Is that hat really necessary? |
I think BB hates East Coast people. Yeah, it must. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Disgruntled Doggies:
- Waiting for the Power of Veto comp to start was ridiculous. The hamsters thought it rough, they should try to live here!
- We had one long feeds block with the adoptable animals.
- But it wasn't the comp.
- It was the first of Ian's Safety Suite Plus One punishment and we weren't allowed to see it.
- But we did catch a few performances later on before the Veto comp played out (and blocked the feeds again).
- Ian has been assigned four different vignettes from Big Brother Star Wars.
- The first one we saw had him acting out three different roles in costume in a scene. I liked his robot the best.
- The second scene, a long time after the first, he recruited a volunteer to help him -- Da'vonne jumped into the role of Baron Odious who gets killed by Ian's character.
- In another one, Nicole A helped him.
- Ian had fun with it -- he always gets a kick out of the punishments.
- But I can see it wearing thin as it goes on for the week. He has to do the performances at BB's whim.
- Even the audience grew tired of it.
- But it's possible that waiting on the PoV comp to start affected their behavior.
- It affected mine!
- Finally, just shy of 3:30am my time, the PoV comp started.
- When I got up not too many hours later, it finally ended.
- Memphis won.
- I don't know what he'll do with it. After all, he made the nominations as HoH. Will he want to alienate someone else?
- But, then again ... Memphis is an odd unpredictable duck. You never know.
Thespian at large |
And drama ensued |
The literally captive audience |
I can't win ANY comps! |