Showing posts with label BB25. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BB25. Show all posts

Thursday, November 09, 2023

BB25: Live Season Finale Blog Party


We made it! We lived through this too long season of 100 days in the Big Brother house. While the first half of the season was good, once we hit the Zombie week it was like the season itself jumped the shark. But we stayed. And, yeah ... there were some gems here and there. I would never have predicted the final three to be Bowie Jane, Matt and Jag.

Tonight, on the two-hour finale, we will see:
  • The rest of Part One of the final HOH comp which had its start aired on the Tuesday show.
  • Part Two of the final HOH comp which is taped.
  • Part Three of the final HOH comp which will be live.
  • The Jury Roundtable with Dr. Will (which sounds great!)
  • Live eviction down to the Final Two
  • Jury questions
  • Final Two speeches
  • The voting and winner of BB25
  • America's Favorite Player
  • Whatever "holiday surprise" Julie was talking about. I'm in fear because I've seen promos for it with Britney, Frankie and Danielle in holiday pajamas.
I will be live blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. As I will be constantly updating, refresh the page to get the latest happenings! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- I hope to see you there!

Before we get started, Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool. I find it hard to believe I'm still in my own blog pool! Here's where we stand ...

Bowie Jane - Jasonuwp, Sally, Rachel C, Jessica U, Joyce Johnson
Matt - Brenda, Helenann2k, Brent McKee, Chrob61
Jag - Barbara W, Jackie, Donna in Alabama, Mary C


Hamster watchers ready?

Julie tonight

I sat through the Previously On segment.

We go to the Part One of the HOH in which they are hanging on suspended balls crashing into stuff. We get diary room bits on why each needs to win. They are getting hit with goo, hair and ice-cold rain. They have to move down from the disk to the bubble. Bowie Jane out at an hour 24 minutes. Jag and Matt want to do rock-paper-scissors. Jag goes down. MATT is the winner of Part One!

Bowie Jane and Jag will compete in Part Two. Julie tells us the Dr. Will Roundtable is up next.

Here we go! Felicia comes in to join them. They talk about Bowie Jane and her non-game. America thinks floating worked as a strategy for her. They talk about control. Cory thinks Jag was more in control. Cirie thinks he manipulated so many. This is really good. I'm not able to keep up with each statement. They say Matt has a better social game than Jag. Lots of positive talk about Matt. His worst moves were not owning up to his moves in the game.

Bowie Jane's parents are in the crowd from Australia.

Part Two of the HOH Comp! Competitions have to be sent back to their proper universe. Zipline back and forth, chronological orders for the comps in the correct universes.

Jag studied hard but never paid attention to what universe each comp came from. He's having all kinds of problems. Finally gets it. He thinks his performance was horrible. Then it's Bowie Jane's turn. I wish she would stop shouting in the Diary Room. Like Jag, she didn't pay attention to which universe each comp was from. She seems to be doing worse than Jag. Finally she finishes. JAG wins Part Two! 1 hour 2.56 minutes vs. Bowie Jane's hour and a half.

Jag has final two deals with both Matt and Bowie Jane. Now, that can't happen, right?

Time for Part Three HOH comp! Meowmeow Enterprises sends them Jury Verse. How well do they know the jury? Videos, three statements about the jury person, one is false. Six videos.

1. Both right
2. Both right
3. Both right
4. Both right
5. Both right
6. Both wrong

To a tiebreaker. How many minutes was the When Universes Collide Part One comp from the start to when Jag went down?
Matt 140 Jag 163 -- 176 is right.

JAG wins Part Three!

To the living room. 
Matt - Jag, my boy. Love you, had each other's back. Let's keep it real.
Bowie Jane - Good buddies, would like to be in the final two, lots of money on the line.

Jag chooses to evict ... he tells both good things about them. He chooses to evict Bowie Jane. He has to take Matt to the final two. She's good about it.

Bowie Jane tells Julie she told Jag he had to do what is right for him. Short and sweet interview.

Jury questions time. Three questions for each finalist.
Cirie - Matt - Through game Jag leader, you follower. What moves were your own? Saved Jag's game. We did everything together, why we're here.
Cory - Jag - You and Matt working together, did you carry Matt to final two? I made it happen, I was the leader.
Felicia - Matt - 2 occasions you told me you were thinking of evicting Jag, real or lie? I was loyal to Jag, told you what you wanted to hear.
America - Jag - Goodbye messages you took credit before you never said anything? I finished the job and can own up then.
Cameron - Matt - Lying a big part of the game, strategic lie? Telling people I would take a shot at Jag, telling people what they wanted to hear.
Blue - Jag - Voted out week four, why do you deserve to win the game over the person saving you? Came up with BB mastership game for myself, adapted, my journey in the game is testament to that.
Bowie Jane - Jag - How did your game change for the better when you joined in the Mafia with Matt and me? Loves her.

Final statements from the Final Two.
Matt - First deaf person to play the game, had to play a social game, had to step up, lived in Have Not, almost perfect game, good social game, he worked on his social game rather than the comps, performed when needed to, backed away, team player. I played my own game. Had Jag gone out, I would have been fine.
Jag - I have willed this to be this way, I signed your eviction notices. Got Cam out. Singlehandedly sent Cory and Blue home. I convinced Matt to send Cirie home. I am the most dominant and strategic player in this house. All your blood is on my hands. I am the first Sikh player.

Time to vote.
Cameron - what a road, voting for the guy I told over a month ago.
Cory - Voting for the person I can beat in a fight.
Blue - Team brunette, team blond
America - To the slimiest snake of them all
Cirie - I am loyal, voting person most loyal to me.
Felicia - Neither of you were loyal to me, best ability to get befriended.
Bowie Jane - Keep to my word.

The pre-jury is there. Julie asks Mecole what surprises her the most -- Cameron was the hero rather than the villain. He is flattered. Hisam surprised Mecole is a political consultant. Bowie Jane admits being a criminal trial attorney specializing in money laundering and tax fraud. Felicia brings up her age. She admits being 45.

Cameron, Felicia's famous relative ... Denzel. Felicia admits not true. All are shocked that Jared is Cirie's son. That bit must be watched!

Time to reveal the vote!
BJ - Jag
Felicia - Matt
Cirie - Matt
America - Jag
Blue - Jag
Cory - Jag

JAG WINS BB25! (And JACKIE wins the blog pool for the first time!) Cameron also voted Jag.

America's favorite houseguest. Top three -- Cirie, Matt and Cameron.

CAMERON won it!

There is something going on in the BB House -- Frankie, Danielle and Britney are in laundry bins in storage. They find their doohickey to close the Multiverse. They shoot it and the universes go away one by one. Uh-oh Christmas stuff starts floating around, they have holiday pjs on now.

Brand new show BB Reindeer Gane with legendary BB players. Jordan Derek and Tiffany as Santa's elves. Premieres December 11.


BB25: Last Live Feeds of the Season - Day 100

They bid the live feeders adieu.

But had to add their silly M

Here's the last and latest from inside that Big Brother House of Finally Finale:
  • Once again, not too much to report.
  • Yesterday Bowie made pitches to both of the others.
  • She knows she would lose to both, so she's pitching for second place.
  • When she talked to Jag, she actually made some excellent points -- if he wins Part Three and takes Matt to the Final Two, he's throwing away the 750 grand.
  • However, she thinks he's sure to win against her and she would be satisfied with second place.
  • Jag did seem to ponder it for a bit.
  • However, he and Matt met up in the bathroom and compared notes on Bowie Jane's talks.
  • Her talk with Matt had been more along the lines of an assured win against her, iffy against Jag.
  • In the end, it looks like Jag and Matt will stick together in the final two.
  • In other news, Matt trash talked America/Cory again.
  • They went through all the other players and decided most were overrated.
  • They napped ... at one point the guys cuddled together with Bowie Jane awkwardly atop them.
  • They each played Solitaire ... solitarily.
  • They have not done much housecleaning as of yet. You know Felicia would be going with the vacuum!
  • I'm waiting to see if they do something for the feeds close before I post this.
  • Live feeds ended at 1:00PM ET.

Discussing Bowie Jane's pitches

Thinking about Bowie Jane's pitch

Not smiling as much lately

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

BB25: Season Nearing the End Clips Show Blog Party - Nov. 7

Good evening! Before we get started, I want to remind everyone that Thursday's live two-hour season finale begins an hour earlier than usual. The show will be from 8PM ET/PT to 10PM ET/PT.

Since tonight's show is the clips from over the season, I won't be live blogging quite like normal here. I will give commentary now and then, for sure. As always, the party is in the comments area where everyone can comment on the clips. I hope to see you there!

Just in case it isn't shown on the show, here are the family videos for the jury members --

 Despite clips show, we have a Previously On segment. Okay, Jag evicted Felicia again. Let's get on with the show. We will see HOH Part One and the videos from home. Yes, I will live blog that stuff.

They drink their champagne after celebrating final three and they get a feast complete with lobster tails, crab cakes and more. And we are into clips of Felicia asking Mr. B for groceries and other demands. So, the Three are now nicely reminiscing about Felicia. (Unlike they tend to do on a normal basis.)

Now Jag is saying how wild the house is. Matt brings up Red. So, we get Red clips. Then Matt brings up Cirie, cue Cirie clips. Matt must be the starter as he next brings up Hisam. Hisam clips!

Matt mentions great connections. Bowie Jane brings up Cory and America. We get showmance clips. Matt brings up that he misses Reilly. Jag says he's his bromance. We get Matt/Jag clips. Then into Reilly/Matt/Jag clips, back into the bromance.

Bowie Jane says it's like living with family there. We get a few clips of Jared/Cirie. Oops, Izzy Fields came along in the clips.

They're still at the table. It's 8:38PM. They won't have much time to air the video messages or HOH comp Part One. Now they are talking Mecole. Talking about the Diary Room and crying in there.

Now they're talking about house secrets and Cameron's Denzel Washington is Felicia's brother. C'mon, we have ten minutes left!

Finally, videos from home time. Jag's family first. His brother-in-law and sister. Bowie's parents. Matt's mother.

It looks like they will leave us on a cliffhanger with the Part One. Yep, the comp. Big balloon bags suspended, all the multiverses have collided. Ride the BB comic verse bubble. The other verses slam them around and get them messy. The last one on the bubble wins. We see the start.

BB25: Live Feeds HOH Part Two Winner - Nov. 7


Don't they even toast the English muffins?

As they have every morning, Matt's scrambled eggs, bacon and an English muffin. Now, I do like that breakfast. But every single day? They don't seem to know how to cook anything else. Hmm ... cereal?

The live feeds went down at about 12:30PM ET. They came back up at about 6:30PM ET.

JAG won Part Two. Part Three of the HOH comp will have Matt versus Jag on the live show Thursday.

BB25: Live Feeds into Tuesday - Nov. 7


How do you cook raw chicken?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of The Trashtalking Three:

  • I really don't have much to report.
  • There were a couple really long feeds blocks with adoptable animals.
  • Maybe they had the reminisce the season bit in one.
  • They apparently did not get their videos from home or play Part Two of the HOH comp as not a word was mentioned about either.
  • Well, other than Jag and Bowie Jane fussing that Matt won Part One.
  • Jag is definitely regretting his choice to send Felicia packing instead of Matt.
  • Most of the day was spent trashtalking the jury and pre-jury players.
  • Matt seems fixated on the Cory/America showmance and thinks they will be jealous of him and Reilly. @@
  • Bowie and Jag are glad the manipulators are all gone from the house. @@
  • While they were fussing about food (no Felicia to cook for them!), I was thinking there had to be a good supply.
  • I was right.
  • They decided to make a chicken dish for dinner.
  • That was after Matt made a late lunch of his One Dish Wonder -- scrambled eggs while Bowie Jane cooked bacon.
  • I cringe every time I see Matt crack open eggs. He mushes them. I can't imagine how many little crunchy bits are in the scrambled eggs!
  • Oh. The chicken is raw. Oh noes! What do we do with this? How will we know it's done?
  • Now, I realize they can't Google recipes and such. But, at her real age -- not her BB age -- Bowie Jane should have some kind of basic kitchen knowledge! 
  • I get the feeling that neither Matt nor Jag have ever moved away from Mom's home cooking.
  • Still, mid-20s should have some kind of idea.
  • I guess the juror's roundtable with Dr. Will was last night. Of course, that is taped so we don't see it on the live feeds.
  • You'll notice that Bowie Jane is not wearing her winter parka. BB gave them space heaters a week or two ago and they finally have them working to their satisfaction.
  • I'm thinking they will HAVE to have Part Two of the HOH comp today for editing purposes.
  • Oh ... I posted in comments yesterday that I saw in a Felicia interview that her brother died the week she was on the block with Mecole. Production let her speak to her family and her family wanted her to continue on with the show. She told none of the others about it.
  • That's about it!

Too busy talking trash to smile.

Matt and his one dish wonder.

Monday, November 06, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds, Part One HOH Winner - Nov. 6


Could he be regretting his decision?

Here's a quick update from inside that Big Brother House of What Have I Done?:

  • The live feeds were down most of the night.
  • When they returned, MATT won Part One of the three-part final HOH comp.
  • It was an endurance in which they hung onto something and got wet and cold.
  • Bowie Jane and Jag were talking about Matt holding on with just one hand at times.
  • They both commented that Felicia would have fallen off soon after it started.
  • I could be way off base, but the way they were talking reminds me a bit of the final HOH comp round that Evel Dick won against all odds. But that was all one-handed.
  • Although they seem very confused, I'll set the record straight what happens from here.
  • HOH Part Two will have Jag and Bowie Jane competing. As winner of Part One, Matt automatically advances to Part Three.
  • It will be a taped comp, done probably within the next day or two.
  • That one is usually a mental comp.
  • HOH Part Three will have the winners of Part One and Part Two competing live on finale night.
  • So, that would be Matt against the winner of Part Two -- either Jag or Bowie Jane.
  • The winner of Part Three sends one person out the door and it's down to the final two.
  • Then the jury votes between the two on the live finale.

Bowie Jane can't even smile.

No need to give stank face, you won it!

Sunday, November 05, 2023

BB25: Power of Veto and Live Eviction Show Blog Party - Nov. 5


Welp, we're getting down to the wire here (finally). Tonight, the final four become the final three. Bowie Jane won HOH. It's likely she will nominate Felicia and Matt.

Although the eviction itself is live, we will have a whole bunch of previously taped material in the show. All four hamsters play for veto. That comp was indeed taped. However, the veto meeting will be live on the show tonight.    

The winner of the veto comp has all the power this week as he or she will be the sole vote to evict. If either Matt or Felicia win the veto, they would take themself down and Jag would be the only one who could go up. Then the veto winner would vote to evict. If Jag wins veto, he cannot use it as he is the only option to go on the block. If Bowie wins it, she can either keep noms the same or replace one with Jag.

I will be live blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. As I will be constantly updating, refresh the page to get the latest happenings! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- I hope to see you there!

Before we get started, Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool. Here's where we stand ...

Felicia - Dr Celine, Auntie Leigh, NoraM, T-Town Chick
Bowie Jane - Jasonuwp, Sally, Rachel C, Jessica U, Joyce Johnson
Matt - Brenda, Helenann2k, Brent McKee, Chrob61
Jag - Barbara W, Jackie, Donna in Alabama, Mary C


Hamster watchers ready?

Julie's outfit tonight

Day 96. Soon Bowie Jane will make her nominations. We travel back in time to Day 93 and Bowie Jane winning HOH. She tells us since she's in a final two with Jag and doesn't want to put him up. Matt tells us he would like to keep his record of not going on the block. Felicia knows she will be nominated. Jag proposes Bowie Jane think of a number between 1 and 100 and whoever is closest (him or Matt) will stay off the block. Little does Matt know that Bowie Jane and Jag set this up beforehand.

Nominations Ceremony time. Bowie Jane nominates Matt, then Felicia. She tells them there is no one left to put up (Jag?) and go after the veto.

Jag wants to win the veto and decide who is there with him and Bowie Jane. Felicia knows her days. She asks Mr. B for a days comp.

Cirie joins the jury house. Cirie blames Matt and Jag for her eviction. She's right, of course. She shows them the video. She points out to them that Jag wanted her out, not Matt. Cam is impressed with Jag. Cirie says she would like to see Matt win the game.

Taylor Hale, BB24 winner, is on with Julie now. She's been working with Entertainment Tonight. She and Joseph are just good friends now. Julie asks about the long season. Taylor is an advocate for the social game. Julie asks her about why each of the four should/could win.

Veto comp time! (Taped, of course.) A space theme. They go into individual rooms with planets on the walls. The ScrambleVerse has scrambled the timeline. It is a days comp!

The veto comp

Jag wins the Power of Veto! (Of course, he does.) 

Felicia wants to try to convince Jag to evict Matt. We'll see how that goes. She talks to Jag and points out that Matt is his biggest competitor. She points out that relationship wise, Matt might be better.

To the living room. 
Matt - Shout outs. Love Mama Fe, thanks for keeping us well-fed. Love BJ and Jag.
Felicia - Shout outs. Houseguests, has been my pleasure. Tried to play the game with truth and trust, the ones in here did it best. Love all three.

Jag votes his vote to evict Felicia. He was very nice about it.

The final three are yelling MAFIA and giving their M hand symbols.

Felicia talks to Julie. She says that Jag really had a loyalty to Matt and understands it. She doesn't think he made the right choice for his game.

Julie talks to the final three. She tells them that the battle for the three-part final HOH begins shortly. Julie hints that the BB universe has a holiday surprise in store. I'm thinking it could be the rumored Legends season.

BB25: Live Feeds into Sunday - Nov. 5


As it should be ... Final Four together laughing.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Activities:

  • Yesterday Felicia planted herself in the dining room for most of the day. Later she mentioned to the camera she did that so she wouldn't feel as isolated.
  • Now, it's Jag, so who knows exactly what he will do last minute. BUT ... it seems like he's at least leaning towards voting Matt out.
  • Felicia proposed the idea to him.
  • Jag ran and told both Matt and Bowie Jane what Felicia had said.
  • However ... Jag later talked with Bowie Jane about it and said it would be best for his game.
  • I guess we will see later tonight!
  • Felicia cooked dinner for them. @@
  • BB (or, as Felicia would say, Mr. B) gave them the selfie camera and told all four of them to go around the house taking photos in various poses.
  • Whether that was a move on BB's part to un-isolate Felicia or not, I do not know.
  • They did have fun doing it, though.
  • But, when finished, the Three went up to the HOH to mess around, play Never Have I Ever, drink wine and have a grand old time.
  • Felicia returned to her Comic Room and talked to Mr. B before asking him to turn the lights out.
  • She told him about planting herself at the table and feeling so isolated, the young folks are having a good time upstairs and she's okay, just a few more days left.
  • Meanwhile, the Three got the idea to play Hide and Seek.
  • Believe it or not, Jag said they should get Felicia to join them.
  • Mr. B had just turned out the lights in the Comic Room, but Felicia joined in on the game.
  • They worked it so the first one found had to be the seeker in the next round.
  • It was fun to watch and definitely great to see everyone getting along and being friendly.
  • They will lose the HOH room today.
  • Matt packed for the first time.
  • Oh. They got dollar store games to play.
  • You still have to wonder what they think the live feeds cover -- the Three were walking around talking about things from the house they plan to steal! Um. Okaaaay. That's not gonna happen now!
  • So, will Jag stick with the evict Matt decision or fall back to Felicia?
  • Laters!

Matt had to slide Felicia out of hiding.

Matt in the cupboard.

Bowie Jane thought hiding under pillows was good.

Felicia is behind the chair in the corner.

Jag hid in the storage room.

Drinking wine together before playtime.

Saturday, November 04, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds into Saturday - Nov. 4


After Felicia leaves, they "wake up."

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of They May Be Jerkfaces:

  • Felicia didn't make dinner for them last night.
  • Heh.
  • According to Bowie Jane, they had to eat like they were back in college.
  • That must have been some college she attended -- with a refrigerator full of great leftovers, cupboards full of food, a food storage room with another refrigerator full of food.
  • At one point Matt and Jag pretended to be sleeping at the table when Felicia came into the kitchen.
  • They "awakened" when she left.
  • Felicia has mostly been napping, playing Solitaire or reading the Bible. She has reread her HOH letter and looked at her pictures sent for HOH.
  • Matt is showing a side I truly dislike. He made a comment about using the mamas only for food and now they don't need them anymore.
  • While I can get behind the playing comps well and even the lying on Big Brother, I don't care for meanness. 
  • Bowie Jane, Matt and Jag have become outright mean to the one person left in the house with them.
  • Sheesh. They could just humor her, let her go tomorrow night and then trash talk them all.
  • For her credit, Felicia had a talk with Jag today at the Memory Wall. She pointed out (correctly) that Matt would probably have more jury votes in a final two with him.
  • Felicia went on to list that she would have three votes in a final two with him -- Cirie, America and Cory. Jag would have four votes -- Matt, Bowie Jane, Cameron and Blue.
  • Now, I'm not sure he would have those four votes, especially cutting Matt and Bowie Jane.
  • But she seemed to talk a good talk.
  • At this point, comp beast or not, Jag might lose a final two with any of the three others left in there for now.
  • I guess we will see.
  • We will find out in tomorrow's live eviction which one he cuts -- Matt or Felicia.
  • Then it will be on to the three part head of household comp.

Bowie Jane mocked Izzy but Izzy was entertaining.

Should I boot Matt? Felicia?

Cruel has come out in Matt. It's not pretty.

Felicia spends time alone playing Solitaire.

Friday, November 03, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds Power of Veto Winner - Nov. 3


And Bowie Jane keeps on smiling.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Miserable Mice:
  • Well, the Three included Felicia in a game of cards.
  • They may have been told to do it.
  • I have seen more Diary Room intervention this season than others.
  • I recall Matt saying that the DR told him that the live feeders and viewers thought that tooth flossing thing was disgusting and I haven't seen one since.
  • So, with the live feeders aware of how the Three planned to treat Felicia going into the POV comp, I wouldn't be surprised if they squashed it.
  • They already made her look the villain in the last episode.
  • Anyway ... the Power of Veto comp took place today.
  • This is the most important comp of the season as the POV is the sole vote to take out the fourth player and get it down to the final three.
  • Matt and Felicia are on the block.
  • Oh.
  • And Jag won veto.
  • In other years I would be thrilled to have my random blog pool pick do so well.
  • And I did like him at the beginning.
  • But he changed with the comp wins.
  • He even said he has carried Matt through the game when there would be no Jag in the game at this time had Matt not brought him back from the unanimous eviction!
  • Argh.

Hopefully reading Matthew 5:38-48, King James Version

Of course.

BB25: Live Feeds into Friday, Nominations - Nov. 3


And Bowie Jane kept on smiling.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Alienate the Elder:

  • Unlike most weeks, the live feeds came back on not all that long after the show on the East Coast aired.
  • Poor Felicia was out in the kitchen getting together a big meal of fried chicken and mac and cheese for dinner ... for them.
  • Where were they?
  • In a room trying to decide who would go on the block with Felicia.
  • After all, the screen in the living room said "Nominations Today." 
  • That's meaning like today, like middle of the night.
  • Felicia told Matt that if he goes on the block and Jag wins veto, Jag will take him out.
  • The Three played a numbers guessing game to determine Matt would go on the block with Felicia.
  • Of course, the veto winner has all the power this week and will send one out the door.
  • The feeds were blocked for nominations.
  • Yep, Matt and Felicia on the block.
  • Power of Veto should be played later today.
  • They were told of the Sunday eviction.
  • That's about it!

Nominations Today (as in last night!)

Who will we put on the block with Felicia?

Still making dinner for them?!?! 

Thursday, November 02, 2023

BB25: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - Nov. 2


Good evening! Tonight, either Cirie or Felicia will get the boot. Just having the both of them on the show this season has been a joy for me. I just wish that production had geared the comps a bit away from the ones 20-something year old comp beasts can just stomp through. After all, the game is ALSO a social game!

I will be live blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. As I will constantly be updating, refreshing this page will give you the latest happenings. As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there!

But first ... let's get that blog pool posted. Lifeguard SueGee updated the blog pool and here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Felicia - Dr Celine, Auntie Leigh, NoraM, T-Town Chick
Bowie Jane - Jasonuwp, Sally, Rachel C, Jessica U, Joyce Johnson
Cirie - Petals, Janice, Krysta, RJM in SC, Skyriverblue
Matt - Brenda, Helenann2k, Brent McKee, Chrob61
Jag - Barbara W, Jackie, Donna in Alabama, Mary C


Hamster watchers ready?

Julie's outfit tonight

Skipping out on the Previously On. Yeah, we know Jag wants Cirie out and Matt's HOH is Jag's, so ...

Day 93. Julie tells us of the final three alliance of Matt, Jag and Bowie Jane with them telling both Cirie and Felicia are the pawns.

We pick up the action after the Veto Meeting. Jag needs to get Matt on board with his plan to evict Cirie. Sure, Cirie is better for Jag's game. But Cirie staying is better for Matt's game. Of course, Matt doesn't have a vote this week. Bowie Jane joins them and agrees with Jag that they need to evict Cirie this week, Felicia next week. Jag thinks they should tell both of them they are good, then blindside Cirie.

Cirie talks to Bowie Jane who does promise her her vote. Yeah, vote to evict. Cirie feels uneasy and nervous.

They both look very nice tonight.

But first ... a visit to the jury house. Cory meets up with Cameron. All is friendly enough. Blue arrives. Then America arrives. She blames Jag for her exit. Cameron is surprised that Bowie Jane has won two HOH comps. Cory would like Matt to win.

We will find out how to vote for AFP tonight. But not yet!

Potential cracks in the Minutemen alliance? Hmm. Felicia thinks that Jag is lowkey insulting Matt regarding his Olympic status. Felicia tells him that they're insulting him, both Bowie Jane and Jag. He can't hear it. Aw. Jag knows something is bothering Matt. He talks to him and Matt tells him what Felicia said. Jag denies it. Jag is upset. He tells us that they could vote Felicia out.

Bowie Jane, Matt and Jag meet up in the HOH room. Is Felicia crossing the line? But now even Jag is saying that maybe she misinterpreted something. He still thinks Cirie should go. But now Matt is saying Felicia should go. (I call it editing!)

To the living room ...
Cirie: Shout outs. Thank you for 93 amazing but crazy days.
Felicia: Shout outs. It's been fun. Mustard seed faith.

The votes to evict:
Jag - Cirie
Bowie Jane - Cirie

Cirie is gone. It's been great having her on this season! She hugs them all and is gracious. The final four hug after she leaves. Goodbye messages -- Felicia loves her, Matt will miss her, love. Bowie Jane - a pure game move. Jag -- convinced Matt to target her.

HoH comp time!  ChenBot comic. Will show two pages, ask questions, show two more, ask more ... seven questions total.

1. Jag gets one point.
2. All get a point
3. Bowie Jane gets a point
4. Jag/Felicia get a point
5. Jag/Bowie Jane get a point
6. Bowie Jane gets a point
7. Jag/Bowie Jane get a point

Tiebreaker - In seconds how long was Trick or Treat luxury comp? Bowie says 1690, Jag 1500. 


AFP - 50 grand ...

BB25: Live Feeds into Thursday - Nov. 2


Felicia vacuums while Jag eats a banana.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Final Whatevers:

  • Nothing much has changed since my last update.
  • Cirie knows that Jag has promised both her and Felicia his vote.
  • She feels she is likely to go.
  • Cirie told Felicia if she makes it to the final two, she will give her her vote and rally the jury to do the same. 
  • Both women packed their bags.
  • Since Felicia has been packing every week for well over a month, hers was easier.
  • Cirie pointed out to Matt that Jag wants her out because she's close to Matt and, inevitably, it's a sign that Jag will soon target Matt himself once he no longer has anyone in his corner.
  • While she is certainly no comp beast, Cirie has played the social game to the hilt. She observes. She listens.
  • I think it's time the comp beasts stopped ruling over BB. 
  • This season was a delight in so many hamsters over 40. However, the comps didn't change -- many were still geared for 20-somethings.
  • The twists this season could sink or swim ... oh, they sunk for sure.
  • Jared. No, he was not an asset to Cirie in the game. He was pretty much the opposite.
  • The horrible Zombie Week -- worst and most boring EVER in BB history.
  • Even going ahead and holding eviction of another player the week Luke got the boot. Had Kirsten stayed, things might have been different -- at least you wouldn't have so many returning players!
  • Oh, well.
  • Tonight we should see Cirie go.
  • Sigh.

Cirie packs her bag.

I'm not cooking for them!

Sure she will make final two.

Worried Jag will go to final two with Bowie Jane