Sunday, October 15, 2023

BB25: HOH and Nominations Show Blog Party - Oct. 15


Good evening! Tonight we will see the HOH comp and its new HOH winner with the power of Invisibility. I'm thinking we should also be seeing the nominations as well. However, they are messing around with stuff this season. I could be wrong.

I will be live blogging this show, constantly updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest updates! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Just a quick programming note -- Tuesday's POV show, scheduled at 8PM ET/PT, is expected to be an hour and 15 minutes long.

Tonight's show in some markets isn't starting until 10:12PM ET due to football. Grr.

Hamster watchers ready?

Skipping to my lou through the "Previously On" segment. 

Julie mentions the ComicVerse and we see the thing crashed into the HOH room. BB Comics, always a veto comp, will have its first run at an HOH comp. Cirie tells us with Cam gone they can say goodbye to the Kumbaya.

They get a message; a space crystal has crashed into the house. It will change the course of events in the house this week. The first power is the Invisible HOH. No one will know unless the winner divulges. Since no one knows, the HOH will be able to play in the next HOH comp.

Leave it to America to mention no HOH wine. Jag, Cory and America agree to tell each other if they win. But Jag tells us he thinks otherwise -- it may be the week to go after Cory and America. Cirie and Felicia think they are both probably safe. They think bigger targets will be targeted.

Cirie really wants to win this one. Um, okay. She doesn't know how physical the comp ahead will be.

To the comp! Felicia is up first. It is the traditional zipline comp. The times will be announced but only the winner will know he or she won. Matt up next. His time not said. Blue up next. No time said. Cory up next. Then to commercial. So far only Felicia's time was announced. I listed it below.

Cirie's turn. She is having a rough time of it. Jag's turn. America is up next. Commercial time again.

Felicia -18:40

Everyone was told their times during the comp but we weren't. The winning time was 8:30. Immediately after, no one is admitting it. Blue tells America she got 15:24. America doesn't believe her. Cirie thinks it's Jag or Matt. Felicia thinks either them or Cory.

Bowie is also suspicious of Blue. Matt enters the room with Blue and Bowie Jane. He tells them he thinks it might be him and Jag going up on the block.

Jag and Cory are suspicious of Blue, too. Matt, too. Heck, no one is even telling us on the show! Ah, finally Jag tells us and Matt! Jag is the HOH. He tells Jag that if he puts up Blue and someone else, then tell America/Cory they will be loyal to him. He can play in the HOH comp next week because he's "invisible." He thinks if he breaks them up, then the only targets will be himself and Matt.

He tells America/Cory about it. They are a bit leery because he kept it secret overnight. He tells us his only choices are Felicia, Blue and Cirie. Hey ... what about Bowie Jane, I say?

Time for the nomination ceremony. They sit in the kitchen with a voice over the PA system. Nominated are Felicia and Blue. Felicia is tired of being on the block, even if a pawn. She thinks the invisible HOH had such a chance to make a big move. Blue thinks the HOH is either Cory or America.

BB25: Live Feeds into Sunday Morning - Oct. 15

Jag tells Cirie the plan.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Lines Will Be Drawn:

  • Remember ... there were two veto comps with two individual veto winners.
  • Blue and Felicia are on the block with Jag being not so invisible HOH winner. 
  • Blue is Jag's target.
  • Blue, Cirie, Felicia and Bowie Jane do not know Jag won HOH.
  • Blue is CERTAIN that either America or Cory won it. After all, she has undying loyalty to Matt and Jag.
  • She went to Matt and Jag (and Cirie and Felicia) throwing Cory/America under that good old reality bus, telling them all that C/A have been saying about them.
  • In effect, she probably blew up her own game.
  • Both Cirie and Felicia think it might be Jag who won HOH but aren't certain.
  • Matt/Jag are working with Cory/America. Don't ask me why.
  • Back to the veto stuff! ALL houseguests played in the first veto comp. 
  • I'm not sure how they handled who would play in the second comp.
  • The first comp had them spinning. Blue won the first one.
  • I'm not sure of the second comp but I know Jag won it.
  • In the first comp it sounds like the first two out got punishments.
  • Who were the first two out? Why, Cirie and Felicia, of course. The physical comps really don't favor older players!
  • Felicia got 24 hours isolation, confined to the Comic Room with a portable toilet covered in a blue tarp. She can eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. 
  • Keep in mind that the same sort of isolation punishment set Dan Gheesling's famous funeral speech in motion!
  • Cirie has to wear her superhero suit and, on command, roll the length of the backyard and back.
  • It sounds like (or they think) that the first veto winner will use (or not) the veto first, then the second veto winner.
  • So, Blue will first use her veto to save herself, leaving Felicia on the block.
  • Whatever will Jag do next?
  • Matt is adamant that Cirie cannot/should not go on the block.
  • Jag agrees.
  • What to do? What to do?
  • Neither Jag nor Matt is keen on leaving Felicia on the block.
  • Hmm.
  • After much consideration, Jag finally makes the right decision.
  • Break up the showmance -- get Cory and America on the block together.
  • He tells Cirie that he won HOH and that America/Cory poisoned him against Blue, his original target in the nominations.
  • He tells her the plan was never to send Felicia out the door.
  • Later on, Matt confirms it with Cirie.
  • Then it's the tricky part ... telling Blue.
  • He once again blamed Cory and America for turning him against her with lies and admitted he was the HOH.
  • Now, if all goes down as planned, at tomorrow's veto meeting, it will be America and Cory on the block.
  • They know that Jag is HOH.
  • The target is Cory.
  • He (finally) said he doesn't care. He will get the "blood on his hands."
  • As a side note, the Tuesday episode will 45 minutes instead of a half-hour.
  • Laters!

Blue feels vindicated.

Felicia's isolation room with porta-potty.

Jag lets his hair down and makes a move.

This should be over by Thursday! Yay!

Drop and roll Super Cirie!


Saturday, October 14, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds Saturday, Power of Veto Comps - Oct. 14


Sometimes the pawn goes home.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Discombobulated Donkeys:

  • Wait! Did I just call them jackasses? How rude of me!
  • Wait! What's with the "Power of Veto CompS" in the title?
  • Yep. That's the twist -- two separate POV comps, two separate POV winners.
  • Well, maybe one person could win both. Although, from what they've been saying it sounds like the winner of the first comp will sit out the second one.
  • Everybody plays in the first veto comp.
  • Not sure on the second one.
  • So, with the two comps and the probable veto player pick for the second one (maybe), the feeds are down for most of the day.
  • I won't be posting this entry until I have the results.
  • But first ... a bit from before the feeds went down.
  • The feeds went down around 2:45PM ET, enough time for a bit of drama for the mamas.
  • Blue is SURE that either America or Cory won HOH and put her on the block.
  • She's made the rounds asking Matt and Jag to save her with the veto if one of them wins it.
  • They nodded their heads.
  • Blue told Matt and Cirie that she's a better competitor than Felicia.
  • Um, well. No. Felicia did win an HOH even if it was a crap shoot one.
  • Blue hasn't won a comp yet.
  • Jag has told just about everybody except the nominees and Cirie he won the secret HOH.
  • Way to go, Jag!
  • Why can't ANYONE this season other than Cirie keep their mouths shut?
  • Meanwhile, although Jag is dead-set on targeting her, Blue had been super loyal to him.
  • She wants to target Cory.
  • Matt is getting a bit better at being devious. He told Felicia that he's worried that either he or Jag will go on the block if the veto is used.
  • Jag told Bowie he would throw the veto to her if it's the both of them at the end.
  • Like she would want that! She didn't want her HOH and tried to throw it.
  • That will just make her throw it well before the end.
  • 9:40PM ET, the feeds return. 
  • Matt, Cirie, America and Cory seen, none wearing the veto necklace.
  • It sounds like the first comp was physical, perhaps standing or swinging on ropes.
  • I THINK Matt started to say to Cory that Jag ... but the feeds immediately cut.
  • I'm not even sure both comps were played.
  • Still waiting for the feeds to re-return.
  • They're back. Neither Blue nor Bowie Jane wearing the necklace. The POV necklace is next to Blue's bed, though.
  • Jag's arm or shoulder is sore.
  • Cory made some comment that they're screwed now.
  • Oh my, could the first POV be won by BLUE?
  • Bowie Jane said to Blue and Jag that they both looked like they were never going to fall.
  • So, it's one or the other.
  • Sidenote: They use Wonder bread in the BB House. It helps a body grow 12 ways, y'know.
  • Blue won the first POV comp. I think it was the first one. I may be wrong.
  • UPDATE: Jag won the other veto comp.
  • Felicia has some sort of punishment locked in the Comic Room for 24 hours with a tent around her toilet.
  • Laters.
She finally put the necklace on.

And Bowie Jane keeps on smiling.

Matt's getting a bit better at lying.

Why don't you get a bullhorn and announce it?

Is SURE that Cory or America is HOH!

Friday, October 13, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds into Friday Evening, Nominations - Oct. 13

Let's just keep the showmance in the house.

 Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Loose Lips and Sinking Ships:

  • Okay, we know Jag won the HOH comp.
  • And he told his closest ally, Matt. 
  • I guess I can kind of understand that. Kind of.
  • Me? If I was the secret invisible HOH, I wouldn't tell anyone!
  • Instead of planning on breaking up the showmance in the house, Jag wants to target Blue.
  • Sure, she has been talking for weeks about wanting to target him.
  • BUT ... Blue has not won a comp yet. 
  • She's a lot of talk and no action.
  • Sure, Cirie is talk and no action in comps.
  • But there is a difference.
  • Cirie listens and observes.
  • She also endears them. She makes each person feel that she really likes and cares about them.
  • That's her strong suit.
  • Before the nominations were made, Jag went and told America and Cory!
  • Eep.
  • Perhaps he's thinking jury votes.
  • Or perhaps he's just not thinking at all.
  • Both Felicia and Cirie, pre-nominations, figured Jag won.
  • Jag will NOT put Cirie on the block. Matt would have a fit.
  • Jag was thinking it best to backdoor Blue.
  • Say what?
  • It's not like she's out there winning comps left and right!
  • Argh. Although Jag is my blog pool pick (randomly selected) he, like Cameron, has already been voted out and is only still in the game due to a twist.
  • You would think he would show twists some respect.
  • Nope. He's blabbed so much that just about everyone but Blue knows he won HOH.
  • And she will know soon.
  • He nominated Felicia and Blue.
  • Oh, well.
  • Oh. I'd also like to know why Blue's face always looks so greasy in the show Diary Room segments. It doesn't look like that on the feeds!
  • Laters!
Blue is the target. Um. Okay.

Cirie does her Cirie sailing through again.

Maybe I should backdoor Blue. Say what?

And Bowie Jane keeps on smiling.

BB25: Live Feeds into Friday, HOH - Oct. 13

And Bowie Jane kept smiling.

Here's what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Mystery:
  • The live feeds were down all night.
  • I was tired last night and figured I would catch up in the morning.
  • Oh my. I woke up early, turned on the feeds and they had just switched from adoptable animals to the nethercolonoscopy WBRB screen.
  • Yay! I will find out right away who won HOH!
  • Um, no.
  • It turns out this "invisibility power" for the HOH just means no one tells they won HOH.
  • It was BB Comics, sounding like the common comp. 
  • The winning time was supposedly 8:30. The worst time mentioned was 15:44.
  • Matt, the only one remaining in the comp clothes with his cape, claims he screwed up at the end costing him about four minutes and his time was 13 minutes.
  • Is he lying?
  • Blue claims she did horribly at 15:44.
  • Is she lying?
  • How would Blue do worse than Cirie or Felicia? Remember, they had to go back and forth on a tie-line.
  • Cory was in the Diary Room for a long time. But when he came out, he also said he lost.
  • Okay, the one most likely and the one suspected because he hasn't said a time just admitted to Matt he won.
  • JAG is the new HOH.
  • He tells Matt he wants Blue gone.

Claims a 13-minute time.

It's a mystery!

But ... why is Cirie so cheery?

No one is saying.

Is that the fake Sadface Jag? Yep.

What time is it?