Friday, August 19, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Friday - August 19


I guess it's a bit chilly

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House and Yard of Split Up Squirrels:
  • I'm glad I went to bed at a quasi-reasonable hour as the live feeds didn't come back on until about 4:30AM EDT.
  • House Hamsters: Michael, Brittany, Taylor, Monte and Jasmine
  • Yard Hamsters: Terrance, Kyle, Alyssa, Turner and Joseph
  • Unfortunately, that keeps the Kyle/Alyssa showmance together.
  • Fortunately, they are more in the open in the backyard so perhaps the 10 second sex romps will be controlled.
  • They didn't seem to build much in the backyard. They have sleeping bags, air mattresses, a refrigerator and mini-kitchen set-up.
  • They have freeze-dried and canned foods ... including Spam.
  • There is a tent. Terrance has an air mattress in the tent. He says they have to ring the bell before going up on the balcony. I guess that's considered his HOH room although he seems to be planning to sleep under the tent.
  • They have two PortaPotties and one outdoor shower which has only lukewarm water.
  • Terrance told Kyle he promised Alyssa that he wouldn't put her on the block and Turner has had his back all through the game.
  • His likely nominations will be Kyle and Joseph.
  • Inside, Michael told Jasmine he thinks he might have to put her up on the block with Monte. Since there are only five of them in the house, he thinks everybody will play for veto.
  • Jasmine immediately said that it's not fair because she is injured and Monte is so strong. She suggests either Brittany or Taylor as they are comp beasts. @@
  • Hmm ... Jasmine said that Turner was Terrance's first pick. Michael agreed that Terrance chose Turner before he could.
  • Jasmine reminded Michael that she's not there for the money -- she's there for her (deceased) father.
  • Oh, geez. My sympathies go out to anyone on the loss of a parent. However, playing the Dead Parent Card is so wrong.
  • Back outside, Turner suggests to Terrance he should put the showmance on the block, then put Joseph up if veto is used. Joseph out. Hmm.
  • Terrance actually does want Joseph out. His second choice out would be Kyle.
  • Terrance told Joseph that Kyle is his target. Joseph seems skeptical and starts promising all kinds of things that would make it valuable to keep him.
  • Joseph says that if it's him and Kyle on the block, he knows he would go home.
  • Joseph is scrambling saying how his alliance is Terrance, Alyssa and Jasmine.
  • His double agent days are catching up to him, I say.
  • It all boils down to Michael wants Jasmine out while Terrance wants Joseph out.
  • Nominations later today.

Doesn't look real comfortable

Not surprised Michael chose Brittany

House hamsters

Will Jasmine be on the block?

Has Turner claimed the hammock for a bed?

Argh, the showmance remains together.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 2-Hour Eviction, HOH Show Blog Party - August 18


Good evening! Tonight is the big two-hour, divide the house into two teams of five playing the game independently from each other twist and, lest I forget -- last night's show didn't show the veto meeting. So, after the previously on, they should be starting off with that.

I will be live-blogging, updating this entry with the major events the best I can as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there.

Lifeguard SueGee updated the blog pool and here's where we currently stand going into tonight's show --

Alyssa          - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Indy    - Brenda, JamieNJ, Krysta, Petals
Jasmine       - Sharon N, Babs, tbc, ChaCha
Joseph    - Cheryl in NC, T-Town Chick, Sharon C, Tammy M
Kyle    - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

Hamster watchers ready?

First live audience since COVID! Julie is dressed in a cute pants and short-sleeve sweater, light and summery. Then we have the narrator with the overly intensive Previously On ...

Ah, the action picks up. Michael tells Kyle that Taylor wants Alyssa up. He thinks keeping her is best for his own game as a showmance will be a bigger target than a big comp winner. Kyle is upset that he wasn't told by Taylor. Joseph seemed to be good with the idea of Alyssa up when he talked to Kyle. Same with Monte. Kyle thinks that Joseph, Monte and Taylor are conspiring (well, he said raising red flags) against him.

Joseph tells Taylor about Kyle's reaction. Then Michael enters. He wants to rile both of them up about Kyle so he will be sitting pretty out of the drama.

We get to see Indy's punkitard punishment she has for a week. She has to do performances when told to do so. Turner drums for her. Jasmine takes a turn drumming. The "songs" are loud and horrible.

Kyle doesn't want to use the veto and thinks he can convince the Leftovers. Turner wouldn't mind Alyssa staying as he has a better relationship with her than he has with Indy. But he's not saying anything because Kyle is making such a big deal over it for the both of them. Of course, the others are sure Kyle is just protecting his showmance.

Veto meeting time! Indy has to do a performance before ... Kyle does NOT use the veto, nominations remain Indy and Terrance. Taylor play yells at him to make the others think she's surprised because she had told Indy she would take her off the block.

Now Terrance is talking to Taylor. Hmm. Isn't this a whole lot of veto stuff when we have a whole bunch of actual action ahead? Kyle tries to turn Michael and Brittany against the others in the Leftovers. Michael seems to buy that he and Brittany are at the bottom of the alliance and he feels he must get the others to turn on each other.

Ah, they are getting to Kyle thinking the Black/POC are going to turn on whites this season. About time. That was discussed on the live feeds a few weeks ago. Michael and Brittany do not want a white alliance.

Now onto Terrance's tattoo INK 182 punishment -- 182 stick on tattoos. He gets a BUT FIRST tattoo on his lower back kind of like a tramp stamp. Onto more filler, chess now. Joseph is playing dumb. Okay. More filler -- Kyle/Alyssa showmance or split up for the game. I'm tired of both of them. He wants to slow things down so they can concentrate on the game. Too late for that, I say. He goes to Turner and Joseph and tells them that he told her less time together, but didn't tell them that now they're closer.

Taylor chooses Joseph to be tethered to her for 48 hours as Skid and Fancy. A take-off on Sid Vicious and Nancy, the girlfriend he murdered and then he died of an overdose before his trial. They were both addicts. She has to do a bad NY accent, him a bad UK accent. 

Finally ... to the living room. Julie talks to them. She congratulates them for making past the halfway point. She asks what they miss the most. She also talks to the costumes. Still no eviction at 9:57PM EDT ... ARGH!

10:01PM EDT - more filler, Terrance's tattoos. Jasmine's 30th birthday party. She asks Turner and the others the top two things he loves about her. What is up with that? I'm glad they are showing this as Turner cam was a hoot on the feeds. Skid/Fancy filler now. Michael tells the Leftovers that he doesn't want Indy to go out on a unanimous vote. (Of course, for jury it is better for him.) Taylor doesn't want to have to break a tie. Taylor wants a unanimous vote.

Really finally at 10:14PM EDT -- 

Indy - Loves family, Latina in this country, would like to have your vote, loving and happy days.

Terrance - Family shout-outs. 182 reasons to be here, consistency, vote for your boy.

The votes to evict:

Monty - Indy
Michael - Terrance
Joseph - Indy
To commercial ...
Jasmine - Indy
Alyssa - Indy
Brittany - Indy
Turner - Indy
Kyle - Indy

Indy looked like she knew it the second Julie said 7 to 1. She takes off the punkitard wig and hugs everybody. She tells them that she had their backs and they will regret it when they look back on it. But she loves them all and wishes them the best. To another commercial the moment she settles in on stage with Julie.

Well. in her Julie talk she did indeed believe Monte was the target. She thinks Kyle didn't use the veto to save Monte. In the goodbye messages, Michael tells all the members of the Leftovers, said he didn't want this to happen and will send home those responsible.

Julie calls them into the living room. Tells them the game will completely change. Split House Twist. Two games of BB played simultaneously and separately.  Five will live in Big Broachella, House. The second group will be living in the backyard, Dyre Fest. No contact between the two groups.

HOH comp begins ... two HOH crowned. To the backyard. Do You See the VIP? is the comp. Some attend their own festival. Image of three different festival crowds. Former HG holding VIP signs. Quickly identify former houseguest section. Done in rounds, win the comp wins the HOH in house, second place HOH in yard. Face offs with the questions.

Random draw for Brittany and Terrance. Brittany eliminated. Terrance chooses Joseph and Jasmine to face off next. Joseph eliminated. Jasmine chooses Monte and Turner to face off next. Monte eliminated. Turner picks Terrance and Alyssa. Alyssa eliminated. Terrance chooses Michael and Kyle to face off. Kyle eliminated. Michael chooses Terrance and Jasmine to face off. Jasmine eliminated. Just Turner and Michael left to face off. Turner eliminated. Down to Michael and Terrance. 

MICHAEL is HOH in the house. Terrance is HOH in the yard.

How the split up works -- schoolyard pick.

Michael will pick first. They are not showing the picks on the show. I will find out once the live feeds are unblocked and report on it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 17


Good evening, hamster fans! Tonight's show will be the veto comp and the veto meeting. Please don't post any spoilers in the comments before they air on the show! And, while we're here -- remember, tomorrow's show is two hours starting at 9PM EDT.

I will be live-blogging and updating this entry constantly as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Previously on ... and on and on. I wish the narrator wouldn't call Terrance "Showtime." Gah. We are told there will be prizes and punishments at the veto. And, are there cracks in the Leftovers?

Taylor tells us her target is Terrance. She hints to the others that Monte is her backdoor target. He's not that at all. The action picks up after Nominations. Terrance has been on the block four times now. He says it doesn't get easier, you just learn to pack faster. Taylor tells Terrance that Monte is her real target.

Taylor tells Indy she will take her down with the veto if she can. She tells us that she doesn't want a woman to go first into the jury house.

The Flyswatters is the fake alliance that Joseph, Kyle and the girls (not Taylor) are in. Jasmine thinks Joseph is dumb and they are using him to influence Taylor. Instead, he tells Taylor the truth. He thinks the option for renom would be Alyssa. Taylor is not keen on that idea.

Terrance corners Joseph and tries to get him to commit saving him with the veto if he wins it. He says that he wants it used for either to force Taylor to make a renom. Joseph reports back to Taylor. Joseph tells Taylor that he could go up as a renom.

Taylor tells us she likes the idea. She could take Indy down, put Joseph up and Terrance goes home. Michael tells us that the idea is horrible -- four outside the alliance who could go up!

Michael tells Brittany and he's pondering getting Joseph out. Oh my. Michael thinks Joseph is playing both sides of the house to benefit his own game.

Time to pick veto players. Taylor draws Houseguest's Choice and chooses Alyssa. Terrance draws Jasmine. Indy draws Kyle.

Monte thinks that Indy is a bigger comp threat than Terrance is and she should go out this week. The Leftovers talk. Turner thinks they have one person who won't win a comp (Terrance) against one who could. Taylor seems to have changed her mind and is now okay with Indy going.

The backyard has a stage, amps and giant guitar for the comp. They have to send a ball down the guitar neck. Eliminated, smash a guitar and get a prize. But those eliminated after you can swap. It's Punkaroo. The only Leftovers playing are Kyle and Taylor.

Kyle 5 points
Alyssa 4 points
Taylor 2 points
Jasmine 3 points
Indy 5 points
Terrance 0 points

Terrance's prize is the Veto. The second round starts.

Taylor 4
Kyle 14 yikes!
Alyssa 7
Jasmine 2
Indy 0

Indy gets Ink 182. It's temporary tattoos. She takes the veto from Terrance.
Round three starts.

Kyle 5
Alyssa 4
Taylor 0
Jasmine 3

Taylor gets a trip to London. She keeps it. She is hoping Kyle wins.

Round four
Alyssa 0
Jasmine 3
Kyle 4

Alyssa gets Skid and Fancy -- tethered together with another as punk rocking couple. She takes the London trip from Taylor. Taylor had already told people she wanted the trip and might have to make a renom.

Last round
Jasmine 2
Kyle 5

Jasmine gets $5,000. She trades for London from Alyssa.

Kyle gets a Punkitard. He takes the veto from Indy.


Alyssa is now worried about the taking of the prize from Taylor may put her on the block. She doesn't want Kyle to use the veto. Joseph tells Taylor he wants Alyssa up and out. Now Taylor thinks she needs to put Alyssa up. Michael thinks it would be dumb but he tells us that, not Taylor. Taylor tells us the Kyle MUST use the veto.

They are skipping the veto meeting and saving it for tomorrow's show.

Big Brother: BB24 Turner at Jasmine's Birthday Party Video

 I was so thankful one camera remained on him. It made the "party" bearable --

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Wednesday - August 17


All those comp wins may trip him up!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Pointless Parties:

  • The big event went down.
  • Yeah, it was Jasmine's birthday party.
  • They had teeny hats and alcoholic beverages which were saved for the occasion.
  • Um. Everybody had to say what they loved about Jasmine.
  • Lies! I tell you, LIES!
  • Even Turner lied, saying he loved her and loved being her Festie Bestie.
  • The best thing about the party was that one camera was focused on Turner pretty much throughout the party.
  • As always, his expressions ruled!
  • Both Monte and Alyssa still have sore backs from a workout session the other day. Supposedly, Monte is a personal trainer. I don't think sore backs speak well for his day job.
  • Earlier in the day, Turner had taken all of Jasmine's stashed snacks and shared them with others in the HOH room.
  • Alyssa and Kyle continue to disgust me and I don't want to talk about them.
  • Break-up. 30-second sex. Rinse, repeat.
  • Jasmine is pushing for a tie vote to make Taylor have to break the tie.
  • The Leftovers are leaning towards Indy out.
  • But, then again, Terrance has said awful things about Taylor, so maybe? He was her original target if the noms remained the same.

Jasmine with flat hair and Indy Punk

In her Fancy role at Jasmine's birthday doings.

Turner can't hold back his excitement

Hey, Brittany, is that relaxation or hypnotizing?

With some eye make-up he could pass for 
Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day

If Monte married Taylor, she would be
Taylor Taylor!