You can find Part 1 and Part 2 at those linked links!
Hmm, Kyle Capener is 29 and unemployed. What a catch! Ahem. He's from and still resides in Bountiful, Utah. Bountiful with what, I ask? Unemployed men?In his Parade bio he's on the talkative side and admits to being a bit goofy. He seems to have a good take on timing and avoiding conflict when playing the game. We'll see.
Here she is -- the "old lady" of the show at 41-years-old, we have Nicole Layog. She's from Fort Lauderdale, Florida and remains in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. In her Parade bio, she doesn't come out and say it, but it sounds like she just could be a superfan. She talks about not liking "floaters" but doesn't go so far as to advise a life vest. It sounds like she has a good take on the game. We'll see.
Now, I'm not sure it was Paloma Aguilar, but I saw an interview with houseguests. I think it was her with the vocal fry voice. That's going to be annoying. My apologies if it was someone else. I think it was her, though. She is from San Marcos, California and still resides there. In her Parade bio she claims to be a team player who doesn't like snakes or manipulators on her team. What game does she think she's playing?
Here he is ... the sole man up there near 50! Yeah, 47 is OLD for this show! Terrance Higgins is from and still living in Chicago, Illinois. As a bus operator there, he must have some stories! In his Parade bio he claims to have a sort of alpha vibe. Uh-oh. That and the fact that he's so much older than just about everyone else may shorten his stay in the house. Only one other person is over 40 and she's 41.