Alyssa - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Brittany - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Kyle - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp
I will be live blogging the show, updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there! By the way, Blogger is throwing some comments into its spam folder. I don't know how to stop it. I'm going in during commercials and restating the comments. So, if you notice that some innocuous comment you made has gone missing, please don't double post -- it will be back!
Julie has a bright yellow top with black slacks tonight. She sounds almost ominous as she says that things will happen that will affect the show and cause people to look into themselves. Then it went to Previously On. The narrator mentions the house meeting.
Day 58, Julie tells us allies have become adversaries. But first ... Kyle discovered his theories got out and are about to change everything. Kyle goes to Brittany. He's actually denying he said what he said. He insists he's not a racist. Brittany says it transcends the game. She tells him she doesn't think he's a racist, that it's very complex. But he said some things he might not realize how they came across.
Kyle goes to Terrance and Monte, telling them that he thought Taylor, Joseph and Monte would work together. Monte points out that at that time, he would never work with her. Terrance is shaky-voiced because he got Joseph out when Joseph was actually telling the truth.
Monte and Terrance are questioning why Michael and Brittany kept this to themselves for so long. They tell Turner that and he suggests a house meeting.
Ohh ... Julie promises us a live HOH comp? Will they even have time?
Kyle starts off the meeting apologizing because some things he did affect the games of others. He asks Michael to start off. He interrupts Michael and takes over. He claims to be naive and sheltered. Brittany tells him they were indeed not on board. Terrance wonders why Michael and Brittany waited so long to tell. Monte says the waiting was hurtful to him. Taylor says she won't hate him as a person or call him a racist.
Monte tells the group they can grow together with the discussion. Taylor says the only consequence she wants is that he gets evicted. He's handling it well, expecting worse.
Veto meeting time. Michael takes Brittany off the block. Turner puts up Kyle as the renom. Kyle tells the group he would like to continue to have talks with them during the week. Alyssa tells him that she thinks they need to not be in a relationship.
Kyle talks to Monte and the tears come out. Kyle is outright crying as he tells Monte he did nothing wrong. Monte tears up as well. He cries and tells of how he went to an all white prestigious high school and felt like an outsider due to race. He then found comfort in hanging out with people who looked like himself. He told Kyle he loves him.
Monte is still questioning the timing of the telling to Taylor. He thinks that if they can take a shot at Michael, they should. He definitely has a point. All race issues and such aside, Michael will win it all if he gets to the end. If you or I were in the house, we'd have to be looking to get him out, too!
To the living room for the eviction.
Kyle - Loves all, says nice things about each and every one.
Taylor - I choose strength. Strength means love. Loves Kyle and will keep in touch.
The votes to evict:
Michael - Kyle
Alyssa - Kyle
Terrance - Kyle
Brittany - Kyle
Monte - Kyle
Unanimous and expected.
The talk with Julie: He tells her that he is grateful for the experience and loves the compassion from the people. He says it didn't click in his mind that his talk about Cookout 2 was so bad. Now he knows. Did he think Joseph was in a secret POC alliance? He thought Joseph was close to Monte and Taylor and he himself was bottom of the Leftovers (which is why he spilled about it).
Now it's 9:55PM here and Julie says the HOH comp "kicks off live." So, it won't be shown until Sunday. I will have the results in my live feeds reports before then.
Julie tells us Zingbot returns. Double eviction two hour show on Thursday.
HOH comp -- Burning Bot. ZingBot Festival. Transfer puzzle pieces one at a time, two sides of puzzle, front must face a certain direction. And the show ends. I doubt they will air it on the live feeds. But if they do, I will make a post to cover it.