Friday, July 20, 2018

Big Brother 20: Nominations Bulletin - July 20

Welp, the nominations are in. Sam, who made up her mind and didn't want to be swayed by one-on-one meetings of any kind, has spoken.

Kaitlyn and Haleigh

Let the tears (and cheers) begin.

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Friday Morning - July 20

And Kaitlyn cried ...

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Failing Foute:
  • As you know, the new HoH in town is Sam.
  • While everyone cheered on her win, some are really worried now.
  • Since Kaycee and Tyler dropped for her, they're not so worried.
  • Rockstar ranted on and on about Brett's speech at the eviction.
  • And on and on.
  • No, Rockstar ... you don't have one of those to suck. Stop being an idiot!
  • She even threatened self-eviction.
  • Go ahead. 
  • Do it.
  • Argh ... Kaitlyn talked her out of it.
  • The HoH Reveal was different from most.
  • Sam laid down the ground rules -- It's HER HoH room, she already knows who she will nominate, no one-on-ones, no one in her room without her permission, no one in her room without her and (as per the rules) she won't tell the nominees ahead of time.
  • Good for her!
  • About time someone followed the rules about not telling the nominees!
  • She said once the comps start, things can happen then.
  • She got James Brown for her music. Dang, I like her!
  • Although one of her stated reasons for winning HoH was to get off slop, Sam says she won't eat until her fellow Have Nots can ... but she will drink alcohol and sleep in the comfortable bed.
  • Rockstar is not only ticked off over Brett's speech, she ranted about both Sam and Brett being recruits for the show and shouldn't be there.
  • And Brett doesn't even need the money! Nor does Sam!
  • Sam tried her "it's a game" speech to little avail.
  • Meanwhile, Bayleigh is doubting her choice of alliances. She told Fessy that she only went with them because of him and Swaggy ... but cannot deal with "those girls."
  • There is still controversy over who flipped. Kaitlyn told Fessy she doubts that Tyler flipped and maybe Brett was right in his speech.
  • Heh.
  • Fessy told her two people had to flip because JC voted for Brett to go.
  • Heh.
  • Meanwhile, Brett kept up his eviction speech scenario with Kaitlyn and has her really thinking Rockstar flipped.
  • Kaitlyn told Rachel that if Tyler flipped, she would kill herself.
  • Now, now ... no need for that. Just leave. That would be enough.
  • She thinks Haleigh was the other flip vote.
  • Foute (whatever) if finished.
  • Maybe if they had given their alliance a better name?
  • Naw.
  • Rockstar's over-reaction is doing her more harm than good.
  • Even JC tried to tell her it's only a game.
  • Now Bayleigh and Haleigh are wishing they had flipped.
  • A bit late for that!
  • Now Bayleigh is thinking she's the low man on the totem pole AND that Tyler must have flipped.
  • She could very well be right! Heh. Then she changed her mind again.
  • Scottie is confused.
  • Tyler hinted more to Kaitlyn that Rockstar and Haleigh flipped.
  • Bayleigh told Fessy (the only one who knows of her power) that she wanted to use it for her game, not to get out a bullying girl.
  • Hmm ... I believe she means Kaitlyn.
  • They do think Kaitlyn has everyone wrapped around her little metaphysical fingers.
  • Meanwhile, now Kaitlyn is thinking Sam's power was to flip two votes.
  • @@
  • Rockstar went to pots and pans to harass Brett. How original!
  • Sam told her that she would prefer she stop doing that. Sam wanted this week to be "chill."
  • After much fussing, Rockstar stopped banging the pots and pans and just started shouting things at Brett.
  • Brett maintained his cool, saying later he didn't want to react and get blamed for anything.
  • Nominations are later today. No real indication, but I feel Bayleigh and Haleigh, perhaps Rockstar, should worry. 

Sam's coming down to cheers from all

It's MY room!

I'm done! Take me out, Big Brother!


Not his best look!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds HoH Competition - July 19

Once the live feeds return, this post will keep you updated on the HoH Endurance Competition. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

10:02pm ET - All still up, Scottie sitting alone. 

10:10pm ET

10:18pm ET - Rockstar down.

10:25pm ET - Fessy, Brett and one of the girls down in short order. 
It was Bayleigh down.

10:27pm ET

10:35pm ET -- A girl fell; I think it was Rachel, another one falls? Then to fish cam.  

10:38pm ET - Rachel and Angela (?) out

10:41pm ET - Haleigh down.

JC down 

10:53pm ET -- Sam, Kaitlyn, Tyler and Kaycee still up.

10:54pm ET -- Kaitlyn down.

Then Kaycee and Tyler jump down.

SAM is the new HoH!

Big Brother 20: Live Eviction, HoH Start Show Blog Party - July 19

Which bro will go? Will Sam save one with her power?

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

At approximately 10pm ET, a separate post will be set up to follow the HoH Endurance Comp on the live feeds.

What's a party without a pool? Here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Sam Bledsoe - Shayne McCaslin, HowSad, tbc, Sharon C
Haleigh Broucher - Brian, Sharon S, Monty924, Buzzmaam
Kaycee Clark - Sharon N, Skyriverblue, Indiana Jane, Jenna G
Tyler Crispen - SueGee, Glenn Allen, Jessica Underwood-James, JennasMom
Bayleigh Dayton - Ayana, Margo, Krysta Gibson, KelseyNY
Kaitlyn Herman - Chantel, Michelle Carpintero, Donna in Alabama, Auntie Leigh
Winston Hines - Petals, David, Nickelpeed, Bizaro22
Angie Rockstar Lantry - Merilee, Babs, Jean in Tampa, Chauncey
JC Monduix - Brenda, Delee, T-Town Chick, Willie J
Brett Robinson - Judi Sweeney, Lovelakexo, Ed in Ohio, JonMD1267
Angela Rummans - Janice, Chacha, QuixoticElf, Tilda
Scottie Salton - Lili, Chrob61, JO C, DonnaNY
Faysal Fessy Shafaat - Caela, Marthalight, Cheryl in NC, Marina Tatum
Rachel Swindler - PDX Granny, Jackie, CherryPie, Dr_Celine

Steve Arienta
Chris Swaggy C Williams

Hamster watchers ready?

Ah, Julie is wearing a simple red dress with matching shoes ... much better than last week's outfit! She hints (again) at Sam using her power to save a bro and now we're into the "previously on ..."

But first ... it's a house divided. One vote could make the difference. Which bro will go? Again, pushing the idea of a power app. We get Winston and Brett's ideas on who would/should stay. Kaitlyn is still all upset about Brett's speech mocking her. I doubt she represents her "field." If she does, they're in deep doodoo.

Level 6 is weighing out the pros and cons of the bros. They seem to think Brett is more likely to win comps. The other side gals think Brett is more threatening of the two bros. So, they prefer he goes. The Level 6 gals think work on Sam.

Heh. Rockstar is stuck on the climbing rock wall in the house.  Kaitlyn is still "obsessed" with Tyler. He now realizes he's created a monster. Tyler is in a predicament with both sides thinking they have his vote. Winston wants to tug on Sam's heartstrings for her vote to stay. Again, another Diary Room bit with Sam contemplating using her power app. I really think production prompts those.

We're going to go visit Sam's family in Virginia before they finally get to the live eviction. Aw, Sam's parents are nice. She's very creative and her local people love her.

Finally to the living room!
Brett -- Nervous in front of pretty girls. Shell of a man, broken heart. All of you have repaired that heart. Apologizes to Kaitlyn, says Rockstar was going to flip the vote and blame it on Kaitlyn.
Winston -- Had a poem. Goes on about great duos and leads to the bros. Hard to campaign against Brett, would appreciate staying.

The votes to evict:
Kaitlyn -- Brett
Rachel -- Winston
Kaycee -- Winston
Rockstar -- Brett
Fessy -- Brett
Bayleigh -- Brett
... into commercial ...
Angela -- Winston
Haleigh -- Brett
JC -- Winston
Tyler -- Winston
Sam -- Winston

Six to five, Winston is out. Sam does NOT use her power. Rockstar is lighting into Brett. I thought we might have a brouhaha but she stomped away.

He's not happy. He threw Sam's homemade friendship bracelet to the ground. He's upset that his whole alliance voted against him. Julie let him know that Sam and JC did, too. 

HoH Comp -- Out on a Limb -- standing on a tree in the BB Forest. It's a wall comp indeed. Here comes the rain!

All still up doing shout-outs as the show ends. My live feeds post will be up shortly.

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Thursday - July 19

Just playing ...

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Get Your Schedule Right:
  • My apologies for the late show blog post last night. CBS really needs to stop screwing around with the Wednesday night show schedule. They claimed the new schedule is 9pm. It was listed in TV listings at 9pm as late as Monday when I last looked. Then they switched it to 8pm AGAIN. 
  • Now, tonight's show will end at the start of an HoH endurance comp. I will post a show post immediately followed by a separate post to follow the comp on the live feeds.
  • Be there or be square.
  • If the comp is a wall, I wonder how Rockstar will do. She climbed the rock wall in the living room the other day then panicked and couldn't get down. Of course, if she freezes and panics, she just might win a wall comp!
  • Oh noes!
  • BB used to have strict rules about sending messages to the outside world and writing. Why can Rockstar leave a message for her kid on that one wall? I'm sure the kid appreciates her mother who left the family for three months in search of fifteen minutes of fame sending the message, but ...!
  • Okay, that was my Pick On Rockstar segment. I'm over it now.
  • Or not. 
  • Angela told Brett that she thinks that if Sam doesn't use her power this week, it's automatically played next week. She said she isn't sure.
  • I am sure.
  • When Bayleigh asked Scottie to describe the game play of others, he said Winston is irrelevant and Sam is sneaky.
  • SNEAKY? Sam is one of the un-sneakiest BB players ever! He called that one wrong.
  • Scottie is still wanting Brett to go this week.
  • Tyler and Company still would prefer Brett stay.
  • Lots and lots of "what if" talks about HOH wins and who they'll nominate.
  • I, for one, am very happy Bayleigh put herself right in the mix and is playing the game after Swaggy went. I had feared more crying.
  • Bayleigh is saying that Kaitlyn has the third power when indeed it's Bayleigh herself who has it. I believe she only told Fessy and he hasn't told anyone else.
  • Tyler has remained mum about his power. Good.
  • Everyone knows of Sam's power, but the details are sketchy for most.
  • A lot of them think JC has the second power.
  • When Tyler asked JC if he had a power, JC said he would have told him if he did. But, otherwise, he's just letting the rumors fly!
  • Bayleigh and Tyler talked about how possessive others are with friendships in the house. Specifically mentioned were Kaitlyn and Fessy. Yep, they got that right.
  • That said, Bayleigh would like to target Tyler. Nothing personal, all game.
  • She didn't tell him that, though!
  • They played games and did little improv bits to amuse themselves. They played Never Have I Ever.
  • It's all a waiting game until tonight.  

Kaitlyn: "I'm a pretty girl."

Fessy 'fesses?

Messages to the outside allowed now?

Best comeback from a showmance eviction

Entertaining themselves

Just a country boy