Good evening! Tonight's show should tell who and how the schoolyard picks for BroCella (inside) and Dyre Fest (outside) went down. A lot of context can be read into the picks. Who will Terrance and Michael pick first ... and who will be left standing at the end waiting to be picked? Hmm. We should also get nominations. I say should as I never know any more for sure. They've gone wonky on me. Since this is a show post, no spoilers from the live feeds in the comments, please!I will be live-blogging, updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!
As usual, I'm going to skip the Previously On segment.
We pick up the action after the HOH comp.
Michael picks first, then Terrance. They take turns picking.
Michael: Jasmine, Brittany, Taylor, Monte
Terrance: Turner, Alyssa, Joseph, Kyle (by default, last one left)
Michael chose Jasmine to target her while she thinks he likes her. Terrance said he wants to protect Turner and Alyssa.
Big BroCella (inside) have pizza and beer waiting for them inside the house. The Dyre Fest (outside) people are in the kitchen and see it, but must leave after taking some clothing and personal care items out.
Terrance tells Turner he's safe this week. He tells us he is going to depend on Turner's insight. He also promises Alyssa safety. They go outside to two PortaPotties, a little kitchenette with limited groceries, an outdoor shower and a canopy which they will sleep under. And Terrance does snore ... loudly!
Terrance gets a basket and letter from his wife while Michael gets an actual room. This time (after backlash for not showing him reading the letter last HOH) they let him read the letter on the show. It's from his fiancé Hayden and the cats.
Jasmine plays up to Michael. He tells her that he will be putting Monte up and targeting him. She says she doesn't want to go up on her birthday week. He tells us it's the third week in a row she has used her birthday to stay off the block. She claims to us and by herself that she has worked so hard to get here. The Leftovers inside the house want outside to evict Alyssa.
Terrance wants to do one on ones. He tells us he trusts Turner. Turner advises him to break up the showmance. Terrance tells him he promised not to put Alyssa up. He says his target is Joseph. Turner does not want the fellow Leftover up. So, Terrance is thinking maybe Alyssa and Kyle, backdooring Joseph. He promises Joseph safety but Joseph doesn't trust him. Terrance suggests putting the showmance up to Alyssa. She is not pleased with that ... at all. Neither is Kyle.
Kyle does not want to be a pawn this week and feels he must come up with a plan. (Or course, he should know if he, a Leftover, is against Alyssa, a non-Leftover, with two Leftovers voting, he should be safe. His sex kitten would be gone, though.
Kyle thinks he needs to tell Alyssa about the Leftovers. He tells all. He claims he protected her so far. He makes it sound like he fell on a cross for her. Then he proceeds to tell Terrance ALL about the Leftovers. Grr. He tells him that he (Terrance) was the target last week and he changed it.
Alyssa and Terrance commiserate on being played all season by the Leftovers.
Meanwhile, knowing that Jasmine will be voted out, Monte offers to be a pawn. Michael is so happy that he volunteered. He is telling Jasmine that Monte is the target.
Nominations ceremonies time(s) --
Inside - Michael nominates Monte, then Jasmine. Nothing personal, only five of us this week.
Outside - Terrance nominates Joseph, then Turner. He says a lot of moves in the house were instrumental and you knew about them, didn't tell me (paraphrased).