Monday, October 19, 2020

BB22: HoH Comp, Nominations Show Blog Party - Oct.19


Good evening! For those who read the live feeds reports, I'm so sorry. I don't think I've ever seen feeds so blocked and boring. I will post an update tomorrow. I promise. Really.

Please remember that this is show post -- no spoilers from the PoV, please!

I'll be updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Previously on and all that involves. Let this segment be over quickly!

They're pacing around worrying about the upcoming Knight Moves comp. None of them seem to remember the original Knoght Moves from BB6. They go to the backyard which is set up with a huge chess board. Nicole cannot compete. The moves they can make are like a knight in chess. Once they land on a square, it cannot be used again.

Christmas foolishly picks a starting spot on the edge near a corner. ody, fairly wisely, chooses one more towards the middle but with the thought n mind to block Christmas. Enzo seems to go off on his own instead of helping Cody trap Christmas. He's more worried about his own safety more than cornering either of them. 

Nicole is all ticked off that Enzo is playing for himself. Cody is eliminated first, Christmas only has one move left. She is out. ENZO wins HoH!

Christmas actually thinks that she might not go on the block? Bwahahaha! 

Cody is frustrated saying he had to sacrifice himself risking the final three. Heh. Enzo played for himself. Good. Nicole is really upset, thinks that she can't trust him. Nicole thinks Enzo wants to go into the final three with Christmas instead of her or Cody.

Love it. Enzo talks to Tyler's inflatable cow in the HoH room. He tells us he thinks he'll put up Nicole and Christmas.

Enzo tells Christmas that his best chance of winning is with her in the final two. His dream final three would be Nicole, Christmas and himself as either of them would choose him to go with them to the final two.

Christmas doesn't know what Cody has against her, so goes to talk to him. Cody is honest that she was the first person he was going for. He tells her he was going to go for one person, then the next. Right. Yeah. She still doesn't seem to realize that Cody and Enzo are together even though not necessarily in this comp.

We actually see Enzo's HoH room reveal. He brings the cow. His photos show his kids with Team Enzo shirts.

Cody is telling us that he HANDED Enzo the comp. Um. No. ENZO made the decision to play for himself. That is ultimately playing for Cody, too. But Cody isn't seeing it. 

Enzo wants Christmas to stay while, of course, Cody wants Nicole to stay. Dependent on veto, if Christmas and Nicole go on the block, Cody would be the sole vote this week.

Oh, gosh. Cody went and got Christmas talking about herself, like she needs an invite. She forgets how to do the dance she so wanted to show him. Typical.

After a few humorous filler segments, Christmas goes to talk to Enzo about her get Cody out agenda. He tells us that he agrees with her. But will his bromance with Cody negate all of that? Hmm.

Time for nominations! He nominates Nicole, then Christmas. He tells them he likes them both, win PoV. 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds - Power of Veto Winner - Oct. 17


Yes, we have a new Power of Veto winner. Nicole has been obsessively studying, figuring it would be questions. Christmas has been busy moping and crying. Even Enzo has been studying.

CODY won the Power of Veto.

His win pretty much guarantees that Enzo, Cody and Nicole will be our final three. He will leave the noms the same and, as the sole vote, will vote out Christmas on Thursday.

Friday, October 16, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Friday Evening, Nominations - Oct. 16


This is it, that's my speech.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Acrimonious Asses:
  • As you know from my last brief update, Enzo is the new HOH.
  • It seems, although I didn't catch any of them outright saying it, that Cody may have thrown the comp to Enzo.
  • If so, I don't know why.
  • But, then again, he's the one who brought Derrick with him in the final two of his season.
  • When Enzo talks to Cody, he's all "Jersey Boys never on the block to the final two."
  • He told Cody he will put Nicole and Christmas on the block.
  • But Enzo has his doubts about keeping Nicole in the game.
  • He thinks that Nicole would take Cody to the final two and it's possible that Cody would take Nicole.
  • Nicole was acting very upset with Enzo and even with Cody a bit last night after the HoH comp.
  • Christmas is just acting very defeated. Her threat of Comp Christmas never came to fruition and she feels all alone.
  • She's lost her best friend in the house.
  • She has lost her alliance member.
  • Woe is her. Play a sad Christmas song.
  • Today the live feeds went on another extended block.
  • It turns out this block was for some kind of luxury comp tied in with BB Comics.
  • As we couldn't watch the comp on the feeds, I can only go by what they're saying.
  • It sounds like they each had to choose a BB Comic of a jury member and one would win $10,000 for themselves and the same for that jury member.
  • Apparently Nicole chose Memphis and ended up winning the money for both her and Memphis.
  • Oh noes!
  • That threw poor pitiful Christmas further into the pit of despair.
  • SHE should have won the money for herself and her best friend in the house.
  • Plus, she thinks Enzo is going to put her on the block.
  • She's probably right about that.
  • But, as much as he wanted Christmas out before, I think Enzo would prefer Nicole out due to her connection with Cody.
  • Of course, this is the week with only one person voting.
  • If, for example, Christmas and Nicole go on the block, it could go down a few ways. If the veto is not used, Cody would be the sole vote. He would vote out Christmas. 
  • If Nicole wins the veto and saves herself, Cody would go on the block. But Nicole would vote out Christmas.
  • If Christmas wins veto, Cody would go on the block and Christmas would vote him out.
  • It's no longer Follow the HOH time. It will be whomever that veto holder or sole voter wants to keep.
  • Ahh ... the feeds are back.
  • Hmm. It seems like Enzo did indeed nominate Christmas and Nicole.
  • He does have this thing about how he and Cody will make BB history by being the the Jersey guys who were never on the block all season.
  • Well, either he or Cody will have to win veto for that to happen!

Thinks she might be targeted.

Sloppy eating Cody

Channeling her inner Audrey

Enzo's HOH room companion

Comp Christmas was a no show.

BB22: Live Feeds New HoH - Oct. 16


Yes, there is a new HoH in town. Keep in mind that this HoH is guaranteed a spot in the final three. However, this week's veto winner will hold all the power -- a spot in the final three and the sole vote for eviction. 

That said, YO ENZO ... congratulations on your HOH win!

Finally wearing that HOH key!

Also, a commenter mentioned on my show post that she couldn't get email notification on posts here like she used to get. I hadn't realized with all the Blogger changes that the option disappeared. I put in a new email notification widget at the top of the right sidebar if you're interested!

Thursday, October 15, 2020

BB33: Live (?) Eviction and HoH (?) Show Blog Party - Oct. 15


Well, I'm not certain that it will be live this week. Nor am I certain that we'll see the HoH comp. Oh, we might see it start, I guess. They're really messing with us this season. 

For those with hamsters still in the game, SueGee's latest pool update can be found at this here link.

I'll be updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Previously on and blah, blah, blah ...

Ohh, Kaysar returns tonight to surprise the houseguests? Cool.

It's Day 72. Ah, it is a live eviction for a change. 

Which wise guy is wiser? Of course we know Nicole doesn't want Enzo or Cody on the block. She tells us that Cody is her golden ticket to the final three. Christmas is willing to do the dirty work -- get Cody out -- if she stays. Memphis is sure his buddies Enzo and Cody will vote to keep him.

Nicole doesn't want to have to break a tie. She tells Christmas both Enzo and Cody will vote to keep her. Memphis knew Christmas was pushing the backdoor Cody plan. He feels the need to let Cody know. Cody tells us that Nicole already told him that Memphis was trying to get in on the backdoor Cody plan. So, Cody knows he;s lying to him.

Now Memphis and Enzo are all talking about how, if Nicole makes it to the final two, she just might win. Enzo is thinking, for his own game, it might be best to keep Memphis. He tries talking Cody into it. Cody is not convinced.

Enzo thinks that if Christmas stays, it's only good for Nicole. If he forces her to break a tie, she will have the legendary "blood on her hands." So ... will they each vote for one? It could be interesting.

Jury house segment, back to Tyler arriving. He shows them the video of his "demise." Seeing that Cody once again won HoH, they think he's playing the best game. Da'Vonne thinks Enzo needs to win something. Da'Vpnne brings up to Tyler that he had said he wanted to go home back then and he says it was indeed due to the BLM and wanting her to have a chance. 

Jurors get love from home. It's in the form of a DVD. Kevin's husband. Aw, David's dog! Ian's girlfriend. Da'Vonne's little girl. Angela. Dani's Dom, two kids and dog.

To the living room ...
Christmas - Loyal love, shout outs, big fan Julie, not ready for my interview, getting uncomfortable on the block, I can help you.
Memphis - New for me on the block, guys, word is everything, might want to keep me around in case Cody starts another grease fire.

The votes to evict:
Cody - Memphis
Enzo - Memphis

Aw, Nicole won't have to break a tie. Memphis is out. He handles the interview with Julie well and holds no grudges. His plan had been to be in the final three with Enzo and Cody, final two with Enzo.

The HoH starts tonight, will air Monday with nominations.

All to the living room now! Kaysar is on the video screen. It's the giant chess board. BB Knight Moves. It's not even starting as the show ends.

A refresher from BB6 --