Friday, August 16, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Friday Morning - August 16

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine! Heh.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Losing the Lederhosen:
  • If you tuned into my previous update, you know the winner of the HoH Slip and Slide comp -- Jackson.
  • Apparently there's an Internet fuss going on that Jackson cheated. The only basis I can even fathom for that is that he took off the lederhosen and finished his comp in the t-shirt and boxer shorts.
  • Technically, I doubt there's anything in the rules barring disrobing.
  • Well, to a point, anyway. Get naked, get disqualified I assume.
  • Jackson was blowing through the comp and probably would have won lederhosen or not. For a while Nick was kind of keeping up with him, but his stamina faded.
  • Although I can never be a Jackson fan (or stan as they Twitterspeak these days), he has moved up some in my book since Jack left the house.
  • First off, he seemed to take the "talking to" sessions in the Diary Room over his behaviors fairly seriously. Unlike Jack, who has no family willing to be known by the viewers, Jackson does have a family and they would like him to represent their family with at least a bit of decency.
  • Second, he's turned on Christie and Tommy. And, at this time, I think he's the only one who will make a move against them. I'm still ticked that those two know each other so well outside of the house and BB didn't make it all "secret couples." Hey, make one or two … it's just setting up those players as having an unfair advantage from the get-go.
  • That said, I do still think that Jackson has some rather serious issues and is a walking health hazard in the house, both to himself and others.
  • Oh. Just to make a note -- Christie is unhappy.
  • Heehee.
  • Much more surprising than that -- Nicole had a huge extended crying session alone in the unused Have Not room. (They should close that down if they're not going to use it because they don't enforce their own rules.)
  • As a person, I think I like Nicole the most of anyone in the house this season. But she needs to toughen up and get her game on. She can't let the stress knock her to the floor. I'm not exactly sure what brought on the crying jag, but it seems to be the whole Kat/Cliff decision dilemma and her own frustration with how she's playing the game. 
  • Jess made nicey-nice with Cliff telling him she had no hard feelings. She said she knew he was dealing to stay for his own safety. She also told him that she thought Kat was too mice of a person for a game like this.
  • Hmm. Now, what does that say about Cliff?
  • But she does have a point -- for the most part, nice people have trouble in the BB house -- especially this particular one, I think.
  • Jackson is definitely targeting Christie this week (Yay!). The only dilemma  for him is how to go about it. 
  • Jess had a long talk with him and Holly. They know Tommy, Christie, Nick, Analyse and Cliff are a block. Er, an alliance. Although Cliff tried to recruit Nicole into that group, she never really committed. So, Jackson and Jess are pretty sure they can get her to vote with them.
  • While he originally kept saying he wanted Tommy and Christie on the block, he's pondering backdooring her or putting her up with Cliff so she loses a vote to stay. He thinks that will also let Cliff keep his word to Christie by not voting to evict her.
  • Hmm.
  • The nominations will be made today. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  • On an interesting note that came up in the HOH room reveal, Jackson's father was 43 years old when he had him. He didn't say how old his mother is/was at the time. But he's their only child. It's not surprising he was pampered, I guess. I also found out that his father is a pianist named Fish Michie and looked him up online. Oh my. Quite talented! Plus, just on a personal live experience observation, having a creative talented artist type person for a parent can affect the child in odd ways. Just sayin' … not excusing Jackson's behaviors.
  • That's about all I have for you now.

QOH - Queen of Household

HoH Room reveal excitement

Perhaps an outsider, but not a target

Sans lederhosen = cheating? Nah.

Unlike Jack, Jackson got family photos

Thursday, August 15, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds HoH Comp Updates - August 15

When the live feeds return after the live show ends, I will be updating this post with coverage of the HoH comp. Refresh the page to get the latest update!

10:05pm ET - Feeds still showing adoptable dogs.

10:07pm - Feeds on, all in motion. Or a reasonable facsimile thereof.

Hmm. Blogger isn't letting me upload photos (screen shots). Grr.

10:08pm ET Quad Cam 
10:16pm ET - Jackson and Nick seem to be in the lead. Jackson has a bit more than Nick in his stein.

1029pm ET - Cliff
10:33pm ET - As we could have guessed, Cliff and Jess are not good at this. Cliff moves like he's 100 years old, slow and steady. Jess moves slow and unsteady.

10:40pm ET - Jackson
10:47pm ET - Jackson's lead has really grown. He's way ahead of everyone, including Nick.

Cliff wants to complete the comp, told them they can shut the lights down and all, but he wants to finish. I predict they won't let him as it would take him more than an hour longer!

BB21: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - August 15

Well, instead of the Fan's Choice for eviction tonight, it will be either Cliff or Kat leaving the house to join Jack in the jury house. Just the thought of being along with Jack for a week is rather frightening, right?

Judging from the scroll on the CBS website, it looks like tonight's HoH comp will be endurance and carried out on the live feeds after the live show ends here on the East Coast. I have a post waiting in the wings to spring up after the show so we can update during the comp once the live feeds return. 

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and you can find where you currently stand at this link.

I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this post with the major events as the show airs here. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Once again this week, Julie says there has been chaos, vote flipping and alliances changing leading into tonight. Then we're to Previously On.

All starts off smoothly enough. Kat and Cliff say they won't throw each other under the bus. But then Nick wants to shake things up in the house -- breaking apart the six and going after Holly and Jackson. Christie would like to get Cliff on their side. Nick proposes a six with Cliff, himself, Christie, Tommy, Analyse.
Many scenarios about the voting are going around. Mick tells Nicole that she's the swing vote. Oh, not to put pressure on her. Nicole doesn't think she can really trust him.

Julie points out that Cliff made his secret deal to stay safe, but secrets don't always last in the house. Holly wants to keep Kat safe, but doesn't want to put her own game under the spotlight. Kat is campaigning, but doesn't know that Nick enlisted Cliff into a larger group.

Nicole is really in a quandary between the two nominees, both her closest friends in the house. Cliff talks to her and tries to get her into the larger alliance of six deal he has for safety. Nicole is wary. She thinks she should talk to Jess about it. She tells her the alliance wants Kat gone, leaves her (Jess) out of it and Jackson/Holly will be targeted.

Jess is upset because, once again, she's not included. She's tempted to blow up everybody's game. Nicole tells her they might be able to gather votes to keep Kat using Jackson and Holly. Of course, she tells her all this is to be kept in confidence. We know how that goes in the BB house.

Julie: "It's one thing to blindside your enemies, it's another to blindside your friends." I sense at least a kerfuffle, perhaps a brouhaha ahead. Kat, when told of the alliance Cliff made to get her out, is really crushed. She had trusted him. She confronts him. He claims he made the deal because he's on the block. She tells him she's disappointed in him. He tells her he will do what he needs to do and, at least it keeps Nicole and Jess in the game. He tells her he keeps the logic of the game separate from emotion. He tells us he feels bad, but needs to keep himself safe another week.

Jess tells Holly about the six. Holly tells Jackson. Christie and Cliff put more pressure on Nicole. Poor Nicole. 

To the living room …
Kat - Third time on block, great summer, sad it's Cliff and me on the block, mentions all Cliff has done and yet he's convinced them that she's the bigger threat. Conspire away, bitches.
Cliff - Shout outs to family, love BB, signed up for the comps and to prove age doesn't matter, wants to stay, apologizes to Kat. He tells her he's not her father -- she had referred to him as such.

The votes to evict --
Nick - Kat
Christie - Kat
Analyse - Kat
Nicole - Kat
Jess - Cliff
Holly - Kat
Jackson - Kat

So, it's official. Kat has to go to jury alone with Jack for a week. Ew. The Julie interview is prime Kat and, once again, an extended interview will be posted on the CBS site.

The HoH comp is starting. It's the Slip and Slide. it's Augtoberfest. They will be filling mugs with beer, then across the slip and slide, fill their steins with beer. First to get the ping pong ball out, wins.

Join me over on the live feeds HOH update post to see what's happening!

BB21: Live Feeds into Thursday Morning - August 15

A sad day when these two seem "normal"

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Morals? What are morals?
  • Before we get going … it looks like tonight's HoH comp will be an endurance comp played out on the live feeds. I will supply an update post after the live show to cover it.
  • AND … if you live in the NYC viewing area, WCBS2 is airing some Jets football game. The sister station -- WLNY 10/55 will be airing the regularly scheduled CBS line-up at the regularly scheduled times. Check your local listings to see what station number they are. For me, it's 10. I assume it must be 55 in some places!
  • Okay … to the feeds.
  • Sigh.
  • First off, Nick has jumped in bed with Analyse (although he probably wouldn't mind jumping in bed with Tommy).
  • She is returning his attentions and there's a lot of undercover actions.
  • On Twitter, Bella dropped him like a hot potato.
  • I don't really see why she's surprised. After all, he jumped right in bed with her, too.
  • She had previously defended her own tryst with him claiming she's an adult and it's her decision to make. Oh, yeah … and there was that love thing supposedly going on.
  • I'm beginning to think the only "love" on the show this season is the love of sex. Now, if it was behind closed doors in their own homes, I wouldn't mind. But they brought it into mine. They're on camera and they know it.
  • Sleaze.
  • I fear Nick has slimed his way into Nicole's game. No way would he slime his way into her bed, but …!
  • She went and told him about Cliff's Angels.
  • Now, I do like Nicole probably the best of all in this house. But she has made some poor game decisions. Perhaps it will get her further in the game and she'll win every comp at the end.
  • But I doubt it.
  • Holly is still pretty dead-fast in wanting to keep Kat this week.
  • Jackson, on the other hand, doesn't feel he could vote for Cliff to leave because of loyalty stuff.
  • There was a big kerfuffle over the Six alliance, with Christie denying Tommy was ever really in it, Jess claiming it was seven and a big mess all around.
  • Christie got all dramatic (surprising, I know) and denied there ever was any kind of alliance.
  • Jess kept stirring the pot. You go, girl!
  • No fisticuffs, but lots of hurt feelings and angry aardvarks.
  • I just can't keep up with all these alliance changes by the minute this year.
  • The only totally together allies seem to be Christie and Tommy -- the unfair pairing with a long-term previous relationship unknown to the rest of the house.
  • Although … Cliff did make a comment yesterday about how they lived so close to each other, they just might know each other.
  • Kat cried, not only for her own predicament, but the fact that she thinks Jess will be targeted if she (Kat() gets evicted.
  • It's just a huge mess in there with people all over the place.
  • I do think it's probably going to be Kat going tonight.
  • But don't quote me on it.

Thrilling times, eh?

Doubt she'll win HoH this week

Total sleaze-bucket.

No dignity, not even for a chicken

Well, at least she isn't sex-crazed

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

BB21: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 14

Thankfully that awful yet renewed summer show is over and we're back to our 8pm ET/PT Wednesday night show. 

I'll be live blogging and constantly updating this post with the major show events as they air here on the East Coast. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Just a note for people in the NYC viewing area -- tomorrow's live eviction show will air on WLNY 10/55 instead of WCBS2 due to football.

I'll sit through the Previously On twiddling my thumbs once again.

The narrator promises us the annual OTEV comp. Woot.

We pick up the action after Tommy nominates Cliff and Kat. Tommy tells us that Cliff is definitely a pawn and Kat needs to go home. But he's very worried that Christie is on the block as the third nominee. Christie is crying … of course. Cliff would just as soon Christie go home, Jackson thinks the same.

Kat knows she's in danger, so she cries. Cliff does not cry, thank heavens. Jackson consoles her and tells her if he wins the veto he will help her. Cliff talks to her and says it's best that Christie stays on the block as she would go over Kat.

Now we're back to Christie crying. She tells Nick she believes in Karma. I do, too. She really thinks America doesn't like her. Heh. It's evident in the DR bits that if she remains on the block, without a doubt, she'll be voted out.

EW. A segment about Nick being in dreams, touching people. He has a crush on Tommy. Tommy thinks Nick is amazing? Well, that's at least according to the show edit, I guess. 

Into a segment on Tommy shunning his costume and all of the speed of light, etc. rounds through the house.

Time to pick veto players -- Only two chips are pulled by Tommy due to the extra nominee. He first pulls, Christie … she picks Nick. He pulls Cliff who chooses Jackson (thinking he'd keep Christie up on the block).

Cliff is determined to survive another week. He's staring at the Memory Wall. He thinks he wants it more than many. So he dances. It looks like he's lost the weight Jackson has gained.

Analyse, in her chicken costume, talks to Jackson telling him she trusts him and Holly. She tells us she feels alone and it's best to get the six (or so) back together. Jackson tells her it's a chance to take a shot at Christie without them having the blood on their hands. She tells him that she's been thinking the same but on the other hand she's a big target and be a shield. Jackson is adamant he wants her out. He lets her think he agrees, but tells us he wants Christie out.

Time for the comp. OTEV is a Paranoid Pigeon. He wants them to stop staring at him. Pigeon patrol! Glop comes down on them. It's working the same as every OTEV.

In the first round, it's Cliff having a wrong item and he needs to go back. Will he make it back in time? Jackson is the only other one still looking. Cliff makes it back. All were correct and Jackson is out because he was last.

Round 2: It's a struggle between Kat and Cliff and she's in tears thinking she knocked him down. He's not upset, says his leg is bad and she needs to go on. Cliff is out.

Round 3: Christie out.

Round 4: It's down to Tommy, Nick and Kat in the comp. Kat out of it now.

Round 5: TOMMY wins the Power of Veto!

Christie is just as happy as if she had won it herself. After all, she "manifested" it. @@ In my opinion, it's just another failed production twist -- I'm peeved that Tommy and Christie have the advantage of really knowing each other well outside if the house.

Veto Meeting - Tommy uses the veto to save Christie (big surprise there). Since she was the third nominee on America's Field Trip, there is no renom. It's Kat and Cliff remaining on the block.