Sunday, July 24, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Sunday Morning - July 24


Smile - You're on Candid Camera

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Leftover Llamas:

  • Apparently, some brouhaha went down before the POV comp but after the live feeds were cut yesterday.
  • In it, it sounds like Taylor was pretty much attacked by Nicole (and Daniel?).
  • Now, yesterday Joseph ended up making himself a new target because Ameerah freaked out that he was talking to Taylor.
  • She was sure they were talking game.
  • They weren't. Joseph just seems to be a nice guy. He had noticed that she seemed all alone and was being ostracized by the rest of the house. He offered to be someone she could turn to if needed.
  • Anyway, all this doesn't happen without people taking notice.
  • I told you that Michael/Brittany won the PoV and the plan was to target Ameerah.
  • That would mean Turner has to put Ameerah/Terrance on the block.
  • However, that would mean there's a chance that Terrance would go, not Ameerah.
  • What to do? What to do?
  • Meanwhile, Monte -- who really believed in Paloma -- finally came to the realization that Taylor had been honest with him and had approached him about the girls targeting him to give him a heads up.
  • The outsiders got together and talked.
  • The Girls Girls Alliance has Ameerah, Alyssa, Jasmine, Indy on the outskirts. Brittany was told she's in but they all tend to exclude her. Taylor was never invited.
  • The Old Skool Alliance has all the older people -- Daniel, Nicole,Terrance and Alyssa as the youngest member. Brittanny is older than Alyssa but wasn't invited.
  • Everyone else has no real ties to an alliance.
  • What to do?
  • Form one.
  • Michael, Brittany, Joseph, Taylor, Kyle, Monte and Turner are now The Leftovers.
  • This is the first alliance I've liked.
  • They have people good in comps, people good with strategy, some who really know the game.
  • Plus, they're uniting because they all realize that Daniel, Nicole and Ameerah have been pushing an agenda pretty much as an act of manipulation rather than having a real basis.
  • Taylor never did anything to anyone.
  • Now this game is interesting.

The Leftovers cheer

Meeting of the minds in progress

He lucked into a strong alliance

He still owes Taylor an apology, I say!

Finally has "people."

Joseph's PoV Comp host garb

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Saturday, Power of Veto - July 23


Bringing dignity to the role of HOH

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Damaged Goods:

  • At least, for right now it seems the Taylor Backdoor plan is off and she will survive another week of being alienated by her fellow hamsters.
  • Yep.
  • Y'see, Joseph committed the ultimate sin of having a fairly lengthy friendly talk with Taylor.
  • Nah, Joseph is not the target.
  • Ameerah is.
  • Why?
  • Because she freaked out about him talking to Taylor and went off the hook about it.
  • Now they're thinking Ameerah is the one who needs to be backdoored.
  • Weird that she is the one who suggested getting Joseph out before Pooch last week.
  • Remember, this is all the duo Besties thing -- Michael and Brittany are on the block.
  • Of course, any backdoor plan is dependent on the veto winner.
  • While Michael has won two vetoes so far, he will be under pressure.
  • Supposedly, if the noms remain the same, Brittany would be voted out.
  • But, when you think about it, if you were playing the game -- Michael is the biggest threat. It would be wise to vote him out.
  • But who says these hamsters are wise?
  • Kyle has caught on to Michael knowing more about BB than he admits. Michael slipped mentioning the live feeds and reddit. 
  • Joseph thinks Ameerah knows more about BB than she's admitting.
  • Last night Jasmine claims Taylor bumped into her foot and hurt it "the other way." @@
  • When Nicole came out of the Diary Room in tears, all worried it was bad news about her mother.
  • Daniel went to talk to her. It wasn't that at all. It was just stress.
  • They sat and talked about what a bad person Taylor is while Taylor was in the living room praying for Nicole's mother. @@
  • Nicole/Taylor are the Besties couple randomly picked to play the veto comp with Turner/Jasmine (if she plays) and Michael/Brittany.
  • Joseph will host the comp. He asked Daniel for advice. My advice is to not be a Daniel.
  • After a really lengthy feeds block, Brittany/Michael won the Power of Veto.
  • The veto meeting will be Monday.

Joseph was talking to TAYLOR!

The scene of the crime

So, he talked to Taylor? 

You could poke your eye out doing that!

Surprisingly, his name is rarely
brought up as a target.

He told Taylor she can always talk to him.

Invested in her makeup 

Friday, July 22, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Friday, Nominations - July 22


She should realize she has no allies

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Antsy Alliances:

  • If you haven't read my last update about the Besties Festies, please read it now, before this one.
  • I will wait.
  • Are you back yet?
  • The Besties twist is definitely throwing any plans askew in this one.
  • Turner, after much talking and asking people to be pawns and such seems to have made up his mind.
  • Well, what mind he has, that is.
  • Originally, he was determined to go after whoever was responsible for Pooch going.
  • Um. dude -- I heard it was either unanimous or almost unanimous.
  • Go after the whole house!
  • Then Turner got the bright idea that he has to backdoor Taylor to get her out as the house wants her out.
  • Yeah, that's why they voted Pooch out.
  • I say that in jest, but seriously there is still a huge anti-Taylor movement afoot!
  • So, now the task is to get a couple of Besties up as pawns.
  • He needs someone who should win veto. Hmm.
  • Who to pick? Who to pick?
  • Indy already balked at going up.
  • Turner thinks Brittany and Michael would be the pair to nominate due to Michael winning two prior veto comps.
  • His plan is that if Michael doesn't win, Brittany gets voted out.
  • Hmmm.
  • The feeds were blocked for nominations.
  • Brittany and Michael are on the block.

Kyle still having contacts issues

Brittany looks different every time I see her

He and Jasmine are an odd coupling

Indy is not really under the radar.
She thinks she is.

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Friday - July 22


Just a bit over emotional

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Emo Emus:

  • As you should know from my last update, we do have live feeds -- although I expect them down for POV comp -- and the new HOH is Turner.
  • Sigh.
  • The Bestie Festie is on.
  • If I were a writer for the show things I'd be searching for a new job right now. 
  • But, then again, it might depend on the salary paid to me!
  • The "Besties" are: Turner/Jasmine, Brittany/Michael, Ameerah/Terrance, Nicole/Taylor, Joseph/Monte, Alyssa/Indy, Daniel/Kyle.
  • Apparently, as Turner's Bestie, Jasmine is safe for the week.
  • This Bestie thing goes on longer than the week. It's a good thing the Besties aren't tethered together!
  • As HOH, Turner can't compete for HOH this week. But Jasmine can. If she wins, he's also safe for the week.
  • This twist is convoluting or discombobulating everything.
  • They have to nominate in pairs by Besties. I have no clue what happens with the Bestie not evicted of a pair.
  • The veto comp will have HOH and Bestie, the two nominees and one pair of Besties randomly chosen to play.
  • Gah.
  • In other news, Turner -- with talk about him calling out his girlfriend Meghan's name during the HOH comp -- got a letter from her in his HOH basket.
  • He started crying before he even started to actually read the letter.
  • Oh, geez. Give me a break.
  • He does have two cute cats, though. They probably nest in his hair at night.
  • Heehee.
  • There is only one pair of Besties as Have Nots this week.
  • Turner wussed out and told Jasmine to pick. Jasmine wussed out and it ended up Indy/Alyssa volunteering.
  • That's about it for now. Although there have been a few discussions about nominations, I'm not sure what Turner will do.
  • We will know by tonight!

Looking mischievous! 

As Turner's "Bestie" Jasmine also gets a cap

No, not Besties

Turner takes forever crying
through his letter reading

Brittany, excitable gal

Still in the house!

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Eviction, HoH Results Bulletin - July 21


The live feeds will run through until we see the "live" taped eviction on Sunday evening. The feeds returned tonight at about 11:40PM ET.

Although no one has mentioned it that I caught, Pooch is missing and Taylor is there. So, the Pooch out the doggy door did indeed go down.

They had the HOH comp. I'm not sure what it was as it was blocked to the feeds. But I'm rather shocked who won ...

Turner. Turner won HOH.