Saturday, July 13, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Saturday Evening - July 13

I understand why Tommy was upset to see her

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Blatant Bullies:
  • I realize I didn't post this morning. It was for a few reasons, one health-related on my part.
  • The other reason is that, while it is work to cover the live feeds, I like to have fun with it as well.
  • Last night on the live feeds there wasn't fun and really no way I could be witty about what I saw.
  • I saw Bella go off forever on Nicole without giving Nicole any chance to speak up defending herself.
  • I saw the Eight be nasty to Ovi, Kemi and David. 
  • And, especially nasty to Nicole.
  • Nicole has to be one of the most nice people in and out of the house. You can tell that just by watching her.
  • Yet she feels alienated and alone. Sure, she has Kemi for a friend and sounding board. But Kemi isn't actually playing the game. 
  • Sure, Tommy tells her how much he loves her.
  • It's just not right and it saddens me.
  • Christie went and told Jack that she has the Diamond Veto from Whacktivity.
  • I can only hope that she just hangs onto it to save her own butt if need be and doesn't use it to backdoor Nicole.
  • For me, the only hope for this game is if (A) David is the one coming back in the game (love that Kemi, but he would be a better player) (B) Nicole and Sam are still playing and team up with David. That trio has the talent to maybe win against the machine.
  • Today Kemi and David were sitting alone downstairs. David said, " Camp ComeBack is looking very … colorful." 
  • The camera cut away immediately to another room.
  • So, the BB staff behind the walls have obviously been coached to steer away from any racist type discussion in the house.
  • We know, since both talked about it, that both Jack and Michie were talked to about racist type talk. (I wish they'd also address Jack on his slurs about women.)
  • Yet the aired show is giving them a good edit.
  • At least on Season 15 the show reflected what was going on.
  • So … with what I've written so far, you can see the lack of wit. 
  • In other news from the house, the veto players were pricked.
  • Jessica got Houseguest's Choice and chose … Christie.
  • There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
  • Veto players are: Nick, Jess, Cliff, Christie, Kat and Jackson.
  • So, the backdoor plan for Nicole is probably a given.
  • Kat might be the only one not to use it, but will probably go with the Eight.
  • And, that's where we are.
  • I want to thank those who donated to the blog so far in this dismal season! You rock even when the hamsters don't.

Generally tries, but ineffective player.

They made Nicole cry.

Too bad she wasn't cast in a normal season.

She disappointed me.

Prime example of a toxic person.

David to Kemi: Camp C/B is looking … colorful.

Friday, July 12, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds - Whacktivity, Nominations - Friday July 12

What's for dinner?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bugged-Out Buzzards:

  • The live feeds have been down more today than up since they woke this morning.
  • It's the final Whacktivity -- Panic.
  • Now, the cameras are blocked for those comps and they tout them as "secret" powers.
  • Well, it's only secret if the winner doesn't blab.
  • Julie promised us we'd see a classic power return to the game with this latest/last Whacktivity.
  • If the winner keeps his/her mouth shut (which is always wise), we wouldn't know who won or what the power is until Sunday night when they air the show.
  • All we got was a couple of peeks of large cockroaches, lots of them, interrupting the critter cam they use to block the live feeds.
  • But the winner blabbed.
  • Christie told Tommy she won.
  • And the power is the Diamond Power of Veto. It's only good for use once in the next four veto ceremonies.
  • Use of it in the ceremony will remain private from HoH and all. 
  • That is unless the winner already blabbed about it, of course.
  • If memory serves, the power allows the user to remove and replace one nominee during the veto meeting.
  • All of the hamsters talked about how Christie had to win because of her reaction after the comp.
  • Oh, and they talked about how they're sure she won and that they were told that it's a power that's "capable of winning the game."
  • Yes, the comp was to do with those cockroaches. I'm not sure what kind they are, but they're not the kind that tends to infest places around here.
  • So far, Christie has NOT told Jack she won. She's denying the win to all (except Tommy).
  • But Nick is all up in arms saying she won it.
  • The feeds have been down for quite a while as I write this up -- nominations, I assume.
  • No one seems to really know what Nick will do.
  • The Jacks are sure that if he tries to backdoor one of them, they have the votes to stay.
  • Cliff talked to Nick and actually volunteered to go up as a pawn.
  • The Eight seem to be sort of a love/hate thing. Whether he breaks loose and puts one (or two) of them up may depend on his mood … and what influence Bella has had on him.
  • While Nicole came across as an Enemy of the Eight due to Christie eavesdropping on Cliff, Christie and a few others are in her camp because she's such a nice person.
  • I'm just wasting time here waiting for the feeds to come back.
  • How's your life going?
  • At least, unlike last season when they showed reruns, I can keep the feeds with the theme music/critter cam blocking low volume and watch Live PD.
  • Cliff is on the block.
  • And … Jess.
  • Jack told Cliff they put Jess up because they think she has the power and want to flush it out.
  • So … nominees are Cliff and Jess.

Cliff is just plodding along now.

Nicole doesn't run around half-naked.

Someone needs to change things!

Don't talk game in front of the campers.

I really wish they were worried.

Don't talk game in front of the campers!

BB21: Live Feeds into Friday - July 12

What will he do?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Ghastly Goons:
  • No, Michie didn't throw a sympathy vote to Kemi, nor did he vote to keep her because he likes her.
  • He voted the hinky vote planning to blame it on Nicole.
  • If that didn't work, he'd go for blaming Cliff.
  • He told Holly, but no one else knows it was him … although a few suspect it.
  • With Michie bringing up the hinky vote so much, if they were more observant, they'd realize he did it himself.
  • But these guys aren't the sharpest crayons in the box.
  • Nicole is VERY upset that "someone" threw in that vote to set her up.
  • More than a few of them think it wasn't her due to conversations before the live show. Tommy brought up to Analyse that Michie could have been the vote just to set up Nicole. Hmm.
  • So, it must be Cliff. Right?
  • The Kemi outing Bella and Nick speech kind of backfired.
  • It seems to have brought them back into the good graces of the eight.
  • Sigh.
  • Well, it was either that or the fact that Nick is the power person this week.
  • Or, is he?
  • I think Bella, who's unpredictable, can influence him. Maybe he would be resistant to her telling him what to do. But she can definitely work at him to get what she wants.
  • In a pre-show interview, Bella said her father just dumped her in Nowhere, China to stay with relatives for three months to teach her a lesson.
  • Now I can see why.
  • The eight think that Cliff is America's Player.
  • Dang, they did that one year. And, since then, each year they're thinking someone is.
  • Nick has actually mentioned that someone needs to take down the Jacks.
  • But is he going to be the one to do it? Now?
  • Nah. He claims it's too early. 
  • I say it's never too early!
  • Kemi does indeed look good in that uniform.
  • She was upset in the beginning after the live show ended.
  • But she pretty much turned the upset into determination, doing a lot of talking with a lot of folks.
  • She is SO after Bella and wants to really blow up her game.
  • That's okay with me as Bella's game seems to run around telling everything she hears and playing both sides much too blatantly.
  • Kemi and Bella almost had a cat fight until Sam intervened and split them apart. A brouhaha!
  • Afterwards, Kemi was very worried that she would look "mean" due to it. See … I've said all along she's not a mean girl type!  
  • The real shame of the situation to me is that I would like to see both David and Kemi in the game at the same time.
  • Now, only one can come back in. Sorry, Kemi. I think I'd prefer David make it back in. I feel he's more of a gamer -- more observant, less emotional, more mature and … more likely to have a shot of winning.
  • Meanwhile, Analyse is getting more and more upset that her Jack goes running to Christie to share any news/game thoughts instead of coming to her.
  • Hey, girl. He's a user. He conquered you. Now he really (once again) wants Christie!
  • Jack tells her they can't seem to be too close or they'll be targeted to split them up. @@
  • Nope, he's just through using her and wants to move onto the next one who will jump in bed with him. He's decided that next one is the girl he's in love with -- Christie. The lesbian. Good luck with that, Jack.
  • Earlier, Sam told Nicole about the slip Jack made mentioning the alliance of eight. Nicole discussed it with Cliff -- they have the eight exactly figured out. But they also know they're outnumbered.
  • Kemi told Nicole that Bella told her yesterday (when they were still friendly) about Christie overhearing Cliff talk about his alliance with her (Nicole) and Ovi. She says she didn't want to upset her before the HoH comp by telling then, but she should know.
  • It's dawned on Nicole that her game is now in serious trouble. She's kicking herself for not realizing the large alliance exists, the hinky vote was just to set her up and more. She thinks she's been running with blinders on and thinking she was doing okay because she was under the radar and well-liked by all.
  • Sigh.
  • Meanwhile, Michie told Jack he was the hinky vote.
  • All we really need is someone to tell Bella that Michie was the vote. Then Nicole will be exonerated.
  • Christie seems to be trying to endear herself to Kemi, apparently thinking that if Kemi comes back, they'll be buddies … so to speak. She had a talk with Kemi complaining about Nick/Bella and backing up Kemi's speech.
  • So, all is still a hot mess even under New Order.
  • Right now it looks like it will be Cliff and Nicole on the block.
  • Sigh.

Safe on the periphery

Does rock the uniform, will rock the house

Future's so bright she must wear shades?

Will it end up being her HoH?

Who wants to see my HoH room!?!?

Thursday, July 11, 2019

BB21: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - July 11

So, here we are … the second actual live eviction show but a third hamster will be sent to Camp ComeBack tonight. After next week, this Extinction Island stuff will end. Now, if only we could get rid of the Love Island mess as well!

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and you can see the latest standings at THIS LINKED POST.

I'll be live-blogging the major events of tonight's show as they air here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please join in on the fun! 

Previously on tries cover the alliances, among other things. Oh my. Julie is wearing a black sleeveless gown.

Loose lips sink ships and alliances … Cliff is talking with Ovi and Nicole joins them. The Fellowship of the Ding? Bella and Nick. Jack and Analyse. "Oh, he's so cute!" And, it's Jack's birthday.

Then it comes to what I call Cliff Notes on the live feeds -- every morning Cliff talks about the game in the boat room before anyone else is up. He calls them Cliff Notes, too. I should have copyrighted it. Ohh … Christie is listening outside the door! He talked about the Fellowship Alliance and all. Of course, she runs to tell Jack, Analyse, Tommy …

Kemi is talking to Jackson, exposing Bella as the one who started Black Widow and the fact that Bella is saying she had a final three with him and Jack. Kemi is really working hard to stay in. Jackson, er, Michie goes to Jack and Analyse with the info. With the Christie eavesdropping, they also found out Cliff wants to go after the couples and thinks Christie/Tommy is part of it.

Bella can't keep her mouth shut and tells Sam there's an eight person alliance and he's number nine (not really) in it. That makes him want to keep Kemi just to work with her. Sam goes to Jack and proposes targeting Jess this week. Jack spills the alliance name by mistake. 

To the living room live …

Jess -- Thanks God and everybody, shout-outs galore, crazy hard, 23 days, proud of self, diversity, diversity, play hard, love hard, not an emotional player, loyal … cut off by Julie
Kemi - Thanks people, loves all, all know what's going on, Nick and Bella playing all sides, vote in your best interest for your game.

The votes to evict:
Cliff -- Kemi
Kat -- Kemi
Nicole -- Kemi
Bella -- Kemi
Nick -- Kemi
Sam -- Kemi
Analyse -- Kemi
Michie -- Jess
Holly -- Kemi
Christie -- Kemi
Tommy -- Kemi

It's sheeple once again except for Michie. Kemi goes to Camp ComeBack.

The campers have to head upstairs while the rest get ready for the HoH comp.

HoH time the backyard -- Power Shot -- throw arrow at target, one shot, highest score wins. Don't want HoH? Hit red at top left for five grand or top right for safety. If you miss, score is zero.

Analyse -- 50
Jess -- 5
Christie -- 65
Nick -- 90
Sam -- 70
Michie -- 70
Tommy -- 35
Cliff -- 15
Bella -- 75
Kat -- 0
Nicole -- 15
Tommy -- 0

NICK is the new HOH!

The last Whacktivity is supposed to be a classic power returning. Hmm.

They had filler time at the end, so Julie asked a few what they missed the most. The common answer was family. Kemi said she expected to be voted out.

BB21: Live Feeds into Thursday Morning - July 11

Holds conversations with toothbrush in mouth

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Lonesome Losers:

  • But first … I turned on my TV about ten minutes before the show last night. Love Island was on and they had a girl talk, then a guy. All I heard, like, was, like, every other word, like, was LIKE. From both of them. Disregarding the fact that I don't like even the concept of the show, I couldn't put up with that for five hours a week … not even an hour. I was cringing during the few minutes I had it on. I'm not surprised that, like, people who, like, would go on that show, like, wouldn't be able to speak, like, properly in, like, public.
  • Onto BB …
  • We're talking a hot mess here.
  • Due to Christie eavesdropping on Cliff Notes, Nicole and Cliff are now targeted.
  • Due to Nicole being targeted and people liking her, now Nick and Bella are under suspicion because they "pressured" her.
  • Due to that whole mess, Sam is now under scrutiny.
  • It's really time for him to stand up for himself and play his game.
  • At least he has one.
  • It's dubious that some of the others have any real game in them.
  • Jackson … er, Michie and Jack continue to split apart some. Not on Jack's part, though. It's Michie. Jack is unaware of it. 
  • I can't help but think back to the day that they were each separately (apparently) reprimanded by BB for their behaviors and things they said.
  • Michie seemed to really be worried about it, perhaps thinking of his family.
  • Jack was upset, but continued the behaviors.
  • Hmm.
  • Bella is lately on everyone's radar. 
  • Well, maybe not Nick's.
  • Both Jess and Kemi continue to campaign.
  • I'd rather Kemi stay in it. But, while they seem to actually like Kemi these days, perhaps more than they like Jess, I'm thinking it will be her going.
  • Both Nicole and Sam tried to flip the vote for a Kemi save.
  • Bella then happened.
  • And Analyse.
  • So, of course, Jack found out. 
  • Cliff claims it's not going to be a house vote tonight.
  • But will they all be sheep once again?
  • Hmm.
  • This season is hard to get a grasp on who's with whom because it switches up every day. That alliance of eight was way too many (and poorly chosen before they knew each other) to begin with.
  • They cannot depend on each other like Level 6 could last year. Even they had to drop a few as time went on. But they were more loyal to their alliance on the whole.
  • This eight is just a hot mess. As Howie would say, "It's all a spool of lies!"

More suited to Love island

Still working with Ovi and Nicole

Kemi is campaigning

If David wasn't there, I'd want Ovi back.

His name is being tossed around now.

A rarity in the house -- still a secret.