Saturday, September 18, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds, Veto Winner Saturday - Sept. 18


Azah has also cooked this season between naps

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Backstabbing Badgers:
  • To be honest, hardly anything happened until the veto comp a few hours ago.
  • They ate.
  • They played cards.
  • Derek F continued to act like he has actually done something this season other than lay about, cook and hate on women.
  • Azah moped, sure she cannot win veto.
  • Xavier talked to us and to Derek about Kyland going this week unless he wins the veto.
  • If Kyland wins, Derek would go up but Azah would be the target.
  • Oh, well.
  • The feeds were blocked for the veto comp.
  • Xavier, the HOH, won the Power of Veto.
  • Kyland is definitely getting the feeling of impending doom.
  • All of a sudden he's beginning to realize that he might not be able to trust Xavier.
  • And, Xavier himself is letting me down. Such a solid sportsman otherwise, he's taking two weak players into the final two.
  • The meeting will probably be on Monday.
  • I don't think he will change his mind.
  • And you know that Derek, if he had a mind of his own, would still vote to keep Azah his Laying About Buddy (even though she's a woman).

The feeling of impending doom has arrived.

Just hand him the check

He annoys me.
The TV edit of him annoys me more.

Friday, September 17, 2021

BB23: HOH and Nominations (?) Show Blog Party - Sept. 17


Yes, it's Friday. Yes, there is a show tonight. There is no show this Sunday due to the Emmy Awards. I can only guess what tonight's show will be. Judging by what we normally see on Sunday and what has happened on the live feeds, I'm guessing an HOH comp and nominations. Remember, since this is a show post, it's a NO SPOILERS ZONE.

I'll be live blogging and updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Sitting through "Previously On." It seems that I'm right about what will be on the show.

The action opens with the final four celebration. Derek is being obnoxious. Everything needs to be handed to him and it's not. 

They rehash house happenings before Azah made her nominations. Azah feels her best bet for final three is to stay loyal to the guys. We'll see how that works out for her. Kyland tells Hannah that he promised Xavier he would save him if he won the veto (which he did). Xavier tells us that he didn't want to put Azah in the spot to choose between Derek and Hannah so they need to vote out Hannah unanimously. Derek is salty about being on the block.

Sidenote: Derek is always messing with his ears. Ew.

Azah is finally getting an inkling that Xavier and Kyland might not really be loyal to her. Hannah gets evicted. Azah feels played because Kyland saved Xavier with the veto and didn't tell her.

Xavier and Kyland talk more on the final two deal. Meanwhile, Xavier tells us his real loyalty is to Derek. EW! That makes me lose all respect I had for him as a player in the game. Azah is still all upset. Derek tells Xavier he is mad that he wasn't aware what Kyland was going to do with the veto. 

They have to gather in the living room. A woman from a new CBS CSI show is on the monitor. The HOH comp has to do with the show and the winner gets to screen an episode.

The HOH is at the BB Crime Lab. Derek thinks it's something he can actually win. Yeah, right. They have to collect clues in the crime scene, find the five clues, gather the five pieces of evidence, correct ones will bring up the suspect. The fastest to solve the crime wins.

Derek is up first. He doesn't fare all that well. Xavier is up next. He seems to be more observant with the clues than Derek was. Kyland's turn. He is more observant than Derek was, but doesn't seem as fast as Xavier. He is the only one right on all the clues the first time. But was he fast enough?

Derek 15:44. Kyland 14:52, Xavier 10:18.


Derek is upset that he lost and feels like he's riding coattails. I say, if the shoe fits, wear it. Azah is super-subdued. Kyland is upset that he lost and is worried that he might end up on the block. Kyland feels he needs to win the veto. Xavier tells us Kyland is right to worry and needs to win the veto.

Xavier makes the rounds. He talks to Azah and denies he has a final two with Kyland. He really seems very awkward with her. Derek is worried. He hints that the better final three would be them and Azah rather than Kyland. Xavier is really putting him on the spot. He also told us that he wants Derek to have the "blood on his hands" for sending one of them home.

Nominations time! Xavier first nominates Azah, then Kyland. He says Azah hasn't been nominated yet, Kyland competition record. Wishes them well in the veto comp.

BB23: Live Feeds into Friday Morning - Sept. 17


No more speeches. Please.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brothers House of Brothers Only:
  • Well, it's not Brothers Only yet but soon will be.
  • Y'see while the feeds were blocked for nearly two days for the not live evictions, they were still blocked for the most recent HOH comp.
  • Xavier.
  • Yep, you heard me. Xavier is the new HOH.
  • Who's on the block?
  • Kyland and Azah.
  • If the nominations remain the same, Derek is the only vote.
  • Although he and Azah have lazed about together all season, his misogynic ways probably will have him voting her out to keep things all boys.
  • Veto has not been played yet. Maybe today ... I'm not really sure of their schedule right now.
  • Their TV show schedule has a show tonight, though. Don't forget that!
  • Derek was saying he didn't know what he would do if he won the veto.
  • Huh? 
  • Isn't it obvious that he cannot use it as he is the only renom option in the house?
  • D'oh, Derek.
  • Now would be the time for Azah to actually win something.
  • If she were to win the veto and save herself, it would be Derek and Kyland on the block with her as the only vote.
  • Um.
  • She would probably keep Deadweight Derek who never should have been in the house in the first place no matter how much work BB is doing in editing his behavior to make him look like a good fun person.
  • I guess we'll know more later.
  • I just wish that the two Victorias weren't there in the final four and we had two different people who actually played the game. 

Azah, Azah, Azah ...

If cooking and cleaning the kitchen
 makes for a winner ...

You know you're next out now.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

BB23: "Live" Double Eviction Two-Hour Show Blog Party - Sept. 16


I say live in quotes because I think either all of or most of the show we will see tonight is taped. Anyway ... it's to be a double eviction. Maybe more? I just don't know.

As the show airs here on the East Coast I'll be live-blogging, constantly updating this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments section -- I hope to see you there!

But first -- Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool (she rocks like that, y'know). Here's where we stand going into the show tonight:

Azah Awasum - Dr Celine, Krysta Gibson, Nickelpeed, Rbennie
Derek Frazier - Glenn Allen, Jean from Tampa, Luckysmom, MikesGirl
Hannah Chaddha - BB-Boy, Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Helenann2K, JoC
Xavier Prather - Aya Marie, Donna NY, Ed in Ohio, Petals
Kyland Young - chrob61, JonMD1267, Laura in GA, QuixoticElf, Tammy
Tiffany Mitchell - April, Indiana Jane, MrsKB2, tbc

Jury: Britini D'Angelo, Derek Xiao, Sarah Beth Steagall, Claire Rehfuss,  Alyssa Lopez

Don't forget to sign up for the Survivor 41 blog pool at THIS LINKED POST if you watch the show! 


Julie is acting like it's live. I'm currently sitting through the "previously on" as we all know anyway! Will both evictions take place in one hour? Will the second hour show ... what?

Julie is wearing a black slacks outfit with a long tapered vest. She talks about the Cookout achieving its goal and we pick up on the action after the Veto Ceremony in which Kyland did not use the veto. On the block we have Tiffany and Hannah. Tiffany thinks she might wiggle her way out of this with Kyland and Xavier.

Both Tiffany and Hannah talk, both seem to be proud of the accomplishment of the Cookout but a bit bittersweet over those who had to leave to make it possible. Hannah credits Tiffany and her master plan for where the Cookout is right now. She is right.

Tiffany talks to Azah. She tells her she knows Derek wants her gone. She throws Hannah under the bus when it comes to where Derek is concerned and tells Azah she has no desire to come after her as a target.

Once again the show edits a Derek segment to make him seem like such a good guy. @@ Then we get a segment of Kyland's non-sensical speech making to Azah. Kyland and Xavier talk. Kyland mentions he has over 100K in student loans and wants to help his family monetarily. Xavier talks about the recent loss of his brother and wanting to set money aside for his nephew. I remember Frenchie lied about donating the money to some school. At least Kyland and Xavier are being truthful.

Derek joins Tiffany in the HOH bed. She tries to tell him that Hannah will be coming after him. Then she tries talking to Xavier saying that she would be a target (shield) for him if she stayed. Xavier doesn't really know if he can trust her. We know he can't! Derek and Xavier talk. Derek, of course, really wants Tiffany out. They both compare notes. Tiffany did make some anti-Hannah points, though.

Julie talks to the Cookout. She congratulates them on achieving their mission. She says they have guaranteed that the first African-American BB winner will indeed happen. Tiffany talks about how they all stuck together in the goal. She talks to Hannah about side alliances and Derek X. Sniffle.

Jury house segment now. Sarah Beth arrives. She shows them the video with Tiffany as HOH. The High Roller nominates the same. She tells them about the alliance mentioned in the goodbye messages. She points out there has never been a Black winner in BB (Celeb BB is a totally different show). Kyland seems to be their least favorite.

Time for Claire and Alyssa to arrive at the jury house. Claire first. She tells them it was a double. She thinks it will be Alyssa and there Alyssa is, still clueless. They are shocked that Tiffany took out Claire on her HOH. Claire explains to them what Tiffany told her and she still supports Tiffany for the win. Interesting ... they show goodbye messages for Alyssa which we were not shown in the interview. Alyssa finally has a clue ... even though they all had to tell her.

To the living room ...

Tiffany - Shout outs, HG our display will forever signify our legacy. Nice words to all. 
Hannah - Shout outs, Cookout honor to play with you, just positive about Tiffany, good reasons to keep me.

The votes to evict:
Derek - to evict Tiffany
Xavier - Tiffany
Azah - Tiffany

Huh. Not even the one vote of the past. Tiffany is gone, expected it. Hugs all, goes out smiling. She is good with Julie.

Julie tells them it's another double eviction. Heh.

HOH Comp. BB Ballers. Two Rounds. 12 balls at end of ramp, retrieve roll up a ramp to knock them off. First two advance to round two. Winner of round two HOH. Xavier and Azah move to round two. 

Round two has them rolling ten balls up the ramp and only onto the grass.


Azah tells Hannah must go up as a pawn. She promised Kyland she wouldn't put him up. Her plan is to backdoor him putting Xavier and Hannah up hoping one will win veto. That's what she said before commercial break, at least.

To the living room ... nominations. Azah puts Xavier and Hannah on the block, saying she had to keep promises she made.

Power of Veto comp time. It's the standard "What the Bleep" comp.

1. Derek and Azah wrong
2. Hannah wrong
3. All right
4. (Kyland and X tied for lead) - All right
5. Hannah only one right, tied with X and Ky
6. Hannah and Derek wrong
7. All right
Kyland and Xavier to a tiebreaker question
In seconds Cluckster HOH comp from start until Kyland won.

Kyland chooses to remove Xavier from the block due to previous promises. Derek is the only option to go up with Hannah.

To the living room again. 
Derek - Shout outs, HG did a lot in game, supported all, stay loyal to their word.
Hannah - Here to compete, at a point when it's best for your personal game. Please, please.

Votes to evict:
Kyland - Hannah
Xavier - Hannah

Of course. She is holding back tears, hugs all, says no hard feelings. She is reasonable in the Julie interview, perhaps showing a bit of bitterness towards Kyland. She is a good spokesperson for the Cookout.

BB23: Live Feeds Update into Thursday Morning - Sept. 16


From yesterday until after
West Coast show tonight

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Cookout Calamity:

  • Actually not the latest latest as we don't know that.
  • The feeds have been blocked since yesterday morning.
  • It seems the big "live" double eviction show isn't really live at all.
  • At least one eviction went down yesterday while the feeds were down.
  • It seems to have been Tiffany out the door.
  • There was an audio leak of someone running through Julie's intro to the veto comp. It sounds like it should be "What the Bleep."
  • And the feeds won't return until after tonight's West Coast airing ... we're talking after 1AM my time.
  • That's all.

Could he lose against Azah or Derek? Maybe.

Probably the last screen cap I will have of Tiffany