Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Big Brother 9 - 4/15 Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

I got in late from work tonight and my latest live feeds report is still in pending over at TV Squad. Hopefully it will go live soon.

The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome! Since the entry in this blog is written as I watch television, please forgive any typos!

Will Sheila's plan to get Natalie on the block succeed or backfire? Hmmm ... gee, I don't know. we had the HOH end in color, now the nominations in black and white, into color for Day 64. Sheila tells us once again her real target is Natalie, worst case scenario is Natalie winning POV. Sharon tells us Natalie doesn't know the whole house is against her. Natalie brags to us about playing both sides -- Team Christ and the Girls.

Adam is worried. Sharon seems confident that Natalie will end up on the block and she'll be safe.

Natalie runs up to the HOH to play Sheila as she plays all the HOH. Sheila tells us she bashes Adam in front of the girls, but she really wants to go to the end of the game with him.

Natalie tills Adam he'll have her vote to stay. Ryan says he's not calling Adam out but he put everyone in their alliance at risk last week. Ryan, liking to take over, tells Adam he can't blame Sheila. For saying he's not the target, Ryan sure is being nasty to Adam.

Sheila complains about Natalie never really communicating with her. "False witnesses never profit." - Adam. He says Natalie is Judas.

The POV tonight screen came on the plasma TV. Adam wants to be on and off, DUN. It's a night time POV. Sheila says Natalie cannot win this and it's her only chance to get Natalie out of the house.

Sheila tells Sharon she has her bleepin' word she won't go home. Natalie gets "preemies" - premonitions that all will go well. Preemies? Sheesh!

They have to go to separate rooms and get called one by one to the backyard t compete. Once again, Sheila tells us she doesn't want Natalie to win. A giant TV, remote control, 70s love shack according to Natalie. Channel surfing, use the remote contraols, if all are on the right channel the puzzle will be solved.

Nat -- Where's the top of Adam's head? She realizes that all the houseguests faces and the guinea pigs with HG hairdos puzzles. She finally decides to go for the guinea pigs.

Adam is up, he has to win. Ryan is up, he wants to win. Sharon feels she's at risk. Sheila is looking confused. She says Natalie is great at puzzles. Adam first made a proper workspace. Ryan kept staring at Jen's picture -- he was mesmerized by her beauty. Jacob's face was on Evel Dick's body. Sheila is hot for Evel Dick. He took over she said. "Is it taking me a million frickin years or what?"

Time to reveal the results. Ryan - 6.01 minutes, Sheila 15.30, Adam 3.20, Natalie 12.09 (she reminds me of the Wicked Witch melting), Sharon 4.56. The Baller's off the block!

Natalie is so happy that Adam won the veto, if he didn't, Sharon would have. If only she knew. Sheila tells is she makes sure Natalie thinks she has her back, but she doesn't. She will be shocked.

Adam is all pumped up. natalie says someone else must go up. Sheila says it's slim pickins, twice. Sheila tells Sharon and Adam that Natalie will be going up and going home. Natalie tells Ryan and Adam she doesn't want to go to sequester. She says they can take out Sheila next week. Ryan tells her not to stress. He goes to break up Sharon and Sheila in the HOH room.

He tells Sheila and Shaon that natalie doesn't think she'll be voted out, but that she knows she'll go up on the block. Ryan tells Sheila he's totally with her -- if you want her gone, she's gone.

God wanted me to go on TV and be me - Natalie after saying she didn't get acting jobs. Sheila and Sharon talk about natalie not being very smart, but she thinks she is. Nat in the pool tells the guys that Sheila and Sharon are talking smack about her.

It would just suck if I ended up going home. Sheila says that natalie's not going anywhere and she didn't go back on her word. She didn't put up Ryan or Natalie. Sheila tells us she didn't like lying to Natalie's face.

Team Christ is going to act like Jesus and keep their word -- Natalie.

Sheila's birthday party, they have cake and are decorating with streamers. They actually shock her. And sing For She's a Jolly Good Fellow (no rights to Happy Birthday). She has a card. She cries. It's from her mom. Their relationship has been on and off. Aw, mom misses her. She's conquere obstacles ahead, but can do it. She's watched all nine seasons of the show, something Sheila didn't know. Her mom was a single mom. Gee, so is Sheila! Cries some more.

Sharon tells Adam that she will only have three jury votes in the end. Ryan and Adam think they should be the final two. Ryan tells Adam he wants Natalie gone even though he'd do better with her with the jury.

Sheila tells Adam and Ryan not to vote one to one. She tells Adam she knows that it would be him voting to keep Natalie. Sheila tells Adam that Natalie would go after her. Sheila tells us she doesn't want to get blood on her hands with a tiebreaker. She will make Adam's life hell if the votes to keep Natalie.

Adam ticks off Sheila so she threatens to put Ryan, his bro, up. After she stomps off, Ryan tells Adam nothing is certain. They just have to wait to make sure Ryan doesn't go on the block, then they run the house and the vote.

POV Meeting time. Adam tells us he's taking himself off the block and wants Sheila to put Natalie on the block. If that happens, he and Ryan control the house. Ryan tells us he's worried. Sharon says she would never ever ask him to use it on her, he deserves it. Adam says Sharon's speech motivated him to use it on himself.

Sheila says the decision is the hardest ever ... she gets teary shaky, really difficult, thought long an hard, has to go with what will get her further in the game. She chooses Natalie and apologizes. Natalie fake pouts. Sheila thanks Ryan for taking her off the block last week. With that, the meeting is adjourned.

Sheila tells us natalie isn't safe. If Adam gives her a pity vote, he'll pay for it. Natalie is confident she's safe. Ryan tells us he and Adam control the game from here on out.

Big Brother 9 - Live Feeds Into Tuesday Morning

Eviction day looms ahead. The show promos are saying Natalie is targeted. But is that still the case? Here are the late night events from that Big Brother House of Cat Fighting Mamas:
  • Sharon and Natalie got mad because BB said they don't want them holding the guinea pigs for their own safety and the safety of the guinea pigs.
  • Natalie said that Adam is the only one who didn't tell her to drop in the HOH comp. She thinks that Sharon and Sheila have something going on together.
  • Sheila told Natalie that she (Natalie) judged Joshuah for being gay and said he wouldn't get into the kingdom of heaven because he's gay.
  • Natalie denied saying that to him.
  • Sheila told Natalie that if she calls them evil-doers in front of Sharon, she will tell the jury.
  • Sheila told Natalie she won't win because the jury all hates her.
  • Sheila feels she never was a part of Team Christ and has been isolated from the others throughout the game. (Maybe she's an island like James!)
  • As Sheila continued to berate her, Natalie started to cry. She thinks she's being thrown under the bus and she's tried so hard to keep everyone together.
  • Sharon hid from it all, reading the bible quietly on her own.
  • Sheila, in front of Ryan, reminded Natalie she had begged that she put up Ryan instead of her.
  • Sharon and Adam, downstairs, wonder if the other three are plotting against them.
  • Natalie cried some more because they're throwing her out of the game when they had plans to be the final four.
  • Adam told Sharon that some people in the house are very two-faced. Duh, welcome to Big Brother!
  • Natalie insists that she hasn't been calling people out, just saying what's in her gut.
  • Hiss! Meow!
  • Natalie admitted that she wanted to be in the final two with Ryan, not Adam.
  • Natalie doesn't think Sheila will vote to keep her in the case of a tie. Gee, really?
  • Sharon thinks if she's at the end, the other person will win the money because she hasn't won anything all season.
  • Adam, sounding emotional, said he had to pray to the Lord to get through this.
  • Ryan told Adam that Natalie thinks she has his vote to stay.
  • Sheila ranted on at Natalie about her laughing when James floured her. Broken record time going on big time in this brouhaha!
  • Adam and Sharon talked about Jacob in spite of the storm upstairs.
  • Natalie told Sheila that Adam is the biggest threat in the house. (Wasn't that one of his complaints in the Big Confrontation on Sunday night?)
  • Adam and Ryan confirmed with each other they won't be voting for Natalie.
  • Adam thinks that Natalie is turning the house against him.
  • Upstairs, Sheila and Natalie decide that Sharon is a sneak. Huh?
  • Natalie, Sheila, and Ryan talked about James and Joshuah using Sharon to gather information for them.
  • Sheila and Adam think Ryan is shady. (It's a good thing these guys have food. I can see a Donner Party coming on!)
  • Sheila told Adam that Ryan threw him under the bus when they were up there with Natalie. She said Natalie spilled the beans to her about it.
  • Sheila told Adam that Ryan told Natalie that he had nothing to do with the Big Confrontation. (Liar, liar, pants on fire! It was Ryan's plan and Ryan's the one who pushed it getting Adam all incited!)
  • Adam wants to call Ryan out, but Sheila tells him not to.
  • Sheila told Adam that Natalie admitted wanting to put Ryan and Adam on the block next.
  • Now Ryan seems to have come full circle and he wants Natalie to stay out of loyalty. (What about his loyalty to his secret Sharon alliance?)
  • Ryan's mad at Sheila for the Natalie bit even though it was similar to the Big Confrontation.
  • Ryan is now trying to convince Adam they have to save Natalie because they betrayed her and it wasn't right.
  • Despite the fact Sheila will freak, they agree that now they'll keep Natalie. Full circle flipflop.
  • Natalie cried on.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Big Brother 9 - Live Feeds Into Monday Night

Adam, Natalie, and Ryan in the backyard looking dumb. Well, they are! Look at them! Is that genius at work? I think not.

Here's the latest news from inside that Big Brother House Miscreants and Moles:
  • The girls say there are only 15 days left. I know the finale is set for April 27, so they're a bit off. But close.
  • Sheila thinks that the group left in the house rarely curses. She must not listen to them talk, including her own self!
  • Adam's dream is to build a clinic for dentistry addressing the special dental needs of autistic children. Special lighting and such are needed.
  • Ryan says he has days when he's mad for no reason and hates everyone and everything. I've noticed that.
  • Ryan is still having trouble with the pain in his neck.
  • After having hot dogs in the afternoon, they grilled fish for dinner.
  • The guinea pigs got a lot of attention but they won't give Sharon the key for the cage so she can pet them.
  • Adam is missing his meds. He was supposed to be on pain meds for headaches from a bad accident when he entered the house and BB doesn't allow them. He still has glass embedded in his face.
  • Adam napped a lot and read the bible.
  • Ryan told Natalie that their best chance of winning is if they're both in the final two as everyone sees them as big threats.
  • Ryan told her that he'd work on Adam for a 2-0 vote for her to stay. Is he lying to her and faithful to Sharon? We'll see. I think he wants Sharon to stay.
  • Ryan also apologized to Natalie for calling her out in the big meeting. She said Adam did it just for the jury.
  • He told her that he believes her.
  • Meanwhile, Sharon points out to Sheila that Ryan is talking game with Natalie. She can tell because his mannerisms make it obvious.
  • Sheila told Sharon she wants Natalie out and will vote her out in a tie. I believe that's the 4584th time she's said that.
  • Natalie ran to Sheila to tell her that Ryan wants her to stay. She wants Sheila to work on Adam or break the tie in her favor.
  • Sheila asked Natalie if they talked about her (Natalie) and Ryan as the final two. Natalie said they didn't. Um, well ...!
  • Sheila told Natalie she won't let the vote be a tie. She promised Natalie she wouldn't mention the conversation to him.
  • Yeah, right.

BB9: Parts 2 and 3 of the Big Adam/Ryan Natalie Confrontation

Here are parts two and three of the confrontation last night. Sorry it took me so long to get them up.

Latest BB9 Feeds and The Big Confrontation Part 1

My latest BB9 live feeds report is up on TV Squad and here's part one of the video I took of the big Adam/Ryan confrontation of Natalie last night.