Saturday, February 17, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Feeds Updates, Nominations - Feb. 17

Trying to line up partnerships

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Get Your Game On:
  • As you know from my HoH updates post, Omarosa out-sat the others and is now HoH.
  • Instead of the Survivor slogan (Outwit, Outplay, Outlast), Celeb BB's will be Outprimp, Outnap, Outsat.
  • Omarosa's target is Ross. If not Ross, Brandi will do.
  • I think she thinks Ross is more of competitor and threat while she knows Brandi is nasty about her behind her back.
  • She talked to both Mark and James, telling them she needs their support and their vote for Ross to go home.
  • Mind you, at that time nominations hadn't even been made yet!
  • She had promised James safety if he dropped in the HoH comp and he did so.
  • She thinks that Ari/Brandi or Ross/Marissa need to be broken up.
  • And she likes Ari more than she likes Brandi!
  • Brandi admitted to all her hinky Mark vote. She claims that it was a sympathy vote for Shannon's sake.
  • Um. I thought she had seen BB often enough to know the hinky vote should never be admitted and just cause drama!
  • The slop eaters -- Metta, Ross and Mark -- are only on it until tomorrow.
  • They're actually pretty excited about experimenting with slop recipes. 
  • Well, not Metta so much. He said he'll nap more to avoid it. But, then again, Metta doesn't need an excuse to nap.
  • It would be very different if they knew they had to be on it for a week ... or two.
  • While Omarosa enlisted both Mark and James, it's not an alliance.
  • All three feel they're playing their own games and the protection deals, which work for Omarosa next nominations, are just in place for now.
  • Omarosa actually coughed real coughs while alone. They sounded very different from the fake camera coughs seen on the show.
  • The chamsters have come to the realization that they have an incredibly busy day followed by doldrums.
  • Omarosa is definitely a superfan. She told the others that the feedsters keep track of whether the hamsters wash their hands or not coming out of the toilet.
  • Heh.
  • So far, I haven't caught anyone on this cast.
  • Brandi tried to talk Omarosa into nominating Mark.
  • Like that's gonna happen!
  • Mark and James tried to figure out moves ahead and the best one out (of Brandi or Ross) for their own games.
  • When the nominations (blocked by Critter Cam) were over, it's ...
  • (building the suspense)
  • (still building the suspense)
  • But, first ...
  • ... those were cute adoptable puppies!
  • ... Brandi and Ross!
  • Ari rightfully figures out that Omarosa made deals with Mark and James to target Ross.
  • Both nominees are taking it in stride. 

The Rocky Horror BB Show

Yes, he does do the dishes

Metta mulling possible twists aloud

Pool table on the sky bridge

Can he win the veto?

Friday, February 16, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother: HoH Updates - Feb. 16

Once the live feeds return, I'll be updating this post with the happenings of the HoH comp. Refresh this post to get the latest.

10:01pm ET - Kitty Cam on. 
10:05pm ET - Puppy Cam on. They're adorable, but give us the comp please!

10:10pm ET - Feeds back, looks like all are still up. They got sprayed with something that's supposed to be sweat.
Brief Puppy Cam 

By the way, the BB time they use is about three minutes behind real time.

 10:25pm ET - All still in. This might be the most boring endurance comp ever on the show. They should be standing. They might be able to sit longer than I can with my back issues.

10:30pm ET - Metta is out -- his size was a disadvantage.

10:38pm ET - Ross out.


11:02pm ET - Mark down
11:04pm ET - Marissa down

So, it's Metta, Ross and Mark on slop.

 11:14pm ET - They threw balls at them. It should be rocks thrown just to get this MOST BORING COMP EVER over with!

11:24pm ET - Brandi out

So we have Omarosa, James still up. Some deal talking. Omarosa promised James safety and ... he drops after a bit.


And, I am SO out of here for the night!

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - Feb. 16

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be updating and live-blogging away the best I can. Refresh the post to get the latest news! For more information on how I'll be handling this season on the blog as well as the show schedule, check this post out. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- join on in!

I'm not feeling very well tonight, so I ask that folks bear with me. It probably won't be my best live blogging on record. 

I once again refuse to recap the recap. 

Julie is wearing red once again, this time a pinky kind of red. But at least it's not a box!

We pick up the aftermath of the nominations. Shannon feels very betrayed. She doesn't think that she's as strong a player as they think she is. Tears, oh those BB tears. James thinks he's just a pawn and Shannon is the target. Yes, Brandi, he's cocky but I don't think it's knocking him down a peg at all. 

Shannon is going around pleading her case. As a superfan, she should know that just being a superfan is an issue. Then to be so strong in comps? Girl, you put the target on your back all your little self! 

And, it's not really a great idea to debate with Nice Omarosa who's being quite firm but not excited. Yep, Omarosa -- flatter her and then vote her out, huh? More tears. Now, I know that Omarosa can be such a #@#$, but she's smart. Her DR take on Shannon's reaction is spot on.

Brandi has no filter! She asked Omarosa if she ever slept with Donald Trump!?!?! "God, no!," says Omarosa. 

Veto Comp player pick time. Random draw, of course. Ari gets Ross. Shannon gets her nemesis Omarosa. James gets Brandi. 

Ah, a Metta and Orwell segment. I love me some Metta entertainment! He finds out that Orwell is a guy. Heh. He'll love him anyway.

Shannon thinks that she can work on Omarosa. Omarosa tells her that Marissa wanted to backdoor her before. Oh my. She plays it all up so well. Then Omarosa plants seeds with James that "they" want him out. James asks the others about it and tells them that Omarosa told him.

Ah, there's the sneaky Omarosa we know so well. They all know they can't trust her and talk about putting her up as a renom if someone comes down ... just to make her worry.

Omarosa denies all her sneakiness that indeed went down. It's kind of like she's a more attractive Tony from Survivor, or Russell Hantz. They get James and Omarosa in the room with them. He says she said he's in trouble. She says she was just encouraging him and being nice. James wants out of the conversation saying he wants no part of the drama. He leaves. The others know James is telling the truth and Omarosa is lying. Hmm.

What? Now Ari isn't sure that they should evict Shannon before James. Ross tries to point out to her that whoever of the two remains in the house will target them. They think that it might be best to work with James and make a deal for next week, tell him he's not the target. Brandi is a bit reluctant because James is so obnoxious. But they'll give it a go anyway.

Shannon just knows they're all upstairs talking to James. She confides in Metta. She tells him she'd work with him. He's not keen on the idea. 

The "others" offer him final five deal. He says okay to it, telling us he's just telling them what they want to hear. 

They're spoiling these chamsters. Now they get video messages of encouragement from home. Ari breaks down ... her father is very ill and gave her greetings. Heck, now Mark's in tears.

Obligatory Omarosa/White House talk -- Sean Spicer, she likes him but mocks him. Says Trump wouldn't be there if something rose to the level of impeachment.

Veto Comp time! Swanky restaurant, dining in the dark experience, immersing you in the food, four course meal as quick as possible. Moving through, completing all four courses, turning on the light ... quickest wins. We get night vision cameras. Ross is in first. Pea soup is attacking him. Each course is in a different room. Cheese and honey next. Walking through the honey. Handmade spaghetti and getting lost in sauce is next. Exploding chocolate lave cake next. 

James goes second. Then Ari. Omarosa next. Brandi's in there now. Last, but she who needs to win the most, Shannon.

Ross 9.46
Ari 12.02
Omarosa 19.29
Brandi 21.29
Shannon 8.49
James 6.24
Those are minutes and seconds. JAMES WINS POV! 

More Diary Room tears from Shannon.

Ari doesn't want more blood on her hands, but someone has to go up. They talk about putting Mark up. They think that Omarosa would be a riskier choice. 

Time for the veto meeting. James saves himself. Ari puts Mark up in his place. (Mark knew it was coming from the live feeds -- they said he's a pawn. The show is editing to act like he doesn't know his pawnmanship.) 

Ross told Shannon she's safe and she says he won't have her vote in the end. Shannon told James that he needs to break up Ross/Marissa and Brandi/Ari. 

Eviction time!
Mark - The house makes you an emotional wreck, talks about wife and kids, honor to play game with all, ton of fun, late at night the question will haunt you ... who will do the dishes and towels.
Shannon - Thanks CBS, favorite show, her animal charity work rhino horns and elephants, we need to make change now.

Votes to evict:
Ross - Shannon
Marissa - Shannon
Omarosa - Shannon
James - Shannon
Brandi - Mark (ohhh ... a hinky vote!)
Metta - Shannon

So, she's out. Bye, Shannon, you played too hard at the start! She exits graciously and tells Metta where Orwell is hidden.

HoH - BB Arena - Court side seats -- last person sitting will win. First three to drop get slop. It's a sitting wall comp as opposed to the usual standing ones. 

I have a post in the wings to follow this on the live feeds. Head there next!

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Feeds into Friday - Feb. 16

Why? I'm tired of "ears" in the BB house!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of An Expected Eviction:
  • Yep, yep ... no suspense going on with this one.
  • As you know, James won the Power of Veto.
  • While James's game strategy is more along the lines of "I'm so good at this, I'm bound to win" versus any actual strategy, he's not a total fool.
  • He saved himself at the Veto Ceremony.
  • As per the earlier conversations among the Powers That Be, Ari put Mark up on the block as a pawn.
  • Right now, since he's a floater -- not doing much of anything in the game itself, yet getting along well with all -- he's a perfect pawn.
  • But, I'd say, with double evictions coming up next week, he should turn his game on. If he continues to float to the end, he's likely lose against anyone who's actually played.
  • So, it's Shannon and Mark on the block.
  • She knows the score.
  • She knows she's going to be evicted.
  • Thankfully, her breakdown of the other day ended and she's more accepting of things.
  • Instead of breaking down, she's trying to reach out to make deals with others -- she'll throw comps, she'll vote they way they want, she'll do this, she'll do that. 
  • She put effort into her campaign. But she knows she's sunk at this point.
  • Shannon spent a lot of time with Metta going over strategy, possible comps coming up, the strengths and weaknesses of others in various types of comps.
  • Meanwhile, Omarosa continues to be Nice Omarosa. 
  • James is still big on the target list.
  • While they prefer him out, they've decided that if he (James) wins HoH, they'll push for Metta/Omarosa nominations and Omarosa out.
  • So, even though she's been cordial, mingling, friendly Nice Omarosa, they know she could turn on the drop of a hat.
  • Providing he doesn't win HoH, James will be the next target. After him, Omarosa, then Mark. Probably then Metta. It's a fairly tight Ari, Ross, Brandi and Marissa pact. The biggest doubt for staying within that would probably be Ross -- Omarosa has pointed out that he's been playing all sides. As the numbers dwindle, his sneakery might catch up to him. 

You're just the pawn, Mark.

Bwaha! I have them all fooled!

This is my shocked look

Coaching the Coach

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Feeds into Thursday, PoV - Feb. 15

Oh my. There are no words.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Chamsters Gone Wild:
  • The day started out with Shannon apologizing for her breakdown and more pep talks.
  • Metta thinks he'll only lose if he walks out of there making no new friends.
  • They talked about there being no quitters in the house, but Metta said they wouldn't LET him quit!
  • Metta surprised Ross by telling him that he (Metta) had been in a few gay bars in Vancouver. Ross had it in his mind that both Chuck and Metta might have some problems over his homosexuality. No way with Metta. I actually don't think Chuck would have had any problems either.
  • Lots and lots of small talk.
  • The idea is still that, if Shannon comes off the block, James will be evicted.
  • James, of course, is unaware of this. He thinks he's loved by all. Cough.
  • The others have him convinced that he's on the block as a pawn.
  • Heh.
  • The feeds were blocked for several hours with Critter Can as they did the PoV comp.
  • Well, I guess James isn't going home.
  • James won the veto.
  • BB gave them a HUGE Valentine's Day/After PoV Comp feast.
  • Omarosa and Metta talked about how Ross did really well on the comp and that he's better at the game than people notice.
  • The chamsters talked about regular BB hamsters having sex on the live feeds and in the house.
  • Y'know, I do like that this bunch isn't all into hooking up and showmances! To me, it's a breath of fresh air!
  • Now Brandi is feeling bad that Shannon will go this week.
  • Ari reminds her that Shannon is good at the game and is playing the game. They need to get her out while they have the chance.
  • Brandi told Ari that they're making a mistake by keeping Metta -- if he's there at the end, he'll win.
  • Um. I adore my Metta entertainment in the house. But he isn't great at the comps and his total lack of BB game knowledge hurts his chances.
  • The names of Omarosa or Mark up as a pawn against Shannon were mentioned.
  • They think Mark would be less risky.
  • So do I. 

Huge after comp feast

Marissa has balls!

Comp sweatshirts

Late night hanging out