I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Friday, August 05, 2022
Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Bulletin, Nominations - August 5
Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Friday, New HoH - August 5
Turner LOVED Taylor's speech last night! |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Boisterous Beasts:
- Of course the feeds were blocked for the HOH comp.
- I think production feels that showing the comp on the Sunday episode increases the ratings for that night.
- I also think the only comps we will see on the feeds might be any endurance comps.
- I could be wrong.
- Ah, I miss the old days pre-Slop when they aired the food comps on the live feeds!
- Anyway, the feeds returned to Michael wearing the HOH key and no Have Nots.
- Hmm.
- A rather disturbing conversation happened when Kyle told Michael he thinks the POC (including minorities like Indy from Brazil and Joseph due to being considered brown and his religion) are going to team up and want him out. He thinks he, Alyssa, Michael and Brittany should form an alliance to protect themselves.
- Hmm.
- Now, Michael didn't say anything.
- However, Michael has a final three deal with Brittany and Taylor.
- Plus, the POC in this cast of hamsters do NOT work together well -- most targeted Taylor!
- Kyle is way off base and it looks like his rather sheltered life not exposing him to people unlike himself could be to his detriment.
- Plus, the Kyle/Alyssa thing needs to stop!
- That last was my own opinion.
- Michael wants his ultimate target to be Daniel.
- He's thinking of a backdoor plan, possibly putting the trio of Monte, Terrance and Joseph on the block, evicting Terrance if the veto is not used. If the veto is used, put up Daniel/Kyle.
- Huh.
- I personally think right now Daniel is not the threat he was before.
- He's a rather broken and crushed version of his previous self.
- Honestly, although I can't see it happening, of the two I think Kyle is more of a threat.
- But I doubt Michael wants to make waves at this time.
- He is just happy that he and Brittany are safe for the week.
- He really has issues that Alyssa didn't go as they agreed last week to give him and Brittany a shield of Indy in their Besties.
- Hey, Michael ... you could do it this week!
- Heh.
Does Monte know Kyle thinks he's a threat? |
Michael going through his goodies basket |
Jasmine still uses her ankle as a crutch in the game |
Michael with his HOH key |
Thursday, August 04, 2022
Big Brother: BB24 Live Eviction Show Blog Party - August 4
Tonight we will see the live eviction show and perhaps the start of the HoH comp. They seem to like to put that off and sometimes show it on the Sunday show. So, I can't promise HoH!
Before we get going, Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and here we stand:
Brittany - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Daniel - jo C, Indiana Jane, Marthalight
Indy - Brenda, JamieNJ, Krysta, Petals
Jasmine - Sharon N, Babs, tbc, ChaCha
Joseph - Cheryl in NC, T-Town Chick, Sharon C, Tammy M
Kyle - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Nicole - Donna in FL, Dr Celine, Skyriverblue
Taylor - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp
I will be live-blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!
I'm not sure I really like Julie's pink summery one-piece pants thing she's wearing tonight. I think it makes her look heavier. Oh, well. Let's sit through Previously On.
It's Day 30. Julie recaps the recap for us. Daniel tells us that he hasn't trusted Monte since the Ameerah vote and, because Monte wanted to keep the noms the same, he had to use the veto. So, he put his only real ally on the block. He honestly thinks they have the votes to send Taylor packing and not Nicole.
Alyssa thinks it was Kyle who saved her off the block. She doesn't realize it was really Daniel. Taylor is really upset because she was told she wouldn't be going on the block this week even though she would be safe.
Daniel talks to Alyssa/Indy saying how he saved them because he loves them and they need to save Nicole. Nicole is certain she has the votes to stay. She seems to think by telling Indy, Alyssa and Jasmine that she was a cop for ten years they will be sure to keep her.
Daniel tells us that people make the mistake of getting too comfortable in the game ... as he and Nicole are calling the others clowns and are sure she will stay.
The obligatory showmance segment ... Kyle and Alyssa. She's "in love."
Since the Leftovers are worried about a tie vote, they need to keep their alliance under cover.
Nicole talks to Monte. She lies and tells Monte what he wants to hear as she no longer trusts him. Monte tells us he doesn't trust Nicole and will go to Jasmine, Alyssa and Indy that she (Nicole) will target them. He tells Jasmine. She runs to the other two after telling us in the DR that she didn't want to be "on the other side of the house" again. Indy speaks up against Taylor and how she was supposed to leave the first week.
To the living room for the live vote --
Nicole - Loves her mother, loyalty and integrity, I will play with humility and grace and the right person will win the game
Taylor - Shoutouts. Points out her closest ally put Nicole in the game. Loves all.
The votes to evict:
Nicole looked like she knew she was gone the second Julie said nine to one. Heh. A bitter Daniel tells them all that they all can't split the check and they need to play for themselves.
Nicole says Taylor's speech was amazing and comical. Nicole claimed that she (Nicole) was playing her alliance's game. She handles the interview well.
Gather in the living room -- time for Taylor to choose a Festie Bestie duo or trio to join. She chooses Indy and Alyssa. Hmm.
No HOH start. It will probably play out tonight with the feeds blocked.
In the live feeds end of show peek, Daniel is alone pacing, saying he should pack his bags and how much he doesn't want to live with these people.
Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Thursday - August 4
Body language is shouting |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Smoke and Mirrors:
- Not a heck of a lot to report.
- The plan is still to blindside Nicole.
- Unfortunately, it's not going to be much of a blindside.
- No, no one told her.
- They're all still lying to her.
- But she could tell by the way they wouldn't look into her eyes and how they were treating her that the vote was flipped.
- Now she thinks it will be unanimous or almost unanimous that she will go home.
- Daniel says that he probably won't last much longer and that they're all sheep playing the game for other people.
- "You can't share the money," he says.
- Both still are blinded to their own behaviors in the house.
- Laters!
Set Kyle free, Alyssa! |
She thinks he can be trusted. |
How long will she last? |
Up all night talking |
Wednesday, August 03, 2022
Big Brother: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 3
I will be live-blogging and updating this entry constantly as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!
Previously On ... and blah-blah-blah ...
We pick up the action after the nominations ceremony. Monty tells us that Alyssa/Indy were the only Besties without a Leftover in it. He would still like to get Nicole out.
Joseph and Monte would both prefer Nicole out but don't like the idea of Taylor, her Bestie, going on the block again. They are trying to earn trust with her.
Michael wants to bring Brittany and Taylor to the end.
Daniel picked up that Monte said Indy and Alyssa are not the target. He goes to Monte. Monte lies and tells him that Taylor is his target. Daniel is suspicious and wonders if Monte might want to backdoor Nicole.
Taylor, Kyle and Michael giggle about the possibility of Daniel winning and using the veto and sending his best friend home.
They push the Kyle/Alyssa showmance with a segment. Daniel tells Nicole that if he wins the veto, he will not use it because he doesn't trust them.
Veto Player pick time -- Three sets of Besties will compete. Terrance/Joseph/Monte, Alyssa/Indy and ... Monte will choose a chip from the box. He randomly selects Daniel/Kyle.
Brittany thinks, because she and Michael are the only fully Besties from the Leftovers, it would be better to keep the noms the same, get rid of Alyssa and get Indy in the Leftovers.
Veto Comp time -- Tie-dyed shirts on all. Psychedelic Slop. One of the Besties takes a "trip" and reports what's seen to the other. We get cartoon versions of the trippers. Then the non-tripping Bestie has to answer questions about the trip.
Kyle tells us he will take Alyssa down. Meanwhile, Daniel doesn't want to use the veto as he doesn't want to risk Nicole.
The Leftovers meet up and make the decision that it might be best for them not to use the veto, evict Alyssa and take in Indy with Britanny/Michael. They ask Michael and he's not keen on the idea. He has already promised Alyssa he would save her with the veto. He's between a rock and a hard place with this one.
Monte talks to Daniel and Nicole. He tells them that he's worried about the votes if he puts Taylor/Nicole on the block. Nicole tells us she's sure she has the numbers to stay. Daniel thinks that Monte is just saying not to use the veto to protect Taylor. Heh.
Daniel tells Kyle his theory. Kyle is thrilled that it would mean that Alyssa comes down. He also says it will be an epic BB moment if Daniel does it and they evict Nicole.
Time for the Veto Meeting. Daniel/Kyle save Alyssa/Indy. Monte puts Nicole/Taylor on the block in their place. Neither Brittany nor Taylor are happy about this move. Taylor still has trust issues. Nicole is smug that she will stay. Heh.