Tonight's show is airing a half-hour later at 8:30PM Eastern. The show should cover the HOH comp and nominations. I know the live feeds are beyond that point. But I ask that no live feeds spoilers be posted on the show posts. Thank you very much!
I will be live-blogging and updating this post constantly with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!
Previously on ... and we already know all this stuff! We pick up the action and it's why Michael leaving, apparently unaired due to fillers. Right now we just have Brittany telling us how hurt she was after the eviction. Monte mentions they all knew he had to go. Turner had really been targeting Britanny and he told Alyssa that. Michael was okay with the Brittany out plan.
Then Monte wins the veto. He thinks this may be the only time they can get Michael out. Turner is not pleased with the idea. Monte tells Michael. Uh-oh! Turner tells Brittany. She's okay with it as it means she will stay. Michael goes to Taylor and Alyssa begging them to keep him. Michael trashes Brittany to Alyssa. Then he begs to Taylor.
Into Michael's rant speech and a hurt Brittany, then Michael's exit.
Back into moving on ... Turner is trying to cover his bases as he cannot play for HOH as the outgoing HOH. That is even though he didn't get the room. Taylor thinks that Turner should be worried. She thinks she has to step up and take him out. He talks to Brittany and she too tells us she will target him if she wins HOH.
HOH Comp -- there's a killer on the loose. Play one at a time. Brittany is up first, with goggles and getting a phone call about the killer, she must search house, secure all six doors with boards, hit alarm switch. The power cuts out and she is in the dark trying to do this. Monte was next. He seems to be faster than Brittany. Taylor next. She bails on it and gives up. Alyssa next. She lost count of the ones she barricaded. She can't find the alarm switch.
Taylor - Timed out
Alyssa - 22.24
Monte - 15.15
Brittany -- into a commercial - 15.24
Monte wins HOH. He tells us that he will not put up either Taylor or Turner. So, that leaves it a bit obvious. Alyssa understands that she will go up. She knows that she's the least threat to anyone's game. Monte is a bit concerned because Alyssa has many friends in the jury house.
Brittany thinks she might stand a chance to convince Monte that she is not the biggest threat. He is a bit skeptical. He tells Taylor that he thinks it will probably Brittany and Alyssa up. He tells us that he has a final two with Turner ... he does not tell Taylor that. Taylor thinks that she and Monte will go to the end together. She asks about Turner. He tells her if she wins veto and takes down Brittany, Turner would go up and it would be just her and Brittanny voting.
Time for the Nominations Ceremony. Monte nominates Brittany, then Alyssa. Wishes them luck with the veto.