Wednesday, October 28, 2020

TAR32: October 28 Episode Blog Party


Are you ready to race through a full block of television? We have this hour of The Amazing Race followed by the two-hour season finale of BB22. Yikes! I have it set for my BB22 post to appear at 8:55pm ET, so please be sure you are on the right show post.

For those who want refreshers on the teams and the blog pool, you can find the update with teams links right at this here post.

I'm still a bit fuzzy on the team names, but will do my best to update this post with the major happenings on the show. Please refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments. I hope to see you there!

Teams were last in Bogota, Colombia. All still have hourglasses that can Yield a team for either ten minutes or twenty. All teams are using Travelocity flying to Brazil. They're heading to the "Jungle City" and will be near/on the Amazon for the first time on the show.

The male dating couple -- Will and James -- is pondering using their hourglass to slow down Leo and Alana because that couple helped another team in one of the challenges. Will and James team up with the Volleyball brothers -- Maddison and Riley -- to work together. (Dang. I have to look up the names! Gah!) There. I looked them up.

Their clue leads them to a market. They have to buy items on a list, all eleven items and all are in Portuguese. I'm not understanding why teams didn't just enlist the help of a local to fulfill the quest. While some of the teams are kind of working together, it's very chaotic. After they get all the items, they have to go to the dock manager.

Teams go on the Amazon next and meet up with a chief who's going to show them something with a blowgun. EEP. Some teams aren't reading the clue and are trying to get on the boat without all the items. Others have to return to the market because they've lost/misplaced or other teams took some of their items.

Whoa, the chief blowguns a Detour clue. They have to collect materials and assemble a new roof for the chief's father or prepare a meal to the satisfaction of the chief. Oh, geez, the father and son got there and didn't have their bags. Michelle and Vic tried to call out to them before they got there but they couldn't hear what they were shouting.

Volleyball helps out football with the roof.

Will and James finish first. The next clue tells them there's a Double U-Turn ahead. They U-Turn Leo and Alana. Hung and Chee do not U-Turn anyone. Haley and Kaylynn saw Leo and Alana were U-Turned and they U-Turned Jerry and Frank to help them from being last.

Oops. Michelle and Vic left their clue by the clue box.

Pit Stop Order
1. Will and James - won a trip to Bali.
2. Hung and Chee
3. Kaylynn and Haley
4. Maddison and Riley
5. DeAngelo and Gary
6. Eswar and Arpata
7. Michelle and Victoria
8. Leo and Alana
9. Jerry and Frank ... Philiminated

They were the father/son team. I had hoped they would do better just because.

Monday, October 26, 2020

BB22: Part One HOH Show Blog Party - Oct. 26


Here we are, finally at the penultimate show of the season. Wednesday night is the finale starting after The Amazing Race, 9pm - 11pm ET/PT. Out of the three left it would be nice if Cody won -- he was my blog pool pick and I've never won the pool on my own blog! I actually think he's played the best overall game of the three. I would also not be upset if Enzo won it all. He's been one of the few redeeming live feeds entertainment factors, especially as the number of people in the house dwindled. Then there's Nicole, my least favorite of the three. But, if she wins, more power to her. I don't really care. I just want it to be over.

I'll be updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast; refresh the page to get the latest update. As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!

Julie does the intro and they act like it's live, but it ain't. We're into the Previously On segment. Part One will play out tonight. Ah, there is an early out hamster debate about the final three.

Day 83 and sure enough, they're acting like it's live. The first five evicted hamsters will be doing that debate.

Ten years ago Enzo came in third. His sense of humor is his strongest asset. He thinks teaming up with Cody and joining in multiple alliances have helped him this season. People trust him. People confided in him about others. He tells people what they want to hear. He won some comps so he wouldn't be called a floater. He hasn't been on the block all season. His only remaining alliance is his children.

Now we're onto Cody's story. When he played before he came in second, stayed loyal to his ally Derrick and brought him to the final two. Derrick won the season. Now this season, he's started alliances, many final twos and joined a large alliance. He gave 100% in every competition, winning many of them. Seven comp wins, more than anyone else in BB22. Made sure his social game was strong. Had to take shots at dangerous allies like Tyler and Memphis. Never was on the block. He never took a minute off playing the game. He says his loyalty to his ride or die cost him the big prize. If it's his choice, he will take the one he thinks he can win against.

Nicole won four years ago. Will she be the first ever two time winner? (As opposed to just being a two-timer.) She surrounded herself with stronger players -- Cody first, then Ian, then Dani and she joined The Committee. She used the strong players as a shield to protect her, let her allies take the shots for her. Takes credit for Janelle's eviction. Had to vote out Ian to keep her ally Tyler in. Was nominated by her ally Memphis in the triple. Then went on the block again. She says she was laying low, then started winning comps when she had to. Got Memphis out. She claims she did not "rob" Paul of the win on BB18.

Talking about the final three will be Keesha, Nicole A, Janelle, Kaysar and Bayleigh. It's a Zoom type meeting. None are surprised at the final three. Keesha thinks all of Cody's alliances might affect his chances if the jury is bitter. Nicole? Ride Cody's coattails. Nicole A says her non-threat game worked in the beginning. Best strategy? Cody. Kaysar thinks Enzo played a good game, wasn't even part of the big alliance but never was on the block. Most likable of the three of them. They think he has a chance.

Finally, it's time for Part One. It's spooky in the backyard. Zombies. The three are made up like Zombies. Hang on for afterlife. The last Zombie on their disk wins. BB ScaryGoRound. It's the comp in which they are on suspended disks spinning around and knocking into things while goop and rain is pelted at them. Enzo is the first eliminated. 

Both Cody and Nicole are hanging on for dear life. The ropes are lowered resulting in Cody slamming into everything. Nicole is trying to avoid hitting things so hard. Cody is down! NICOLE wins Part One! She will automatically skip to Part Three. Enzo and Cody will compete in Part Two.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds Part Two HoH Winner - Oct. 25


Oops! I was wrong! While the second part of the Hoh is shown on the finale show, it was indeed played last night. Or, if you're East Coast like I am, past midnight!

With Nicole winning the first part, it was Enzo and Cody vying for the win on the second part.

Cody won.

So, it will be Nicole against Cody in part three on finale night. That one is for sure live.

I guess Enzo was playing for third place. Sigh.

Friday, October 23, 2020

BB22: Season Review Show Blog Party - Oct. 23


I'm not all that sure exactly what we're in for tonight. I'm guessing it will be a look back on the season with "never seen before" clips, their final three champagne feast and a lot of reminiscing going on. I probably will not be updating this entry with most of the events -- probably only the ones I find worthy in my opinion. Of course, my opinion might be swayed by different content than your opinions.

Therefore you know where the party is -- feel free to join in on the comments! No HOH part one spoilers, please. That won't be shown until Monday's show.

For those looking for the AFP voting link, this is it.

We're getting a Previously On segment but it's leading into the Final Three looking back on the season. They have their final three champagne feast which was blocked to the live feeds last night.

Reminiscing the pranks of the house.

Did Tyler convince Enzo to go vegan? He decides to "blur the rules." For him, anything that comes from the ground is vegan. He wonders about eggs, chickens and such.

David accidentally starts a fire making French fries.

Janelle and Kaysar in a fifteen year BB friendship.

Enzo learned what a bidet is. Cody has no real idea what ripe means. That's sad.

Cute DR segment with them asking for stuff. Kaysar wants a bunny. In a second appearance he tells them please a bunny because he's already promised half the house a bunny.

Ian talks about rocking on the hammock and being on the spectrum. We go into deep meaningful (or not) conversations. Kaysar explains halal food and they go more into various religions, then race issues. Da'Vonne's talk with Kaysar brings tears to his eyes. He feels he needs to be on a mission in the house to spread awareness.

Onto the costumes and punishments.

The show wraps up with each one telling us why they want to win.

BB22: Live Feeds, Winner HOH Part One - Oct. 23


Enzo chows down

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dwindling Days:
  • The feeds were blocked for a good chunk (or, to be honest ... chunks) of time since the live show.
  • They got their feast with champagne and all.
  • We only saw the aftermath of that.
  • They did the first part of the HoH three part final comp.
  • We only saw the aftermath of that.
  • Nicole won the first part.
  • From what they're saying, it was one of those comps in which they're suspended and spinning around hitting things.
  • They said it was slippery. Maybe rain and goop sprayed on them?
  • Cody said he kept hitting the moon.
  • Enzo was saying that they'll probably be mocked for how quickly the comp was over.
  • So, yeah. I can actually see Nicole winning a comp like that over either Cody or Enzo. And Cody would probably do better than Enzo.
  • The second and third parts of the comp won't be until the live finale show.
  • So, we're into the doldrums until then.
  • Gah.
  • Enzo and Cody will compete in the second part. In the third part the winner of part two will go against Nicole (winner of part one). The winner of the third part chooses who will go into the final two with him or her and sends the third wheel packin'.
  • They talked about how Christmas probably won't get along with people in the jury house.
  • Heh. Y'think?
  • All three are getting along well.
  • This is going to be way boring.
  • I thought I knew boring before.
  • But I ain't seen nuthin' yet.
  • That's all for now!
Oh! The America's Favorite Player voting is on this link.

That wasn't my comp

I like the towel

How I feel about this season