Friday, July 16, 2021

BB23: The Unraveling of Frenchie - July 16


The one on one HOH talks are a gem

Just a brief update --

The Wildcard Comp went down and SarahBeth won. Frenchie was so mad as he told her to throw it. Bwahaha!

I'll go into more detail later, but ...

... every single person talking to Kyland in the HOH talks is throwing Frenchie under the bus, even his so-called allies Whitney and Brent.

Meanwhile Frenchie is imploding and even alienated one of his strongest allies, Whitney. Oh my.

BB23: Live Feeds into Friday Morning - July 16


Kyland talks to Mom and us in his HOH room

It's a new dawn, a new day and the hamsters are up. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Jumpy Gerbils:

  • While they all gathered for the HOH reveal, there was no shouting and thumping on the railing and walls as they waited.
  • Thankfully that ridiculous bit seems to be a thing of the past.
  • I mean ... it's a room. No need for screaming.
  • Kyland was too emotional to read the letter from his mother aloud. So, Tiffany did and it sounded almost like his Mom was indeed talking to him.
  • Actual tears. No, not from me. Get real. From Kyland!
  • I like his snacks. Now I want snacks. He told them he's going to use the big package of Oreos as currency for favors in the house.
  • Heh.
  • I have something sad to report. Just call me Frenchie. I have to go back on my word and free y'all to go back on a blog promise.
  • I just can't with Whitney anymore. I know we have the blog connection and I told you we will be supporting her.
  • But I'm setting you free.
  • Fly, little birdies!
  • Y'see, there are issues. (A) She's deep in an alliance with Frenchie and apparently supports his wacky ways. (2) She so wants a showmance and is hanging all over Xavier dragging him into the alliance with Brent, Frenchie and her. (C) That not believing the horrific mass school shooting at Sandy Hook is still nagging at me. 
  • I just can't.
  • Despite all the big and small alliances, named or not, going on in the house, it seems the Frenchie/Brent/Whitney bonds are real.
  • What about Derek F and Frenchie?
  • Now, I see cracks in that one. True, I think they're good friends.
  • BUT ... I don't really see Derek F as hanging onto every word from Frenchie. I think he's keeping his eyes open and will play his own game over Frenchie's game in the long run.
  • Too bad he's already tainted. 
  • Now, there was a kerfuffle over the hinky votes. 
  • I just find that a bit ridiculous. Travis was evicted by almost the whole house. I wanted him gone, yes. But I actually would have liked to see less of a house vote than we had.
  • Tiffany said she did it at Frenchie's request.
  • Alyssa is worried and is gravitating towards Christian more. They still aren't a showmance, per se. But if both remain in the house, it could happen.
  • Gah.
  • Want to know what trio will be giving the Frenchie Trio a run for the money?
  • One that basically formed last night. Well, they were a duo -- Tiffany and Claire -- but added in ...
  • ... Derek X!
  • It all started as Tiffany and Claire were using the chess board as a strategy tool. They were comparing observations about who was with whom, who would nominate whom, who to get close to, etc.
  • Then comes Derek X. He took one look at the chessboard and said, "That's not a chess game."
  • For a couple of hours the three talked strategy. I think it might have been one of the most accurate hamster observation and tactical discussions I've seen in the game.
  • The rest can go away. I have my final three choice down. Once they get there, they can duke it out. All three are winners in my book!
  • Ahem.
  • As for Kyland, unfortunately he is planning on targeting Derek X.
  • Wah. That's sad as I do think Kyland is good people.
  • But they don't know that the winner of Wildcard will have the option to switch teams.
  • And the Wildcard could very well shake things up.
  • Kyland does have an advantage over the Frenchie reign going into this as he knows the Wildcard exists.
  • The only one he's promised safety to is SarahBeth. 
  • He isn't making any decisions until after it and seeing what changes.
  • As I get this written up, the feeds are blocked apparently for the Wildcard choosing or maybe the comp. Once I know the comp results, I'll post a brief update.
  • Kyland has said he plans on doing one-to-one talks with everyone. Let's see if he can fall out of the Frenchie camp. He should -- after all, Frenchie put him on the block! And Derek X saved him -- he should return that favor!
  • Oh, well ... laters.

Strategy on a chessboard

NO! No no! Break it up!

HOH room reveal crowd

She needs to get in with Tiffany, Claire and Derek X


Will he escape being on the block this week? Maybe.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

BB23: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - July 15


Well, well, well. For those of us following the live feeds it seems like forever. But it's been a week and here we are at the first live eviction of the season! Alyssa and Travis are on the block. One will get the boot tonight!

Before we go any further, let me remind you who you have in the blog pool:
Brandon Frenchie French: Cheryl in NC, cminnie, Janice from GA, Sally 
Azah Awasum: Dr Celine, Krysta Gibson, Nickelpeed, Rbennie 
Britini D'Angelo: CherryPie, Donna in Alabama, Jlaf, Sharon C 
Derek Frazier: Glenn Allen, Jean from Tampa, Luckysmom, MikesGirl 

Whitney Williams: Caela, ChaCha, David, Mario Lee, Jennasmom 
Brent Champagne: Bizaro22, Jennifer S, Nora M, Sharon N 
Derek Xiao: Auntie Leigh, Kelsey NY, PDX Granny, SueGee,T town Chic 
Hannah Chaddha: BB-Boy, Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Helenann2K, JoC 

Christian Birkenberger: Jackie, Joanne Victoria, Shayne, Willie J 
Alyssa Lopez: CherylNY, JessicaUnderwoodJames, Skyriverblue, Terry is a Texan 
Xavier Prather: Aya Marie, Donna NY, Ed in Ohio, Petals 
Sarah Beth Steagall: Andi, Brenda, ~~~Tilde, TS14Fan 

Claire Rehfuss: KarlaV, Laura, Marthalight, Monty924 
Kyland Young: chrob61, JonMD1267, Laura in GA, QuixoticElf, Tammy 
Tiffany Mitchell: April, Indiana Jane, MrsKB2, tbc 
Travis Long: Donna in FL, Joyce Johnson, Mary F from PA, Rich in Buffalo, YoDave22

I'll be updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!

Oh my. Julie is casually dressed in dark slacks and flowy striped top. Let's sit through the recap twiddling our thumbs for a bit.

Heh. Julie talks of Frenchie's dizzying strategy and how he promised just about the whole house safety. She got that right.

Derek thinks he's regained favor with Frenchie by saving Kyland with the veto. Alyssa is feeling better sitting next to Travis on the block. Frenchie refers to Travis as "stud bull." Oh, I think "meathead" also suited him.

Christian and Xavier tell Alyssa they have her back. Heehee ... Tiffany, Alyssa and a couple more of the women are substituting Frenchie for a vulgarity beginning with an F.

Frenchie forms an alliance -- the Slaughterhouse. Whitney and Xavier are his first recruits. Then he gathers Kyland, Derek F, Christian and Brent and thinks they'll keep him safe. Now he adds Alyssa. He mentions to us that he has Final Two deals with Derek F and Brent. Xavier is a bit skeptical. 

Oh, geez ... now he wants to aim for the entire house? He goes to Hannah, Azah and Tiffany and proposes an all girls alliance. They're laughing. After all, he is not a girl. They're going along with it but not really.

It's Kyland's 30th birthday and they want to celebrate. Travis decides to go along with the lap dance idea put forth by the women.

Ohh ... Tiffany wants one of her team to stay ... Travis! She wants safety. She and a few others give Travis advice to use while talking to Frenchie. He first tells him loyalty, then the fact that he's a bigger target for next week instead of Frenchie and then last .. what can Alyssa do for your? Of course, henchman Brent sat in on the talk.

To the living room and Julie does her on the screen talk with the nominees.
Alyssa -- Shout outs geez, thanks houseguests, would love to stay and play, birthday on Saturday
Travis -- Takes off his shirt, shout outs, fell in love with the 15 all at the same time. Got pranked with shaving cream in bed.

Live votes to evict:
SarahBeth - Travis
Xavier - Travis
Whitney - Travis
Christian - Travis
Azah - Travis
Derek F - Alyssa
To commercial ...
Kyland - Travis
Tiffany - Alyssa
Derek X - Travis
Claire - Travis
Hannah - Travis
Britini - Travis
Brent - Travis

By a vote of 11 to 2, Travis is evicted. He handles it well. Julie and Travis air hug but no masks. Julie points out that live before the show he tried to blow up Frenchie's game. He's wearing a silly tight short short sleeve shirt muscles guys wear. Huh. I'm sorry, but that puts me off right there. In the goodbye messages, Brent refers to "me and Frenchie." I guess they're a couple, eh?

To the backyard for the HOH comp. POOL SHARK. Have to hit their ball with a croquet type mallet into a giant shark mouth. 30 is the hardest spot to stand. Pre-shots they have to decide what number they will stand on. The one on the hardest number sinking their shot wins. Two cannot use the same number. Uh-oh ... technical difficulties. Good, it gave me time to type this paragraph!

Alyssa - 15, easy shot, got it
Brent, 16, gets it, takes over Allysa spot
Hannah - missed
Azah - missed
Xavier, 19 misses
Christian, 20, misses
Tiffany, 21, misses
Whitney 22, misses
Claire, 23, misses
Kyland 24 GETS IT, displaces Brent
Britini 25, misses
Derek F misses
SarahBeth, 27, misses
Derek X -misses


BB23: Live Feeds into Thursday Morning - July 15


If I were two Dereks I wouldn't sit in those chairs!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Murder Mysteries:

  • Just a quick note -- don't forget tonight's live eviction show is at 8PM ET/PT. For years it was an hour later.
  • It still looks like Travis will go.
  • However, in his scramble for votes I forgot about the teams aspect until I was watching one of his talks with Frenchie.
  • I'm not AS sure as he is, but he brought up that the teams should be voting for their own person on the block to stay.
  • Therefore, both Travis and Alyssa should have three built-in votes from the get-go.
  • Now, I don't think the teams are obligated in any way to vote to keep a teammate, so his thinking might be flawed.
  • But, if they do, we're talking seven votes at stake.
  • The one staying would need four of them.
  • Frenchie was telling Travis that if it came to a tie, he would vote to keep him.
  • His math must be off. 16 hamsters minus three who can't vote (HOH and two nominees) minus six (or even not) will result in an odd number. There will be no tiebreaker no matter how the votes go down.
  • Frenchie keeps assuring Travis he has his back when in reality he's backing Alyssa. Or, at least I think he is. It's hard to tell with him as he keeps lying to people and changing his mind.
  • Alyssa is worried that she will go.
  • But I don't think she should worry so much.
  • Despite the chaos of Frenchie's whirlwind HOH hot mess, this group is more interesting to watch than many past seasons.
  • It seems for the most part that they have better than the average hamster candidates life experience-wise. True, the ages still gear young but we're not seeing the bartenders and dead-end jobs people so much.
  • Well, Xavier lied and said he was a bartender, but he's a lawyer!
  • He almost got caught with the lie when some were talking about going to Las Vegas and drinking after the season. He went and said he wasn't so much into either Vegas or drinking. He kind of clarified it by saying he's just a home-buddy at heart, but he needs to be careful.
  • I usually don't think they should lie about their jobs. However, he just might have a point. People automatically think money when they think lawyers. Due to the fact he's 27, I think he's just starting out, doesn't earn a fortune and has student loans to pay. He's the one with 11 siblings, so I doubt his family is made of money!
  • Frenchie seems to be focused on targeting Xavier rather than Derek X now. But he has no power, so I don't know how far that will go. I get the feeling that some of his followers are just surface following to avoid drama right now. I think the only real follower would be Derek F.
  • As far as Derek F goes, although he is so tight with Frenchie, if it comes down to it he's surely going to be his own man.
  • Brent is just using Frenchie. If he (Brent) doesn't win HOH, it will be interesting to see if he latches onto the new HOH.
  • While everyone should be dubious of Frenchie at this point due to his all over the place reign, he does still have people who seem to trust him.
  • Why? I just don't know.
  • This house of hamsters tend to do group activities to amuse themselves (and us).
  • Last night was some bizarre horror murders mystery led by SarahBeth. It came complete with werewolves and witches as well as gruesome murders as they "slept" through the night. 
  • It's better than watching them play chess.
  • The feeds went to adoptable animals for a while yesterday, totally unexplained. While we get blocked feeds (too often!) a lot, the animals are usually reserved for comps, veto meetings, comp instructions and such.
  • Tiffany thinks Frenchie is using the current atmosphere in the world of social injustice and racial inequality for game purposes and is not sincere.
  • I agree. From his bio, Frenchie is very cognizant of the issues. BUT ... he keeps telling POC and women they're safe with him, then targeting them. Hey, if you're going to talk the talk, follow it up with walking the walk. Otherwise, don't make promises when your actions belie them!
  • I remain impressed with the women this season -- Tiffany, Claire and Azah are all huge show fans and probably the most well-rounded ones in years.
  • Then there's Whitney and Alyssa who have now decided to work together. I don't have the same feelings about their skills in the game.
  • How about SarahBeth, Britini and Hannah? Well, they have promise in the game.
  • The men this season ... not so much.
  • Huh. Britini made a promise to herself at 14 that she would remain a virgin. And, she stuck with it. Yay! It's nice to know that the likelihood of soft porn in the house this season is lessened even more. Allison Grodner may think that's what we like ... but NO.
  • That's pretty much it for now.
  • It still looks like it will be Travis out the door.
  • Oh, well. He irks me anyway. I don't know why. Perhaps it's those too-short sleeved tight shirts showing off his muscles or the no shirt at all bit. 

Curls to braids to mouse ears

Claire dies in their horror Big Brotherton murders mystery

Hannah sports mouse ears better!

Azah is attractive with 'fro and with it hidden

Xavier just better not fall for a showmance!

Alyssa is more worried about tonight than is Travis.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

BB23: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - July 14


Come one, come all! Welcome to the madness we call Big Brother! Now, since I've been watching the live feeds, it seems like they've been in action for more than a month. Nope. It's been a week. Tonight's show is the third episode. Tomorrow night is the first eviction.

Because this is a show post and some people read these but do not follow the live feeds ... NO SPOILERS in the comments, please. Yes, feedsters already know the results, but do not mention them in comments until they happen on the show. Comments doing so will be removed. 

I'll be live blogging the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments ... please feel free to join in on the fun!

Previously on ... we start off with Frenchie's safety promises. Teams, HoH, comps, meatheads, promising the women safety and on and on. 

We pick up at the end of the nominations. Frenchie tells us he has to be the showmance killer. His pawn, Kyland, feels hurt, heartbroken and confused. It would have been nice had Frenchie given him a heads up. Frenchie's main man Derek F is even confused. Alyssa is confused. True, Frenchie was limited in his noms but he went and promised safety to so many! 

Frenchie hasn't even talked to his own team about things. When Alyssa asks him why her he tells her the showmance with Christian. She's shocked and reminds him that it's day three. Christian figures out that he's the "big fish" Frenchie wants. (Safe due to Wildcard Comp win.) Frenchie thinks she lied to him.

Uh-oh! Frenchie realizes he made a mistake and now must decide on a new target! @@

Onto this week's social commentary. This time it's LBGTQ and SarahBeth's bisexuality.

Frenchie is telling us he needs to find a new target and he's prior military -- reminiscent of Philip on Survivor! Frenchie thinks Derek X is a snake. Frenchie accuses Derek X of being in an alliance. Frenchie tells Derek X he knows that he (and Travis) have been mentioning his name. Can we say HoH paranoia?

Brent wants to help Derek X because he's on his team. Brent reminds him of a backdoor. Derek X decides he really needs to win Veto to be safe this week.

Azah, Derek F and Tiffany bond. Xavier joins in. They decide that they're the Cookout and will each bond with another. The Cookout will be inviting Kyland. Yes, the Cookout is all about the Black culture in the house.

Then Xavier and Brent talk about a final two deal. Brent wants Derek X out of the target range and insert Travis in there. When Brent talks to Frenchie all of a sudden Frenchie wants to keep a safety promise? Huh.

Veto player picks time ... Frenchie goes first, gets Tiffany. Then Kyland who draws Houseguest's Choice, picks Travis. Alyssa draws Derek X. Heh. Frenchie didn't want either Travis or Derek X playing and they both are playing.

Derek F hosts the comp, tells them to change to swim gear and head to the backyard. There are huge drinks and a tropical atmosphere. Have to roll a cherry down a tube, then guide it with huge garnishes into their cup. Massive Cocktails is the name of the comp.

DEREK X wins the Power of Veto! He is also the only one working the puzzle smartly. Frenchie is sad, too bad.

Heehee ... Frenchie thinks if the veto isn't used his HOH is a total disaster. Too late.

He thinks he's going to have to go back on his word and the renom will be Travis. Brent wants Travis up. Derek X goes to talk to Frenchie -- very passive aggressive, do what you want to do, I want you to save Kyland. Frenchie lies to him and tells him that if Kyland remains, Derek is the target of others. Derek is promised safety but is dubious of Frenchie's integrity.

Alyssa tells Derek X she has his back if she wins HoH. She tells him that against Ky, she would go home. 

Time for the veto meeting. Derek X saves Kyland with the veto. Frenchie puts Travis up in his place. Frenchie says it's because he cannot beat him at the end of the game.

Frenchie is sure his HoH is a huge success. Azah refers to it as Frenchie's Funhouse.

Remember  --  tomorrow's show is at 8PM ET/PT.