
Brett - Swaggy
Kaycee - Swaggy
Tyler - Swaggy
Into commercial ...
Rockstar - Winston
Haleigh - Winston
Fessy - Winston
Scottie - Swaggy
JC - Swaggy
Angela - Swaggy
Rachel - Swaggy
Sam - Swaggy

Swaggy C is history. On the way out, he hugged some, but didn't say a word.

He thinks Haleigh voted to evict him. Julie corrects him. Now he feels bad he didn't hug her. In his reactions to the goodbye messages and Julie's questions, the Bridgeport, immaturity and sore loser sides came out.

BB App store is OPEN. 

Tyler is going to be on that TKO show next Wednesday? How's that going to work? 

HoH comp time! Product Launch - watch two product launches, series of questions, true or false (Swaggy was right with his peek)

Kaycee is out first question.
Tyler, Bayleigh, Haleigh, Brett, Winston, JC and Angela  out
Sam out

Rockstar out (good!)
Fessy out
Tiebreaker between Scottie and Rachel ...

SCOTTIE is the new HOH!

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Thursday - July 12

The bros ... for what they're worth

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Tonight, Tonight:
  • For people at each other's throats, this bunch gets along too well.
  • Rockstar is trying to convince people that Swaggy needs to stay because he's a superfan of the show and it wouldn't be fair for him to be the second eviction of the season.
  • "He would miss out on so many things!"
  • Um. That's more of an argument to get rid of him, methinks.
  • So ... he's very good at comps AND a superfan!
  • Nope, I don't want to keep going against him! Evict while we have the chance!
  • Kaitlyn told her that her long talk with him the other day changed her mind about him.
  • However, it looks like her latest mindset is that he will be evicted this week.
  • (Not that she said that to Rockstar. I'm saying it to y'all.)
  • She did hint to her that Swaggy will probably go, though.
  • Kaitlyn is sure she will get a power next week.
  • I really hope not.
  • She'd probably tell everybody and ask others what to do with it.
  • And then cry about it.
  • Meanwhile, Winston is worried that Swaggy has the power and will save himself this week.
  • Darn, that boy is dumb as a rock. IF Swaggy had a power, he definitely wouldn't be scrambling to stay. 
  • Swaggy thinks he's worked the vote up to a tie.
  • It's possible.
  • I predict that Kaitlyn will cry when voting Swaggy out if it's a tie vote.
  • Swaggy told Kaitlyn the "other side" can't win comps like his side can. 
  • He also thinks no one could beat him or Fessy in an endurance comp.
  • Well ... Swaggy might do okay in one, but Fessy's bulk is bad news in such a comp. Swaggy is tall, but slim. Still, some of the girls could do better. I bet Angela would be fierce in endurance.
  • Swaggy thinks only a few in the house know he and Bayleigh are a couple.
  • Um, right. Keep thinking that.
  • Swaggy wants all his supporters to wear SwaggyC t-shirts for the eviction.
  • @@
  • Haleigh says she won't wear one and will vote according to Kaitlyn's wishes.
  • Swaggy thinks he has five definite votes to keep him -- Fessy (well, sure), Haleigh (doubtful), Scottie (doubtful), Rockstar (well, sure) and Bayleigh (well, sure).
  • I think that's likely to be THREE votes.
  • In a move to protect his own game more than anything else, Tyler told Kaitlyn if she talks to Swags, he needs to be there.
  • Tyler thinks Scottie is waffling and needs attention.
  • Haleigh really doesn't want to wear the SwaggyC shirt during the eviction.
  • I think the show shouldn't allow those shirts during the eviction anyway. After all, voters at polling places are protected by laws keeping the politicians and their supporters from influencing them as they step into the voting booths.
  • The backyard is closed for HoH comp prep. Swaggy said he saw there were booths, possibly a true/false set-up.
  • Both Haleigh and Kaitlyn think that Rockstar is a "ticking time bomb" and they're trying to distance themselves from her.
  • Okay, I buy that. Rockstar tends to be the most brazen about things.
  • Swags told Bayleigh he loves her. Aw, ain't that just so sweet? Less than a month! I must be true love!
  • ...cough...
  • Swaggy is worried that if he gives a mean save plea at eviction, he might lose Sam's vote because "she likes nice people."
  • Actually, I always think it best to not give "mean" speeches when you want people to keep you in the house no matter who is there.
  • Maybe that's just me.
  • It looks like Swaggy will indeed be voted out tonight, but not unanimously.
  • I don't think Kaitlyn will have to break a tie, though. 

So, they think they can dance

Kaitlyn's zombie power is on

Sam does talk a lot

Fessy - "I liked you because you're weird."

My last BB20 Swaggy screen shot???

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Big Brother 20: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - July 11

I'll be live-blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast -- refresh this page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area; please feel free to join in on the fun!

I will be quiet as we sit through "previously on ..."

Kaitlyn reminds us that her target is Swaggy, not either of the nominees. We will now hear from all those who feel they must win the veto. Tyler is thrilled. His Swaggy plan is in motion. Fessy is happy because he thinks Winston is the target. Kaitlyn wants to convince her alliance that she's still with them (not with Tyler).

Veto players pick time -- Kaitlyn got HG Choice and chose Fessy. Scott randomly picked Rachel. Winston randomly got Tyler.

Kaitlyn tells Fessy she doesn't want him to win. We know why. But she tells him it wouldn't look good to win two weeks in a row. Fessy still wants to win it anyway.

The doorbell rings! It's Jessica and Cody. Exciting, exciting. They get a house tour from the hamsters. And, they announce they're getting married. They also tell the HG there is a new site only for previous hamsters to connect.

Go through the BB Dating Pool, dive through to find what the previous HG would like to do on a date after reading information on that HG. They are all sequestered and will play individually, go over 20 minutes and eliminated. 

Rachel 5.49 leads
Tyler 5.29 now leading (Scottie and Winston out)
Fessy out
Kaitlyn out

Tyler wins the Power of Veto!

Now Kaitlyn's getting "really nervous" because it's such a "huge move" she's about to do. Poor Kaitlyn. 

Tyler thinks he should use the veto to save Scottie rather than Winston. Kaitlyn gets more scared. She thinks the others will all be after her. Now Tyler needs to get her back on track. 

Kaitlyn tells Fessy that Tyler is going to use the veto to save Scottie and she will put Angela on the block.

Kaitlyn cries to us. She says she could use the "best friend I ever had." Oh my. In her 24 years of life, her best friend ever is some guy she's known for three weeks? @@

The doorbell rings! A man acting like SNL's Chris Farley comes in screaming at and insulting Rachel. They run through individual screaming incidents.

Kaitlyn cries to Haleigh and tells her of the backdoor Swaggy plan. That puts Haleigh on the spot. She can't really go tell the others because she herself might end up on the block.  

But Haleigh runs and tells Rockstar. She tells her not to tell anyone, not even Orwell. But Rockstar hints around that there might be problems to Fessy. He still thinks Angela is going on the block. 

Kaitlyn goes to Fessy before the meeting, apologizes for what she's about to do and tells him she hopes he will still trust her. He looks befuddled -- he does that look quite well. She didn't tell him specifics. 

Veto meeting time. Tyler uses the veto to save Scottie. And, Kaitlyn goes through with putting Swaggy on the block as planned, crying all the way through it. Bayleigh needs to close her mouth before flies fly in. Fessy is mad. Swaggy is mainly stunned. He promises to make everybody's life a living hell.