Tonight we'll see the continuation of the endurance HoH comp from Thursday night and then the nominations. As those who follow the live feeds or my other posts, that's all old news now! But, some people come to the show posts as strictly show only folks. So, I do ask for no spoilers in the comments.
As the show airs here on the East Coast I'll be live-blogging the major events and updating this entry. Please refresh the page to get the latest happenings! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!
Remember -- Jess, then Nicole already fell in the comp before the live show ended~
Sitting through the "previously on."
We see Jess go down again in the HoH and we're getting desperate DR sessions form those who feel they must win. Cliff would SO not be good in this comp! Jess draws a chip from the box -- two will get a poison ivy punishment. The other chips seem to be just safety from that punishment. Nicole is down and she too is safe from the punishment.
In clips we see Christie trash-talking Jackson and Nick running to tell Jackson.
Oh noes! Sam is all over the place on his vines and … boom, he's down! He is safe from punishment.
Wet calamine lotion is being sprayed on them. Christie is out and … BOOM, she gets a punishment chip! Heh.
Nick is out. His "groins" were on fire. He doesn't get the punishment, at least it's not mentioned. Now ivy leaves are coming down on the participants. In clips, Jackson is haranguing Kat. More glop is splashed on them.
Jack is down! Too bad, so sad! He's safe from the poison ivy punishment.
Analyse points out her athletic abilities in soccer, but says this is horrible. Tommy doesn't want to win the HoH. He feels safe. Whoops, he falls down! AND … he got the second poison ivy punishment chip!
Holly, Jackson, Analyse and Kat remain. Kat tells us she refuses to come down before Jackson does.
JACKSON IS DOWN! Kat gives it a minute, then drops after getting a promise of safety from the girls. It's down to Holly and Analyse. They try to talk deals while Jackson keeps telling Holly not to drop. Even Christie who thinks it's all about Christie thinks Jackson thinks all should be about him. He keeps dictating that Holly stay up. The two girls -- Analyse and Holly -- know that they're safe no matter who wins. Analysie is down.
HOLLY WINS HOH! Or, Jackson wins HoH, so to speak. Analyse is ticked off that Jackson kept barking for Holly to stay up when they're all in the same alliance. But we know a win for Holly is an HoH for Jackson, too!
Jackson tells us he wanted Holly to win
Cliff, trying to keep up good will, is handing out beer from his HoH basket. He doesn't want to go on the block. Nick is sure he's going up. Sam is worried and feels he needs to talk game for the first time with Holly. Christie is also feeling Analyse's pain over how Jackson acted in the comp towards Holly.
Heehee. Cricket noises when Holly wants to know who wants to see her HoH room. The oohs and aahhhs and a letter from her mother. Obviously written before she jumped into the sack with Jackson … or she's not allowed to reprimand her. Nicole was touched.
Christie goes on an anti-Michie trip. She annoys me but her comments about him are spot on.
Jackson/Michie is advising Holly to put up Sam and Nick. She is worried about putting both of them up at the same time. Then he tells her to put up Nicole and Nick … because there would be less of a chance of them coming after him.
Whose HoH is this?
Kat pushes her moon landing conspiracy theories but Cliff is a firm believer. She also spouts off several other conspiracy theories. Y'know, I was just starting to like Kat. But this is a bit much.
Christie and Tommy get their poison ivy punishments. They have painted airbrushed red splotches all over them and leaf bathing suits. They're must stay inside for four days and cannot shower.
Sam talks to Holly/Jackson and points out that he could work with them. He's willing to be on the bottom even. He tells them that he wouldn't nominate them.
Holly tells us she doesn't know what she's going to do. (I guess she has to make sure what Jackson wants her to do.)
And, the moment of truth … time for nominations. Holly nominates Nick, then Sam. She thinks the key is trust and teamwork. Nick lost trust and Sam was caught in the crossfire.