Sunday, July 25, 2021

BB23: Wild Card and Nominations Show Blog Party - July 25


Good evening! Amazing, isn't it? So far all the Sunday shows have started on time on the East Coast. I hope I didn't jinx things by mentioning that! 

Please remember -- this post is a NO SPOILER ZONE. Many people who don't watch the live feeds read the show posts. Please keep your comments to what is happening on the episode or even totally off topic, but no spoilers! Merci.

I'll be live blogging, updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there! 

Of course. I'm skipping the "Previously on" segment. But you knew that.

We pick up the action after Xavier's HOH starts. Britini is sure she's safe. No way would Xavier nominate her for the second week in a row. Brent is sure he's in with Xavier. Derek F tells us he's working with the Cookout and feels safe. Now, Alyssa is really safe as are all four Kings team members -- SarahBeth, Christian, Alyssa and Xavier.

Derek X, Kyland, Tiffany and Claire join up with them to work with the Kings. Azah is hoping her team might be safe. She doesn't know. They name their alliance the Royal Flush.

Brent is being his sexist self and making Alyssa uncomfortable. He is reminding me of Caleb stalking whoever that was some seasons back. It's a good think Alyssa has no bunny slippers. He's also after Hannah telling her all this ridiculous sexist stuff.

Tiffany talks with Xavier hoping that he will put Brent up. He's thinking Britini or Whitney to go up with Brent. Tiffany is a great manipulator leading him along.

Derek F thinks their are cute couples in the house. He wants Hannah and Derek X to get together. Hannah does have a crush on him. And, it seems like he's reciprocating! Christian and Alyssa are indeed cuddling together a lot although they don't want to admit showmance.

Derek X and Hannah talk about Brent. They threw the HOH comp just so Brent would not be safe. Now, that screams they want him out! Derek X, on the same team as Brent, tells us he has to play and throw the Wild Card so Brent will not be safe for sure.

Wild Card comp time. Tiffany wants to play to make sure the safety doesn't fall into the wrong hands. Tiffany, Britini and Derek X play the comp. Derek doesn't want Britini to win because he's thinking she will be on the block with Brent and doesn't want her to have safety. He will throw it to Tiffany.

The backyard us done up like a beach. There are balance beams. Unlucky 13 placing four giant cards that add up to 13 to eliminate another player. They can swap cards. Ohh ... Derek F sees them obviously going after Britini. Britini realizes it, too. In the heat of the moment Britini's mind goes math numb. Derek X makes the move and eliminates Britini. She's very upset. Tiffany knocks out Derek X. Her choice is to make herself and one member from each other team to be safe. Potentially Brent of Britini could be safe. Britini wants that safety!

She declines the offer of safety. She does that so Brent won't get safety although he thinks he's already safe.

Britini cries to her team. SarahBeth, Derek F and Azah all agree that Derek X and Tiffany were gunning for her in the comp. Azah is all confused. Britini cries some more.

Xavier and Tiffany talks about the merits of putting Britini and Brent up over Whitney and Brent. To do the latter he would be putting up two from the same team. Azah doesn't want him putting Britini up and tells him to put her (Azah) up in place of Britini. 

Now, Xavier has already put things in motion by suggesting to Brent that he goes up as a pawn with Britini as the target. Brent thinks he would be indeed a target because he's such a threat in the game. After all, physically he's a big threat. He is right that he won't be a pawn and threatens his relationship would never be the same if put up as such.

Time for the Nominations Ceremony -- Xavier first nominates Brent, then Britini. 

Saturday, July 24, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds into Saturday Evening, Power of Veto - July 24


BB is into giving them tie-dyed clothes this season!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Drama Llamas:

  • That bit of Tiffany live feeds video I posted earlier has some background to it.
  • Azah.
  • Britini.
  • As even the most casual watch the TV show only BB fan could predict, Britini is totally bent out of shape over being on the block even though she was once again told she's a pawn.
  • Now, that worked out fine for her last week, didn't it?
  • Before noms Azah was telling Xavier that she (Azah) needs to go on the block instead of Britini. 
  • (Remember, Xavier was talking way too much in his one on one meetings!)
  • Now, as the kids would say, Azah is feeling some kind of way because Britini was nominated.
  • What kind of way, you ask?
  • A bizarre pouting angry passive aggressive moody kind of way.
  • Why? Her behavior is putting her own game in the spotlight. Sure, support your teammate. Console your teammate. Speak up a bit for your teammate if you feel the need.
  • But do NOT get so wrapped up in your defense of the teammate that you put your own game in jeopardy. 
  • Xavier tried to convince Brent that Britini is the target.
  • Of course, Brent didn't buy that bridge.
  • He's mainly on the block for the way he treats women and his cockiness in general. He annoys people. He is being compared to Caleb in his stalking of Alyssa.
  • But, would those reasons ever enter his mind?
  • Nope! He's knows he's the target because he's just such a dangerous fantastic game player!
  • He is right that he's the target, not Britini.
  • But he's so wrong otherwise.
  • Meanwhile, Derek F is sitting around saying they need to nominate women and get them out.
  • He's saying that in earshot of women, mind you.
  • BB woke them up early and blocked the live feeds for the veto players pick.
  • In addition to Xavier, Britini and Brent playing we have Derek F, Whitney and Christian who was Xavier's Houseguest Choice pick.
  • Well, this should be interesting.
  • SarahBeth is hosting the comp.
  • The feeds didn't get blocked for the comp until nearly 3:30PM their time.
  • I've been waiting them out.
  • But I might give up, get this posted and post a brief bulletin when the feeds return.
  • Decisions, decisions.
  • It seems it was a spinning one.
  • They all have tutus on.
  • Apparently Derek F did pretty much as I thought he would. He's sweating and coughing but he and the others are all laughing about it.
  • Apparently Brent did horrible, making Derek F look good. Brent got sick. 

Whitney pedals a lot to go nowhere

Rarely without a shirt but he's exercising.

Azah, don't ruin your game acting out about Britini!

Still playing low key and mostly under the radar

Well, well, well ... he's playing in a comp

Xavier's HOH is messy even though most want one target

Christian is sporting the bling

Did someone clothesline Brent in the comp?

BB23: Just a Bit of Tiffany Live Feeds Video

 I saw this on the live feeds last night and wished I could figure out how to video copy it. Then I saw it on Twitter by someone who knows how. I love it when Tiffany talks to the cameras! Language alert towards the end, though.

Friday, July 23, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds Wild Card, Nominations - July 23


Put me up, don't make Britini go through that again!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Ruffled Feathers:

  • Xavier is making a few mistakes.
  • He earlier said his targets would be Brent and Whitney.
  • So, what does he do?
  • In his one on one meeting with Brent, he asks him how he would feel if he went up on the block.
  • OY.
  • They had the Wild Card Comp with Tiffany, Derek X and Britini playing.
  • Tiffany won and did not use. I'm not sure what the comp was but I would guess she didn't like the consequence of using it. 
  • So, their Wild Card twist is running as a flop with one of three using it and Christian only used it as it was a good consequence all around with safety for himself and a person of his choice. 
  • Britini, retaining her needy and emotional ways, thought Tiffany and Derek X conspired against her in the comp.
  • Tiffany had to console her.
  • Then, after a one on one with Xavier, she got all emotional about possibly going on the block.
  • Azah went to Xavier and was adamant that, if he planned on using Britini as a pawn, put her up instead. She does NOT want to go through the drama with Britini again for the second week in a row.
  • Tiffany had a long talk alone with the camera and us. If she thinks she's hated (and accepts it because, hey, that's just the way she is), she's got another think coming! My own opinion and what I've been seeing around social media is that her game and herself being herself is getting rave reviews.
  • Xavier seemed to want to pattern his HOH after Kyland.
  • In some ways he has been doing so.
  • But it's one thing that's screaming FAIL. He's talking too much!
  • Kyland would interrupt people and say he wanted to ask questions and not talk.
  • Xavier's talking and saying too much to those who stand the most to lose with him.
  • It's been feed blocks for most of the day between Wild Card and nominations.
  • Right now I'm waiting for the feeds to return so I can get the nominations in this update.
  • :::tapping foot:::
  • The nominees for eviction are (drumroll please) ... Brent and Britini.
  • Britini is crying.
  • Brent is being led to believe Britini is the target.

America, do y'all hate me?

Derek F likes to judge others

She's needy and Tiffany is a consoling kind of gal

Thankfully, not in danger this week

While not a Frenchie HOH, he's no Kyland HOH either!

BB23: Live Feeds into Friday Morning - July 23


Who wants to see my HOH room?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Happy Hamsters:

  • Frenchie being gone is almost like a weight off their shoulders.
  • We know going into this week that the Kings and Queens have decided to work together.
  • So, that actually limits the possibilities for eviction nominees.
  • After the feeds came back Hannah and Derek X talked about it being easy to throw the comp once Whitney and Brent were out.
  • Hmm.
  • Now, if people intended to throw the comp to Xavier or whether they just didn't want to be HOH right now, I just don't know.
  • There is no hinky vote quibble or investigation this week as Derek F had already told everyone he would vote for Frenchie to stay.
  • Christian, although his hair styles are rather distracting, is not only safe this week because he's on the Kings team with Xavier, is getting along a lot better sans the Frenchie targeting him.
  • That said, his Not a Showmance with Alyssa has developed into quite the Is a Showmance.
  • I could do without that. But at least they haven't gotten to the soft porn stage within the first few weeks!
  • The Have Nots this week are the Queens -- Claire, Kyland and Tiffany
  • I believe they volunteered. There seem to be fewer complaints about the room this season and a couple of them want to go on diets so the slop will suffice. It's just that pesky cold showers bit they really would prefer not to do.
  • Before talks were even talked I figured this week's nominees would likely be Brent and Whitney.
  • Brent is reminiscent of BB seasons past -- sexist, puts foot in mouth and says the wrong things in front of the wrong people too often, thinks he's all that, plays up to and attaches himself to the hip (if he can) to the power in the house, etc.
  • Then there's Whitney. While she has been known to hang all over Xavier, I don't think that he is all over her at all. She too could have been a past season hamster. 
  • Then initial talking with a few went down. Xavier is leaning towards nominating Whitney and Brent. Surprise surprise!
  • Xavier had a lengthy talk with Kyland asking for HOH advice -- what worked for him, what didn't. He plans to talk to the teams before the Wild Card today and then to the hamsters one by one before the actual nominations. He will do it alphabetically. How logical! 
  • I just hope he doesn't do what Kyland did to a T as that was Kyland's thing. Xavier needs his own thing. 
  • Whatever he does, I'm sure it will be an improvement over the Reign of Frenchie.
  • Not much can be decided until after the Wild Card Comp later today.

Xavier asking Kyland for HOH advice

Why? Just why? That's sillier than a man-bun!

Wins the Most Likely to be Nominated Award!

Waiting on the couch for the HOH room

I could use a neck and shoulder massage, Kyland!