Good evening! Amazing, isn't it? So far all the Sunday shows have started on time on the East Coast. I hope I didn't jinx things by mentioning that!
Please remember -- this post is a NO SPOILER ZONE. Many people who don't watch the live feeds read the show posts. Please keep your comments to what is happening on the episode or even totally off topic, but no spoilers! Merci.
I'll be live blogging, updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!
Of course. I'm skipping the "Previously on" segment. But you knew that.
We pick up the action after Xavier's HOH starts. Britini is sure she's safe. No way would Xavier nominate her for the second week in a row. Brent is sure he's in with Xavier. Derek F tells us he's working with the Cookout and feels safe. Now, Alyssa is really safe as are all four Kings team members -- SarahBeth, Christian, Alyssa and Xavier.
Derek X, Kyland, Tiffany and Claire join up with them to work with the Kings. Azah is hoping her team might be safe. She doesn't know. They name their alliance the Royal Flush.
Brent is being his sexist self and making Alyssa uncomfortable. He is reminding me of Caleb stalking whoever that was some seasons back. It's a good think Alyssa has no bunny slippers. He's also after Hannah telling her all this ridiculous sexist stuff.
Tiffany talks with Xavier hoping that he will put Brent up. He's thinking Britini or Whitney to go up with Brent. Tiffany is a great manipulator leading him along.
Derek F thinks their are cute couples in the house. He wants Hannah and Derek X to get together. Hannah does have a crush on him. And, it seems like he's reciprocating! Christian and Alyssa are indeed cuddling together a lot although they don't want to admit showmance.
Derek X and Hannah talk about Brent. They threw the HOH comp just so Brent would not be safe. Now, that screams they want him out! Derek X, on the same team as Brent, tells us he has to play and throw the Wild Card so Brent will not be safe for sure.
Wild Card comp time. Tiffany wants to play to make sure the safety doesn't fall into the wrong hands. Tiffany, Britini and Derek X play the comp. Derek doesn't want Britini to win because he's thinking she will be on the block with Brent and doesn't want her to have safety. He will throw it to Tiffany.
The backyard us done up like a beach. There are balance beams. Unlucky 13 placing four giant cards that add up to 13 to eliminate another player. They can swap cards. Ohh ... Derek F sees them obviously going after Britini. Britini realizes it, too. In the heat of the moment Britini's mind goes math numb. Derek X makes the move and eliminates Britini. She's very upset. Tiffany knocks out Derek X. Her choice is to make herself and one member from each other team to be safe. Potentially Brent of Britini could be safe. Britini wants that safety!
She declines the offer of safety. She does that so Brent won't get safety although he thinks he's already safe.
Britini cries to her team. SarahBeth, Derek F and Azah all agree that Derek X and Tiffany were gunning for her in the comp. Azah is all confused. Britini cries some more.
Xavier and Tiffany talks about the merits of putting Britini and Brent up over Whitney and Brent. To do the latter he would be putting up two from the same team. Azah doesn't want him putting Britini up and tells him to put her (Azah) up in place of Britini.
Now, Xavier has already put things in motion by suggesting to Brent that he goes up as a pawn with Britini as the target. Brent thinks he would be indeed a target because he's such a threat in the game. After all, physically he's a big threat. He is right that he won't be a pawn and threatens his relationship would never be the same if put up as such.
Time for the Nominations Ceremony -- Xavier first nominates Brent, then Britini.