Good evening, hamster fans! Tonight's show will be the veto comp and the veto meeting. Please don't post any spoilers in the comments before they air on the show!I will be live-blogging and updating this entry constantly as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!
Previously On ... and blah-blah-blah ...
We pick up the action after the nominations ceremony. Monty tells us that Alyssa/Indy were the only Besties without a Leftover in it. He would still like to get Nicole out.
Joseph and Monte would both prefer Nicole out but don't like the idea of Taylor, her Bestie, going on the block again. They are trying to earn trust with her.
Michael wants to bring Brittany and Taylor to the end.
Daniel picked up that Monte said Indy and Alyssa are not the target. He goes to Monte. Monte lies and tells him that Taylor is his target. Daniel is suspicious and wonders if Monte might want to backdoor Nicole.
Taylor, Kyle and Michael giggle about the possibility of Daniel winning and using the veto and sending his best friend home.
They push the Kyle/Alyssa showmance with a segment. Daniel tells Nicole that if he wins the veto, he will not use it because he doesn't trust them.
Veto Player pick time -- Three sets of Besties will compete. Terrance/Joseph/Monte, Alyssa/Indy and ... Monte will choose a chip from the box. He randomly selects Daniel/Kyle.
Brittany thinks, because she and Michael are the only fully Besties from the Leftovers, it would be better to keep the noms the same, get rid of Alyssa and get Indy in the Leftovers.
Veto Comp time -- Tie-dyed shirts on all. Psychedelic Slop. One of the Besties takes a "trip" and reports what's seen to the other. We get cartoon versions of the trippers. Then the non-tripping Bestie has to answer questions about the trip.
1. Kyle and Indy get a point.
2. All get points
3. Kyle gets a point
4. Kyle and Indgy get points
5. All get points
Kyle/Daniel win the veto!
Kyle tells us he will take Alyssa down. Meanwhile, Daniel doesn't want to use the veto as he doesn't want to risk Nicole.
The Leftovers meet up and make the decision that it might be best for them not to use the veto, evict Alyssa and take in Indy with Britanny/Michael. They ask Michael and he's not keen on the idea. He has already promised Alyssa he would save her with the veto. He's between a rock and a hard place with this one.
Monte talks to Daniel and Nicole. He tells them that he's worried about the votes if he puts Taylor/Nicole on the block. Nicole tells us she's sure she has the numbers to stay. Daniel thinks that Monte is just saying not to use the veto to protect Taylor. Heh.
Daniel tells Kyle his theory. Kyle is thrilled that it would mean that Alyssa comes down. He also says it will be an epic BB moment if Daniel does it and they evict Nicole.
Time for the Veto Meeting. Daniel/Kyle save Alyssa/Indy. Monte puts Nicole/Taylor on the block in their place. Neither Brittany nor Taylor are happy about this move. Taylor still has trust issues. Nicole is smug that she will stay. Heh.