Sunday, September 03, 2006

Saturday, September 02, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Saturday 9/02 In The House

Yes, this report is a bit late in coming. But I have a reason.

There hasn't been much happening.

Hey, it's a good reason, right?

Here are the events (and a few non-events) from today in that Big Brother House of Nappers and Card Players:
  • They slept late, for a change. [Please note that's sarcasm.]
  • Will waved at a helicopter in the yard, then said it was L.A.P.D. and they gave him a siren blast.
  • On and off all day from morning (well, noon) to night, they all studied up on house and comp trivia in preparation for the POV Comp. I mean everybody, in pairs, trios, all mixes.
  • Will told Erika that the BB house is like a morals test - James was always too worried about what Sarah and his family would think. But, you can't go the other extreme and just hop into bed with any buxom blonde and think it's all okay.
  • Mike Boogie got more medical care for his ear woes.
  • Mike and Erika think Janelle is a machine when it comes to competitions.
  • Will told Mike that he hopes the fans realize that he thinks Janelle is cute, funny, sexy and more... but he loves Erin (his girlfriend).
  • They played cards. They talked about the wonder that is Metamucil. They played more cards.
  • Will admitted he hasn't washed dishes since he's been in the house (and he's not starting now).
  • Janelle stayed in bed a lot and told Will she didn't feel well. He told her she can win.
  • Mike and Will napped in the HOH and ant room, respectively. While they napped, Erika and Janelle were in the kitchen just chitchatting.
  • All later napped some more. I napped, too. It must be contagious.
  • Erika eavesdropped on Will and Janelle drilling for HOH trivia questions and flirting.
  • They talked of others throwing comps and how terrible James was when he threw the one to Danielle.
  • They wondered about the Veto Comp - said BB told them nothing. They've been in indoor lockdown for hours now. [Editor's note: I wonder about it, too!]
  • Will went on and on about Mike accusing him and his "dollfriend" of stealing his HOH the other day.

And, there you go. There is still no word on the POV as I post this. It has not happened, the houseguests don't know when it's supposed to happen. When I know more, I'll post.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Late Night Friday Overnight Into Saturday 9/02

Well, it's down to the final four and they say they all like each other. We have a showmance and a flirtmance. Ho-hum. Give me some excitement! The women should mutiny... or something.

Here are the events from last night and through the overnight hours into today from that Big Brother House of Waning Days:
  • Will and Mike are pleased with the results of their Operation Double-Date. They think they're sitting pretty for a win.
  • Mike told Erika that Will is happy with third place (and a Vespa) because he still felt guilty about the second season. He implied that Erika would be in second place with him. She believes him. She shouldn't.
  • Will and Janelle talked with Will pushing the idea that everyone would hate him in the finals and whoever was with him would win. [Editor's note: Maybe, maybe not.]
  • The houseguests were thrilled to get a special delivery (from the storage room) of fried chicken from KFC. [Editor's note: Well, we now know KFC has to be a sponsor due to the Colonel on Thursday and now a feast. I never saw people so happy about fried chicken.]
  • Janelle mentioned that the houseguests in sequester can only talk about the game with handlers (show staffers) around. I found that interesting.
  • Will and Janelle had their ups and downs with bickering and making up. Will told her he's bored and she's his playmate, so he tries for excitement.
  • Erika's very stressed out about the upcoming POV comp.
  • Will wanted to barter for the return of the trampoline - he offered the pool table and the hammock.
  • They played cards. I don't like watching them play cards. I don't like when they shuffle cards. Make them stop.
  • Janelle and Will whispered a lot. I don't like it when they whisper. I can't hear what they're saying. Make them stop.
  • (I'll stop fussing now.)
  • Will is worried that Erika will send him home if she wins POV. He tells Mike to work on her.
  • Will told Mike that Janelle asked him if she was safe - he assured her that she was and it would be Erika sent to the jury. It seems Will is intent on keeping Janelle in the final three and Mike seems to have no objection.
  • Mike said that Erika has to go home next because she's an "endurance freak" and the last comp is usually endurance.
  • Will thinks he can flirt Janelle out of an endurance comp.
  • Will thinks that they (Woogie) have to be careful as to not push Janelle and Erika to the point where they might team up against them.
  • Will, prone to puppet shows, used a kiwi fruit and a grapefruit to act out his relationship to Janelle. He told Janelle (through the fruit) that the flirting was a joke while the friendship was real.
  • Mike and Erika think that Janelle probably gained ten to fifteen pounds in the house.
  • Will said that Danielle liked to be everyone's friend while throwing them under the bus.
  • Will and Mike bid goodnight and separated themselves from their showmances.
  • Janelle wanted to talk with Will and after he finally said to go ahead, but she had to tell a story. So she made up a story. Hey, I just report. I don't know what his fixation with stories is.
  • They (Janelle and Will) continued to talk about Big Brother and other things for quite a while.
  • All are sleeping, some tossing and turning a bit, as I get this posted.

POV should be later today. If, by chance, I'm not right around to post about it, this site is great for instant updates.

Graphic by Zoetawny.

Friday, September 01, 2006

'BB7' - Live Feeds Bulletin - Nominations

It's confirmed (finally) - Erika and Janelle are Mike's nominations for eviction.

POV should be tomorrow.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Friday Daytime 9/01

It's down to the Final Four. Did you think Erika would be in there?

Here are the happenings from predawn to afternoon Friday in that Bg Brother House of Fools and Fooling:
  • Janelle was up until almost 6 AM their time and, as she headed to bed, Erika got up. She didn't stay up long and all ended up sleeping in once again.
  • Mike Boogie ended up being the first one really up and about at well past 10 AM.
  • Mike got his sweat suit with "Chill Town" in rhinestones that BB promised to retrieve from his home closet as a HOH gift. He's sure he's cool now.
  • Will and Janelle still like each other even though Will had a rant aimed for Erin last night about Janelle.
  • Erika picked up the housework jobs that needed doing. Once she started, it made me recall that she did do a lot of housekeeping in her season. Apparently this year with George, she let him do it. [Editor's note: It's a good thing someone is cleaning!]
  • Woogie went over scenarios with the POV and how they'll react. Will said they have to win POV - neither girl can win it for their plans to succeed.
  • Will continues to plant seeds against Janelle to Erika, just as he has Janelle plant seeds against himself to her. That plan is supposed to make her think they're going to go after each other in the game.
  • Erika thinks Janelle will win the Veto.
  • The plasma screen announced that nominations would be today.
  • As of this time the nominations have not yet been held.

Folks, once again I ask that you please be civil to each other in the comments area. I get an email for each comment and, yes, I do read each one. When faced with having to get a report posted and having to wade through the blog comments trying to remove squabbling and nastiness, it's the reports (and my sleep, dinner, whatever) that suffer. The best way to keep this from happening is to post about the show and the houseguests, not the other commenters (unless, of course, it's something pleasant). We come from all walks of life - some folks post long comments, some just post a few words, some post in caps due to vision woes, some don't spell well... and on and on. We're all human and we're all different. But, one thing which doesn't need to happen is plain old meaness directed at others. So, please... post accordingly. I do care about the comments even though I'm a bit swamped.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Overnight Into Friday 9/01

After such a hectic pace, the Final Four have settled in... a bit.

Here are the overnight events from that Big Brother House of Shomances, Flirtmances and Just Plain Using:
  • Will told Erika it's almost a waste to have nominations at this point, the POV player is the one with the real power.
  • They had wine. Will made a taste test between the two kinds. They have time to waste.
  • Will told Janelle that she should tell Erika she's still after Chill Town and that she'll put Will on the block if she wins POV.
  • Erika told Mike Boogie that she didn't want to be nominated.
  • When Mike got his HOH room, it had the same bedspread as the Jase/Janelle HOH in the first week.
  • They spent time in the hot tub, with Janelle not allowed in Will's "personal bubble" for the sake of Erin. [Editor's note: He said that since childhood, his brother and he have had "personal bubbles" and used to yell to their mother when they were violated.]
  • All kissed, started by Mike/Erika.
  • Will described James as "wormy."
  • Will and Janelle teased/flirted back and forth a lot while Erika seemed to put a lock on Mike.
  • Will and Janelle had a mock fight running from each other, teasing each other.
  • Mike and Erika agree that neither of them could beat Will or Janelle in the end.
  • Will told Mike that he has to handle his showmance and told Janelle he wants her to stay.
  • Right now the nominations are up in the air. Will has said he'd go on the block, but he's said that before. It will most likely be Erika and Janelle, but Will's right... the noms don't matter this week. POV does. The POV winner is the sole vote for the next houseguest to go home.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Thursday Night After The Live Show 8/31

Here are the events since the live show aired from that Big Brother House of Dubious Couples:
  • The remaining four (Erika, Will, Mike and Janelle) first thought someone would return to the house, but then decided the finale may have been moved up.
  • Janelle asked Erika if she was mad at her for nominating her. Erika said no, but then added: "Just how many times have you done this to me?"
  • Will's thumb is really sore. Ouch.
  • Woogie talked - they think that if Erika wins HOH, Will and Janelle will go on the block. Then, if Janelle wins POV, they're out. Janelle cannot play for HOH.
  • They finally got the sushi Will wanted so much.
  • Will said the Diary Room asked him about the fact that he told 4 out of the 5 people in the Sequester House that they were safe. [Editor's note: They all know he lies.]
  • Janelle was upset about the POV, Will told her he honestly tried to win.
  • Janelle told Woogie that they have to win HOH.
  • They decided that the four remaining all deserved to be there and all played the game... no riding on coat-tails or flying under the radar.
  • Will said he was James in the Diary Room, not funny at all. [Editor's note: I believe he meant whining about his thumb. It's all bandaged up.]
  • It dawned on Mike that this upcoming POV holds more power than the HOH and is the sole vote.
  • Then we went into flames for a long, long time as the feeds were blocked for the HOH comp.
  • When the feeds returned, Will and Janelle had on striped referee-style shirts and Will was asking Mike if he could take a bath in the HOH room. Mike is the new HOH. (Sigh.)
  • Will told Janelle he really tried.
  • Mike sat around smiling saying he couldn't [bleeping] believe it.
  • Now they're cleaning out the refrigerator and not a heck of a lot is going on game-wise. They're all pretty happy, Mike more than anyone else.
  • Will told Janelle that she has to win POV to send Erika home.

And there ya go.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' -Live Feeds Bulletin - HOH

Mike Boogie.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - The Live Show 8/31 - Fast Forward

<-- Graphic artist Zoetawny came up with Final Two choices. I personally think it may get down to Will and Mike. And, if it does, Mike won't win.

What a whirlwind night, eh? On the show, Chicken George was added to Janelle and Erika as an honorary member of Chill Town. Then Mike spoiled it all in a Diary Room confessional where he said ALL of the honorary CT members would leave. Ah, but we knew that's the Woogie plan. As an aside, you folks all remember how they got the name Chill Town, right? It's because the bedroom they were in during Season 2 was so cold. It's not because they were cool. Will might be, but Mike only thinks he is.

The show didn't waste much time and Julie got right to business by telling the houseguests they can expect the unexpected. Poor George was dressed as a flower (from the food comp) not knowing that it was going to be a very active night. Bang! It's Big Brother Fast Forward! To the votes - zap, zap, Danielle out by a vote of three to zero.

Danielle took it well and expected it. She told them to play hard and that her vote would go to the best player of the game. She brought her Bible out with her, leaving Janelle void of her reading material. She talked a bit longer with Julie to give the houseguests a few minutes to prepare to jump into HOH comp mode (and for George to deflower). When Julie told her another houseguest would leave tonight, Danielle said if she had her choice, Erika would be the second eviction. for the most part, the goodbye messages were very nice. Erika cried through hers. Danielle didn't buy the tears.

Onto the HOH comp! Zoom! I detailed it a bit more in this entry, but Janelle ended up winning by answering 8 questions out of 8 right. Will was her closest competitor, but fell two right answers short close to the end. Janelle is the new HOH! Throw confetti, but make it fast - nominations live in four minutes! Will took Janelle aside and pushed for Erika/George noms, but Janelle wanted Mike/Erika or not George... or something. She wanted Mike on the block, but Erika the target. But she was scared to nominate Erika. After all, what would she think? Argh, Janelle! Stop it!

Sure enough, she nominated Erika and George. Oh, no! They're told the POV would be next! In a hooked to a rope, undo the knots, get the veto, run back and ding thing - Will and Erika held the lead from just after the start. Will really tried on this one, but Erika was fighting for her life in the house. And, she wins POV.

Wait, let's have a POV Ceremony! Erika took herself off the block. With only Will and Mike to choose from, on the spot Janelle put up Mike.

Can we breathe yet? No! It's onto the live voting! With only Erika and Will voting, the vote is unanimous... George is evicted. He took it great. He never expected to make it to the Final Five and likened himself to a "donkey in the Kentucky Derby." As promised, he got a bucket of fried chicken from the Colonel himself... or a reasonable facsimile thereof. I didn't see the beer, though!

No time for goodbye messages, though George knows that he was well-liked by those remaining in the house. Well, maybe not so much by Mike. No time for us to see James enter sequester. No time to breathe!

The final bit showing the remaining houseguests showed that Will hurt his thumb in the POV comp, where Erika's picture should be on the Memory Wall was a black and white (evicted) Jase picture and... Will caught onto a time frame issue. The houseguests still think the finale is September 19. He thinks someone is returning.

Hopefully, on Sunday's show we'll see James, Danielle and George enter the sequester house. Julie announced that Sunday's show will have the new HOH comp (which is going on as I write this - blocked from the feeds). On Tuesday, there will be a special live eviction show. Then, after that, we only have the Thursday show and the finale on Tuesday, September 12.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update Live Show 8/31 - 2nd Eviction/Voting

Dang, these guys look stressed... except George.

Mike thinks he's giving a political speech or something/says George would get sympathy votes from the jury.

The voting is to evict:
Will - George
Erika - George

George is evicted.

Additional note added: HOH will be done on Sunday's show. There will be a special live eviction show Tuesday.

Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update Live Show 8/31- Veto Meeting

Erika is speechless.

Uses it to save herself. Janelle puts up Mike Boogie. So the nominees are Mike and George.

The Veto Meeting is adjourned. Live vote after commercial.

NOW they know for sure that another is going home.

Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update Live Show 8/31 - Veto Comp

Oops. I meant that Erika couldn't compete in the last HOH in last post.

Attached with ropes/knots, must free their veto. All compete.

Ropes are about 15 feet long with three knots..

Erika and Will leading.
Mike confused.
George way behind.
Erika and Will still leading.
Erika has the veto, going to unclip herself. Will right behind.

Erika won the POV.

Only a few minutes to think.

Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update Live Show 8/31 - Nominations

Julie told them 4 minutes until nominations. Janelle (new HOH) talks to Will. He pushes George and Erika. Of course. Will's smiling. A lot. Janelle doesn't want to put Erika up because she might win POV.

Commercial. By the way - Erika couldn't play in HOH as she was exiting HOH.

Janelle's nominations are: George and Erika.

Veto Comp next.

Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update Live Show 8/31 - HOH Comp #1

A week of BB all in one hour - Fast Forward

Battle of the Sexes
Julie asks 8 questions about events which have taken place - answers are male or female. Booths, step forward or back.

George and Mike down a point. Will and Janelle all right so far.
Janelle in lead with four points, others 2 or 3 (Will)
Janelle five points, all others three.
Janelle 6, others 4.
George is thrilled everytime he gets one right. It's cute.

Janelle is the new HOH.

Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update Live Show 8/31 - First Eviction and Voting

Votes are to evict -

Janelle - Danielle
Will - Danielle
Mike - Danielle

Danielle is evicted.

BB7 - Show Schedules Link and Blogging Live Show Information 8/31

Folks, remember that Big Brother is being pre-empted and put on at odd hours in many areas tonight. It's a very important show, so we gathered local schedule changes here --> The (TV) Show Must Go On...: BB7 - Regarding Thursday Evening Live Show Schedules

If your area is not listed and you find there is a change, please post in the comments of that entry.

As for tonight's show, I'll be quickly posting important events as they happen here on the East Coast. I have no clue when they'll be doing what. If you refresh the blog or use the August 2006 on the right sidebar of the main blog page (the one with more than one entry), it should bring up the newest post. I'll probably post a recap, but that might not hit the page until late tonight.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Thursday Before The Live Show - 8/31

Well, those houseguests are in for a rough night tonight, eh?

Here are the day's events prior to the live show from that Big Brother House of Unexpecting Evictions:
  • All of them, I say ALL of them, slept past 11 AM their time this morning.
  • BB used classical music to awaken them and it just didn't work as well as metal rock.
  • The music played throughout the house partially to mask the trial by staff of the upcoming comp out in the backyard. They normally test these things. And, as we know, sometimes things still go awry. But tonight's show doesn't have a moment to waste, I would think.
  • George fluttered around to the music as he cleaned house.
  • Erika told Mike she didn't sleep well. [Editor's note: She was up for more than an hour smoking alone in the back yard.]
  • We had a lot of blocked feeds on and off through the daytime. Often, if they give HG instructions on the comp for the live show, we'll get blocked.
  • George packed.
  • Mike's ear is still giving him problems. Now he says it's wax build-up or blocked somehow.
  • No real game talk going on at all. They don't seem to have any clue that they're heading to a double eviction. They're primping and some were working out between feeds blockages.

Graphic by Zoetawny.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Thursday 8/31

Here are the overnight events from that Big Brother House of Wannabe Celebrities:
  • Mike Boogie claimed he had been kissed by Paris Hilton and Erika went a step further -- she claimed she's been with Matthew McConaughey. [Editor's note: I would have thought he'd have better taste!]
  • They talked about odd sexual conquesting at bars.
  • Will said he didn't think Erin would break up with him over the show.
  • Mike asked Will and Janelle if they'd "hook up" in the house with 6 or 7 bottles of wine to encourage them. They said no. Will said it wasn't in his moral character.
  • Mike complained more about the BB doctor not fixing his ear. He said the doctor would return with a piece of equipment.
  • Mike is concerned that Will is too close to Janelle. Will told him he trusts her 100% because she thinks they'll be getting together after the show. Meanwhile, he loves his girlfriend.
  • Mike complained to George and Danielle about Will and Janelle.
  • Danielle said she didn't think it was fair that Season 6 came in the house with four members.
  • When George asked Danielle if her husband would be at the wrap party, she said probably not. He doesn't like Big Brother.
  • Will told Mike that he did a Diary Room segment about Mike's lack of self-control. Mike only asked if it was funny. [Editor's note: I would be embarrassed!]
  • BB turned the lights off at about 2 AM their time. Erika stayed up smoking alone in the yard.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Into Wednesday Evening 8/30

Ah, memories of a more interesting night. Yep, graphic artist Zoetawny just had to do something about Danielle's bizarre behavior the other night. Now, even Danielle has calmed down and it's turned to a waiting game. She's holding out a bit of hope, but I think she's resigned to the fact that she's probably going home tomorrow night. No one has told her that she's the target, but that's not because she isn't the target. It's because they don't want the Wrath of Danielle at them.

Here are the afternoon and evening (so far) events from that Big Brother House of No Bouncy-Bounce:

  • Why "no bouncy-bounce"? Well, the trampoline was taken away last night - according to the comp in which they won it, they only had it through Tuesday. And, trust me, today these folks just ain't too bouncy.
  • Danielle is bothered by the fact that Will and Janelle spend so much time together. "What are they doing? What do they talk about?" [Editor's note: Very similar to her not trusting George because he won't tell her his strategy. Her kids must really have had trouble getting away with anything!]
  • Mike saw the show's doctor for his ear, but still isn't pleased.
  • Danielle packed her bags in anticipation of tomorrow.
  • Will shmoozed Erika - told her how hard he worked for Marcellas to go on the block instead of her, told her that George would beat Janelle in the Final Two. [Editor's note: While Mike focuses his sex drive on his shomance, Will works Mike's showmance for their mutual benefit.]
  • Erika told Will it's imperative to get Janelle out. If she stays, she will think that they're (Janelle and Erika) targeting Chill Town.
  • Will agreeed with her. Of course. [Editor's note: Sure, he does. It's a scheme he assigned to Janelle. Lie!]
  • George worked on his costume for the live show. It's going to make his previous costumes look normal. Eep.
  • Will heard some construction work going on somewhere over the fence. He yelled. He pleaded. He begged to know what they were building out there. No response.
  • Will kept singing and Big Brother kept telling him to knock it off.
  • Will confronted Danielle while she was smoking hiding behind the couch (in the yard). "The cameras see you there. Do you care?" "No."
  • Will kicked the beachball onto the roof of the house and worked to get it down. No, he may not climb up on the roof.
  • Will wanted to put Erika's teddy bear in the hot tub. She wouldn't let him and wanted to know why he wanted to be so mean to the bear.
  • Mike accused Will and Janelle of stealing his hidden HOH treats. Will said they were probably taken by BB when they were on food restriction.
  • Mike isn't pleased. He said a lot of stuff has gone missing... even the Hamburger Helper. [Editor's note: Maybe it's the tarantulas stealing the foodstuffs!]
  • Will wanted to create a smoky fire in the backyard and scream "Fire!" George told him that they'd have have Jase (the hero firefighter) there with an extinguisher. Then he said Will must have given his parents a rough time bringing him up.
  • With no fire, Will screamed, "The backyard's on fire! Help!"
  • Lots of singing (blocking feeds each time), celebrity talk and talk of boredom.

And that's what it is.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Wednesday Into The Afternoon 8/30

All I can say is that I would not be suited for the house. I'd be a George, not doing anything to compromise my personal integrity or morals, yet perhaps just a tad goofy. Erika and Mike Boogie just gotta go away. Please.

Here are today's events so far from that Big Brother House of Boogie's Soft Porn (Eww):
  • Danielle once again asked Mike Boogie (this time) if they're saving her. Right? Yeah, right.
  • Danielle thinks that if Will makes the Final 2, he'll win the jury votes even though he was responsible for all the jurors being there in the first place. He plays the game well.
  • The houseguests were put on an indoor lockdown and construction was evident in the backyard.
  • As they talked of the time remaining, they obviously haven't been told that the season will be ending over a week earlier than planned.
  • Mike said he got into trouble for not wearing his microphone. [Editor's note: Too bad he can't get in trouble for being a sleaze, eh?]
  • Mike complained that his ear (a problem some weeks ago) was still bothering him and BB "had better get him some care for it."
  • Will worked on his own buddy Boogie pushing Janelle as the third in their Final Three.
  • There seems to be a bit of a rift still with Mike and Will regarding Janelle. While Mike and Will are willing to throw Erika "under the bus," Will seems to want Janelle in the game as long as possible. Mike thinks she's dangerous.
  • They got the HOH digital camera and took photos, with George donning his Santa suit.
  • Now you know why I didn't post before this. Until tomorrow night, chances are that the house will be a bit uneventful. Then all heck will break loose when they go through the double eviction!

Graphic by Zoetawny.