Tonight looks like it will be the first actual live eviction show of the season. Will it be followed up by an endurance HOH comp? Hmm. If so, I'll post a separate entry to follow it on the live feeds -- if they air it on the feeds, that is. I should make mention that I'm expecting storms here this evening. We're under a severe thunderstorm warning, flash flood warnings and a tornado watch. So, if I vanish, I've lost power. Carry on!
Sadly, we will lose either Janelle or Kaysar tonight. Life just isn't fair! Although not b=my blog pool person, I am saddened at the thought of losing either of them. For the latest blog pool standings, check them out on this linked post.
I will be updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please join in on the fun!
Julie dressed up more this week, as is appropriate for the evening.
Sitting through Previously On ...
But first ... Janelle didn't earn the title of legend for nothing. We get told what a threat she is. She tells us that although Kaysar is her ride or die, she needs to fight to stay. Kaysar has never outlasted her on the block. Tyler is having second thoughts, much too late.
Bayleigh wants Janelle to stay, but doesn't want to go against the Slick Six alliance. She tells them it would mean another woman out. Da'Vonne also speaks up for Janelle to stay. But neither will make waves on their own.
Kaysar tells us he's heard it will be Janelle leaving. He would never campaign against her, but now feels the need to speak up for himself. Janelle is campaigning for votes -- she needs a total of six people on her side. Dani really wants her out. She has to win over Cody, thus Enzo.
Segment on David and his big mouth. He's walking around saying that Da'Vonne tried to flip the house against the Nicole/David vote. Da'Vonne is indignant -- she had trusted David and now David shows that he didn't trust her. It ripples through the house. Tyler is now feeling betrayed by David because David told Da'Vonne he is the one who told him. Tyler tells him that he blew up his game and now he (Tyler) will be the target next week.
With the editing so focused on them coming up with reasons to possibly keep Janelle, I can only think Janelle will be evicted/
To the living room. Julie talks to them.
Janelle - Coolest group, love you. If I can benefit your game, keep me
Kaysar - Enjoyed being here, personal level like you a lot, cane to play the game and hope to do that.
The live votes to evict:
Nicole - Janelle
Enzo - Kaysar
To commercial ...
Da'Vonne - Janelle
Memphis - Janelle
Bayleigh - Janelle
Cody - Janelle
Christmas - Janelle
David - Janelle
Kevin - Janelle
Ian - Janelle
Sorry about the double spacing. Blame Blogger! Janelle is evicted. Sigh. She hugs them all except Nicole although she didn't seem too thrilled with Kevin!
The interview went well. Janelle was upbeat while Julie shed her ChenBot for JanelleFangirl. Hopefully it will be online somewhere if you missed it.
HOH Comp - Carnival Workshop, two groups of six. Nicole, Day, David, Ian, Enzo, Kaysar ... roll balls up a ramp three balls in target rotating rounds. I don't know if it will be shown on the feeds. They haven't said.
Next week is also a live show.
I will go to the live feeds, but I'm not optimistic that they'll be airing the comp. If nothing else, I'll let you know the winner when it's known.