Well, at least we're not starting past 10pm ET like we did last week!
I'll be updating this post with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest happenings! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!
I'd like to remind everyone that, since this is an aired television show post and not a live feeds post -- PLEASE DO NOT POST SPOILERS FROM THE LIVE FEEDS IN THE COMMENTS HERE. Please stick to the live feeds reports for spoilers as the shows are a few days behind. People read the show posts and sometimes follow the show only. I end up with complaints about the spoilers. So, don't. Please!
Previously on yada-yada-yada. Let's get to new content!
We pick up with Julie telling them goodnight after the Memphis HoH win. He's beside himself with the win. Kevin is happy to still be in the house. While Dani is pleased with Memphis as HoH, others not so much. Many seem comfortable with him. But then there's David.
Memphis calls everyone to the living room for Have Not selection. Each exiting Have Not has to choose someone to take their place. Memphis picks David and told him to have fun. Ian looks for volunteers and Nicole F volunteers. Nicole A chooses Christmas because she thinks she will be cool with it. Kevin chooses Kaysar.
Memphis and Cody talk targets. Is it too early to put up Janelle and Kaysar? Or, is it safer to go after Nicole?
Time for the race talk of the night. Da'vonne talks of the name-calling she endured for years because of the color of her skin. She feels she's even dark compared to others of color. In a talk with other hamsters, she touches on current events and Black Lives Matter.
Memphis is thinking of the Safety Suite. He can't play for HoH next week. He would like just him and Cody playing next week in the last Safety Suite. But he has to convince everyone else to play this week. Nicole F doesn't want to "waste" her one shot at it.
Nicole A goes to talk to Memphis. He claims he hasn't thought of nominations but he thinks she will be fine this week. Ian goes to talk to him. Memphis thinks he owes it to his old buddy Dan to take Ian out. Memphis suggests to Ian that everyone should play for Safety. Ian sees the ulterior motive in that.
Okay, the Safety Suite is now open. Kevin wants to go for it. Nicole A is wondering what would be the right thing to do. Even Tyler is seeing right through Memphis' ploy. Heh.
David plays first. Lots of going back and forth for many. Da'vonne decides to play. Cody, Ian ... there's a rush at the last minute. Nicole A dawdled too long and is now wondering if she might have made an error she'll regret.
Ian asks Christmas if she wins it, will she save him? He promises he will do something down the line to help her.
The comp is delivering drinks at the BB Bar. All the tables are wobbly ... and moving. Fastest time delivering all to the tables and ringing the bell wins.
David - 2.53
Cody - 2.44
Christmas - 1.38
Da'vonne - 8.41
Bayleigh - 2.48
Ian - 3.16
Kevin - 2.22
Christmas WINS! She is safe and follows through on her promise - IAN is also safe!
Ian will have a punishment but he's okay with that. Memphis now can't get revenge for Dan and nominate Ian. Too bad, so sad. Heh.
Into the pre-nom scrambling for favor. Christmas tells Memphis why she chose Ian as the Plus One -- not the real reason, mind you. She told him she did it to cover the alliance.
Time for nominations. Memphis first nominates Nicole A, then David. He tells Nicole he chose her because she didn't play for safety. David -- You're at the grown-up table now, you're going to have to prove it.