Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Blogging 'American Idol' - It's the 12 Dudes, Dawg

Okay, it's supposed to be the Boys' Night. So, guess what? They're recapping the girls from last night. Okay, I watched the show; it's too late to vote for them. Get on with the male songsters! Sheesh!

Here I sit with keyboard on lap in anticipation. These blog notes are typed as I watch the show and posted to the blog immediately when the show ends, so please forgive any typos or dancing cows.

Finally, Ryan's introducing the guys. And, now the judges. Simon thinks there's potential. Oh, let's watch their journey to Hollywood. @@ <--- my patented eyeroll. Hopefully all will get started after this commercial break. I was very impressed by the gals last night, so my appetite has been whetted to see what the guys bring to the table. Oh, my... this block of commercials is neverending.

Why is there a tire in the table in the Red Room?

Patrick Hall is first up. He chose "Come to my Window" as his song. Darned if I know whose song that was. I'll look it up next commercial break. Hmmm... I do know the song. Melissa Etheridge? He's doing it technically okay, I think. But, it's not doing much for me. He sounds like any so-so boy band singer, nothing spectacular. I liked his last Hollywood audition stuff better. Randy - Not your best, but good. Paula - Stick to what you do best. You're an amazing performance. Simon - You looked uncomfortable. Average performance. I agree with Simon. This song tonight by him wasn't that hot. 1 866 IDOLS 01

David Radford, that cute kiddie crooner, is up next. His song choice is "A Crazy Little Thing Called Love" by Queen. Dang, he looks like he's crooning to a rock song. He's got kind of an Elvis thing goin' on. I like him. I doubt he'll win it all, but he's a fun performer. Randy thought it was terrible. He panned him! Paula disagrees with Randy. Not her favorite, but he was true to who he is. Simon thought it was a bit of a joke. He thinks the audience at home will like him, but he should take himself more seriously. 1 866 IDOLS 02

[I think poor David looked a bit rattled at the criticism.]

Bucky Covington hits the stage next. His song is "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. It sounds like a good choice for him. Ah, he does it well -- it's perfectly suited for his talents! I don't think he's as good as Bo Bice in the genre, but this is a strong performance. Judges? What say you? Randy thinks he sang too hard, pushed too much, but cool. Paula, of course, is nurturing. Simon? "Thousands of bars with someone like Bucky..." The others defend him.
1 866 IDOLS 03

Ah, commercials. I wonder how much time costs during the show as the ratings have been so high... but, when will they end? If I weren't blogging live, this show would only take an hour zapping the commercials away!

Will Makar, the Peter Brady Lookin' Kid, is heading to the stage. Heehee, he sings "I Want You Back" bu the Jackson Five. Um. Rats. I'm not all that impressed. He's cutsie, for sure. But cute will only keep him in for so long. He'll get the teenybopper vote, but this wasn't a strong performance. Randy is favorable, he was entertained. Paula says he's adorable. She thinks it's Bobby Brady... no, PETER! Simon gives a reality check. He said vocally that it was completely and utterly average. Hey, I agree. 1 866 IDOLS 04

"Where there's a Will, there's a Sway" -- Ryan's line, not mine.

Jose "Sway" Penala goes for "Reasons" by Earth, Wind and Fire. He does the falsetto well. Now, midsong, he had to strain for a few notes. But, I think he may get a good reaction. He's not average, as Simon would put things. Randy -- very happy, congrats! Paula -- Amazing. Simon disagrees. He thinks it was a pimpy third rate copy of Earth, Wind and Fire. 1 866 IDOLS 05

Chris Daughtry performs "Wanted Dead or Alive" by Bon Jovi... cool! Ah, good start. I think it's the strongest performance so far. Now we're talkin'! Judges reaction? Randy -- Really, really good. Great recording voice. Paula -- wowed. Simon -- very good choice of song, for the first time tonight I'm hearing someone with potential. Great recording voice. Work on the charisma! 1 866 IDOLS 06

The youngest contestant, Kevin Covais, is up next. His song is "One Last Cry" by Brian McNight. I'm not sure a ballad is the best follow up to Chris's strong rock performance. A very nice voice. I think he sang it well. Randy -- honestly talented; that was the bomb, man! Paula - you make me beam. (Reckless abandon?) Simon pans him. "Vocally, it was excruciating." I disagree.
1 866 IDOLS 07

Gedeon McKinney is ready to take the stage. He's going to sing "Shout" - let's see if he can perform. He's doing it well. I could see him on the stage in the 50s doing this. I think this is a very solid performance for him. Randy liked the song choice and likes it all. Paula - A great surprise. (Paula actually captured a bit of my thought about seeing him in the early rock star setting. That's scary. I'm not a Paula!) Simon - It was like watching the line up for the Chippendales. Simon doesn't like his smile, either. Me? I'm pleasantly surprised. Gedeon hasn't been on my favorites list, but he moved up a bit with "Shout."
1 866 IDOLS 08

Elliott Yamin goes up next. "If You Really Love Me" by Stevie Wonder is his song. He says he gets karaoke requests for it all the time. That will go over big with Simon. He's singing it well enough. It's an okay performance, but will it win the hearts and calls of fan? Quite possibly. Randy loves it. Paula gushes. Simon -- potentially best male vocalist they ever had.
1 866 IDOLS 09

Bobby Bennett will sing Barry Manilow's "Copacabana." Dang, he's reminding me of a twisted Jackie Gleason/Barry Manilow Nightmare. He's singing it well enough, but he's so darn busy through it all! Randy -- More entertaining than vocal. Paula - Entertainment and great showmanship. Simon -- Pans him. Complete nightmare. Umm, weird that I used the word "nightmare" before Simon did, but not in the same context. 1 866 IDOLS 10

Ace Young sings "Father Figure" by George Michael. Very nice, although I don't really care for the song selection all that much. I think he nailed it, though. Kind of mesmerizing. Randy - worked the room and can really sing! Paula -- monotone gushing with a little helium hello. Simon - Not the best vocal so far, you have the X Factor. He likes the choice of song. The judges seem to think that amongst the guys, Ace has it aced. 1 866 IDOLS 11

Taylor Hicks, the one I find most intriguing, is up next. Ah, he's going to sing "Levon" - a personal favorite of mine from the early Elton John days! A good performance, not as unique as I was expecting from Taylor. Solid enough, though. Randy - Not perfect song choice for him, but he has it goin' on. While Randy and Paula gush, Simon looks very pensive. Simon's up... says he was wrong about Taylor not making the finals. He's interesting. More positive feedback about Taylor than anyone else on the show. Heehee, this guy is a hoot! I love him even if that wasn't my favorite performance. 1 866 IDOLS 12

The voting sarts at 10 PM ET and last for two hours. (Gee, how does that get handled on the West Coast?)

My favorites or ones that I'm sure will make the cut? Chris, Taylor, Ace, David, Kevin, Elliott, Jose.

The cut? William Makar and Bobby Bennett or perhaps Patrick Hall. Maybe Gedeon. I don't know

Looking in on the "Official" 'Survivor' Blog

I was reading through this season's 'Survivors Strike Back' blog at the CBS website. I read last season's version on and off, mostly to get giggles from Coby's entries.

Who's the Blogstar there so far this season? I have to give Brian of Guatemala that title! First, he writes well. Believe it or not, some of these ex-castaways really need editors although most come off as functionally literate. (Phew!) What I enjoy about Brian's entries is that it shows how much insight he really has into the show. Now, I had picked the "Platinum Kid" as solid material for the Final Four last season. We all know how that worked out! But, he's got such knowledge of what works well and what doesn't that he could have gone much further had circumstances been a bit different.

Back to the blog -- Brian obviously is a bit smitten and has something for Survivor women in cowboy hats. :::snicker::: A quote from one of his entries:

Misty, I thought you were awesome, and I’m so sorry to see you go out so early. You fell into the Brianna-Varela-Memorial-Beautiful-Brunette-With-a-Cowboy-Hat-Third-Voted-Off trap.

Heh. Check out the blog over there -- it's got Cindy, Bobby Jon and more posting their thoughts on this season. Need I mention they all think Shane is a nutcase?

Today's TV Newsy Bits - Feb. 22, 2006

I apologize for not posting Newsy Bits for the past two days, but these will catch us all up to date! Well, at least with the television/entertainment related newsy bit links that caught my attention, that is...

My First Blogcritics Entry Is Up

I recently joined in on Blogcritics -- "A sinister cabal of superior bloggers on music, books, film, popular culture, technology, and politics." My first article is basically an edited version of my previous entry here on this blog -- American Idol - Girls' Night Up. The real difference between the two articles is that I wrote the one posted here as I watched the show with keyboard on my lap. Yeah, that's as close as a laptop as I get. Sigh. The Blogcritics one I touched up to make things consistently past tense, perhaps with a bit less spontaneous commenting. Oh... and I fixed any typos as what I post here while live blogging tends to have a few.

Why am I doing this? Well, inevitably, for more exposure. Plus, it's interesting. I have someone looking over my work and editing. I've been so used to being my own editor and typing in train of thought that this is bound to change my style. Or not! ;-)

Will this change my posting entries here? Nuh-uh! Although I have been a bit behind a few days -- I will be resuming TV Newsy Bits today after a two day absence -- that's been more due to the Olympics and reruns rather than any other factors. Dang, it's bad when I'm not excited about what I see on my TV screen!

Oh. Tonight's Lost is a repeat of the pilot episode. I recommend it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but I think I've watched it at least four times already. I'll be blogging the "Boys' Night on American Idol."

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Blogging 'American Idol' - The 12 Girls

"No more crying cowboys, no more Brittenum twins."

It's Girls Night Out on American Idol. The top twelve girls are performing tonight -- two will be voted out on Thursday night. The boys (boys?) will sing tomorrow night.

When Ryan asked, Simon claimed he hasn't gotten any criticism, that he's been defending Ryan. Paula said she's impressed with this season. Randy thinks a boy will win this season. Is it a ploy to get the girls psyched?

Flashbacks to the auditions and other related drama. Yawn.

Mandisa is up first. She said that she didn't hear Simon's "fat" comment until she viewed the show at home. "Never" by Heart is her song. She wants to show "sisters can rock, too." Hmm... the outfit looks a bit like a red silk camisole with black lace. Eep! Thankfully she has black gaucho pants and a jacket thingee over it. Performance? I liked it a lot. She has a very strong voice. Randy overall favoring. Paula - "phenomenal." Simon says hi and asks how she is. He says it wasn't perfect but unbelieveable personality. "I think we'll see you through to the finals at the end of the show." 1 866 IDOLS 01

Oh, geeze, Kellie Pickler is crying again. Is she going to spend this season bawling? "How Far" by Martina McBride. She's dressed rather simply. Really not for me. I guess she's okay, but I'm not hearing anything really special. Randy -- thinks it was good. Paula - unpretentious, no diva factor, has likeability factor. Simon thinks she did well. I dunno. They're focusing more on her personality and all rather than the voice. Let's not set a precedent there, judges. 1 866 IDOLS 02

Becky O'Donohue is going to the stage. She's really a very pretty young woman. Her song is "Because the Night" by Patti Smith. It was the first CD she ever owned. What's that wrinkling her nose bit she does? Is that supposed to be sultry or sexy? Performance is good, at least I think so. That nose/forehead wrinkling has to go, though. Randy loves it. He thinks she does the whole thing well. Paula, of course, is favorable but mentions some notes were a bit off. Somon says better than he expected. Visually a 10, voice of a 6 1/2. He says it was okay, but some of the girls in the group are great. 1 866 IDOLS 03

Ayla Brown has to be at least a half foot taller than Ryan Seacrest. I think she's very well-poised for her age (17). "Reflection" by Christina Aguilar is her song. Hmm. I personally don't like the song choice. She is doing it fine. Whoops, a bad note. Overall, she's putting a lot into it. Let's see what the judges say. Randy was pleasantly surprised. Aight. Paula agrees. Simon -- a hard worker. He thinks there's a limit to her voice; he saw emotion. (Remember, he had called her robotic before.) 1 866 IDOLS 04

Paris Bennett. I thank the heavens her singing voice is not like her speaking voice -- kinda like Daffy Duck on helium. Ohhh... she's going to sing "Midnight Train to Georgia" by Gladys Knight and the Pips. Now, there's a song I love. Um. I'm not thrilled by her performance. She's jumping up and down too much. Her hair is fluffy and bouncy, too. The song isn't supposed to be that upbeat. Randy was blown away. Paula thinks she's her idol. Simon loves her, too. Oh, my. Hmmm... I liked her other songs so far this season, but her performance of this song really didn't do it for me. It was like putting "Midnight Train to Georgia" to the tune of "Play That Funky Music"... or something. She is a cutie, though. I'll forgive her for going disco on the song. 1 866 IDOLS 05

Stevie Scott, trained in opera @@, thinks she's very unique. She's singing an opera song "To Where You" Are originally sung by Josh Groban. Her voice is good. I'm not pleased so much with the song selection. Boring, but I think she was technically good. Randy daydreamed. Good. It wasn't just me. Paula says nice stuff, blah blah blah. Simon disagrees with Paula. He claims an utter mess. He's being very rough on her. "I will sing the songs which will make America happy." It may be too late. In my predictions, I called her as out. Let's see.
1 866 IDOLS 06

Ryan's not AS cheesy as in previous seasons.

Brenna Gethers is next. Her personality really turns me off. She will sing Stevie Wonder's "You Are The Sunshine of My Life." Started a bit flat. Maybe I'm tone deaf? I think she's, as the judges say, pitchy. Hmm. Is my dislike of her personality affecting my thoughts about her singing? Randy not all that impressed, said she chose a safe song. Simon defends her personality and says horrible, completely and utterly horrible. Oh, Simon , don't encourage her to bring the claws out. Let her bad self just get voted on out. Please. I want her to "gether" her bags and go home.
1 866 IDOLS 07

Heather Cox. Now, I like her personality as opposed to Brenna Gethers. "When You Tell Me That You Love Me" as sung by last year's Idols. Well, um. It's okay. I guess. I'm not blown away. Nice note at the end. Randy wasn't slayed. Ah, neither was I. Paula agrees with him. Simon says it's a forgettable performance. I agree. 1 866 IDOLS 08

Melissa McGhee is going to sing Faith Hill's "When the Lights Go Down." Another song choice which far from thrills me. I'm not thrilled at all. Enough. She can stop. It's not that she's horrible. It's just not doing anything for me. Randy... some pitch problems and came together in the middle. He says not amazing. Paula calls it a shining moment ofr her. Amazing. Simon says she had been overshadowed by the bigger personalities. She pointed out that it's the first time she's actually sung on the show. 1 866 IDOLS 09

Lisa Tucker. Her song is "I'm Changing" by Jennifer Holiday. Ohhh... I'm impressed. This kid has got it! She performs without overdoing the performance (my problem with Paris tonight) and has a tremendous voice. Yay! Best performance of the night! Judges...? Randy was very impressed. Paula purple prosed her, but ended up saying she's a star. Simon was very favorable!
1 866 IDOLS 10

Kinnik Sky is up. Her song is "Get Here" by Oleta Adams. Okay. I think she's singing it well, strong and on key. A good performance. Randy thinks the middle was rough. He gives it a 6. Now, it wasn't my favorite song choice, but I thought she sang it well enough. Paula thought performance was powerful, good showmanship. Simon says her problem was the incredible performances from such younger girls. It was a caberet performance according to him.
1 866 IDOLS 11

Katharine McPhee is up. She still reminds me of Valerie Bertinelli. Her song is "Since I Fell For You" originally sung by Barbra Streisand. Oh, nice. Her movements are a bit jerky, but I think it's a fantastic performance. Paula is up and dancing, so... Randy says wow. He thinks it was great! Paula is happy. Simon puts her as the best of the "four really good vocalists." Spot on, Simon!
1 866 IDOLS 12

The votes should be for the contestant you think was the best. By the time I post this entry, the lines should be open. They will be open for two hours.

My predictions for voted off tonight? Stevie Scott and (hopefully) Brenna Gethers. Am I wrong?

My favorite performance of the night? Lisa Tucker with Katharine McPhee as a runner up.

Jackie OUT.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

TV Newsy Bits Weekend Edition (Feb. 18-19, 2006)

Brr! Though the weather outside is chillin', I'm here to warm things up with the television/entertainment related newsy bits links I found while seeking warmth on the web. Oh. And, just to let you know, warmth by a fireplace is better than the computer monitor!

Are We There Yet? I Want My 'Amazing Race'!

Oh, I'm so looking forward to this season of 'The Amazing Race.' Last season was okay; it kept me sort of kind of entertained. But, it wasn't the thrilling 'Amazing Race' I've encountered in past seasons! The new season premieres a week from this coming Tuesday and I'll be anxiously awaiting it here. I've already taken a closer look at each of the teams and poked around for what I can find on the web. I'm ready! If you're a big 'TAR' fan and you don't want to muddle through the blog for my 'Amazing Race' entries, they're all listed for your convenience at 'Amazing Race 9' Blog Entries.

In the meantime, here is some Amazing Race related "schtuff" --

THE REAL RACE Australia - Inspired by the amazing race, a luxury adventure tour that will revolutionize the way people travel... -- um, no. I'll pass, thank you. (Although it sure sounds spiffy keen.)

Fame & Fortune: Uchenna and Joyce Agu -- An interview with Joyce and Uchenna from 'The Amazing Race 7' -- Very interesting read. I had forgotten how much I really liked these two.

New York Post Online Edition: entertainment -- Need registration to review the whole article, but it goes into the actual cost of running the race out of your own pocket using TAR7 as its basis. An excerpt: "Between planes, trains, automobiles, rickshaws, boats, horse-drawn carriages, lodging, and travel visas each "Amazing Race" fan would have to shell out around $11,000 to run the 30-day, 40,000 mile course around the world with stops in South America, Africa, India, Europe and the Caribbean."

The Amazing Race: Here We Go, Baby, Off to Win a Million Bucks! - -- Not a heck of a lot there yet, but a few destination spoilers.

TARflies Times: a place for fans of The Amazing Race -- Always a great site to visit once the race is up and, well, running. They didn't like last season, though!

The Amazing Race 6 - The Official Site of Jonathan Baker and Victoria Fuller -- Eww! Jonathon likes BJ & Tyler, Jeremy & Eric, Ray & Yolanda and Lake & Michelle. Hmmm... if memory serves, I thought (with dread) that one of the couples would be Baker-ish. Eww.

The 12 'American Idol' Guys - Who Will Go Home?

In my last entry, I focused on the girls/women in the 'American Idol' Top 24. They will sing on Tuesday night and the guys will sing on Wednesday's show. Now, I'm finding it hard to call this group either men or boys. With the women, the age variance isn't such a big deal. But, with the guys, it looks like grown men are competing with young boys. I actually like this whole group for different reasons. (As long as the Brittenum Twins are nowhere in it!) Will the show fans separate the men from the boys on Thursday night's result show? Will age matter? Will fan bases rule the voting? I guess we'll just have to wait, huh...

My thoughts? This is going to be a toughie for me. Unlike their female counterparts, there isn't even one I outright dislike due to personality. So, let's get it on...

Ace Young: Will be in the Twelve Finalists. Not my favorite, but the online buzz seems to be liking him a lot.

Bobby Bennett: He's only 19? I thought he was older. Alas, I don't believe he'll be in the finals.

Gedeon McKinney: Although I think he's very talented, don't think he'll be amongst the Treasured Twelve slots.

Jose "Sway" Penala: He seems to "sway" judges, but will he sway the voting public? I don't think so.

Bucky Covington: I like him. I like him a lot. I don't think he's got the fan base to make the cut, though. Out before the 12 chosen.

Chris Daughtry: I'm on the fence with Chris. May or may not make it to the 12 -- doubt overall winner.

Kevin Covais: Will make it to the 12 Finalists, but not much more than that. (He's adorable in his own way and sings great -- just don't think the show fans will make him a top runner.)

Patrick Hall: Another on the fence. I think he should be in the Top 12 due to talent, but not sure if the voters will get him in there.

David Radford: How cute is he? He'll make the cut for the 12 Finalists, but will the voting public go for a crooner in the long run? I dunno.

Elliott Yamin: Hmmm... don't believe he'll make the cut, but I could be wrong. I don't see a strong fan base out there for him.

Taylor Hicks: The most distinct in both talent and looks. He's a shoe-in for Top 12, may take it all.

Will Makar: Oh, my... I'm having flashbacks to Peter Brady! He'll get the votes to make it to the 12 Finalists, but won't be THE American Idol.

So, there are my predictions. I'm still hung up on the age bit. Is it fair to pit a Will Makar at 16 against a Taylor Hicks at 29? Probably not, but that's 'American Idol.'

Who are you rooting for? Who's going home on Thursday when the first two get sent packing?

12 'American Idol' Girls - Who Will Go Home This Week?

The 24 Finalists have been chosen on 'American Idol.' In this entry, I'm going to give my thoughts and predictions on the 12 girls (women?). Who will be amongst the final 6? On Tuesday night, we'll see the girls go for the gold. Oh, wait... it's not the Winter Olympics! On Thursday night, the votes will be in -- two girls will be sent packing. For home, that is. For the next three weeks, starting this week, the girls will perform on Tuesday nights, the boys on Wednesdays. Thursday nights will be the results show. After the three weeks, the field will be narrowed to the 12 Finalists.

If you click on the images below, you'll see a slightly larger picture. Of course, for the real skinny -- head to the 'American Idol' website!

My thoughts? Okay, here we go:

Paris Bennett: I predict she'll make it to be one of the 12 overall Finalists and has a good shot at making it near the Final 2 of the women, at least.

Stevie Scott: Who? 'Nuff said.

Katharine McPhee: Hmm... I think she'll be gone before the final 6 girls are voted in. Not first out, but not making the six. (Oops, I spelled Katharine as Katherine in my image. Not gonna change it, but yeah... I just noticed. Oops.)

Kellie Pickler: I predict she'll make it into the Final 12. She's not my favorite at all, but I think she's developing a fan base which will carry her far.

Kinnik Sky: I'm on the border with this one. Iffy on the edge of the Final Six Girls, doubt she'll take it all, for sure.

Lisa Tucker: I think this gal has a lot of talent. I predict she'll make it to the 12 Finalists, but I wouldn't go so far as predicting she'll be The American Idol this season.

Ayla Brown: I think she'll make it to the ranks of the Six Finalist Girls, but out soon after that.

Becky O'Donohue: On the fence. Doubt she'll win; may or may not make it to the Final Six Girls.

Mandisa: Top 12, a shot at taking it all. If nothing else, I think I'm really going to be entertained by her!

Melissa McGhee: Out before the 12 Finalists.

Brenna Gethers: Out THIS WEEK -- mostly due to a personality the show fans won't like.

Heather Cox: Out before the 12 Finalists.

All right, that makes me feel these five will make it to the Final Six Girls: Paris Bennett, Mandisa, Kellie Pickler, Ayla Brown and Lisa Tucker. On the fence are Becky O'Donohue and Kinnik Sky. Out before the finalist round: Melissa McGhee, Heather Cox, Brenna Gethers, Stevie Scott and Katharine McPhee.

Of course, each and every one of them sing better than I do!

What do you think? What six girls will make the cut to the 12 Finalists? Feel free to disagree with me or agree... I'd like to read your comments! I'll be posting a similar entry about their male counterparts soon.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Argh, TV Frustration!

Now, don't get me wrong. I believe in the Olympics. I actually like the Winter Olympics better than I like the summer ones. (Yes, you can read into that that I don't watch any of the Summer Olympics.) As an ex-ski racer, although certainly not of Olympics caliber, I like watching the freestyle skiing and skateboarding events. But...

The darn Olympics have turned my favorite shows into Rerun City or, in the case of the few NBC shows I watch, knock them off entirely. What I've watched this past week that was indeed new and I enjoyed: American Idol, Survivor, Late Show with David Letterman and Lost. I taped Bones and will be watching that tomorrow. But every other show I watch or wanted to watch was a repeat! Sheesh!

And, now it dawned on me that American Idol will go to three nights next week. Um. Tell me not Thursday at 8 PM, please! ARGH! Sure enough, the third night is against Survivor, darn it all to heck! Right now my plan is to keep blogging American Idol "live" - posting my entry when each show ends - on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday, I will watch Survivor and post the east coast updates while taping American Idol. Immediately after Survivor ends and I post the boot, I'll look at my tape and post the American Idol boot. I plan to continue doing a recap/review of each Survivor episode. I don't think I'll do that with the Thursday night American Idol episode, but I'll probably give my opinion. That you can take to the bank. (Of course, the bank will laugh, but there ya go.)

Oh, well. Maybe it will snow again and I'll get to watch David Letterman play with snowballs once more.

'Amazing Race' in a Box? New Board Game Created by Clowns!

I found this article (alas, I missed the show itself). Cool! Jon Weiss and Al Rios, the Clown Team from Season 4, have created a board game which is due for release in May.

An excerpt from the article:
Jon Weiss and Al Rios were eliminated from the real race, but are hoping to hit it big with their brand new board game, "Amazing Race." The pair met up with Dave Price on The Early Show plaza Tuesday to demonstrate the game, which, they say, "picks up all the essence of the actual reality show." The game includes pit stops and questions from all eight seasons of "Amazing Race." It will be available to retailers in May.

Hey, I think my bad knee will let me race that Amazing Race! What do you think? As an 'Amazing Race' fan, would you buy the game?

Friday, February 17, 2006

Today's TV Newsy Bits - Feb. 17, 2006

If not for 'American Idol', these would be just itsy bitsy bits. But, due to 'AI' we're talkin' lotsa bits, lotsa! So, here are the television/entertainment newsy bits links I found out there on the web today:

Here are online articles (not needing registration) regarding some of the 24 'American Idol' Finalists:

'Survivor - Exile Island' - Misty Giles on 'The Today Show'

CBS has the Misty Giles 'The Today Show' interview up on their website - CBS News Flirting And Backrubs Can't Save Misty February 17, 2006 12:04:36.

I thought while watching last night that Cirie was immensely powerful in the Immunity Challenge. Apparently, I'm not the only one to think it. Here's an excerpt from the interview:

Last night's episode included the most physical immunity challenge seen so far, in which the tribes had to fight over a black bag buried in the sand. And Misty said she just didn't stand a chance against Cirie. "When you are with Cirie, she tosses you around like a loaf of bread," she said. "That woman was strong. She was very pivotal in their win. She was quite a power player."

Thursday, February 16, 2006

'Survivor: Panama - Exile Island' - Ep. 3 or... It's Twister Pillowball, Dude!

Hmmm, here we are with three episodes done and over with... and I think I'm still waiting for my 'Survivor' fever. This season still isn't grabbing me as I thought it would. When I first looked into the new castaways, I was hyped to the max, per se. And now I just feel let down. Sigh.

Tonight's episode was officially named "Crazy Nights, Snake Dinners" -- I'm renaming it to "It's Twister Pillowball, Dude."

Oh, well... let's get it on. Fourteen are left. Who will be voted out tonight?

The show opens with Casaya on Night 6. Bruce really started leading and while I personally thought he was a bit over the top and would alienate the others, he didn't. Except for Shane, that is. But do I care what Shane thinks? Nope. That Reverend Jim Gone Bad Lookin' Psycho Boy annoys the heck out of me. I think I'm not liking Boston these days due to that silly Boston tattoo over his left nipple. Most of the tribe seemed to genuinely appreciate Bruce's survival tips. I'm kind of surprised they didn't get sickened by his water filtering system, but... good for him.

Over at La Mina, all they're catching are poisonous pufferfish. Terry caught a small edible fish and became Hero For a Day.

The Rewards Challenge had four members of each tribe balancing on a beam over water trying to catch a ball catapulted in a sling-like doohickey by the remaining three tribe members in roatation. Yawn. Some of the catches were cool to watch, but it seemed a bit easy -- no one really had problems aiming. La Mina won. What did they win, you ask? A tarp, kerosene lamps and fuel for them, pillows, blankets. They also were allowed to choose which Casaya member would go to Exile Island. They chose Bruce as they think that he had brought spirit back into Casaya. Okay, I'll give them props for making a very strategic move. Poor Bruce.

Back at the camps: it looks like the early Casaya alliance is falling apart as Shane and Courtney bicker. Cirie observes the rift between the two and comments how it's foolish to have an alliance between people who hate each other. La Mina has its own oddness going on as Misty flirts and massages thinking it will make friends and influence votes. Sally wants to be pal to all. Austin thinks everyone trusts him. Okaaay...

The Immunity Challenge looks tailor-made for February sweeps -- sex sells, y'know. The tribes in rotation of teams such as three men, three women, one man and two women, etc., had to find a buried pillow and then get it to their goal line. Lots of body contact and I thought it looked like Twister Pillowball. Thus, my episode title "It's Twister Pillowball, Dude!"

Casaya won Immunity.

I think that could be because La Mina seems to have an other worldly being on their tribe. Just look at Dan! EEK! A ghost!

Dang, I thought I was a pale person.

He wins the Ghostly Blinding White Contest. But his tribe will face Tribal Council.

I got the impression as Tribal Council approached that Ruth Marie would be a strong target. I was wrong. Misty got booted with both her and Sally being the only ones to vote for Ruth Marie. All other votes were for Misty. Hmmm... the Tribal Council was rather uneventful compared to most.

And, so that was that. C'mon, Survivor... liven things up! I expected a lot of entertainment from this season and I don't see it getting delivered! How about readers out there? Am I alone in this? Like the Pale Person Amongst the Tanned?

Today's TV Newsy Bits - Feb. 16, 2006

Not many bits out there today. Here are the television/entertainment newsy bits links I found on the web:

'Survivor: Exile Island' - East Coast Update - Tribal Council

Misty was voted out.

A full recap/review will be posted later tonight... stop back!

'Survivor: Exile Island' - East Coast Update - Immunity

Casaya won Immunity.

'Survivor: Exile Island' - East Coast Update - Reward/Exile

La Mina won the Reward Challenge (blankets, pillows, lamps, tarp, etc.). They also got to make the decision who from Casaya would go to Exile Island. They chose Bruce because he "brought Casaya back."

Tonight's (2/16) 'Survivor: Panama - Exile Island' Blogging Schedule

Once again, as important events on the show occur (deaths, who goes to Exile Island, any hidden Idol finding, reward challenge, immunity challenge and the boot)... I'll be slapping up quick details here. If you're on the West Coast and like East Coast airing show night spoilers, this is the place for you.

Within moments after an entry here, blog entry links will be added to my Jackie's Survivor Blog/Web Links Reference

There isn't an immediate way to get notice of an entry, but you can check here or there during the time the show airs in the east. A hint -- sometimes the new entries don't show immediately on the main blog page, but if you hit the February archive in the sidebar, it will show.

Sometime after the show (hopefully before 11 PM ET), I'll be posting a full recap and would love to know your thoughts about the episode!

Survivor fans ready?

Bloggin' About Last Night's 'LOST' - Feb. 15 Episode

Ohhh, 'LOST' is back in synch with me with the latest episode. After a few lackluster eps, now I'm intrigued once again. Of course, no answers -- something they really have to get on sometime or another. I do truly wonder if the writers even know where they're going with this show. Yeah, I'm addicted to it, but I have a feeling that all mysteries will never be solved. But, onto last night's episode, titled by ABC as "One of Them." Here's my impressions, not necessarily in the order of occurrence...

The show focused on Sayid more than any of the other regulars. In flashbacks to the Gulf War, we see him being used by a government type (Kate's father?) to glean information from his fellow Iraqi Tariq. The flashbacks continued throughout the show, eventually showing how Sayid became a "torturer" for information as well as how he swore he would never do it again.

A frog's ribitting was driving Sawyer batty. He enlisted Hurley's help in searching for the frog, mainly by blackmailing Hurley as he discovered him with a food stash which included about a 5 pound jar of ranch dressing. Unlike the previous Sawyer hunt the baby boar incident where Kate set the boar free, Sawyer dramatically squished the frog as Hurley pleaded for its life. Possible significance? Hmmm... well, it shows the Heartless Sawyer once again. I was thinking the frog could be poisonous, too. Maybe. We may see. Or we may not.

Danielle Rousseau sought out Sayid and led him to where a man was suspended in a tree trap. She insisted he was one of the Others. Sayid cut him down anyway. The man went to flee and Rousseau shot an arrow through and through his shoulder. "If I wanted to kill him, I would have." She supposedly wants Sayid to use his torture/interrogation skills to get the man to talk.

Sayid takes the man back to the hatch for Jack to doctor him up... and so he can torture information out of him. Locke plays along with Sayid's request to change the combination to the gun locker so Sayid can do his "stuff" with the man and Jack won't be able to interrupt.

The man's name is Henry Gale and he says he was rich (past tense), crashed a hot air balloon into the island four months ago, his wife died after suffering a fever for a few days. Now, Sayid thinks he's lying, that he is indeed an Other. I think something's up with the guy, here's why: his name. His name, Henry Gale, is a character from 'The Wizard of Oz' -- Dorothy's Uncle Henry, the one who flew the hot air balloon. Wasn't that how the Wizard of Oz got stranded in Oz? I may be misremembering. But something's up behind the naming of the character and how he got 'Lost.'

In his um... rather intense questioning, Sayid touches on the fact that Henry didn't remember details about where and how he buried his wife, yet had all the numerical (too many for me to do number trails) details for his balloon. When Henry turned to ask if Sayid lost someone he loved, Sayid went berserk and beat Henry mercilessily.

Jack, meanwhile, is trying desperately to get into the gun locker to save Henry. He finally forces Locke to open the combo as the computer needs its button pushed to save the world as they know it. Locke does it, Jack saves Henry and Locke rushes to the computer to enter the code to reset the timer. He screws up the code (which I found odd -- he knows that code backwards and forwards) and odd glyphs show for a second before it resets upon the right code entered. Hmm... I couldn't make any sense of them. Glyphs aren't quite my area of expertise. Anyone out there have any inkling into these?

Wrapping up the episode was a scene with Charlie and Sayid. Sayid said he knew the man (Henry) was an Other and Charlie would know it, too. The others (not to be confused with the Others) may not see it because they weren't scared enough, but Charlie, Claire and those who were hurt/captured by the Others would know.

Hmmm... your thoughts on the episode?