Saturday, August 24, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds PoV Bulletin - August 24

Well, that didn't take so long considering other Power of Veto comps which block the feeds for hours on end.

JACKSON won the veto. When he talked to Nick he told him he would honor Holly's nomination and not use it. Nick then told him that he was the Prankster and he's oh-so-loyal to him (Jackson) because he could have put him on the block instead of Christie.

Heh, I don't think that will work.

At this time, I don't see Jackson using it to save either of them. He told Christie he loves her but won't be using it on her. But it's Big Brother. That could change. It was not the Hide and Go finding the veto comp but it was something physical.

BB21: Live Feeds into Saturday - August 24

Personally, I'd rather see volcanoes erupt.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Pimple Poppers:
  • Yes, you heard me right. A chunk of time last night was spent with pimple popping "surgery." I realize there's a show dedicated to the um ... art. But it's nothing which catches my interest. I guess I'm more the age where Tweezing Chin Hairs might be more apt.
  • As far as I've been able to watch, I don't believe Nick has told anyone but us that he won the Prankster.
  • Before nominations he pointedly had several talks with others in which he said if he won the power, he'd nominate Jess.
  • He also has a "deal" with Christie in which they each said they wouldn't nominate the other.
  • I'd actually guess that had she won the power she would have gone for a Nick nomination had Holly not beat her to it.
  • I'm still not sure how that was all coordinated so the HoH and Prankster didn't nominate the same person.
  • Jackson told Holly that he thinks Nicole has the power.
  • Nope ... Nicole has won pretty much nothing. Sigh.
  • However, she did have a great time when the campy BB voice directed her to smash a pie in Jackson's face!
  • He asked her why she was so happy to do it. "Rogue vote" was all she said.
  • The BB campy voice has directed them at all hours and to all others AND to themselves ... pie smashing.
  • The pies themselves are just ready-made crusts (graham cracker, it looks like) they fill with aerosol whipped topping. It's not like how Pauly had to prepare pies.
  • Christie was the only one I saw relishing eating the pie from her face. But I expected that.
  • The hamsters, with a bit more insight than I thought this group has, seem to think they're due the ZingBot and possibly the Hide the Veto comp.
  • We know the ZingBot is coming.
  • I know the ZingBot is a BB standard and a hit with many. But it's not really my favorite thing. I'm one that doesn't particularly like mean things and it is always mean. Plus, I think it gives them a hint about how the outside world perceives them. 
  • Right now Nick thinks he's loved because he got the Prankster.
  • He's not loved. 
  • I think he only won the vote because people figured he'd nominate Christie.
  • Which he did, of course.
  • If today's veto comp is indeed Hide the Veto, I recall Tommy and Nick going around the house (separately) looking for good hiding spots a few weeks back.
  • I also recall a conversation with most during which they talked about how none of them would make a mess with milk and such like Scottie did last season. 
  • Once again, Nicole didn't get picked to play for veto.
  • The veto players in addition to Holly, Christie and Nick will be Jackson, Cliff and Jess.
  • Hmm.
  • If Jackson wins, he'd probably keep the noms the same.
  • If Cliff wins (which I don't think he wants to), he'd play safe and keep them the same. 
  • If Jess wins, she'd probably take Christie down.
  • As the Prankster nominee, Nick would make the renom. The pickings are getting slim. I don't think he'd put Nicole up. He'd have to put up either Jackson or Cliff. Of course, he'd remain on the block. So, he'd probably have to make the choice of someone he has a chance to win against. I think he'd go for Jackson, saying he's more of a threat.
  • But maybe not.
  • If Nick wins and removes himself, Holly would have the choice. I think she just might go for Jess.
  • But I'm just guessing.
  • I expect the feeds to be down a lot today between ZingBot and the veto comp.
  • I'll report what I know once I know it.
  • Until then, I know nothing.
  • That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I don't think he expected to still be here.

Claims no shirt because he sweats too much. Ew.

Pies are just aerosol whipped topping.

Nicole loved nailing Jackson with a pie!

Friday, August 23, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds - Nominations Bulletin - August 23

The suspense is over. Of course, the live feeds were blocked for the nominations ceremony so we don't know exactly how what went down went down.

Holly nominated Nick.
Nick nominated Christie.

So, the universe is as it should be.

Well, until BB ruins our bliss again.

BB21: Prankster Revealed Bulletin - August 23

No, no, no … it's technically still a secret. Well, from at least the houseguests, it is. However, the winner of the Prankster America's Vote did take a moment alone to look up at a camera and thank us, saying he really needs it. I think we know what he'll do with it ...

NICK got the votes in to make it as the Prankster.

Hey, Christie … ready to be on the block again?

BB21: Live Feeds into Friday - August 23

Holly gets overly excited reading HoH letter

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother house of Pied Puppets:

  • The voting is over. So it is whatever it will be.
  • I have no inside information. But, from my understanding, it will be secret. It will NOT be a third nomination. It would seem to me that they might inform Holly before her nominations that she's going to technically just have one nomination, not two. Otherwise a pawn could end up being her sole nominee. But I don't know. But it's not like one of those co-HoH deals because it's "secret." It appears that the person chosen by America has no safety from being put on the block.
  • Who knows? I almost could bet production is making up the rules as they go along and THEY don't have this all figured out yet!
  • Looking more into it, the prankster STEALS one of her nominations away. So, Holly makes both of her planned normal nominations. Apparently the prankster must have set-up scenarios with production to take a certain person down and put another up. As long as the prankster has a brain (well, Analyse is gone), they should cover the scenario to remove themselves from the block. Hmm.
  • Since the pranking will probably be revealed right at nominations, the prankster would need to know who's on the block so he/she knows who to remove. I can't see that being kept as secret, so I'm thinking scenarios ahead of time and choices made before nominations come down.
  • In other news, the punishment for Jess and Nicole/Cliff (tied for second lowest HoH comp score) is: When signaled they have to make pies, then throw said pies in the face(s) of the houseguests announced by the BB voice.
  • Their first round had them putting the pies in their own faces.
  • Old school prank, but a pie in the face is a rather classic prank.
  • At this point, Holly is considering putting up Christie and Nick, but has made no concrete decisions.
  • She has no clue that only one nomination she makes will make it to the key box.
  • Holly is very upset because she heard the audience gasp when she voted for Analyse to be evicted last night.
  • I did not gasp here at home as I knew what was coming from the live feeds.
  • Apparently, even with all the clips Julie showed and the doubt she cast on Christie going, the live audience for the show thought the Christie Eviction Party was still in effect.
  • I watched the extended Julie/Analyse exit interview. No real content there -- hey, it's Analyse. But the goodbye messages rather irked me -- they were all jury vote suck up ones.
  • The goodbye messages have mostly been such since Jack went out.
  • To me, Tommy's messages are almost gag-inducing. He does play up on that I love you all bit. It could just possibly win him the game.
  • Looking at the numbers left in the house and the date of the finale, I'm wondering if this whole week might be a prank, a reset, a no eviction week ... the ultimate prank. I fear on eviction night it just might be announced that the whole week was a prank on everyone and no one is leaving.
  • I hope I'm wrong.
  • But the show has always gone for ratings on double evictions and unless something happens, there will be none this season.
  • Hmm.
  • The nominations, both Holly's and the mysterious secret America's Vote person will come through later today. I'll let you know when I know.

Definitely floating through from side to side

My spirit guides tell me she's a target again

It would be a hoot if he gets nominated

Go put a shirt on. You're not that pretty.

That's a pie in your face!