Wednesday, August 21, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Wednesday - August 21

It's a brouhaha! Jess & Cliff reactions

Here's the latest from inside than Big Brother House of Taco Tuesday Throwdown:
  • Finally we have a brouhaha! It went past the kerfuffle stage.
  • No fisticuffs, though.
  • Y'see, Christie has been saying she wanted to "expose" Nick's game to all and she wanted to do it during their Taco Tuesday dinner gathering.
  • But then she had second thoughts. Holly was working hard to prepare the meal, Christie wanted to talk to everyone on Wednesday, campaigning for votes. She just didn't think the dinner was the time to do it.
  • Then comes Jackson.
  • Christie had been telling Jackson of her plans to blow up Nick's game.
  • Jackson told Nick.
  • And, then he actually egged Nick on when it looked like Christie was backing out of a brouhaha.
  • It worked.
  • As Holly worked on making the dinner, Nick started yelling for Christie to go ahead and blow up his game as she planned.
  • She really did try to resist, but finally went for it.
  • Mind you, I believe all of her animosity towards Nick is that she thinks he should be on the block instead of her. That's my opinion, anyway.
  • Picture the scene -- Holly working by the oven, most of the others peacefully sitting there awaiting Taco Tuesday and their Kumbaya-esque traditional "Gratitude Circle."
  • Then a shot rang out! The maid screamed! And the brouhaha was ON!
  • Okay, there was no gunshots; there isn't a maid, but ...!
  • Nick stood by the refrigerator while Christie was seated at the table.
  • Nick went absolutely berserk! Screaming, clapping his hands, jumping up and down.
  • Amazingly, Christie, albeit excitable, was the calmer of the two. Who woulda thunk it?
  • Both brought up stuff from the beginning of the game.
  • Nick went on about her lies. She went on about his lies. He denied ever lying in the game.
  • She went on about him saying that everybody likes him and it's not his fault that they do.
  • She kept saying how great of a game he was playing. But, for some reason, her repeatedly saying it didn't make it seem like any kind of compliment. She was more going for how manipulative he is.
  • He screamed more. Clapped his hands more and was really out of control.
  • I loved it. You know how I like a good brouhaha!
  • Best live feeds of the summer so far! Woot!
  • The sideshow of the reactions of the others was as good as the fighting two.
  • Jess's facial reactions came across to me as scary -- kind of like "Don't make ME get into this, I'll END it!'
  • Cliff looked like he was looking for popcorn to watch.
  • Jackson was trying to keep from laughing aloud as he sipped coffee.
  • Tommy looked like he wanted to disappear and probably was praying his name wouldn't be brought up by either of them.
  • Analyse tried to be invisible and, when Christie tried to get her involved, she said, "Don't bring me into this!"
  • Holly kept working by the oven.
  • Nicole looked visibly upset at the chaos. Her reaction, seeing as she claims to be a superfan, was a bit revealing. She seemed to think things like this don't happen.
  • In the end, nothing was really resolved nor were any secrets exposed that weren't already known.
  • At the end, it was Nick who stormed off, went to the bedroom, climbed in bed and cried. Analyse, then Tommy, went in to check on him.
  • Right after the brouhaha, Christie stayed around in the kitchen apologizing to the others and telling Holly she felt so bad because she (Holly) worked so hard to make the dinner.
  • Holly, with the best line of the night, said: "That's okay. We got dinner and a show."
  • Later Nicole talked to Tommy, telling her how much it upset her. To me, it looked like they were upset about the fight for two different reasons. Nicole seemed to cringe away from it more because the anger seriously bothered her. Tommy looked more like a kid whose parents were fighting -- he just didn't want to be in the middle of it.
  • Nicole was upset because it looked like Jackson was enjoying it.
  • Well, he was ... he actually instigated it!
  • And, naturally, all the serious BB fans on the internet were loving it. We all love a truly well done brouhaha! We're horrible people, I guess.
  • A few did end up eating the tacos.
  • Christie did end up crying.
  • Analyse once again panicked thinking now she'll be voted out instead of Christie. Nah, Christie will be going.
  • There was no gratitude circle.
  • Oh. And Nick drank out of a gallon jug in the middle of the brouhaha. If I were there, I don't think I'd drink anything already opened in the refrigerator.
  • The rest of the night was uneventful for the most part.

Tommy wants to hide

Nicole is very uncomfortable

And then Nick cried

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - August 20

Cliff clutches Orwell for BBAD air time

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bored Badgers:
  • Nothing too interesting has really gone down since the PoV meeting yesterday.
  • Well, one thing did. But we don't really know that much about it for sure.
  • Last night there may have been audio sent into the backyard blowing up the Christie/Tommy connection.
  • Or, there may not.
  • Whatever happened took the feeds to fish and delayed the start of BBAD.
  • And, they're not allowed to talk about it.
  • Only a few of them were in the backyard when it happened.
  • Jackson and Cliff were there.
  • But anytime anyone asks, we go to fish or switch cameras.
  • Cliff brought it up in his Cliff Notes this morning referring to it as an "unsettling" event, not important enough to go into detail, won't change anything anyhow.
  • Hmm.
  • If it was an attempt to blow up the Christie and Tommy connection, it should have been done weeks ago.
  • It's not like Christie won't be voted out this week and it would just hurt Tommy's game which would be his own after she's out.
  • Oh, well.
  • In other news, Christie and Analyse are both still begging for powers, buttons, whatever.
  • Analyse has been told time and time again that she's safe, yet she persists.
  • Christie wants to blow up Nick's game, perhaps at dinner this evening unless she chickens out. She talked to Jackson about it.
  • Of course, just about all of them know Nick's game so it would just be drama for the sake of drama.
  • Nicole is the one most blinded by Nick. She needs to not think he's so cool. Because he ain't.
  • Nick really should be talked to by the DR for his touchy feely humpy sort of ways. The show's edit made the TV viewers think Tommy has a thing for him. He doesn't. And, Nick's behavior is extremely inappropriate.
  • Plus he's all over the girls, too.
  • EW.
  • Not too much going on -- tonight they're finding stuff to do their own personal arts and crafts. Tomorrow Christie plans on campaigning to everyone.
  • And that's that.
  • She's gonna go out the door anyway.
  • Oh … the backyard was shut down due to the whatever it was last night and Cliff said they told him they won't get it back until next week.

Tommy's plastic surgery face

Nick needs to stay away from Nicole

Has no sense of personal space

Monday, August 19, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds PoV Meeting Bulletin - August 19

Since Jackson made the nominations on Friday, Analyse and Christie have been begging, scheming, crying trying to convince him to take one of them down. Of course, each want off -- they're not trying to get each other off the block. They begged America. We guffawed. They begged production. They chuckled.

The PoV meeting was held today. Jackson did NOT use the Power of Veto.

Christie and Analyse remain on the block. And although it remains to be seen, it should be Christie going to the jury house this week.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

BB21: HoH Completion, Nominations Show Blog Party - Aug. 18

Tonight should be a fun-filled show -- we get to watch the comedy of the Slip and Slide HoH competition play out. And, then there's the nominations. Since this is a show post, I ask that there are no spoilers before things air on the show itself. Such comments will be removed. Please stick to the live feeds posts with spoilers.

I'll be live-blogging the major events and updating this post as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there!

I believe there's an under ten minute delay in the start of the show. I turned on 60 Minutes at 7:09pm here and it was just starting. 

8:08pm ET and we're into Previously On ...

We'll see how Jess caused chaos the night before Kat's eviction. Woot. N\But first ...

We get the Slip 'n Slide comp. They're fun to watch, not easy to report. Nicole tells us that she felt she had to vote out Kat to have the least amount of people mad at her. We get the standard "I have to win HoH" Diary Room clips in between action on the Slip 'n Slide. Analyse lies to Jess, telling her there is no alliance (you know, the one that doesn't include Jess). Holly and Analyse have a kerfuffle over things said to others. 

Christie, Jess and Analyse go to the Camp ComeBack room to talk privately. Christie denies an alliance, just a "group who will watch each other's backs and have a common target -- Jackson … then Holly." But Jackson heard them. Heh. Holly confronts Christie about the alliance (against them). Christie denies it and all is blamed on Jess. Back to a brief shot of the comp before going into commercial.

Nick took an early lead. He and Jackson seem to be doing the best. Now we get some falls. I always find it a miracle no one has broken any bones in this comp. Nick has started falling. Too bad, so sad. "Like a hippopotamus on a high wire," says Cliff. Jackson's straps fell down, so he took them off. Then his lederhosen pants fell off, so he's competing in his boxer shorts.


He tells us his initial instinct is to put Christy and Analyse on the block … or Christie and anybody. Cliff knows he's in a spot because he just made a deal last week with those Jackson is likely to target. 

Holly and Jackson talk about who to put up with Christie to make sure Christie would be the one to go home. Nick? Hmm. Risky. Christie and Analyse discuss whether Jackson will backdoor someone. Christie doesn't want to go on the block. Poor picked on baby.

Tommy knows that Jackson doesn't like Christie and wants her out. He's made an effort to get along with everyone and feels it's best for his own game would be to not get involved. 

Cliff tells Jackson that Christie and company took him in to target him (Jackson) in the deal last week. Cliff apologizes. Jackson is angry that they used Cliff to do their dirty work, but not at Cliff.

I can't help but notice the show directs them to call Jackson Michie in the Diary Room. But in normal house conversations, they usually call him Jackson. So, that's why I call him Jackson in my posts. We get a bunch of Jackson/Holly clips.

Heh. A funny segment on Analyse not knowing the days get "shorter" as fall approaches. She thinks that means the time will go quicker. 

Jackson and Holly discuss the nominations. He wants to put up Christie and Analyse because only one can come down. He knows Analyse would be a vote for Christie to stay. He thought about Tommy but thinks he can work with him if Christie is gone.

Christie talks to Jackson, telling her there was no alliance and she wasn't the one who decided to get Cliff in on it. He doesn't tell her that he's putting her up. But he doesn't tell her he isn't. He tells her he's here to play the game.

They discuss the NJ Garden State Parkway and how close Christie and Tommy live to each other -- three exits apart. Cliff is there. Tommy is ticked that it hints they might know each other. By the way, I'm 131 or so, close but I insist I don't know them.

Jackson talks to Analyse, telling her she's not the target this week. He took in from the talk to beware of Nick. He didn't tell her he won't put her on the block.

A segment of Analyse's chicken punishment -- laying an egg, clucking, cooking eggs according to direction and delivering to the others.

Jackson talks to Nick, tells him he needs to target the people working against him. Nick just listens. Jackson is now more leery of Nick, thinking he confirmed that he (Jackson) is the target. He tells Holly that Cliff didn't make the deal, it was Nick. Nick is now on the list of who they want gone.

Time for the Nominations Ceremony. Jackson first nominates Christie, then Analyse. He tells them if he hadn't won HoH, he'd be there. He came to win and they're threats to his game, not personal.

BB21: Live Feeds into Sunday Morning - August 18

How dare you have fun when Christie
 is in such dire straits!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Teary Termites:
  • The PoV comp (blocked to the live feeds) was a puzzle.
  • Jackson said that the second he saw it, he felt bad -- he thinks his least comp talent is puzzles.
  • However, from what he and the others said, he blew right on through it.
  • Both Analyse and Christie have been crying on and off.
  • They begged the live feeders for some kind of power to save them.
  • Well, Christie had a power she let expire.
  • And, after all, we did give Analyse a chicken suit.
  • After all the fussing they made last week that America hates them due to the field trip "win" they should know that we don't like them.
  • Jackson knows it. But he's playing right -- winning comps and thinking strategically.
  • He has improved a lot since Jack's been out of the house.
  • That doesn't really excuse his earlier behavior. I still want him gone. But I want to use him as a weapon against Christie and Nick. Then he can go.
  • Analyse? Eh. She's rather inconsequential.
  • Jackson has told Analyse over and over (and over again) that Christie is the target. He put her up because 1. she wouldn't go home against Christie 2. it takes a vote to keep Christie off the table. He told her that he didn't put Nick up against Christie because he really wants Christie out and Nick just might go instead.
  • Cliff is now denying there was any "real" five deal last week. He'll go where the power is and knows that, of Analyse and Christie, Christie is the more dangerous player. He can jury cover it with voting with the house.
  • Tommy is doing his normal "friends with everyone" bit and Christie is salty over that. However, that's what will keep him in the house long after she's gone. I'm not really a Tommy fan, but he does have them rather hoodwinked because he's the first one to console upset people and he comes across to all of them as just a caring kind of guy.
  • Holly and Jackson have been working more to get Nicole in the fold.
  • Christie told Analyse and Tommy that two spirit guides came to her during the night and told her she can get through this. Okay ... shades of Kaitlyn.
  • I fully expect Jackson will keep his nominations the same tomorrow.
  • I also expect that, as long as they do remain the same, we will see Christie walk out the door on Thursday with a rather landslide vote against her.
  • I also expect a lot of tears and weirds between now and then.
  • Tonight's show will be work the watch because the Slip and Slide is always amusing ... and I just want to see her face when she's nominated!

It really wasn't the comp for me.

America - send me a power! 
We gave you a chicken suit.

My spirit guides tell me I'll get through this.

For the 100th time, Sis. Christie is my target.

There was never a five deal last week.