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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query photography. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - August 29, 2010

Sunday morning ... lots of time with nothing to do, lots of time to spend with you, on Sunday, Sunday morning. -- Spanky and Our Gang, "Sunday Morning"

Well, I don't know about the "nothing to do" part of that. But it is Sunday morning and that means it's time for my weekly off television photo post reflecting on the week gone by. Sometimes my photography is decent, other times I'm just showing you a bit of what I've seen in my day to day life. I think this week is more leaning towards the latter.

I believe I'm wearing down. The early part of the week was rainy and, in the latter part, I seemed to be running late, not seeing anything which really struck me as photo fodder for "the picture of the week" or I had my hands full. Sometimes it was a combination of all three things. I had a great hawk opportunity, but he just wouldn't fly still! He was so close that he kept flying out of my camera's path much too quickly. Hmm ... why was a hawk circling ME?

Sigh. As much as I enjoy the blog community and all the fun, Big Brother tends to really tire me out by about this time every year. (Note -- a new BB12 live feeds report will be posted a bit later. We're talking puppets and punishments.) Something odd or traumatic usually happens during the blogging of the summer in the BB house, too.

The first year I attempted blogging it, the cartilage in my left knee had inexplicably shredded as I was merely walking along. I spent the summer awaiting surgery that, when it happened, the knee never recovered from. One year I had shingles. One year I deliberately scheduled knee replacement surgery during the BB season so I wouldn't be working full time and covering the feeds. Of course, it's the knee which didn't recover before and I had a DVT atop the surgery just to make things more interesting. Last year, my 17-year-old cat died a few weeks into the season.

This year? Hmm ... it's been relatively trauma free and we only have a few weeks left. (Everyone knock on wood, please.) About the only thing out of the norm going on is that I have jury duty scheduled the day after Labor Day. I've had jury duty before and it usually ends up being a whole lot of people watching, reading, sketching ... and boredom. I've never even made it to the voir dire. At least I'll get to photo stomp around Elizabeth, NJ ... a city I haven't had a reason to wander around since I moved to the state.

Although I'm in a busier crime county than the last time I was summoned (Union County versus Somerset County), I don't think it will mean anything other than the usual. At least my workplace pays me the difference between jury pay and my normal pay. Otherwise, I'd earn a whopping $5 a day for being on jury duty!

Other than that, it's been the same old stuff here -- BB live feeds, BB show reviews, work, eat, sleep and pay attention to a certain cat. Onto the photos for the week (clicking on an image will open it larger in a new window, clicking again will make it even larger) --

Ghost train at night

The almost empty train looks a bit eerie as it sits at the Bridgewater Train Station last night after dark. This is the train heading west, away from Newark and New York City. Apparently everyone is having too good a time to head home this early. I'm actually waiting for the train to go towards Newark and NYC, but getting off in Plainfield.

Ballpark lights at night

I worked later than usual last night and it was dark as I waited for my train adjacent to the TD Ballpark in Bridgewater -- home of the Somerset Patriots, a minor league ball team. It's usually light as I pass through there when ball games are on. At least it gave me a chance to shoot the lights. The small white flecks are bugs attracted by them.

Tuesday night's full moon

I keep trying to get a decent full moon shot -- one in which the moon isn't so glaring white as to obscure the details. This is my best attempt so far. I need to keep trying! (Or get a better camera which is out of the question.)

Morning moon over Presbyterian

Wednesday morning as the sun shined in the east, this was to my west. Note the leafless branches on the left. So many of the trees have suffered here this summer. It was dry for so long accompanied by record heat waves. Earlier this past week when it rained for three of four days straight, many big branches and entire trees came down, unable to continue on. East Front Street, Plainfield.

Rainy train day

My apologies for all of the train station shots this week. Alas, that seemed to be the only time I could (a) be out of the rain or (b) actually had time to shoot photos. I liked this one because of the reflection of the station lights on the train windows -- practically a light a window. Plainfield Train Station.

Same Day, the Other Way

Now I feel I'm cheating with the photos. I turned around and shot the other way. But the lights aren't reflecting in unison with the train windows. Note the platform difference between Plainfield and the photo of the Bridgewater Station.

Plainfield is a raised platform which makes it level with the entrance. Once in the train, there is a handicapped/bike/bathroom area, then you can go either upstairs or downstairs to sit. At stations without raised platforms, it's a climb into or a steep descent out of the train. Me? I prefer a raised platform, please ... even if it means you see feet when sitting on the lower level.

Let there be a mushroom

Yes, the stinkhorns are still around for photo fodder if I want to go that route. But I decided a cute little mushroom in wet grass instead. Notice how the stem is nearly translucent. It's so delicate. So I stomped on it!

Er, no. I didn't.

I made the stomp part up.

Looky! More Plainfield Train Station!

This time in sepia.

Even MORE Plainfield Train Station!

This one I edited to leave the "Plainfield" sign in color, the rest in black and white.

Train station, but different

There was a huge dark bank of clouds obscuring the sunrise early Monday morning. It made it look almost like we have mountains in the distance. We don't have mountains here. In the other direction from this shot, there are the Watchung Mountains. But they really are no more than hills. When I first moved here, I was shocked over how flat everything is. I was used to the Adirondacks and then the Berkshires and Catskills. Or, in my skiing days, I loved the Rocky Mountains.

Panda King

A new Chinese restaurant replaced the old one on Watchung Avenue in Plainfield. I deliberately obscured the phone number on the sign just so they don't get any crank phone calls. But I'm not here to talk about the new Chinese restaurant. I want to talk about the color scheme. Who does this? Melon, orange and lavender mixed with the original red and tan mosaic tile on the front of one of the buildings. Drugs, anyone? At least the orange Caribe taxi fits in well with the color scheme.

I don't think it's New York

I think it's more like China, Malaysia, etc. When I lived in New York (remember, I'm originally from NY), I don't recall seeing any "New Jersey Furniture and Linens." East Front Street, Plainfield.

I NEED to be on your shoulder!

Vincent droops himself over the edge of a chair. I've never known such a drooper of a cat. This is pretty much his pose when he's draped over my shoulder. What an odd kitty I have in my life. But I wouldn't give him up for the world!

How was your week?

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - October 3, 2015

Good morning! Welcome to my weekly off television topic reflection of the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. I'll be posting about television soon. I promise!

This week started out very nicely ... and then went downhill.

On Sunday, I went to neighboring Westfield for my first visit to their 26th Annual FestFall street(s) fair. Wow. They know how to put on a street fair! Most of their downtown business section, made up of several streets, was involved. There were foods of every kind imaginable, crafts booths, bakery booths, even a Polska Kielbasa booth! At least two streets were dedicated to children with rides, activities and booths with stuff kids enjoy. Local businesses had sales. There was an artist who does drawings and paintings of your home. His work was truly detailed. There were civic groups and a local ski club I knew nothing about. I haven't skied since moving to New Jersey after being a ski addict for years.

There was something for everyone there -- something I feel lacking in Plainfield street fairs. Almost everything street fair I've attended in the downtown area has seemed focused on either hip hop or Hispanic and definitely geared more towards the young crowd. Sure, I have missed some street fairs because I work on Saturdays. The FestiFall is on Sundays, a day off (usually) for me. But we don't have anything this huge with something for everyone to enjoy all in one fair, either.

On Monday I got good news at work. So, the start of the week went well.

Then came the downhill -- bad weather, constant rain and a virus going around my workplace caught me. Gah. I'm still under the weather, both figuratively and literally. Okay, my roof is under the weather more so than I am. However, it's still grey, cloudy, rainy and windy here. Due to the bad weather and the fact that I haven't felt well, my photos this week ended up being mostly the Westfield FestiFall. Oh, well.

Clicking on an image will bring it up in a larger version.

Proving once again ...

... that flowers DO bend with the rainfall.

It made me want to be 10 again

They didn't have stuff like this when I was ten years old! One side has a rock-climbing wall, but it's the bungee/trampoline side that's so cool! The kids sit in harnesses and bounce off the trampolines high up in the air. They can do all kinds of acrobatic feats. I wanted to do it. I refrained.


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Thursday - July 24

Frankie is with friends

The news of Frankie's grandfather's death resulted in a bit more somber house Wednesday evening. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Sad Moments:
  • Frankie and Cody can never figure out what's going on in Zach's head.
  • I don't think Zach knows what's going on in Zach's head, so they shouldn't worry themselves about it.
  • Alone in the HoH room, Frankie addressed the cameras and discussed his relationship with his grandfather and the letter from his mother announcing his passing.
  • He talked a long time about his family.
  • They want him to stay in the house.
  • So, he will.
  • Then he cried. Probably many watching cried as well.
  • I did.
  • Brittany went to bed early. All of her campaigning must have caught up with her.
  • Caleb stared at Amber from his bed for a long time.
  • Creepy.
  • Jocasta is sick again. I'd hate to see her on slop if she gets sick on their regular food!
  • Zach mimicked Caleb's desire for Amber.
  • Whoops, Brittany isn't done for the night yet! She's up again and mingling.
  • Derrick and Victoria talked about Victoria's photography business.
  • Yawn.
  • They discussed hamsters from previous seasons.
  • Move along; nothing to see here ...

What am I doing here?

What am I doing here?

I'm here to win

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - November 3, 2013

Hello, welcome to Sunday! This is my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. Later tonight I'll be posting the Amazing Race blog party post. If you watch the show, please come join in on the fun as the show airs!

Did you set your clocks back an hour? This is the time change I enjoy rather than that annoying "spring forward" change. I recall last year that wasn't the case, though. Last year I was still deep into a power outage from Hurricane Sandy -- daylight was precious and not to be wasted. As I wasn't working the clock change day, I actually slept in. When I awoke and realized (thanks to my cell phone) that it would be dark an hour earlier in the evening, I almost cried. My candles and batteries were both running low at that time into the ordeal. No open stores for miles seemed have any. Thankfully I had plenty of batteries for my MP3 player which is also a radio. That was my big link with the outside world.

Last year at this time I was living in a weird post-Sandy surreal kind of existence. This year was much different. Our weather this week was mostly sunny with above seasonal temperatures. Overnight last night, the colder air crept in. Oh well, it is that time of year. Last year around this time we had snow on top of the Sandy woes. I can't complain.

On Wednesday it was overcast, but I made my way over to Westfield for a Mindowaskin Park and Trader Joe's visit. As a result, lots of fall foliage and (of course) duck shots in today's entry. I've always loved Trader Joe's, but thought it was small and cramped. Oh my gosh, I love it even more now because it's more than doubled in size! I noticed during my latest visit that, in addition to the wine and beer they carry, they now have a small section of actual hard liquor. Most are name brands, but I did pick up a bottle of Trader Joe's brand "Rum of the Gods." It was very reasonably priced and I think I'll make cookies with it and have an occasional rum and Coke. I'm not a big drinker, but I occasionally will imbibe.

The kids actually had Halloween in the city this year after two years of it being canceled. Last year was Sandy, the year before a six inch snowstorm. Both resulted in downed wires and downed trees for Halloween. Even though the holiday was on, I kept up with having no trick-or-treaters here at my apartment. I haven't had any for the dozen years I've lived here. As I arrived back in town after work, I did see the downtown streets full of children in costume. Good for them!

On Saturday, I had the day off from work to attend the Plainfield Library Photo Contest Exhibition opening and awards presentation. Going into the contest this year, I had trouble with the theme of "Plainfield Celebrates." I usually work on Saturdays when they hold the fun city events.  I also had trouble getting the Saturday off to attend the event as a new boss didn't like the short notice although I've said I needed a Saturday off in November for nearly two months. I just didn't know which one!

Much to my surprise, I won first prize for a photo I really love, but thought too somber for a win. I won a third place prize for a photo I took the 4th of July parade the last knee replacement recovery summer (which is why I had the parade Saturday off). And I won a Special Time Capsule Award for a photo I took during Sandy recovery, the only Sandy-related photo entered. The photos in the competition become a part of the local history archives in the library. Just as we look back on photos of days gone by, someday in the future folks will be checking these photos out for a clue about what our lives are like.

On the home front, the workers showed up yesterday to do Crazy Joe's (across the hall) windows and the common area/stairway windows. It's amazing how much better the building looks with all the new windows! I think the only windows which remain to be done are the ones in the stairway by the elevator. They'll probably show up this morning to do them. If my "huge" five dollar rent increase hadn't gone down in the beginning of September, I'd be very worried about a rent hike with all the building improvements.

Eep, this is way long-winded and there are tons of photos, as well. Let's get to it! If you click on an image, it will take you to the Photobucket page with a larger image. Close that page to return directly back to the blog!

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Eagle! Bald eagle in flight!

Unfortunately I didn't get any great photos of it. I spotted it flying over my workplace near the Bridgewater Train Station. At first I thought it was a large hawk, but then I noticed the white head and tail. EAGLE! Woot! Woot! I watched it for nearly a half-hour. Alas, it decided to either fly too high or to soar too fast when flying low and this was the best shot I got of it. But, man ... an eagle here in Central Jersey! While I've seen some in the far north part of the state and also in Connecticut, it's a first for here.

 photo IMG_0755a_zps5efba8c4.jpg
True dat

In front of the First Unitarian Society of Plainfield on Park Avenue. I also can't help but notice the Amazing Taste lunch truck in the background. Mmm.

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What? Mums again? Yes!

These were growing in a planter on Elm Street in Westfield.


Sunday, July 02, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - July 2, 2017

Good morning! Since it's a SUNDAY morning, this is my weekly off television topic post taking a look at the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This weekly post is done year in, year out. Big Brother, the main draw for so many of you, only lasts about three months -- although sometimes it seems to be a lifetime. If you're here solely for the BB posts, please feel free to skip this post. You can find my latest BB19 posts by using this link.

Some of the big news of the past week is that BB19 indeed did start, so I'm bound to be more exhausted than I usually am. Maybe by this time next year, I'll be retired from my real job and able to do all I want to do in covering the show and live feeds!

I started my staycation Friday evening. So, for now, I'm doing fine. 

I finally bit the bullet and went for Amazon Prime. As they remind me when I sign on, I've been a customer since 2003. I tried Prime when they first came out with it and wasn't impressed. However, I do love Over the years, I've had deliveries come to my workplace as I went for the longer no exact date free shipping -- there's always someone at my workplace to sign for packages even if I'm not there. But I have been limited to ordering only things I didn't mind lugging to the train station, on the train, etc. And, I found that if I ordered for at home during a staycation, USPS would sometimes just leave a package without ringing the intercom! There are about 40 apartments in my building. Packages get stolen!

But, now with Prime, there is free two-day shipping and it's UPS. They ring the intercom. They guarantee the delivery date. So, I can order big stuff and know I'll be home for the delivery. My past two orders, set to arrive on my day off (and they did) were a nice new spinner mop and bucket -- much needed -- and a tower fan -- love it!

Yesterday I went online and ordered me some bath salts, bubble bath, two different body sprays and some new towels as mine are really showing their age. I also ordered something I've needed for YEARS -- a new computer desk chair. The one I use is about 24 years old and lost its arms years back. I noticed that the computer chair free shipping has it arriving either the 5th or 6th ... that's fine. I can track it. I didn't notice the towels, bubble bath and bath salts were free shipping NEXT DAY delivery. The two very cheap body sprays are free shipping two-day delivery. I had thought the chair and the other things ordered would be two separate deliveries, but it's three. Oh, well. I don't mind.

So, now as I type this up, I've already had the delivery of the towels and the bath goodies on a SUNDAY morning! I love it! Vincent has a new nice-sized box and I'll have a leisurely either bath salts or bubble bath while trying out Not Your Father's Ginger Ale (hard ginger ale I bought last week or the week before but haven't tried yet), maybe listening to some jazz. Now, THAT is a staycation! 

I also have, from my Wednesday grocery delivery, a GIANT watermelon roommate I've named Mel. I thought I was ordering a personal size watermelon but must have clicked the wrong button. It was reasonably priced, but it's huge! I plan to cut into it on the 4th and hand out slices to neighbors watching the parade go by while keeping a more suitable amount for myself in my refrigerator. Right now it's sitting on a kitchen chair. I'm tempted to draw a face on it.

In more regional kind of news, there's a New Jersey government shutdown going on here. Just in time for the big vacation/holiday week, all the state parks and beaches are closed. State courts and motor vehicles are also shut down. While none of the things shut down affect any of my plans for this week, I feel so bad for families who have vacations planned, monies laid out and such. What a horrible time to to pull that ____!

Onto this week's photos ... I really didn't have a good photography week, but ...! 

It's MY private train car!

A lot of people must have had this past week off. I was all alone in the top level of my train car Monday on the way to work. I don't mind that, not at all.

The hour is up!

This is what the Flowers of An Hour look like when it's not that hour.


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - December 18, 2016

Good morning! Since it's Sunday morning, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection of the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. This past week we saw the finale of Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen-X along with just shy of 400 comments on my live blog post. Near a record amount of comments on one of my single blog posts, but not quite. Now I'm a bit in between seasons of shows. I need a rest anyway -- going from coverage of BB right into BBOTT/Survivor made me even more exhausted than my usual exhausted state!

This past week, I went into Manhattan Monday evening after work to meet up with an online friend of over twenty years. Due to some health issues with my back, I didn't make the rounds of the holiday doings in town. I've seen them all before, many times. And, while Christmas in NYC is amazing, when you've seen it many years, it tends to look and photograph the same year to year. It's different if you're there with friends. But I just didn't have the desire or strength to deal with the mobs and do more walking than needed. Next Sunday, on Christmas Day, I'll be posting some of the photos of the city I've taken in previous years. I did take photos on Monday, but they're more along the lines of basic Manhattan kind of photos, not holiday.

I didn't get a heck of a lot of shots in Plainfield this week, either! The bitter cold a few days (1) killed the battery in my camera and/or (2) made my lens fog. Then, yesterday, I actually forgot my camera! I felt naked without it! Plus, I missed snow and ice-lined trees shots! Oh, well. I'm sure to have plenty of that ahead in the next few months.

We had a couple of inches of snow, then ice (maybe a quarter inch of ice) yesterday. Today we're getting rain and the temperature might go up near 60 degrees. Um. Okay. That will make this snowy slushy mess melt. But then tomorrow, we're back to seasonal temps. So, that means icy sidewalks. It's not even really winter yet but I want spring.

Anyway ... onto the photos from the week. Clicking on an image will open it in a larger version.

Little Miss Ripped Jeans and Red

At the subway entrance corner of 8th Avenue and West 33rd Street.

Winter freakin' wonderland

I took this shot out my kitchen window Saturday morning. At that point, a fine snow was coming down starting to mix with freezing rain and sleet. Then I accidentally left my camera in the kitchen and left for work without it.


Wednesday, February 04, 2015

The Amazing Race 26 - Casting the Singles, Part One

I think this "blind date" bit for a twist this season might be rather interesting. Perhaps the five couples will be strangers at the start. However, by the end they'll have shared a special experience and should either love or hate each other.

Oh. That's kind of like the established already couples on the show. Never mind. Let's check these people out:


Hmm. He seems to place more emphasis on physical qualities in his "blind date" than the real stuff of a relationship. Now, I'm not talking physical qualities as in what's needed to endure and compete in the race. Nope. He's talking the shallow stuff.

Kurt Jordan Belcher is 24 years old and hails from Butler, Kentucky. His online bio kind of confirms the video with little else thrown in there for us to ponder. He's matched up with ...


Bergen Olson is 23 and currently living in Sunnyvale, California. He's originally from Minnesota. While Kurt tends to go for such deep things as good looks and muscles, it seems that Bergen tends towards more laudable traits in his online bio -- good personality, sense of humor and commitment. That conflicts a bit with what he says in the video (in which he's also going for looks a lot). Overall, I think I like him better than I do Kurt. Neither has ever been out of the country.



Jelani Roy is a 32 year old lawyer from New York City, New York. I like him. He comes across as both smart and knowing that the concept of the date is to WIN THE AMAZING RACE. Unlike the first person in the last couple I looked at, Jelani seems a lot more laid-back regarding any sort of romance. It sounds like, to him, if that happens ... cool. If not ... he still wants to win the race. In his bio, he mentions the fact that he passed the NYS bar exam on the first try. He seems confident and I'd certainly partner up with the dude! He's matched up with ...


Jenny Wu is a 32 year old lawyer/blogger from Los Angeles, California. A blogger! Woot! Woot! I think she's got a good match with Jelani. She doesn't seem to be searching for the love of her life -- she wants someone she can work with. Unlike Kurt (and to a lesser extent, Bergen), she wants strengths of the mind, humor and athleticism. In her bio, she mentions photography being a hobby. I already like her! A relationship deal-breaker for her is "an aversion to desserts." Boy, I like this gal. I'm not sure if she'll see any resemblance to Leonardo DiCaprio in Jelani, but she'll get over it. I think these two could be contenders!


Haley Keel is looking for the win and the man of her dreams. Okay. Haley is 28 years old, a registered nurse currently residing in St. Petersburg, Florida. She original hails from Ohio. She's um ... perky, bubbly and upbeat it seems. I personally don't do those traits, but more power to her. She's intelligent and likes to do athletic kind of things. Having a need to control might not work in her favor seeing that she's on a blind date race around the world. We'll see. She's partnered with ...


Blair Townsend is a 31 year old physician from Amelia Island, Florida. He's originally from Virginia. Obviously, TAR is really trying to set up relationships here -- lawyer/lawyer, doctor/nurse. From his online bio, he mentions doing Ironman competitions and such. Haley should like that! I really like how he came across in his video. If Haley is strong, these two could make a formidable team on the show. I think I like him more than her. Bubbly tends to get on my nerves. Hopefully she won't be bubbly on the show. (No offense meant for those who enjoy bubbly.)

What do you think of these matches?

The new season premieres Wednesday, February 25.

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - August 2, 2015

Good morning! Welcome to my weekly off television topic reflection of the past week in both words and photographs I've taken along the way! This post is a year 'round "feature" on the blog. If you're looking for Big Brother posts, they can all be found at this link right here. If you're not interested in this particular post, please feel free to skip on by it. I'll be posting a Big Brother blog party post coinciding with the East Coast airing of the show and, late this evening, another live feeds post. Stay tuned.

Here in the NJ/Greater NYC Metro Area, we had another hot week with temps hovering around and often going over 90 degrees. While the city itself (NYC) didn't have enough 90 degree days in a row to qualify as a heat wave, we in the inland areas did. The heat never actually broke. But, storms coming through towards the end of the week broke the humidity a bit. By tomorrow, the humidity is expected to return. I am NOT a summer, high heat, high humidity person! I would like autumn weather, please.

I had another rather uneventful week here -- working, working on the blog, not enough sleep, rinse, repeat. I kind of wanted to take my folding chair and head across the street for a free outdoor showing of Selma the city was putting on Friday night (raindated from Thursday). It was right at the Aristacare center where I would have gone for rehab after knee surgery had I been forced to do time in rehab.

But I guess I'm getting too old and crochety or something. I thought of lugging my chair which is wood and heavier than a lawn chair, jaywalking across the street with it, bug bites, the heat and how tired I was after work. I ended up posting a BB live feeds update on the blog, then napping. After napping, I went to bed.  Such is my life these days.

Onto this week's photos! Due to the heat, I didn't take a ton of shots, nor really seek out photography fodder. I went for the easy stuff that was right in front of me. If you click on an image, it will open it up in a larger version.

Posing pigeon

The two young pigeons born this past spring at the Bridgewater Train Station seem to have a real curiosity about my camera. As a result, I often end up with many photos of them.

Help me! Help me!

Oops. I should have posted a human head on his face to be posting "Help me!" with this fly shot. I believe this is a flesh fly, not the kind of housefly you might have to battle with in your home. (Of course, I let Vincent the Cat battle flies that might sneak in here.) They feed off dead animals and such. Ew. But he was kind of cool to photograph.

Eek! A bus!

While it might appear that I'm risking my life for the shot, I'm not. Or, to be more accurate, I wasn't. I took this shot of the 59 bus headed to Newark from the westbound platform of the Plainfield Train Station. It was rounding the corner from Gavett Place to North Avenue. 


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jackie's TV Blog, holidays

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving full of family, friends, food and love! Although the times aren't easy these days, friends and family are something that we're all thankful for everyday.

While in no way a compete list, I'm thankful for many things this past year:
  • Having friends and family I care about and who care about me.
  • Knowing so many GOOD people who keep my life interesting.
  • Working for a company where I have a fairly secure job despite hard economic times.
  • Having health insurance and short term disability insurance, both at a very reasonable cost.
  • My successful knee replacement.
  • My cat Vincent, as nutty as his person.
  • New Jersey for being as weird as it can be.
  • Trader Joe's and Peapod grocery delivery for feeding me well (at a cost, of course).
  • Coke Zero
  • Adventures in the Outer Banks with good friends.
  • Chocolate.
  • My photography addiction which keeps both mind and body active.
  • Technology such as Facebook which reunited me with family and friends from my youth.
  • You -- the friends who have been a part of this blog community for years!
Of course, my list isn't necessarily in that order! May everyone have a fantastic day!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - 5/16/10

It's Sunday morning, time for my weekly off TV topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. Tonight is the big Survivor finale. I was hoping to have a chance to cover the festivities in NYC for AOL, but someone a lot higher on the AOL TV ladder than I am is attending. That's okay. We'll have fun here on the blog as the show airs East Coast time and I'll be writing a big review of it for AOL's TV Squad.

It's been another hectic work week, yet quiet on the home front. The receiver appointed by the bank who took over my apartment building cashed my rent check. They want a copy of my lease. Hmm ... I never signed anything with the landlord, not that landlord anyway. I signed a lease with the original landlord when I first moved in nine years ago and it's just renewed yearly since then. Sigh. I hate hassles. I just want a roof over my head and no ongoing issues. Plus, I want that elevator fixed!

I'm thinking of going to the big Greek fair over in nearby Piscataway later today. The weather here is gorgeous and the owners of the Plainfield Donut Shop work the event. Or, maybe I'll just take a walk with my camera down some streets less traveled (by me) in the neighborhood.

I really have to call my orthopedic surgeon for my yearly follow-up on the knee replacement. Friday marked two years since the surgery. Yes, it's been that long! The knee itself is doing well. I can still hear its clunk-clunk if I walk in a quiet place and feel the inner workings shifting as I get comfortable in bed. From my recent trip, I know that extensive airline security will follow me all my days as I set off alarms. Yet, the pain is absolutely gone. It was the best decision I've made for myself in my life. Now I just have to get the other one done. (So, yeah, Laurie ... it could be an activity or hobby!)

My photography this week has been a bit mundane. I seem to have been running late most of the time or had my hands full of packages. But, here goes ... (clicking on an image will open it larger in a new window).

The Plainfield Shore

No, we're not a shore town. What I mean is they're shoring the remaining party wall of the not-so-recent North Avenue demolition of an historical building. It still looks like something has been ripped out by an evil force. Even when they finish, it's going to be ugly. Short of putting a new layer of wall atop the existing walls, it's not ever going to be aesthetically pleasing. Sigh.

Plainfield Auto Body shutting down?

One day as I was walking by, they were taking the barbed wire off the top of the fence. Then the cars (which have been there forever) were cleared out and the lot swept. A small group gathers in the far side of the lot daily and music blares ... but it's empty and no real work seems to be going on. East Fourth Street, Plainfield.

Flowery bush

Rain on the azalea

Their time is almost past in Bridgewater.


Men gather by the Plainfield train station on their way to work.

Dude! Where's my engine?

I hope he paid the meter! Outside of the Underground Custom car place. Now, if someone parked this car on the street in a residential area, it would immediately get ticketed and probably towed. Why is it acceptable on East Fourth Street when the car garage places do it? (No, it's not an abandoned stolen stripped car ... it's obviously one they're working on and needed it out of the bay.)

Reinforcing the nest

Nesting material in his mouth (as a cover, I'm sure), this bird watches the humans go by. Remember, the birds will take over the world. Maybe they'll do a better job with it than we have.

Poison ivy update

The poison ivy is growing like crazy at the Bridgewater Train Station. The little berries have turned into itsy blossom-like stuff. On this leaf, you can see the poison of the poison ivy in the rip. The black substance is the urushiol reacting to oxygen. It's the urushiol which makes you all itchy!

Okay ...

I noticed this free weekly paper in the boxes at the Bridgewater Train Station. I'll occasionally pick up the Spanish ones to see how much I can understand. But this is a totally lost cause for me!

Pretty as a picture

The clouds were beautiful Saturday morning by the Plainfield Train Station. Huh. The apartment on the top floor to the left of the building on the left is for rent. Um, no. Not for me!

What if the hokey-pokey is what it's all about?

Nifty keen orange and black bug

Don't ask me what it is. I don't know.

Blossoming stuff abounds

Let there be light

Early morning New Jersey cowboy

See? We have the cowboy hat thing going on here. But, take a horse down East Front Street and you get police attention.

I'm a sucker for wanting to shoot flowers when I see them.


I like when he sits in the window in front of that curtain for the lighting to take photos. But if I put him there, he doesn't want to be there.

How was your week?

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was 8/09

Another week done and over with. I guess I should be happy that I have the rather all-encompassing Big Brother live feeds and the blog to concentrate on. I've been having extreme troubles sleeping -- I'll sleep three or four hours tops a day, then crash for eight on about the third day. I'm ending up a bit fuzzy-minded at work (which isn't a good thing) and definitely much too "emo." Well, that's what the kids call it.

Things may be changing. I met a cat, a cat who needs a home, a cat who really seemed to take to me. I can't replace Scherzo, but I know that each cat is special in his own way. I stopped in at PetSmart during my lunch hour from work yesterday. Each week they have a volunteer group -- Second Chance for Animals -- doing pet adoptions for the Franklin (Somerset) Animal Shelter. I got there just as they were packing up the cats. There were mostly kittens, but one cat attracted my attention.

If I hadn't been at work without a cat carrier and such, I think I would have snagged him right then and there. They've named him Dudley (which might end up being a middle name as I don't want to call a cat "Dud"). He's actually on the website, so you can check him out. He's two years old, neutered, microchipped, has all his shots, and is feline leukemia/aids negative. He licked my hand and purred as I petted him. The volunteer there said he didn't do that for anyone else all day. He's very sweet.

I'll be calling the shelter on Tuesday when they're next open. If I can get a ride there on Wednesday, I'll pick him up then. If I can't get there Wednesday on my day off (they're open for two hours a day Tuesday-Friday), I'm going to have them bring him back to PetSmart on Saturday. I'll bring my small carrier and if he has to ride the train home with me, so be it. The trains do allow pets in carriers. I honestly think I'll be a whole lot better with a friend in my apartment again.

Then there's my weekly photography. It was an odd week there, too. I think my best shot was a huge unidentified black bug. I seemed to be having a bee week rather than a bird week, too. Clicking on any of the images will open them larger in a new window.

My, what big alien eyes you have

Yep, this is my shot of the week. Albeit a very scary huge bug (insect?), it has the coolest alien eyes I've ever seen. This guy was sitting on a bridge overpass. At first I thought he was dead, but he started moving as I shot him and eventually flew away. I'd say he measures an inch and a half to near two inches long ... the size of a mouse. I've never seen a bug like this before. I'm not even sure what classification it is. But, dang, way cool eyes. You NEED to click on this one to get a good look at the eyes.

UPDATE: Ding, ding, ding -- we have a winner! Delee identified this as a horse fly. It was bigger than any horse fly I've ever seen, but it is indeed a black horse fly -
Tabanus atratus - the largest of the species. Ohh ... they slash the hides of animals and then drink the blood. But they still have cool eyes.

Sign of the times, Plainfield, New Jersey

Commercial reprographics? Whatever it is, I like this weathered sign.

Eek. A wasp.

Or, maybe it's a hornet ... a yellow-jacket or a mud-dauber. I only know that I'm deathly allergic and would probably go into anaphalactic shock if stung. Ah, putting my life on the line for the sake of one good shot. To be honest, he wasn't interested in me at all.

In which I continue to risk my life.

I believe this is a carpenter bee rather than a bumble bee. Its abdomen didn't seem to be hairy. Of course, I didn't tickle his tummy to explore the matter. These bees are out in full force this week, but most of my shots are fuzzy because they just don't stay still.

Frolicking in the graveyard

The quality isn't too good as this was a one-shot deal. The squirrel jumped down from the headstone right after this was taken. But I liked the image anyway. This is at the old Friends Quaker Cemetary in Plainfield, NJ -- taken through the fence.

Used tire for sale

I guess they keep a single used tire in stock at all times. Plainfield, NJ.

Do I have a death wish?

I continue to bug the bees with my camera.

I don't think I want an Aztec car, thank you.

Parked in front of Custom Underground in Plainfield, NJ.

We're talking classic car now.

I found this gem parked in front of the Plainfield Police Department/Municipal Court. I used layers to make the background black and white while keeping the car its brilliant blue. Like my bug shot, I have no clue what kind of car it is. But it is indeed on my Cool Meter.