Friday, August 11, 2023

BB25: Interrogations Continue, Jared Back - Aug. 11


The feeds returned. It was NOT Nominations.

  • Jared returned to the house. That apparently is the big feeds block.
  • Hisam is talking to Mecole now, one of his allies.
  • Hisam has NOT interrogated ... er ... talked to Reilly yet.
  • But now Jag is gone to the Nether Region and cannot be nominated.

BB25: Live Feeds into Friday Afternoon - Aug. 11

His alliance and the show vs. his deafness ...

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Whirling Dervishes:
  • First, let me explain the caption in Matt's screencap --
  • The show made no effort to handle Matt's deafness in the Diary Room after voting last night. There is no video screen in there, only a mic. They should have set up a light to flash ... something, anything ... to let him know to leave.
  • Also production related: When Jared appeared on the screen from the Nether Region, Matt couldn't hear what he was saying. Heck, I had to replay it with my headphones full blast to hear it.
  • Then there's his own alliance. Last night they kept whispering in groups. He TOLD them he can't hear what's going on. No way can he read many lips at once in a group of five all talking at once! Did they stop? Nope. They all kept whispering at the same time.
  • What were they whispering about?
  • Well, the Handful -- Reilly, Jag, Matt, Blue and Cameron (double agent?) -- led by Reilly (again) were talking about throwing Cory and America under the bus, sacrificing their larger Family Style members to further themselves in the game.
  • They want to steer Hisam towards nominating those two but being subtle about it, not blatantly suggesting it.
  • Meanwhile, Hisam is really wanting to target Reilly as Reilly talked about putting Izzy and him on the block.
  • She even admitted it to him.
  • So, he knows for sure.
  • In other news, Izzy got all Izzied-out over Cameron telling her where to sit in the HOH room. 
  • Red said something to her about sitting and she went off on an angry crying jag -- not to be confused with BB25 Jag.
  • But, later ... after being consoled by Mecole, Hisam, Blue, Cirie and whoever else, Red went to talk to her.
  • I actually like Red a lot more after their talk. He seemed very sincere with her and I think she feels that way, too.
  • But she still hates Cameron even though Felicia told her hate is not something to feel.
  • So, she has decided to say she WANTS to hate Cameron.
  • When Reilly was talking to Matt about Cirie and Felicia and how Jared thought of them, she said, "Jared is like their son."
  • Heh.
  • Apparently, no one other than Kirsten picked up on the nickname slip by Jared. She didn't pick up on it until Julie told her mother/son.
  • While Hisam really wants Reilly out, Cirie is more mistrustful regarding Cameron.
  • When Jared appeared on the screen from the "Nether Region" he really didn't reveal much. He said they wouldn't let him sleep. Felicia asked if they fed him. It was more small talk than anything else. He said he would appear again but nothing on when he will get out or what he's actually doing there.
  • The screen later turned on to Nominations Today, putting Hisam in a rush to get his one-on-one conversations done.
  • Oh my! What one on ones he has! Direct and asking just about everything except their credit scores. He tells them what he's heard without naming names, he's getting them to expose their alliances and more.
  • Best interrogations ... er ... one on ones that I've ever seen!
  • So far, I think (although he isn't Hisam's main target), Matt is lying the most to him. And Hisam knows it. He's trying to steer Matt away from Reilly as much as possible. Hisam blatantly tells him that Reilly is the only one who has mentioned his name and she's the one he wants out. Matt says he won't tell her and that will show his trust.
  • Hisam is doing all the Family Style folks first.
  • When talking with Cameron he mentioned the possibility of putting Cameron on the block with Reilly with Reilly the target.
  • On the other hand, Cirie is giving advice to Reilly about how to handle the one on one. 
  • I can't wait for that one!
  • BB better not cut away too much when he talks to her.
  • On that cliffhanger ... laters!
Ack. No cliffhanger, the feeds switched to adoptable animals just as I was about to hit post for this. It must be nominations. Argh. I will let you know when I know.

Jared appears from the Nether Region

Izzy dizzied once again.

NO ONE is saying Mecole's name!

Red had a touching heart to heart with Izzy.

Not singing in the sunshine.

Nominations Today Hisam talks ...

BB25: Live Feeds Return, HOH - Aug. 11


The feeds are finally back on. Is that the HOH necklace on Hisam?


Still getting details. They all had their luggage with them and are talking about what a fantastic comp it was.

Jared is in the Nether Region for a week? Hmm. They don't know if he will return for the Veto comp or anything. Apparently, he cannot be nominated. They said there is another place away from the house (which is where they were.) They saw Jared on a screen. I don't know ... it's all very confusing and they seem confused as well.

When Reilly mentioned the card from the "incident" yesterday, the feeds cut, then returned to a different room.

Now they have the backyard at 4:16 my time (1:16am their time).

Cirie and Izzy are talking. Cirie said Hisam was going to put up Blue and Jag, then backdoor Cameron. That could have been a previous plan. Cirie is glad that Jared didn't win HOH -- she thinks he doesn't think long haul in the game, and it isn't the right time for him. 

But Hisam is talking to Felicia saying Reilly is his number one and the other two on his list are Matt and Cameron. He is thinking Cameron and Reilly on the block with Reilly being told that she's a pawn.

Cameron and Jag are talking. Cameron thinks he, Jag, Matt and Reilly may be targeted. He thinks Cory and Jared were a bit close with the other side. Matt's lipreading seems exposed.

Hisam's HOH storage room

The HOH room isn't open yet. Hisam got photos, a goody basket and a letter from his family in the storage room. They took all the stuff upstairs and the door did indeed open. Weird.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

BB25: Live Eviction (or not) Show Blog Party - Aug. 10


Good evening! Will there be an eviction tonight? Well, no one (including me) really knows. With Luke getting expelled from the house for a racial slur, it may or may not happen. I have seen BB let the two nominees remain and I have seen the eviction go on when someone unexpectedly left. Even the professional outlets who do the exit interviews are basically on hold over this. The feeds have remained off since yesterday. I'm also unsure if the HOH comp will be on tonight's show. It should be, but who knows? We have a hot mess a'goin' here this week!

Anyway ...

I will be live blogging the show in East Coast time, constantly updating this page. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there.

But first ...

Here is the updated blog pool with the people who had Luke reassigned just in case you missed the post:

Cory - Sharon N, Nickelpeed, Indiana Jane, deaflady
Felicia - Dr Celine, Auntie Leigh, NoraM, T-Town Chick
Reilly - KelseyNY, Cherry Pie, TS14Fan, KathyB
America - Andi, Joanne Victoria, Willie J, Caela
Bowie Jane - Jasonuwp, Sally, Rachel C, Jessica U
Mecole - cctru, Lili, Marthalight, MikesGirl, quixoticelf
Cirie - Petals, Janice, Krysta, RJM in SC
Matt - Brenda, Helenann2k, Brent McKee, Chrob61
Hisam - jo C, SueGee, David, ThunderSunflower
Cameron- Cheryl in NC, JonMD 1267, CherylNY, Tilde
Red - DonnaNY , ChaCha, Donna in Florida ,YoDave
Jag - Barbara W, Jackie, Donna in Alabama, Mary C
Izzy - Michelle, Glenn Allen, Jennasmom, ChicMc
Blue - monty924, Judi Sweeney, Jennifer, Don
Jared - Bizaro22, TBone, PDX Granny, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Kirsten - Ayana, Pearl, Skyriverblue, Joyce Johnson

Hamster watchers ready?

Julie, dressed in red, opens like nothing happened this week and it's a normal eviction show. We're into the recap.

All seems "normal" still. For now.

Julie tells us it's Day 9, split house, alliances ... hmm. What does the BB Multiverse have in store for everyone this evening?

We are back to taped after veto happenings. Hisam tells us he didn't use the veto because he felt his ally Felicia was safe this week. Reilly tells us everyone wants to send Kirsten home. Felicia wants to be certain she will stay.

America seems to be having doubts and thinking Kirsten should stay and Felicia should go. But the older alliance is growing stronger. Hisam tells the others they need to rope Red into the alliance. Cirie is just as happy that Hisam seems to be taking the lead. They snag Red in the yard. He tells us he is happy to be in a stable older group. The call themselves The Professors.

Julie gives the first mention of one has left early leading into commercials.

Back to Julie. An emotional 24 hours as one broke the BB Code of Conduct and was removed from the game.

Back to taped Kirsten in the Diary Room. She talked to Luke, who she has never talked to before. He seems to try to console her about being on the block. Ah, to the room with Jared, Cory, Hisam and Luke when they play the replay of what was said leaving the offensive word out. Jared tells us he couldn't be aggressive. Luke says he was going to call him a narwhal. Jared handles it with maturity. The clip ends with Luke saying he's in trouble now.

Morning comes and Luke is called into the Diary Room.

Reilly comes out, calls everyone. She has a card in hand, reads that due to the racial slur, Luke has been removed, the game goes on and the eviction will go on as scheduled. Cory explains it. Hisam says he didn't hear it. Jared says he doesn't confuse ignorance with malice. He wishes Luke the best.

Back to taped content. Red wants to fish for information from Reilly. He tells her he isn't in any alliance. He names off her alliance one by one to her. Heh. Says it was just an observation. Reilly is stunned. She tells him they are just friends not an alliance.

Izzy talks to Reilly. She tells us she will target Reilly first chance she gets. She tells Reilly she won't beat around the bush and knows what's up, will look out for her. Yeah, right. Reilly is in tears. Reilly tells us she's worried people are thinking of her as the ringleader. Izzy goes to Cirie to tell her about the conversation. Cirie tells us she loves Izzy but Izzy needs to calm down. She wants to be careful because Izzy knows the mother and son secret.

Reilly meets us with most of her allies. Should they save and use Kirsten? We get Diary Room segments edited to make it seem like Kirsten would be safe. Up next, first eviction of the season and beware ... the BB Multiverse is just getting started.

To the living room and Julie talks to the nominees, tells them all it's time for the first live vote of the season.

Kirsten - Enjoy working with them, ability, trained to be here, best person will get ahead, you're all great people, here to play the game.

Felicia - Love to Kirsten, you guys have become my new family, way more game in me, I want to keep playing, love you all.

Time for the live voting to begin. The votes to evict are:

Hisam - Kirsten
Jag - Kirsten
Izzy - Kirsten
Cameron - Kirsten
Into commercial ...
Matt - Kirsten
Blue - Kirsten
America - Kirsten
Mecole - Kirsten
Cirie - Kirsten
Bowie Jane - Kirsten
Cory - Kirsten
Red - Kirsten
Jared - Kirsten

It's unanimous (as we knew it would be from the live feeds). Julie announces that a vote of 13 to zero, Kirsten is evicted. She handles it well and looks like she was actually expecting it. Hugs all around.

To the stage and Julie while everyone in the house hugs. Into commercials ...

Kirsten tells Julie she was really surprised. She says everyone told her she was good. She was told they all wanted it to be a unanimous vote. Most betrayed by Cirie due to private conversations. Julie tells secret relationship ... she is surprised! Ohh ... an hour ago Jared apparently told people his nickname and she knew it's Cirie's son. We get nice goodbye messages for her.

Since Julie told her the secret, it seems Kirsten is a SHE GONE situation not going into a Nether World to return.

What does the Multiverse have in store for the houseguests? Into commercial.

Julie returns tells us the HOH will be shown Sunday and the ScaryVerse sends another twist into the house. The live feeds will return later tonight (probably after the West Coast airing of this show).

Oh noes! The cameras go to spy on the houseguests and they're gone! Then it pans to a portal type thingee in the yard!

BB25: Blog Pool Match-Ups Redux


It's past midnight here on the East Coast and the live feeds are still blocked. There has been absolutely no information coming from CBS Big Brother about the duration. However, I am now thinking it will be until after tomorrow's live show ... as if America (us, not the hamster) doesn't know Luke was expelled from the show. If they happen to come up before the live show, I'll post about it. But right now, my bed is looking very good!

Since he was expelled, the blog folks who had him in the pool are being reassigned.

Here's who had him ...

Luke - Caela, Joyce Johnson, quixoticelf. T-Town Chick

And here is the update:

Cory - Sharon N, Nickelpeed, Indiana Jane, deaflady
Felicia - Dr Celine, Auntie Leigh, NoraM, T-Town Chick
Reilly - KelseyNY, Cherry Pie, TS14Fan, KathyB
America - Andi, Joanne Victoria, Willie J, Caela
Bowie Jane - Jasonuwp, Sally, Rachel C, Jessica U
Mecole - cctru, Lili, Marthalight, MikesGirl, quixoticelf
Cirie - Petals, Janice, Krysta, RJM in SC
Matt - Brenda, Helenann2k, Brent McKee, Chrob61
Hisam - jo C, SueGee, David, ThunderSunflower
Cameron- Cheryl in NC, JonMD 1267, CherylNY, Tilde
Red - DonnaNY , ChaCha, Donna in Florida ,YoDave
Jag - Barbara W, Jackie, Donna in Alabama, Mary C
Izzy - Michelle, Glenn Allen, Jennasmom, ChicMc
Blue - monty924, Judi Sweeney, Jennifer, Don
Jared - Bizaro22, TBone, PDX Granny, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Kirsten - Ayana, Pearl, Skyriverblue, Joyce Johnson