Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Tuesday - August 9


Don't lean on her ankle, Terrance!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Crazy Cats:

  • Daniel is not taking the renom of himself and Kyle well.
  • On one hand, he claims to understand Michael's thinking on it.
  • On the other hand, he acts like Michael misled him or Michael is stupid to make the move.
  • He, Terrance and Jasmine seem to seriously think that they have a chance to gather enough votes to keep him.
  • I do think Daniel looks better with his hair slicked back and not having that dirpy clump of blond hair hanging down.
  • While I do think that if word got out (from Michael) that Kyle thinks the minorities in the house (Monte, Nicole, Jasmine, Indy, Taylor, Joseph, Terrance) should be targeted because he thinks they will team up to vote out the white people, he'd be in a bit of a spot.
  • But making the move to target a Leftover at this time isn't a good idea.
  • Turner, the whitest guy in there -- and possibly on the planet -- has no such issues. He and Taylor have really formed a good friendship and he's been a hero for the underdog this season.
  • Amazingly, none of the non-Leftovers are talking about evicting him.
  • Maybe he will squeak through to near the end.
  • Apparently, the Diary Room is pushing a second showmance, this time Joseph and Taylor.
  • They are calling it a fauxmance although there is definitely a spark there.
  • They don't want the Besties to end and end up on the block together, so fauxmance it is ... for now.
  • Speaking of Joseph, I'm glad Marvin ended up not on the show. Joseph has definitely been a main player this season.
  • In non-feed news, it seems there will be no more spoilers (about blocked feeds) from SpoilerGirl on Twitter. Two production staff members were fired for leaking the information. Supposedly, you can tell one of them because every week until last he/she was in the credits at the end of the show. Now he/she is gone.
  • Things still stand that Daniel will get the boot this week.
  • And I'm not talking Jasmine's boot.

If only Monte knew that Kyle wants him out

The fauxmance couple. I think it's a flirtmance.

They think Daniel has a chance? Bwahaha!

Indy chows down

She took her cane in the pool.
 It's a wonder she didn't wear the boot in there.

Monday, August 08, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Muffin Mystery and Cookies Caper Videos

 There was also the Big Cookie Caper. Turner put some of Jasmine's cookies she had put aside and placed them in the freezer. Then he put water in the bag with the remaining cookies. Michael was watching on his HOH spy cam and was laughing hysterically.

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Monday, Veto Meeting - August 8


Pretzel logic

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother house of Misguided Mice:

  • I actually don't have a ton of things to report.
  • Oh, I have one major thing.
  • But I'll save that for later.
  • Let me talk Indy for a moment.
  • What the hell is her problem with Taylor?
  • She's carrying on the Paloma Posse hate for the woman far past its expiration time.
  • She knows the Brazilian BB show.
  • She should know that if the majority of the people in the house are accepting there was ill treatment, perhaps it's time to back off.
  • Anyway ...
  • Brittany is walking normal although cuts like that on the knee can be quite painful and open up.
  • She's no Jasmine.
  • Okay, the big news is coming.
  • It's not really a surprise, per se.
  • Michael used the veto and took Joseph/Monte/Terrance off the block.
  • And he put Daniel/Kyle up in their place.
  • I believe he honestly thought he could manipulate Daniel and use him as a shield. Monte out would be better for him competition-wise.
  • However, I think he may have realized it's too early for a move like that and would end the shield of the Leftovers for both himself and Brittany.
  • Daniel is the target.
  • But ... I wonder if word gets out about what Kyle was saying, he might be in trouble.
  • After all, he's voicing a fear that all the minorities will target him.
  • Hmm.

Why, yes Daniel. It is a backdoor plan.

Turner brings enjoyment to the feeds

Indy won't like you two hanging out together.

I wouldn't be upset if he went home.

Sunday, August 07, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 HOH, Nominations Show Blog Party - August 7


Good evening! I hope everybody is holding up under the weather. I swear we've had more over 90-degree days than under 90 this year. And, that's not the norm.

Tonight's show will be the HOH and nominations. I guess that IS the norm this season -- holding off the HOH to boost Sunday ratings. Although many of us already know the results of the veto comp, shhhh. This is a show post -- no spoilers!

I will be live-blogging, updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Previously On and on and on. Ahh, they will show the Muffin Mystery tonight. That was fun on the feeds.

We pick up the action after Nicole leaves. Indy is not real receptive of being Festie Bestie with Taylor. Of course, Taylor chose those two as it gives two non-Leftover targets in her group.

Daniel cries to us. He confronts Alyssa because she voted for Nicole to go. She tells us she didn't want to go against the house. He sarcastically tells Monte that either he (Monte) or Michael will win the game. He's coming across as quite bitter. Daniel's behavior has his Festie Bestie Kyle concerned that they will both go on the block. (Daniel is a target no matter what at this point.)

HOH Comp. Dog Park -- BB Fest Poochapaloosa. Walk across obstacles -balance beams - in the park, hit button on other side. Mind your step.

Daniel - 16 seconds
Michael - 11.79 seconds
Joseph - Disqualified, not in time
Jasmine - Same as Joseph
Alyssa - Same as the last two
Terrance - Same again
Brittany - Same
Taylor - Same
Kyle - Just short of time
Indy - Same as the others
Turner - He fell down hard. out.


He tells us that he will do what's best for his game and thinking ahead. He and Brittany celebrate. He brings up Daniel, but is it best for his personal game? Brittany is thrilled just to be safe for the week. Taylor comes in and celebrates with them. They do have a final three together.

Alyssa is making an effort to at least act like she will work with Taylor. However, Indy is so not happy with the addition of Taylor to their Besties.

Oh, geez. Jasmine is overacting because Kyle MIGHT have bumped her ankle. Turner is skeptical that there was even a touch.

The move to put Terrance, Joseph and Monte on the block would give the Leftovers the most people playing for veto Jospeh and Monte are willing. The plan would be to get saved with the veto and Daniel/Kyle go up, Daniel goes home.

Ohh! Muffins! Jasmine decides to put a few in a bag and save for later. Oh noes! Half of one muffin is MISSING! Turner tells us that every day he's with Jasmine as his Festie Bestie, he goes a little more crazy. She is still using the cane on the wrong side of her body. Turner tells us and Taylor he ate the muffin.

To a Leftovers meeting in HOH. Turner wouldn't be upset if Jasmine goes home. Monte makes the suggestion of him, Joseph and Terrance. Taylor is just happy that she will not be going on the block. Michael tells us that Daniel is the best move for Monte, but is it for him? After all, Monte is a big threat in the game.

Grr, showmance time with Kyle and Alyssa. Heh. Jasmine interrupts them looking for her muffin thief. 

Daniel talks to Michael. I think he's overplaying things a bit. He's offering just about everything except his firstborn. Michael tells him that him gone is better for others but not necessarily for his own game. He tells him he has no plans.

Michael talks to Brittany and they discuss the dangers of Monte winning near the end and at the end. Brittanny wonders if it's a bit early to leave the Leftovers. Hmm. What is best for the both of them?

Time for the Nominations Ceremony. Michael nominates Festie Besties Monte, Terrance and Joseph. No surprises there.

The teaser lets us know the POV comp will be OTEV.

Saturday, August 06, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Saturday Evening, Veto Comp - August 6


They do lay about a lot

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Muffin Mice:
  • Turner has been playing pranks with Jasmine's muffins.
  • Every time she confronts him, he denies it.
  • One time he took some cookies out of her muffin bag, put them in the freezer. Then he put water in with the remaining cookies.
  • Michael had been watching it all on the spy cam in the HOH room and laughed until he could laugh no more.
  • In other news -- Michael/Brittany will play for veto as HOH Besties. 
  • Monte/Joseph/Terrance will play for veto as nominees.
  • By the way, the two nominee chairs have been replaced with a three-person small couch.
  • The randomly picked Besties playing for veto are Turner/Jasmine.
  • Jasmine had to get her ankle wrapped for the comp. @@
  • She will probably figure out another way to hurt herself or reinjure the ankle.
  • They didn't cut the feeds until about 6PM EDT for the comp, so it will be a rather late one.
  • I will update and post this once I know the winner
  • Until then, why don't we sing folk songs?
  • No?
  • You guys are no fun!
  • 8PM EDT still blocked live feeds.
  • 9PM EDT still blocked live feeds.
  • 9:33PM EDT feeds return.
  • Very messy comp, whatever it was.
  • And, Michael/Brittany won the Power of Veto.
  • I'm thinking probably Michael.
  • This time Brittany hurt her knee and a doctor will be looking at it.
  • Apparently, her knee needs stitches.
  • It sounds like it was OTEV.
  • Definitely OTEV.

What I said in my first screen cap

Ew. Duo lying about

Not horizontal for a change