Sunday, September 27, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds power of Veto Winner - Sept. 26


Adoptable feeds block bunny

So, the drama is at hand. We know it's OTEV as Julie mentioned it at the end of the live show. But ... does David even know what OTEV is? Will he realize it's VETO spelled backwards? Ah, mysteries surround us.

In addition to the HoH and two nominees -- Cody, Kevin and David -- playing for veto will be Tyler, Nicole and Enzo. From what was said, David chose Enzo. Now, thinking back, OTEV was actually the only comp Enzo won in his previous season. But there are prizes (somehow) this time 'round. He might go for them. We just don't know.

Christmas is upset because she didn't get chosen to play. Heh. Er. I mean, how sad.

CODY won the Power of Veto. David won $10,000. They have bunches of t-shirts and pool toys. Christmas is running around with an inflatable veto, hopefully the only one she'll ever get. David apparently took the money in the first round and then sat out. Now the others are wondering if David was told he was a pawn and felt safe. Hmm.

Friday, September 25, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Friday Evening, Nominations - Sept. 25


Can they at least evict her hair?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Malevolent Mandrills:
  • It seems that Tyler was one of the ones winning $5,000 in the HoH comp.
  • As you know from my previous post, Cody is the new HoH.
  • Christmas is all bent out of shape over the comp.
  • Apparently she scored zero in it.
  • Bwahahahahaha!
  • Ahem.
  • From what they're saying, it was the mini-golf putting comp. That one takes some skill and can also be a bit of a crapshoot.
  • But Christmas expected to come to play REAL comps! Physically challenging comps! :::grunt, grunt:::
  • She better watch herself.
  • She's on the short list of "we're tired of you" with the alliance.
  • Cody's plans seem to be David and Kevin (naturally!).
  • He told Kevin if he puts him up, he's once again a pawn.
  • But he's not.
  • Kevin would be the target.
  • Kevin told him that if he goes on the block and goes to jury he won't vote for Cody to win if he makes the final two. He (Kevin) was never coming after him, that was Da'Vonne.
  • Hmm. Not quite sure how well that goes over with Cody. It actually seems to backfire and we get a mini-kerfuffle!
  • If Kevin wasn't already the target, he would be now.
  • But he was.
  • So he is.
  • In talking with Enzo and Memphis, they spoke of Christmas going up as a replacement if Kevin come down.
  • And then the target would be dear Christmas.
  • They want to keep David around. However, that doesn't mean he's in with them -- they just think they can use him.
  • We have neither seen nor heard anything from their neighbor, Dr. Will.
  • They aren't even talking about him.
  • Enzo and Kevin are the Have Nots. Enzo volunteered, Kevin was drafted. It sounds like Memphis gave a look that could kill when he was looked at during the Have Not meeting.
  • Part of the reason Kevin is such a target is because of his own big mouth. Enzo went into a list of things that Kevin ran and told him. These are things like Kevin told him that Dani/Nicole came up with the lie framing David for Nicole's vote to keep Tyler.
  • With David, he's less likely to know what might be important to pass along and mixes totally off-base stuff when he talks to people.
  • If things keep going the way they are, it's going to end up being a final three of Cody, Memphis and Enzo. Tyler might make it to the fourth spot.
  • They think it might be a double eviction this week. No one, of course, is thinking triple.
  • Right now I'm waiting out nominations to post this.
  • No sense making a separate post just for them.
  • They better have them soon ...
  • Welp, as suggested before -- Kevin and David are on the block.

Channeling her inner Enzo

The real Enzo cap head

There comes a time the pawn isn't ...

Memphis the city feels maligned

Mad and sad, that's our gal!

BB22: Live Feeds HoH Winner - Sept. 24


Well, the results are in. Apparently there were money prizes, but those remain secret. Shh. Dani did use her power so Memphis competed in the HoH comp. And things go on as they were before ... Cody is the new HoH.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

BB22: Live Eviction, HOH Show Blog Party - Sept. 24


Well, well, well ... we're about to see a BB legend neighbor and a new twist tonight. It's a shame it didn't come around before so many favorite players were voted out! And, unless this new twist changes things up, the jury will have a second member tonight.

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and you can check on your hamster at this here link.

I'll be be updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!

Huh, instead of the usual blue theme, all seems rather rosy tonight. Hey, this is new! A previously on segment!

We're promised a "mega twist." We'll be the judge of that.

The action picks up after the veto meeting. Tyler explains himself once again to us. Memphis thinks Tyler is right and Da'Vonne should go. Christmas thinks Dani, Nicole and Day have something going on as well. Da'Vonne cries and thinks she hasn't been true to herself.

She says she's embarrassed that she's muzzled herself and is upset that no one who looks like her has ever won (Black). Dani would prefer she stay as she considers her an ally. Day says she won't campaign to Tyler, Enzo or Cody. 

Meanwhile, Kevin goes to Memphis wondering who he should approach. Memphis tells him Dani and Nicole are with Da'Vonne. He tells Kevin that he would be shocked if Day got one vote even. We know that's because of The Committee. Kevin is wondering about David ... did he really vote against Ian staying? Or is Nicole lying? He voices his suspicions to Da'Vonne. Nicole lies again when Da'Vonne asks her about it.

Da'Vonne thinks she can get all the girls to vote for her and, though she still thinks he betrayed her, maybe David.

Julie tells us some are plotting a big move before the vote is even cast tonight. Oh, geez. It's Memphis. He enlists Cody and Enzo for one three person alliance. Now he needs another three person alliance again with himself and Cody. Christmas is onto Dani and Nicole wanting Day to stay. Christmas goes to Memphis suggesting they use David to get rid of Committee members like Nicole and Dani. Christmas tells David she really knows how he voted and affirms it that Nicole and Dani set him up.

The way they're dragging this all on, no way will a HOH comp be shown in its entirety on the show.

To the living room ...
Day - Thanks the lord, lists the strong Black women who have been on the show. No Black women winners, no one who looks like me. Really going on with the speech and speaking quickly, have completed her mission. I asked you to be honest. Jury management, etc. etc. Way too long. Nicole stabbed me in the back. Gah.
Kevin - Diversity and inclusion. He's also rapid speaking. Please keep me. You made me feel like a winner already.

The votes to evict:
Tyler - Da'Vonne
Enzo - Da'Vonne
To commercial ...
Nicole - Kevin
David - Da'Vonne
Cody - Da'Vonne
Dani - Kevin
Christmas - Da'Vonne

So, Da'Vonne will indeed join Ian in jury. Nicole's hug knocks off part of her weave. In the goodbye messages, Tyler once again listed all the members of the Committee while Nicole 'fessed up to the Committee and her vote. 

Time for the neighbor twist. It's DR. WILL! He tells them the next HOH and veto they can play for power or prizes.

Wednesday is OTEV. Neighbors Week ends next Thursday with a two-hour show and THREE evictions.

The show ends. The HoH will not be on the live feeds as it wasn't mentioned it would be. So, more blocked feeds ahead. Once I find out who won, I'll post a live feeds update. It should be tomorrow, I guess.

BB22: Live Feeds into Thursday - Sept. 24

Yes, you are on the internet

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of CBS No Access:

  • The live feeds were blocked for about 14 hours yesterday with no explanation.
  • When they came back way late last night, the hamsters were all sitting around playing group charades.
  • Boring!
  • The Have Nots got to eat at midnight their time.
  • How exciting!
  • Da'Vonne went to a room alone, speaking to the camera (us). She knows she will be the one going home and feels she has accomplished her goals. While she hasn't won the money (which would be nice), she feels she was able to use the show as a platform to represent Black people, educate folks on what BLM is all about and spread the word of God. She feels like she might have let people down and got quite teary.
  • Aww ... at least she didn't play mean-spirited!
  • It sounds like Nicole might have told her about the David vote as she (Day) said she would like to see him make it to the end.
  • Dani told Memphis about her BB Basement power. This is the last week she can use it. If he wants, she will use it on him so he can play tonight in the HoH comp.
  • I think she thinks he would give her safety for the week if he wins. But he neither committed to using it, nor keeping her safe.
  • And that's the big news.
  • Now you're bored, too!
  • My job here is done.

You're boring us as well

An emotional farewell