I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Big Brother 20: Memories Show Blog Party - Sept. 23
Tonight's show is running about five to seven minutes late in this area. Since this one is the walk through memory lane, I won't be live blogging all the happenings. Oh, yeah. I'm sure to comment now and then. And, as always, the real party is in the comments area!
REMINDER: The cut-off for the Survivor blog pool is coming up soon! If you haven't signed up, you need to head to the pool opening post to do so. Please don't ask elsewhere -- it could be missed! AND... no stragglers, PLEASE. Merci!
They did the previously on segment as if this show isn't going to be mostly previously on. However, I think if you've only watched the shows and not the live feeds, some things might be new. And, we're promised the start of the first part of the final HoH comp. Woot.
Tyler and Kaycee want to work together on the final HoH -- Kaycee do the physical, Tyler the mental. Kaycee definitely plans on remaining loyal to Tyler.
Now it's time for brunch and a visitor. It's Jeff Schroeder! Champagne toast all around! He brings up all the blindsides. We get to see all of them once again and they're still priceless, especially with Fessy DR commentary. Then it's into the house meeting by Hacker Haleigh.
Jeff asks about showmances -- Tyler mentions Bayleigh and Swaggy. So we get video clips. JC says he considers Tyler and him a showmance and Angela tried to steal Tyler from him. Sp. we see Angela/Tyler clips. JC doesn't think Fessy and Haleigh were a showmance; Tyler disagrees.
Time to reminisce over each and every departed hamster. Kaitlyn up first. "Yatus" clip is always funny. Brett throwing Rockstar under the bus with his lying speech. We did have some new classic moments this season! On my daughter's birthday!
Jeff is now curious about Sam. That leads into crying and emotional DR sessions. Into a segment on the punishments dealt out this season.
We get a whole minute or two of the start of the first part of the HoH. They have to ride their "jet-packs." It's an endurance comp. They are tilted and blasted with stuff.
Big Brother 20: Live Feeds HoH Part Two Aftermath - Sept. 23
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This game isn't FAIR! |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of a Salty Sulker:
- Due to the late hour last night here on the east coast when the feeds finally returned, I didn't go into much aftermath detail.
- I believe JC sees the writing on the wall.
- He's such a sore loser -- even to the point where he claims BB rigged it so Kaycee would win by making the second part so physical.
- Apparently the comp involved wall climbing and answering questions.
- According to what Tyler said, JC only lost by 40 seconds.
- JC is steaming because he claims he had more answers right but couldn't keep up with the physical.
- After all, he worked this season with Tyler because he (JC) was the brains while Tyler was only there for the physical comps!
- Heh. At least that's what he says and thinks.
- Now, if he hadn't been such a schemer himself all season, he might think there would be a chance for either Kaycee or Tyler to bring him to the final two.
- But, no. There isn't.
- Although both Tyler and Kaycee haven't told him of their final two deal or Level 6 alliance, JC thinks they would take each other because (of course) neither could win against him!
- Around JC, Kaycee tells him how well he did in the comp and complains about how sore she is, acting rather subdued.
- Around JC, Tyler keeps telling him to think positive.
- Not around JC, both Tyler and Kaycee are calling themselves the Final Two.
- Both are thrilled with their alliance and also with their final two deal since the beginning of the game.
- Without a doubt, Kaycee will take Tyler to the final two if she wins Part Three.
- I believe Tyler will take Kaycee, too. However, he doesn't seem AS excited as Kaycee.
- Perhaps because he may have felt that either JC or Kaycee would take him to the final two.
- I don't know.
- If he wins the final part and is against Kaycee, the final two deal early in the game might show loyalty which the jury didn't see with him. He could claim bigger moves although their wins have been pretty even number-wise. Kaycee won many vetoes but didn't use them while he had to "get blood on his hands."
- Kaycee's argument to win would be based on her loyalty, her social game and her number of comps wins. That's a good record and she has a much better social game than either Tyler or JC. She was friendly with everyone and, need I say, doesn't have any "blood on her hands." With a bitter jury, she'd be a shoe-in for the win.
- If he were to be in the Final Two, JC would probably be problematic -- as he has been all season. While I do think all of his game playing that he did, he's certainly worthy of being in the final three, I think he's a bit delusional about his own game versus the games of others -- specifically Tyler. I think JC would lie, cheat and steal in any final plea to win the game.
- I believe that all three deserve to be in the final three. We can't say that every season.
- And, I think that the final two will be Kaycee and Tyler, no matter which one wins the third part.
- Kind of like the Derrick/Cody Hitmen, their personal alliance will go in the records if they make final two together.
- But will Tyler be Derrick or will he be Cody?
- At least JC has certainly been no Victoria!
- We will have to endure three days of JC whining and pouting over the part two comp. He's fussing that he wants to leave and acting like a belligerent small child.
- The hamsters seem to be going back and forth between thinking the finale is tonight or Wednesday.
- Nope, not tonight. They'll have to suffer for three days.
- And, so will we.
- In other news, Allison Grodner confirmed that this season the winner and runner-up are indeed eligible to win America's Favorite Player.
- REMINDER: If you want to be in the blog's Survivor: David vs. Goliath pool you need to sign up ONLY on this here linked post. Please do it soon! Every season we have people wanting in after the cut-off time. You have no clue how annoying that is! So, take a moment NOW and sign up or you might not make the cut-off on Tuesday.
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Resting easy now |
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Hurting, but it's happy hurting |
Big Brother,
live feeds,
reality tv,
Big Brother 20: Live Feeds Saturday, HoH Part Two Winner - Sept. 22
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New peg-wall work |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Boredom:
- Of course, the boredom will get worse after today.
- At least today they had the second part of the final HoH comp ahead.
- They napped.
- They snacked.
- They chit-chatted.
- Kaycee spent a lot of time studying faces on the memory wall and going over previous comps.
- Tyler cooked.
- JC napped some more.
- The live feeds went down around 6pm their time.
- It's only Kaycee and JC competing.
- How long can it take?
- Apparently, three and a half hours.
- Kaycee won Part Two.
- It will be Tyler and Kaycee competing in Part Three in the finale.
- I predict feeds boredom until then.
Big Brother,
live feeds,
reality tv,
Friday, September 21, 2018
Survivor: David vs. Goliath - Blog Pool OPENS
Yep, it's that time! The season premiere is Wednesday at 8pm ET. I ask that people who want in on the pool PLEASE sign up by the deadline listed at the bottom. Every season we have stragglers and it's usually regulars on the blog who really should know better. One of these seasons, we're going to say no and it could very well be this one.
The Lovely Lifeguard Laurie has once again graciously offered to run the blog pool for the show. She, but of course, rocks!
I want in! What do I do?
If you want in to the blog pool, you need to sign up in the comments of this post and this post only! Please don't try signing up on any other posts -- we might miss your comment.
Is there money involved in this?
Of course not! You needn't pay anything to get into the pool. You don't
need to buy a pool pass or anything! Mind you, you don't win
any money either. What you do win is bragging rights until the next
season and the smugness that goes with it.
How does it work?
Lifeguard Laurie makes random picks for the castaways and the blog folks.
You cheer on that castaway all season until they either win or get their torch snuffed along the way.
When is the cut-off for entering?
All pool requests must be in comments to this here post and submitted by
Tuesday, September 25, 3pm ET. Be there or be square.
Big Brother 20: Live Feeds HoH Part 1 Winner - Sept. 21
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Can he make it to Final Two? |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Three Hamsters:
- When the live feeds returned after last night's live show, the final three were still in a celebratory mood.
- While Kaycee and Tyler talked about how much they liked Angela, JC's obvious jealousy over her kept surfacing.
- My gosh, I think his crush on Tyler is almost akin to the Tangela showmance/romance.
- But it's certain to be unrequited.
- Tyler is, without a doubt, head over heels with Angela.
- He has no interest in JC other than a friend and someone to beat for the win.
- Lots of chat about the season gone by so far and what the schedule might be for the remaining time.
- JC told Tyler that it's because of him (JC) talking to Kaycee that Kaycee voted out Angela.
- Yep, all his doing that Tyler remained in the house (and he should be grateful and possibly fall in love with JC).
- Of course, we (and Tyler and Kaycee) know otherwise.
- We know that the two are faithful to their final two deal made on either Day One or Day Two in the house.
- Whether they'll stick to that when it comes down the line, we don't know.
- I think Kaycee would win against either in the final two, but iffier with Tyler.
- Beforehand, Tyler and Kaycee had come up with a nod code to win/lose the first part of the HoH.
- Since some people get confused every season with this final HoH comp, I'll lay it out here -- Part One is always physical endurance and is done after the eviction of Hamster Four (in this case, Angela). It used to be on the live feeds and is no longer shown on the live feeds. They should be doing the second part on Saturday (also not on the live feeds). The final part will be done live on the finale show. The winner of Part One goes against the winner of Part Two in that live Part Three. The winner of Part Three chooses who will join him/her in the final two.
- Other events we will have (not shown on the live feeds, mind you) is that this morning they will tape the breakfast memory segment and Saturday there will be the Jurors Round Table with Dr. Will Kirby officiating.
- Oh ... you want to know who won Part One of the three-part final HoH comp?
- Tyler.
- After the live show, Kaycee had tried to get Tyler to throw Part One to her because she's better in physical comps.
- He didn't say he would. And, most obviously, didn't.
- In conversation away from JC, Tyler said he was going to let her win when she unexpectedly dropped.
- Now, if he wins Part Three, he'll have control over who would be with him in the final two.
- Kaycee will go against JC in Part Two tomorrow.
- When the live feeds returned after Part One, they were all hurting hamsters and covered with blue goop.
- Apparently it was some sort of hanging comp.
- JC went down first, then Kaycee, leaving Tyler in it for the win.
- Of the three, Kaycee seems to be hurting the most -- her hands and arms are sore and she's ice-packing.
- Once again JC tried telling Tyler how they wouldn't be there if not for him.
- He still thinks he should get all the credit for Tyler (and himself) being in the final three.
- JC also tried to get Kaycee to commit to a final two deal with him.
- She told him she was too tired and too sore to deal with thinking at the time.
- Plus, she already has a very committed final two deal with Tyler.
- But she didn't tell JC that!
- On it goes ...
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Ice bagging her hands |
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Will sit out Part Two now |
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