Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Big Brother 20: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 1

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

We start out with the "previously on" segment. Who writes this stuff? Hey! I was calling her Queen before the show was! Royalties, I say.

We pick things up after the nominations ceremony. Bayleigh tells us Brett is her target and Rachel is a good pawn. She thinks she will be loyal to the end with her. Rachel, though she knows she's the pawn and said okay to it, cries to us from the Diary Room. 

Now she's crying to Kaycee. She tells Kaycee that she knows Brett is Bayleigh's target. 

Fessy tells JC that it's all due to him that JC isn't on the block.

Tyler goes to talk to Bayleigh ... he wants to make sure he's not on a backdoor plan. He tells her he will do whatever she wants if he wins the veto. He denies having the power when she asks. Heh. Tyler cracks me up. He hasn't told ANYONE about his power. 

JC tells Bayleigh that Fessy is taking all the credit for not nominating him. Sure enough, JC's plan to stir up Bayleigh/Fessy problems works! He's a good little instigator. 

Bayleigh drags Fessy out of bed and tells him he screwed up telling JC that stuff. She thinks it makes it look like he (Fessy) is ordering her around. 

Then it's Rachel going to the Queen. She thinks it's her doing that Brett will go home. She's coming up with all these reasons why she's so upset. Now Bayleigh is getting irked at Rachel. Oh my gosh! Rachel brought negative energy into the room and now it's all on Queen Bayleigh!

Veto player pick time! Bayleigh picks a Sam chip. Rachel picks a JC chip. Brett gets a Tyler chip. No Houseguest Choice chips pulled this week. 

Veto comp has them waiting in separate rooms. The backyard is done up like a little city. The Goober rideshare service. They have to pave the road across town. They have to, once the streets are paved, transport the evicted BB20 hamsters (not in real life) to a party. It's basically a giant puzzle. It's a timed comp.

Heh. Sam timed out. But they did do a black and white bit of her as Godzilla terrorizing the town. JC also timed out. Rachel times out. 

Bayleigh - 14.24
Brett - 10.59
Tyler - 6.51

TYLER wins the Power of Veto! 

Both nominees want him to save them. Tyler talks to Bayleigh and she wants them to remain on the block. Bayleigh is oblivious to the fact that Tyler is the lead of the other side. Bayleigh mentions Angela as the renom. He wants to work Scottie in as the renom if he uses the veto.

Rachel cries some more to Bayleigh. Bayleigh lies to Rachel about who Tyler wants up as a replacement. Rachel tells Angela. Angela knows that can't be real. She tells Kaycee, who also doesn't believe it. Kaycee goes to Tyler who truthfully denies it. Then he talks to Angela. They all think Rachel is lying when it was actually coming from Bayleigh. Now they want to maybe use the veto on Brett and think Rachel is blowing up their games.

Ooohhh! Rachel tells Angela of Bayleigh's power. Angela's lips are sealed ... NOT. She tells Tyler. Now he's in even more of a quandary over using the veto or not.

Veto meeting time. He does NOT use the veto.

Brett and Rachel remain on the block. 

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Tuesday Night - July 31

I didn't realize Sam's ears are gauged

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Squirrely Scamps:
  • Please. I remind you all that I do NOT report on every little thing that happens in the house nor every breath they take.
  • So, don't bother calling on me for leaving something out in anonymous comments. 
  • Especially in anonymous comments. 
  • Yeah, I'm a bit ticked. I am having some severe health issues and I'd rather not deal with it.
  • If you've noticed, I don't keep a running tab on all the various alliances that come and go.
  • That out of the way, again I report that "I SAW" little of any real substance in the house over the last 24 hours.
  • Maybe "YOU SAW" more than I did.
  • I'm sure you'll let me know and not by hitting that donate button.
  • Sorry. I'm really off my regular self today.
  • And I do thank the few who have donated this year. This season, it's especially needed and appreciated.
  • Anyway ... back to the house ...
  • Bayleigh continues to think the vote will either be unanimous or almost unanimous for Brett to go home.
  • I'm thinking he might get sent packing, but no way will it be unanimous.
  • Apparently the Diary Room dropped hints to Fessy and Bayleigh that Fessy was controlling her HoH.
  • Um. No. She's quite controlling enough on her own, thank you. That just doesn't make sense.
  • Rachel is still antsy roaming around confirming that she still has their votes.
  • BB woke the hamsters up about an hour earlier than normal today even though it's a doldrums day with nothing to do.
  • Maybe they just wanted to mess with them.
  • JC continues to play up to Bayleigh's side while his actual loyalty seems to be with Tyler and Company.
  • He's kind of playing with fire there.
  • But Fessy likes him a lot.
  • Fessy likes him more than he likes Haleigh these days.
  • Fessy doesn't like the attention that Brett is giving Haleigh.
  • But then, apparently before the feeds started up, Haleigh had some kind of thing with Swaggy? Oh my.
  • If Rachel stays this week, Tyler considers her lost to Level 6.
  • Oh my gosh. Sam was talking about Rockstar telling her that she misses looking at herself naked in the mirror. Just the thought burns my eyes.
  • BB let Fessy talk for a good five minutes with a blanket bundled up against his mic while with JC and Bayleigh. The first time he said something I thought it was a muffled weird DR leak or something.
  • Bayleigh and Brett actually talked. He promised not to come after her if he stays. She gave him a story about sincerely killing him if he does and hinted she might be changing her mind about wanting him out.
  • I think we can say "lie."
  • Sam is still a wild card for both groups as far as the vote goes.
  • Scottie and Bayleigh think they're carrying both Rockstar and Haleigh as neither has won anything.
  • Welp, they're their people!
  • Tyler still has both Scottie and Bayleigh fooled. They think he's a lone wolf and they might be able to swing him over to their side.
  • BWAHAHAHA! He's the one RUNNING the other side, fools!
  • Scottie and Bayleigh think Rockstar and Haleigh have no clue how close they are with Tyler.
  • Snicker.
  • Fessy and Haleigh talked. They're still at odds. 
  • And there ya go. 
  • My apologies for snapping at y'all. Back surgery complications aren't an easy thing and make me grouchy at times. 

Scottie won't lose his virginity in this place

Brett and the Queen talk

Haleigh has little to do with Fessy now

Stop obstructing your mic!

Oh geez. Cover your mouth while yawning.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Monday Evening - July 30

The Queen has banished all from the Queendom

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Now We Wait Again:
  • Oh my. Do I even have anything to report?
  • Hmm.
  • Well, you know Tyler did not use the veto.
  • The backyard was open and much of the day was spent funning and sunning.
  • Since the outcome of the veto meeting was already known ahead by all in the house, there were no hissy fits or kerfuffles.
  • Tyler and Brett had a game talk. Tyler told Brett to keep sticking to Scottie for the big frame-up plan for the votes. He said he himself will work on Angela.
  • Rachel and Queen Bayleigh talked. Bayleigh counted off like seven people who she thinks will vote to keep Rachel.
  • Some of those ... like Tyler ... would be wrong.
  • But I'm still personally wondering if Tyler can gather the numbers.
  • It would be fun if Brett were to stay just for the sake of Rockstar, Haleigh and Bayleigh's reactions.
  • Although, to be honest, I don't care all that much for either Rachel or Brett. 
  • Brett did do one domestically smart thing today that surprised me. JC burnt the frying pan and was actually going to throw the pan out.
  • Brett told him just to leave it soaking a while.
  • Who woulda thunk it? Brett knows kitchen stuff and is thrifty all at the same time!
  • Other than that, it's been same old, same old.
  • Now we're in a circling pattern until Thursday.

Stop smirking at me!

So bored they made their own games

JC burnt the frying pan while cooking

What are my peasants up to?

Another day of slop ...

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds Power of Veto Meeting - July 30

Bulletin! Bulletin!
Alert! Alert!

Had this been an actual emergency ...

I called it right. Tyler did NOT use the veto.
Rachel and Brett remain on the block.
I still don't know if Tyler & Co. will have enough votes to save Brett although they think they do.

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Monday Morning - July 30

Sam, the honeybee whisperer

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Blabbing Bobcats:
  • Shortly after I posted my last update, Rachel blabbed to Angela about Bayleigh's power.
  • Of course, Angela told Tyler.
  • And now everybody in Level 6 knows something that only a few of Bayleigh's actual allies know.
  • It doesn't do more than a heads up for Tyler.
  • We know that his only way not to be on the block next week, whether he uses the veto today or not, is that he would have to win HoH.
  • That would be his only safety other than using his cloud.
  • Now, if I were a hamster in the house, I'd probably go for a Tyler eviction -- he's too well-liked and he wins comps. I wouldn't want to be against him at the end. Would you?
  • But that's not necessarily how these hamsters think. They just might vote to keep him.
  • As a show voyeur, I like him. I want him to stay. He's fun to watch and really playing the game.
  • Bayleigh has said she's only giving him this week's reprieve because he lost Kaitlyn, someone real close to his heart.
  • Cough.
  • BUT ... Rockstar and Haleigh think they should keep Brett and Tyler around to get rid of the other girls they want gone.
  • And then how would they get rid of Brett and Tyler?
  • They obviously aren't thinking any kind of end game.
  • A honeybee landed in Sam's hair. After she brushed it away, she put it in a glass and told Tyler all about honeybees. It then crawled on her hand when she released it. I think she got stung, although she said she didn't. The bee didn't look all that healthy the last time I saw it.
  • She did leave it free to go.
  • I don't think Tyler will be using the veto (although now he knows he has nothing to lose by doing so).
  • They THINK they have enough votes for Brett to stay.
  • Some of these players are hard to figure out. For example ... is Kaycee going to be loyal to L6 or that alliance she has with Bayleigh?
  • Haleigh and Rockstar seem to be the only two really WITH Bayleigh.
  • Fessy is getting so ticked off at both Haleigh and Rockstar, he could align with others. But I don't know if he would abandon Bayleigh.
  • Ohh ... Rachel and Tyler talked!
  • But he still would prefer Brett stay.
  • He wants Brett to hang around a lot with Scottie so they can blame JC's vote on Scottie.
  • All said and done, I don't think Tyler will use the veto. However, I'm not as sure as he is that they have the votes for Brett to stay.
  • We'll see.  

Tyler feels creative

Scottie is SO not a sunbather

Stress of being queen getting to her?

She did it. Now Orwell is dead.

Storage room strategy talk

I'm Fessy. I'm too nice for this stuff!