Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Cast Hamster Change

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Cast Hamsters Part 3

 You can find Part 1 and Part 2 at those linked links!

Hmm, Kyle Capener is 29 and unemployed. What a catch! Ahem. He's from and still resides in Bountiful, Utah. Bountiful with what, I ask? Unemployed men?

In his Parade bio he's on the talkative side and admits to being a bit goofy. He seems to have a good take on timing and avoiding conflict when playing the game. We'll see.

Here she is -- the "old lady" of the show at 41-years-old, we have Nicole Layog. She's from Fort Lauderdale, Florida and remains in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. In her Parade bio, she doesn't come out and say it, but it sounds like she just could be a superfan. She talks about not liking "floaters" but doesn't go so far as to advise a life vest. It sounds like she has a good take on the game. We'll see.

Now, I'm not sure it was Paloma Aguilar, but I saw an interview with houseguests. I think it was her with the vocal fry voice. That's going to be annoying. My apologies if it was someone else. I think it was her, though. She is from San Marcos, California and still resides there. In her Parade bio she claims to be a team player who doesn't like snakes or manipulators on her team. What game does she think she's playing?

Here he is ... the sole man up there near 50! Yeah, 47 is OLD for this show! Terrance Higgins is from and still living in Chicago, Illinois. As a bus operator there, he must have some stories! In his Parade bio he claims to have a sort of alpha vibe. Uh-oh. That and the fact that he's so much older than just about everyone else may shorten his stay in the house. Only one other person is over 40 and she's 41.

Big Brother: BB24 Cast Hamsters Part 2

 You can find my Part 1 of the cast posts at this here link.

Let's see what we can find out.

Alyssa Snider (not to be confused with Alyssa BB23) ... not finding much on her. Searches keep wanting me to look for Snyder instead of Snider. She's from Sarasota, Florida and still resides there. She apparently lives under a rock there. I'm getting nothing!
Update - Parade bio link

My gaydar went off almost like Peter Parker's Spidey-senses with Michael Bruner. I haven't even heard the dude talk yet. His fiancé posted on Twitter how proud he and their three fur-babies (cats) are of him. Well, anyone who loves three cats can't be bad. He's also a fan of BB's Janelle. So, he knows the show. But he is a lawyer. Hmm. I can't find any dirt on him. That's good -- we don't need a problematic lawyer in the house!
Update: his Parade bio. He is against house votes! Yay!

Leave it to someone from Staten Island to be called Pooch. Joe Pucciarelli sounds like he should be related to Vinny Barbarino. He probably has the accent to go with it, too. (Yeah, I can knock Staten Island NYC as it's nearby and the "stars" of Jersey Shore were mostly from there.) But, Poochie here has defected. He now lives in Boca Raton, Florida. Here's his "Coach Pooch" info at this link.
Update: His Parade bio. After reading that, I think I like him.

Ameerah Jones is from Westminster, Maryland and still resides there. It's kind of surprising that there are so many people in the world named Ameerah Jones. Sure, Jones is common. But Ameerah with that spelling? I gots nuthin'

Monte Taylor. From Bear, Delaware (hey, it rhymes!) and still lives in Bear. But, I doubt he's bare in Bear. Yeah, I'm messing around because I don't have much on him, either. He's too young to be the football player with the same name.

Update: His Parade bio. While they list him as a personal trainer, he has a degree in mechanical engineering.

Well, Taylor Hale is only 27 but her favorite BB season was BB3. (Yeah, I found out a bit more info on this one.) She likes strong women players -- her two favorites are Janelle and Danielle Reyes. I have to say ... I admire those two and Danielle would have won BB3 if the voting cast had not seen the Diary Room sessions! She just might be a contender!
Update: Her Parade bio. She talks a lot. After reading the bio, I'm not sure she will be a lot like her two favorites. She will depend on her wit and charm. Um. Okay.

Big Brother: BB24 Cast Hamsters Part 1

 Okay, they're finally revealed, those pesky new hamsters. They are all new -- no returning players, yay! Once again, they are almost all but one quite young. I notice a 47-year-old in the mix. We'll just have to see how he fits in. I'm finding out what I can about them and letting y'all in on my finds. There is a 41-year-old woman. Will she be honest about her age? She could pass for younger. The man not so much.

So far, I'm not finding out much.

Brittany Hoopes is originally from Atlanta but currently resides in Austin, Texas. She has an LLC named Brittany Hoopes Hypnosis incorporated just in March of this year. I'm wondering if her hypnosis skills might be in use in the house. That could be very interesting! She claims to have watched every season and is a superfan.

Update: She's a competitive belly-dancer? Oh my. Parade bio link -- she talks a lot in it.

Daniel Durston is from Ontario, California but currently living in Las Vegas, Nevada. Although you certainly can't tell it from the photo here, he's an Elvis impersonator. He has a website with his Las Vegas Elvis Stuff <--- click on the link, I swear it's safe! He's actually pretty good. Here's a link to performance videos.

His Parade bio -- he also talks a lot.

Indy Santos is originally from São Paulo, Brazil but is now living in Los Angeles, California. I would venture a guess that she's probably fluent in Portuguese. But other than that, I'm not getting much on her.

Her Parade bio. She will vote with the house. Boo hiss. 

Marvin Achi is yet another hamster CBS has made a bit confusing. While he's originally from Rivers State, Nigeria, that is not where he currently lives. He lives in Houston, Texas. Interesting ... he was on Season 17 of America's Got Talent. The Wiki for that is here at this link. His talent was beaker-related, so don't get too excited. He also has a work-out related YouTube channel here at this link. Will he be a comp beast? Hmm.
Update - his Parade bio. Seems like he focuses on his physical being. Hmm.

Matt "Turner" Turner apparently prefers to be called Turner. Okay. In my search I found there is a quite popular soccer player named Matt Turner. That's not him. His town is listed at North Attleborough, Massachusetts but he currently lives in New Bedford, Mass. In my search for the skinny on him, I found there are several thrift stores in New Bedford. So, if you're looking for bargains, you might want to head there.
Update: his Parade bio. He talks a lot and thinks he will be running the game. @@

Jasmine Davis is originally from Terry, Mississippi, now resides in Atlanta, Georgia. Now, IF the Jasmine Davis in Atlanta is the one I'm finding online, she owns/runs (whatever) a beauty salon business and received one of those PPP loans (20K) back in 2021. That would be understandable as those businesses did have to shut down If that's her, that is. I think it is. There is also a realtor with the same name. But I don't think of that as real entrepreneur-type job.
Update: Her Parade bio. Another house voter, gah.

More in a bit ...

Just picked up some dirt on Turner ... this is his sister, verified as he did work for Mr. Beast on YouTube -- read the whole thread of tweets by her. Oh my.


Big Brother: BB24 -- Finally a Cast Reveal

 More on these soon as I check them out ...