Sunday, September 10, 2006

'Survivor 13: Cook Islands' - A Look at the Tribes - Part 4

Ah, the last of the four tribes which will hopefully be mixed within a few weeks of the show. While it's good to have a more diverse cast (at last) on the show, I'd rather see folks from varying walks of life work together rather than segregated groups. We'll see what happens soon!

My previous posts in this series are:
Looking at the Tribes: Part One - Looking at the Tribes: Part Two - Looking at the Tribes: Part Three. Each entry explores a tribe within the show with the first part being a bit of an introduction to the season.

This is the last tribe I have to cover (no particular order went into how I listed the tribes - I hit a graphic I made stored away and it was the luck of the draw).

I now present the Hispanic-American (Latino-American would work, too) Tribe:

Ozzy Osbourne, he's certainly not! Ozzy was born in Mexico and has lived in both Central America and seven different U.S. states. He's currently a waiter and previously was a restaurant manager. Balance sports seem to be his thing - surfing, sailboarding, skateboarding, wakeboarding, gymnastics and motorcycle riding. He also has several skills which may come in handy on Survivor - spearfishing, diving to thirty feet, ability to hold his breath underwater for three minutes, camping and outdoors skills. Dang, he looks like a kid, but I think he's going to be very strong in physical challenges. He's single, lives in CA but owns land in Panama, and lives with his German Shepard mix, Buddha... who's also his surfing partner.

Oh, I think I have Ozzy fever!

Cristina is actually a Californian from California! That's unusual! She was born and raised in Santa Monica and grew up in a family of police officers. Her father was shot and killed in an unsolved murder when she was only 12. By the age of 14, she was already making strides to become a police officer herself. She's a police officer in her own city and has done police work for 14 years. She has also done some police-related consultant work for television and received a makeover on Red Carpet Confidential (E!). Cristina was shot in the line of duty on July 4, 2000 and suffered what was likely to be career-ending damage to her left arm. Through dedication and perserverance, she built the arm back and beat all odds.

No mention of a family for Cristina, although the CBS site has a really extensive bio on her. Another strong woman. Castaway men beware.

JP, eh? I always wonder about those "initials" people. Or not. Another native Californian. I was beginning to think all Californians came from New York while writing up the other tribes. JP was born in Santa Monica and grew up in Marina del Rey. He's a professional volleyball player and went to California State University (Lon Beach) on a full volleyball scholarship. He's coached Junior Olympic teams and is the co-director of the all-girl Mizuno Long Beach Volleyball Club. I'd say he's a volleyball buff, but is he a sole Survivor?

He could be... he's an avid swimmer and outrigger canoer (canoeist?), loves hiking and running. He occasionally models. He's seen some rough times - his mother passed away when he was 9 and his father recently passed. Both died of cancer and he's involved with cancer-related charities. He lives with his dog Frankie, a Jack Russell Terrier. Move over Ozzy... JP fever may take over!

Cecilia is a Californian from Peru. Well, at least that's different from all the New York Californians. She moved to CA at 15 and learned English at 16. She's a smart one - she secured scholarships at all colleges to which she applied. She chose the University of California, Davis, for her bachelors. She's working as a technology risk consultant, and previously worked as a management consultant. She enjoys photography and says her heroes are her parents who gave up a comfortable life in Peru to make a better life for their children.

I'm not seeing much at all in her CBS bio involving any kind of sports or athletic endeavors on her part.

Hmmm... she seems very smart, but will she have the grit and determination? I don't know.

Oh! A New Yorker residing in New York! Wonders shall never cease. Billy was born in New York, moved to Miami when he was seven, then packed up to move back to NY at the age of 22. He studied karate, judo and wrestling when he was young, but then turned his interest to music. He's currently a heavy metal band guitarist and songwriter (Forsakken), but at one time in 1997, he won a silver medal for amateur wrestling.

From the bio, he seems to be single. I'm not sure how wrestling and judo will translate to Survivor challenges. I want to like Billy. He looks like he might be interesting to watch. But I bet Vegas isn't betting on him for the big win.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Sunday 9/10

Too much time on their hands. What to do? What to do? Well, sleep and brag about what great game players you are! Naturally!

Here are today's events and non-events from the Big Brother House of When Bad Houseguests Go Even Worse:
  • Erika slept until nearly 2 PM their time, Mike until 2 PM. Keep in mind, that becomes almost early evening in my time zone. Sheesh.
  • They really want to get out of the house. Good. I really want them out of there, too.
  • It dawned on Erika that Will's question of her regarding nicknames for him was meant to be answered with "Dr. Delicious."
  • Erika thinks the jury members are a bunch of hypocrites.
  • Mike thinks Janelle and James both hate Erika.
  • Mike thinks he'll win either 6-1 or 5-2. [Editor's note: He might be right.]
  • They both think they would have been perfect jury members. [Editor's note: Hey, they also think they're perfect game players.]
  • Erika thinks the "others" don't qualify as "all stars." [@@]
  • Erika gloated about winning over Janelle.
  • Mike Boogie and Erika talked about the Legion of Doom. Erika thinks that was the stupidest name ever for an alliance.
  • Mike mentioned today that George asked him if he was going to get engaged on the finale again this time. Heh.
  • All of the sequestered houseguests are staying in a local hotel which Mike Boogie was stupid enough to mention to the Internet. [@@]
  • Erika is fussing that she wants it all over with.
  • So do I.

'Survivor 13: Cook Islands' - A Look at the Tribes - Part 3

Yes, the time is almost here! On Thursday, 8 PM ET/PT in most viewing areas, it's the premiere of the new Survivor season. I'm slowly getting to talking about all 20 castaways and, since they decided to break the tribes down by race or ethnicity... or even culture, as some say... it makes it easier for me to split the introductions, as well. Twenty is many too many to introduce in a single blog entry. And, I fear, too many for me to ever remember!

I made some initial series thoughts and introduced the Asian-American tribe members here --> Looking at the Tribes: Part One. Then I introduced the Caucasian-American tribe here --> Looking at the Tribes: Part Two. When I've written the last of the tribes, I'll make sure to link them all together in each entry so the information is easily connected.

In this entry, I'll be exploring the African-American tribe.

Nathan, though listed as from Los Angeles, was born in Staten Island (NYC borough) and attended school in San Diego. Interesting... he started studying violin at the age of 8. He's into hip-hop and aspires to be a professional musician. Currently, he's a shoe salesman with a national retailer as well as working for a NYC-based urban clothing line.

He likes basketball, sushi and Chinese food and resides in Playa del Rey, CA. I can't help but note that this aspiring musician shares a birthday with Mick Jagger. (I only remember because it was my own mother's birthday.) Hmmm... two of the three things he loves are foods. No mention of any sports background, per se.

I hope he's entertaining, but I don't know about his chances as the sole Survivor.

Now, here's a castaway with show-business ties... and even a previous Survivor tie-in! Rebecca has been a professional make-up artist for 15 years and is most recognized for her work on The View. Yep! She's still employed by them and does the make-up for previous Survivor castaway, Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

Y'know, reading her bio, she so sounds like someone I'd honestly really like as a person. She collects music and works to rescue stray cats. She enjoys dancing and tennis and loves her family. She's single with two cats, Blinky and Pooky.

What are her chances on the show? I don't know. She sounds like too nice a person to be in what can be a cut-throat environment.

Sekou is yet another Californian born and raised in New York. He's currently a jazz musician and recording artist, but has always been creative. At the age of seven, one of his paintings was displayed at the NY Museum of Art. He also started dancing young and was one of the original breakdancers coming out of the Bronx. He's recorded with and played with too many artists for me to list here, but they run the gamut from Michael Jackson to Paul Anka to Ice Cube and beyond. He has also performed on musical scores for many movies.

While it's obvious that Sekou really thrives with creativity, he's no athletic slouch. He enjoys basketball, raquetball and lifting weights. He has three children, one step-daughter, a fiancee and is a grandfather of two. Whoops... you can change his age to 46. As I post this, his birthday was yesterday.

How will he do? While age sometimes is a detractor, I have to think of folks like Tom Westman. If Sekou is indeed in as good shape as he seems to be, he looks like a very strong competitor.

What? Another Stephannie? Well, this one has Flavor! (I couldn't resist.) We could very well have, albeit with a different spelling, another tough woman Steph on our hands here. She's an Army veteran who served in the Desert Storm. She already has her business degree, but is studying nursing. She likes volleyball, dancing, singing and jogging. She really enjoys gospel music, in particular.

She's married to her high school sweetheart and they have two children and one dog.

I think we have another strong competitor here. A lot will depend on her personality, I'm sure. But I want to see how this Stephannie plays the game, don't you?

Rounding out the tribe is Sundra, another Californian born and raised in NYC (Queens, this time). She's an actress currently paying the bills as a cocktail waitress. (Now, this is more of the background we're used to on reality shows!) She likes dancing, traveling, kung fu and capoeira (huh?). She enjoys snuggling with her young son and watching movies. Her sports are running and boxing. She seems to be single, lives with her son and her beta fish, appropriately named Beta.

I don't know.

She's pretty. She's an aspiring actress. Can she be a strong competitor?

Well, she might out-do Nathan, but I think that on her own team, she could be the possibly the weakest candidate for the win. Maybe she'll surprise me... who knows?

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Saturday 9/09 Overnight Into Sunday

Suppose they gave a television show finale and no one came?

The Internet sentiment regarding the finale is the lowest, most negative I've seen over the years of the show. Even last year's unpopular final two were more popular than this season's "All Stars."

Here are the events of yesterday and the overnight hours from that Big Brother House of Diasappointment:
  • The daytime itself was lacking much noteworthy - they burned a pot of something on the stove, Erika talked to herself how she took out the brains of Chill Town, Mike napped, they smooched a bit.
  • Mike said the Diary Room asked him if Will and Kaysar had a deal where Will would be evil and Kaysar good. He said that was crazy.
  • There. Now you know the daytime hours happenings. It was the evening that became a bit intriguing.
  • We could hear the voices, but the feeds themselves were showing Erika sitting alone at a table. The jury was in the house, or outside the house. They had microphones, anyway.
  • Howie aparently had gas, Marcellas claimed he wouldn't miss that at all. George giggled. Danielle said she didn't want to go first.
  • Will's voice told everyone to "stress down" and make it look as if they were angry.
  • George said something about James' expressions never change.
  • Howie wanted to urinate in the bushes, but was told to wait - they'd let them inside soon.
  • The feeds were then blocked for more than a few hours as the jury questioned the final two.
  • Mike thought they would have a more clear idea about how the jury vote would go after the Q&A period, but he's not sure. He said that one of the "fencesitters" was Janelle and she "went the other way." Erika said she never really thought she "had Janelle." [Editor's note: Hmmm... Janelle will vote for Erika?]
  • James asked Erika something along the lines of: "Why should I vote for you if you deplored Alison's hooking up and flirting, yet you did it?"
  • They think the vote will come down to Chicken George.
  • Mike thinks the jury are all hypocrites. He said Danielle had no right to question him like she did. He lied to everyone but George and Will. He didn't lie to George because he didn't need to. Danielle asked Erika about "ass-kissing" and throwing comps.
  • They said the only juror who "went off" was Janelle. Erika thinks she's jealous. Mike said, "Yeah, because she lost two years in a row." They proceeded to trashtalk Janelle and, to me, it sounds like they might be the ones who are jealous.
  • Mike said Howie is a shallow person. [Editor's note: Pot. Kettle. Black.]
  • Mike thinks that Howie will vote for Erika while Erika is worried that Howie will be influeneced by Janelle. I'm so confused
  • They both think the vote will be very close - a 4-3 which could go either way.
  • Big Brother gave them wine.
  • Erika thinks that Danielle will vote for her.
  • They complained more about Janelle being a "crazy _____."
  • Mike told Erika that Janelle is jealous because she (Erika) is the "pretty girl" sitting in the final two. [Editor's note: Gag.]
  • Mike told Erika that the jury sounded more hostile to her than to him. She said she noticed, but didn't know why - she was always the "nice girl." [Editor's note: Gag.]
  • Mike thinks Will is working on the jury, but doesn't know if he'll be able to influence some of the jurors.
  • They each took responsibility for Howie's eviction.
  • Apparently they could only hear the jury, couldn't see them.
  • They talked about the various alliances in the house - LOD, the Perfect Storm, etc.
  • Erika told Mike that she knew he threw the face-morph comp when his time came in so high.
  • Mike asked Erika if she was lying to Janelle when she told her she'd take her to the final two. She said no - she would have beat her in the vote (she thinks). If she hadn't let go of the key, Erika was going to throw the comp to her.
  • Erika is sure that Janelle would have taken her to the final two over Mike.
  • Mike thinks that if Janelle were in the final two, Will would vote for her.
  • Erika thinks the whole jury is jealous of them and bitter about not being in the final two.
  • They trashtalked Janelle once again. Still. Whatever.
  • Alone, Mike asked the camera if he should drop Operation Double Date tonight or save it for the time being. The camera didn't answer.
  • Erika told Mike she protected him the entire game. [Editor's note: @@ Eyeroll, please!]
  • Erika went on again about how she singlehandedly "took out the brain of Chill Town."
  • Mike found that insulting, as he should. [Editor's note: Yes, Will was the brain, but to tell Mike that to his face is a bit mean.]
  • They got into a snit. Heehee! Slammed doors, grumbling at/about each other.
  • They slept apart. Well, Erika mostly was awake.

There you go. There's trouble in paradise and... you reap what you sow.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Regarding... Stuff

Huh... for those of you not seeing the graphic in my last entry, it should return. I got a notice that I've exceeded my bandwith for the day and access should return after 4 AM ET. Very odd as I've certainly had more traffic to this site than there has been today. It only seems to be affecting the latest animated graphic here, as well as any web pages I've set up using the FTP Space on one of my AOL names.

To respond to a few things in comments:
Of course, folks can stay around commenting! BB is wrapping up and I'll be blogging about The Amazing Race, Survivor and Lost... at a minimum. I'll also be watching for news about Big Brother off season and other television things of interest. All of this will be right here on this blog, so no need to search for my new home. I'll just change the decorations!

I've been asked what I make of the vote on the CBS website, as well as the possiblity that some jurors may not be able to vote due to "escaping" from sequester and talking with the outside world. I don't know. They definitely got out of the house and away from the handlers (show staff monitoring them to make sure they don't talk about the show). That could possibly mean that some jurors are disqualified. Or, perhaps Big Brother thinks they're throwing us a bone. Oh, you get a chance to vote for the winner out of the two losers!

The rumored fight in sequester still has no credible news source (although the escape does).

The question/answer period is supposed to be around 10 PM tonight (ET). I'll try to pick up on their reactions and get them posted. I'd post an update now, but it would be just a few sentences and not worthwhile. So, I'll wait to see what I can pick up a bit later.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Evening and Overnight Into Saturday 9/09

Argh, I don't like this final two. No, I don't. But, since I've committed myself to covering the season, I'll follow it through and keep reporting until the end.

I've always said I don't care for "All Star" seasons of reality shows. And, while I enjoyed seeing Nakomis, George and Will return this season, I personally wouldn't have even considered Mike or Erika material for any sort of "all stars" show. To me, it's a stretch that either got on the show at all. I was unimpressed with Erika in her own season and felt her only saving grace that year was her friendship with Jack. I absolutely abhored Mike in what little of his own season he lasted. I believe he was the fourth out and annoying from the first week. That season I liked Will, but he blossomed after Mike left the house. Mike shouldn't have been in this season at all and, if not for Will's insistence, he wouldn't have been. Now either Mike or Erika will win it all. Feh.

Sigh... but I'll keep reporting! However, over the next few days, I'll be finishing my introduction to the Survivor cast, getting more into The Amazing Race and, come October 4, the new Lost season starts! I'll also be occasionally blogging about other shows and television happenings, too. I hope you stick around to discuss things because it's great to get all the different perspectives!

Here are the evening and overnight events from the Big Brother House of Feh:
  • Erika and Mike are still thrilled with what excellent players they are.
  • Erika thinks herself to be the "new PuppetMaster" as she got Will's girlfriend to vote out Will.
  • They think they'll be interviewed on The View.
  • They also think the feeds should be turned off for the last few days so they can watch television and listen to music.
  • They're bored. I'm bored. And, no, believe it or not, they're not snuggling or anything.
  • Erika paced around a lot. It's like she can't settle down.
  • The question and answer period from the jury is supposed to be at 9 PM (their time) on Saturday. What I can pick up on it, I'll report. It's midnight here and most likely blocked from the feeds, but I'll be able to get their secondhand reactions, at least. Will there be any memorable accusations? We can only hope!
  • For someone who "needs money," Erika has a house that she bought for nearly a half-million which has appreciated in value.
  • The quad cam went wacky at one point. While the other cams individually worked fine with the house feeds, the quad cam went to basketball and a movie being shown on HBO (with Brad Pitt!).
  • That's pretty much all the news worth reporting.

Some folks asked about whether Erika was wearing Janelle's "stolen" bathing suit or not. I have to admit that I don't pay all that much attention to Erika in bikinis as she's often wearing them. So, I couldn't tell you. They were sharing clothes a lot, but I wouldn't have a clue whose bikini belongs to whom.

There are rumors about a fight in the sequester house, but I can't find any credible news sources about that. So, I'd have to dismiss that as simply a rumor. However, it is true that some of the sequestered houseguests were spotted in a bar - blog reader Cyndi (shout out to Cyndi and thanks) posted a link to the news blurb in my previous entry. So, that one is verified.

I've been thinking... what final two would I find most interesting to watch stuck in the house alone for five days? I think I'd like to see what Will and Nakomis would talk about. How about you?

Graphic by Zoetawny.

Friday, September 08, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Friday 9/08

Well, one thing about just Erika and Mike in the house... I won't worry about how long it takes me to get an entry up and posted!

Boring. Of course, with just two houseguests, no matter what two, it gets boring. So, while I don't care for the final two, it's not their fault.

This time.

Here are today's events (or lack thereof) from that Big Brother House of Tedium 'til Tuesday:
  • Erika got re-hooked on smoking. In the wee hours, she was up poking around looking for even a butt to smoke. Janelle must have taken the cigarettes with her.
  • Erika decided she'd tackle the housecleaning today (two days after she vowed she wouldn't, but the ones who messed things up are gone).
  • While alone in the kitchen she said something about "70 days together - if this isn't a test, I don't know what is." Hmmm... prior relationship with Mike Boogie test? New relationship with him test? I don't know.
  • They lounged a lot. In the pool. By the pool. Everywhere.
  • They small-talked, wondered how Janelle would be at sequester. [Editor's note: The last evicted usually isn't sent to sequester, but to a hotel instead. Janelle isn't there.]
  • That's it! Short, sweet.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Friday 9/08

Hmmm... this final two isn't the final two I wanted to see this season, for sure. My personal favorites through the season were Nakomis, Will and George. Ah, but it's the hand dealt by Big Brother, so I'll deal with it. After all, I don't really know any of these people and, most likely, outside of folks who go on Jeopardy or something, reality television "stars" probably aren't the type of folks I'd hang out with anyway! It personally doesn't matter to me who gets the big bucks in the game. But... Erika and Mike Boogie! Feh, I say! Feh.

For those of you text messaging in America's Vote for the jury member to receive $25,000, the information is at America's Vote - Big Brother 7: All-Stars on CBS. It is strictly text messaging, no online voting. It closes on Monday.

One more gripe before I go onto the events of last night - due to the special programming on Sunday, these two will be in the house alone much too long! Usually the final two are only in there for two or three days alone. As the finale isn't until Tuesday, Mike Boogie and Erika have almost five entire days. (Feh.) For those folks who say they won't watch the finale, I'm hoping for some good jury questioning, so it may be worthwhile! Perhaps James will ream Mike Boogie or Howie will go bonkers! You never know.

Here are the overnight events from that Big Brother House of (feh) Final Two:
  • Mike told Erika that the reason he got Will's question right in the HOH Competition was because he knew Will would answer the opposite of what anyone would expect.
  • Erika took credit for Janelle's wording in her Will nomination (the "I've made many mistakes" speech).
  • They got a fruit basket and champagne.
  • They're both still surprised to be in the final two and have amazed looks on their faces... a lot.
  • Mike Boogie was glad that Janelle was so good about the eviction. [Editor's note: What? No class act bit? You're slipping, Boogie!]
  • They both think it will be a long five days. So do I.
  • Erika thinks that if she had not gotten to Janelle, it would be Mike Boogie and Will in the final two. I think so, too.
  • Erika told Mike that she wouldn't have voted him out had she won HOH.
  • Mike Boogie warned Erika that many people were told they were a part of Chill Town. Erika told him she already knew.
  • Erika is glad she didn't have to vote Janelle out after "swearing on my mother." [Editor's note: @@ - Roll those eyes! I'm sorry, but I always hate to see people do this. Sheesh.]
  • Mike Boogie plans on wearing his special Chill Town shirt at the finale.
  • Mike thinks Will and Janelle will have sex in sexquester... er, sequester. [Editor's note: Tell me again... is this guy older than 15? Hasn't he gotten past his adolescent years yet?]
  • Erika thinks that Janelle is dumb when it comes to Will. Mike Boogie thinks Janelle is weird and not close to her family. (Hey, I'm just reporting here.)
  • Erika told Mike about her goodbye message to Will.
  • Mike and Erika think they're both great players. [Editor's note: Gag me now, please.]
  • Mike (alone) told the camera he wants to have sex with Erika. [@@]
  • Ack... kissing and making out in the hot tub. [Editor's note: Covering my eyes.]
  • Erika talked to Mike about Janelle's "banana bread" deal with Will. Mike told her that was only if Janelle made it to the final three and Howie wasn't in on the deal. Erika said, "She'll get it off some guy anyway." [Editor's note: Hmmm... isn't it Erika who's always got to have that (odd) boyfriend in her life?]
  • When they were discussing who should have won, but didn't - Erika said she liked Nakomis for the win. Mike doesn't understand why "the girls" like Nakomis. [Editor's note: I like Nakomis, too. I think it's because she's smart, has ethics in the game and yet has her own mind.]
  • They put mattresses together on the floor so they could cuddle. Feh.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update - Live Show 9/07 - America's Vote

$25,000 will be given to a jury member. It's a text messge thing. I didn't snag the numbers, though the info should appear on the CBS site.

Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update - Live Show 9/07 - Eviction

I feel like Ryan Seacrest leaving that cliffhanger. By the way, excuse typos as I get these updates up. I'm sitting here watching TV with my keyboard on my lap and not looking at either my keyboard or monitor. I'll fix 'em later.

Ah, the show is renewed. Applications are up for next season.

Mike evicts... both Erika and Janelle plea their cases. Erika first. She's nervous - always had your back. You have a better chance of beating me. Janelle tells about Erika ratting CT out. Huh?

Mike evicts... blah, blah, both are great, not here for vengeance, blah, blah, I love you, you have too many friends on the jury... I have to evict you, Janelle.

The final two are Erika and Mike.


Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update - Live Show 9/07 - HOH 3rd Part

Winner of HOH automatically chooses who to take and the eviction of the other is immdiate.

Comments made by jury house members. Who said it? How well do they know them?

1. George said, Most annoying thing about the house was A Howie B Mess
Mess - both right

2. Danielle said the moments hse's afraid to have family see A Drunk 2. 2 day cry
Drunk - both right

3. Will most shokcing moment - fast forward, my own eviction
Fast Forward - Mike in lead

4. Marcellas - most annoying about house -everything, Mike/Will love affair
Mike/Will - both wrong

5. James hottest girl - Diane, Marcellas
Marcellas - both right

6. Howie shocking moment - CT throwing me under bus, CT winning HOH
George - both right

Mike won... final HOH.

To living room.
He evicts... after commercial...

Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update - Live Show 9/07 - Will in Sequester

They're waiting. Howie has calmed down. George is just smiling. He walked in saying, "Reap what you sow." Everyone's happy. Will's happy. The tape. Danielle loves that Janelle put him on the block and evicted him. They included the line "for Marcellas and Howie" for them. They're thrilled. All is good, so much better than Howie's outburst last time.

Round Three of the HOH is live after commercials.

Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update - Live Show 9/07 - HOH Part 2

A car is sort of floating in the back yard with laser beams and stuff -- now we know why it had to be done at night. Pontiac Solstice will be won by winner, too. Argh, rules are confusing. They have to bounce laser beams off of mirrors at pervious winners' names while flying around on wires. Janelle's having a rough time lining up the mirrors. The car is just levitating. When she finished, green smoke engulfed the car.

Smoke and mirrors. How fitting for this season.

Mike has weird mini-ponytails in his hair and looks silly. He's working with a plan, though.

Mike 1:57
Janelle 3:45

Mike won the second round of HOH and Erika will be pitted against Mike in the third part. Glittery stuff falling all about and Mike said he's giving the car to his mother.

Erika and Mike talking. He wants her to trust im. He's "threatening" that she'll lose both his and Will's vote. Ack - in DR, she said she's still attracted to him.

Now Julie's talking to them. Julie mentions that Mike and Erika aren't sharing a bed. Erika said it's just awkward. Mike is acting like a gentleman in front of Julie.

Next, Will's trip into the Sequester House.


Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update - Live Show 9/07 - Recap/Show Intro

Oh, a recap! They showed Erika swearing on her mother's life to Janelle that she'd take her to the F2.

Now, the reactions over WIll's eviction. Mike is "flabbergasted." "I'm glad America knows that Erika is a ho." Mike told Janelle that evicting Will was a smart move - none of them could beat Will at the end. Ah, to the volcano (they opened showing it wiggling and erupting some sort of goo... no houseguests on it). Mike did his Richard Hatch move again.

Mike is throwing stuff around and sulking. Erika and Janelle are talking about Boogie jumping off. Mike is missing his bromance and crying in the Diary Room. Aw, he makes a Chill Town Diary Room phone call and there's no answer.

We're going into commercial. Post.

'BB7' - Tonight's Live Show Blogging

As usual, I'll post important events of tonight's live show as they air here on the East Coast.

To get the newest posts, you may have to refresh the main blog page. Or, sometimes if you hit this month's link in the archives on the right sidebar of the main page, the newest entry will appear as if by magic.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Thursday 9/07 Daytime

The days are dwindling in the Big Brother house. In a shocker, tonight's final part of the three-part Head of House competition will play out between Mike Boogie and Erika. Janelle, unless the winner of HOH takes her to the final two, is out of the running and can no longer compete.

Here are the day's events from that Big Brother House of False Hopes:
  • Although Erika was going on alone about hating Mike Boogie, she acted like she's forgiven him. We'll see.
  • Erika told Janelle that she hates Mike even more.
  • Big Brother actually put out a wake-up call before 10 AM (their time zone - PT). Yikes.
  • Mike Boogie told Erika that Janelle told him that she (Erika) promised to take her to the final two. She shook her head "no" in answer.
  • Erika asked Mike if he'd take her to the final two and he said he would. She asked why he had said bad things about her and he pretty much shrugged it off as part of the game. When she wanted to know why he didn't tell her that CT was doing the same things with Janelle, he told her he couldn't tell her because she'd "freak out."
  • The HG were put on an outdoor lockdown - expected to be long as there was a port-a-potty in the yard.
  • Erika is still mumbling as she goes by cameras, wondering what she should do and cussing about Mike Boogie. [Editor's note: This is for the cameras and Internet audience and not in earshot of Janelle or Mike.]
  • Erika told Mike Boogie that she was going to throw the HOH comp and wanted to make sure he would take her to the finals. He said she would win while she told him she'd take second place to him.
  • Janelle re-did her goodbye message to him. She seems to think that Erika will keep her word.
  • Erika didn't tell Janelle that Mike promised to take her to the final two. [Editor's note: This could either be because she plans to be there in the F2 with Mike OR it could be because it doesn't matter as Janelle and Erika planned to string Mike along anyway. I'm not sure.]
  • Janelle told Erika not to let Mike win after all the [bleep] he's done to her.
  • Lots of packing going on - all have to pack this time.
  • Erika mumbled for our benefit again - "I have to win this HOH. Mike has gotta go!" We'll see.
  • Erika really wishes that Janelle had won last night. As do I.

The suspense builds...

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Thursday 9/06

Well, I'll start with the big news first... Mike Boogie won part two of the HOH Competition which was held in the wee hours of the night (here on the East Coast, anyway). So, the last part of the competition tonight will have Mike and Erika competing. Janelle is out of the running. If Mike wins HOH, he's sure to take Erika over Janelle to the final two. If Erika wins and is true to her word, she should take Janelle. I guess we'll see just how good "swearing on her mother" is.

Here are the other late night and overnight events from the Big Brother House of Buxom Blondes and Brunettes and a Weasel:
  • Janelle and Danielle figured out that most of the evictees were told they were a part of Chill Town.
  • Erika was alone after a Diary Room session mumbling to herself (and her teddy bear) about how stupid she had been, how embarrassed she is to have been made the fool, etc.
  • Janelle and Erika studied together.
  • Mike Boogie worked out thinking that would prepare him for the comp. He told Erika he planned to play to win the comp.
  • Mike still thinks both girls will take him to the finals as either could win over him, but might not have clear wins against each other.
  • Mike and Erika talked (remember, she and Janelle are giving Mike the impression that each will take him to the F2) and she encouraged him. She reported back to Janelle that he was going to try to win the comp even though Janelle wins so much and that she once again told him that she's totally taking him to the Final 2.
  • Janelle still couldn't find her missing gloves.
  • Janelle and Mike Boogie talked. He told her that he thought Will actually did have a thing for her. He also said that he thinks Will set him up - initially he (Mike) was the one who they planned to win, but Will took over and managed to sweet-talk just about everyone evicted while making Mike look like the bad guy.
  • Mike Boogie told Janelle that Will indeed would have sent her home before F2.
  • Then the flame/clouds with bad music and overdone BB trivia started at nearly 1 AM ET (only 10 PM there) and lasted for around 2 and a half hours.
  • Mike Boogie won the second part. Eep.
  • Janelle said that Mike was about two minutes faster than she was. She pouted and said she thinks "they" want him to win the whole thing. She said the comp was geared more for a male with more upper body strength.
  • He also won a car. I don't know how.
  • Janelle and Erika talked - Mike told them both that he'd take them to the F2 if he wins HOH. [Editor's note: I think he'd take Erika.]
  • Erika talked to Mike Boogie alone, telling him all the things Janelle and she figured out. [Editor's note: Uh-oh. Is she turning?]
  • Mike told Erika that Janelle is not a trustworthy person. (As if he is!)
  • Argh... Erika and Mike Boogie kissed.

There's where we stand.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

'Survivor 13: Cook Islands' - Looking at the Tribes - Part 2

Yep, it's another nifty Cook Islands/Jackie logo made by Zoetawny!

I'm slowly making my way through the tribes and castaways for the upcoming Survivor season. For more background on the season, as well as the skinny on the Asian tribe, please check out this previous entry.

Here's a look at the Caucasian Tribe:

Adam Gentry is in copier sales and, though listed by the show as hailing from San Diego, he was born and raised in Virginia. An interesting note - he graduated from Virginia Polytechnic Institute where fellow castaway Cao Boi also attended. In the past, he was a personal trainer. He appeared on the MTV show The Grind in 1999. He likes basketball and swimming. No mention of a spouse or his family on the CBS site.

Um. Okay. He has a short bio and looks like someone I know (no, it's not the person I know). I have no clue how this guy will do. I think I'll call him "Mystery Man."

Candice Woodcock was born and raised in Fayetteville. In high school, she was the class president and captain for both the soccer and cross country teams. She won full merit sholarships at two schools and graduated from UNC at Chapel Hill. Unlike Adam, Candice's bio is very long. She's no mystery. A Survivor: Africa fan, she lived in a mud hut in Kenya teaching for a few months. She's active in an UNC program which provides scholarships to students from Zimbabwe and Tanzania. She also has worked at a cancer clinic and a Latino clinic. She wants to earn a medical degree to work with people from developing nations and the underserved folks in the United States.

She's single, involved with her family and her dog, Louis James. Hmmm... interesting.

Jessica Smith, a nice easy name. She was born and raised on a ranch in Palo Cedro, CA, and went to high school in Redding, CA. When she turned 18, she decided to move to the arts-supporting town of Chico. She's a performance artist/rollergirl. She sounds like a mix of Nakomis from Big Brother and the fire-swirling performance artist Courtney from Survivor last season. She's been on Roller Derby teams, managed a costume shop, designed costumes and worked in a fabric store. She seems a bit of a free spirit who lives with her cat, Alita.

How will she do? I don't know. I doubt she'll be the sole Survivor, but I could be wrong.

Jonathan is a native of New York and attended the prestigious Phillips Andover Prep School, then went on to earn his degree from Sarah Lawrence College. He's an actor who has appeared in numerousTV series over the years. He's also a producer/director/writer. But can he sing? I don't know. He seems to be very show-businessy. He likes reading, writing, cooking, baseball and traveling. He's married, has two children, a bunny rabbit, a cat, and two lizards.

What's he doing on Survivor? Maybe a mid-life crisis, maybe he wants to win a million, maybe he thinks it will be good for his career.

Okay, I won't say she's Shallow (but, she is!). She's a boxer/waitress who was born in Vero Beach, FL, but moved to Atlanta when she was 11 years-old. Her previous jobs include being a model, bartender and in public relations. She's been on her own since she was 17, putting herself through college at the University of Georgia. She's studied martial arts and enjoys boxing, running, hiking, volleyball, yoga, skiing, softball, dancing and swimming. She loves boxing and the outdoors. Her bio doesn't mention a spouse or family.

Although this photo of her reminds me of Misty from last season, I think we have a contender here. I just hope she doesn't box as she waitresses. "Leave a good tip. I know you have a glass chin!"

I'll be posting on the remaining two tribes over the next few days, or at least by Sunday.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Blurb With Screencap - Wednesday 9/06

<--- A recent quadcam screencap I snagged shows Janelle and Erika lounging about talking while Mike Boogie (bottom right) burrows under blankets in another room.

Not all that much has happened since my last feeds entry.

There was an odd inside HOH lockdown where we actually heard music... real music. Well, mostly rap music, but not the show theme. However, we saw flame/clouds.
  • Erika and Janelle went over past comps and BB house events in preparation for a quiz-related competition.
  • Both women still seem to be on the same Anti-Chill Town page and the plan still seems to be to evict Mike Boogie and have an all female final two.
  • Mike finally joined them and they talked about show-related Internet websites... not this one. I never get a shout-out from BB houseguests. Sniffle.
  • Still no word on when the next part of the HOH will happen.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Wednesday 9/06 Into the Afternoon

Today has been a really uneventful day in the Big Brother house. As I mentioned previously, I don't think either (or both) remaining parts of the HOH competition will play out for the feeds.

Of course, if there's any news about the remaining two parts of the comp, I'll keep you updated. The houseguests think one part may be played tonight, but no confirmation or time. The endurance comps play out live for us feed-watchers, but if they do play tonight, I'd imagine blocked. I'll let you know and, if they do have a competition part tonight, I should be able to at least get the results posted once they talk. But, please, please... keep in mind that if a part plays out, either I or someone who reads here will post about it. Asking repeatedly isn't going to make it happen any sooner. ;-)

Here are the events (or lack thereof) from today so far in that Big Brother House of Three's Company:
  • All three houseguests slept in until around 1 PM their time (PT).
  • Mike played Solitaire while Erika put on her make-up and Janelle worked out a bit.
  • Janelle and Erika think one of the BB Staffers in the Diary Room sounds "cute" and "cool." [Editor's note: Heck, I might be able to sound cute and cool if I wanted to... and I'm not quite either.]
  • Erika and Janelle hung together leaving Mike Boogie to his own misery a lot. Whenever all three gathered, there were huge awkward pauses and uncomfortable silences.
  • Janelle told Mike that if either she or Erika wins, they will take him to the Final Two. [Editor's note: That was a ploy Janelle and Erika previously discussed - leading him to believe they'd both choose him to throw off his game. I think Janelle was ploying rather than being honest with him.]
  • Mike Boogie told Janelle that they've always been honest about things and that she shouldn't let Erika "into her head." [Editor's note: Too little, too late, too many lies.]
  • Erika asked Mike Boogie if he's okay and he said he was still shellshocked. He's glad it's only five days left and he misses Will so much.
  • Erika said she thinks the second part of the HOH comp will be held tonight. Janelle wondered why at night. No one knows.
  • Erika wore Janelle's tiara once again, this time with feeling.
  • They played cards.

And, that's what it is.

Graphic by Zoetawny.

'Survivor 13: Cook Islands' - Looking at the Tribes - Part One

<-- One of my cool new Survivor: Cook Islands logos created by Zoetawny! She rocks, y'know!

And, yes, I interrupt the Big Brother 7: All Stars live feeds report to kickstart my Survivor: Cook Islands blogging. I'll be posting a BB7 feeds report a bit later. So, if you have no interest in Survivor, check back a bit later!

The show's season is already off to a controversial start before the season even starts because they've split the tribes by racial or ethnicity groups. Good idea? Bad idea? I'm holding out judgment right now. I know the young, old, gender-based tribes didn't last but a week or two. I don't know how long the split will last this season. One thing I will say, though... knowing the four separate tribes ahead of time makes it a lot easier to list them by tribe in parts for my blogging. So, thank you CBS.

The new season will start on Thursday, September 14, at 8 PM ET/PT. Alas, the premiere is only an hour - a problem I have with the show each season. One castaway gets voted off before we even get a chance to know him or her! If you want to read up more on the show, the official CBS site is here. Cool spoilers for the show can always be found at the Survivor Fever site.

I'll be listing the tribes themselves in no particular order in four separate entries - four tribes of five members each. All images are the property of CBS and I'm just using them for review purposes here. The color at the bottom of the images should be the color of the tribe buffs. (Yeah, I did that and stuck names/ages/location on the photos.) One interesting thing to note - although the cast seems very California-heavy, most of the "Californians" aren't from California; they're just living there now.

Without further ado, I present the Asian-American Tribe:

Yul Kwon is a management consultant born in Queens, NY, but moved to the West Coast when he was 6 years-old. He was his high school's valedictorian, went onto Stanford, then earned his Juris Doctor degree at Yale. Is he all brains, no brawn? Well, his hobbies include boxing and "ultimate fighting." I'm not too sure what the latter is, but it sounds physical. He volunteers by working with children and says he's idealistic, compassionate and ambitious. From his bio, I believe him. He looks like a strong competitor.

No spouse or family is mentioned in his bio.

Rebekah "Becky" Lee was born in Flushing, NY. I made an error in her graphic which I just noticed now. Oops. She's listed by the show as being from Washington, DC and was raised in Pittsburgh, PA. She's an attorney who played tennis all through secondary school, going on to lead several Asian/law associations/clubs while in college. Her law interests focus on domestic violence and rights for battered women. She's been a kickboxer in addition to her tennis playing. She enjoys competitive sports, plays flag football, and practices yoga. She looks like she could have what it takes.

My apologies to Pittsburgh and Washington, DC. Again, no spouse or family mentioned.

Brad Virata is a fashion director who was raised in Oak Harbor, WA. In school he excelled in track, football and volleyball. He worked as a model, traveling through Europe and Asia. He then moved to California to study fashion and went to work for Guess. He's a beach vollyball player and surfer, as well as into power yoga and rollerblading. He's very invloved with charities in his area including AIDS, Project Angel Food, Big Brothers, and the Starlight Foundation.

Single, he lives with his dog Maxx.

Do we have a sole Survivor here?

Jenny Guzon-Bae was born in Chicago and raised in the suburb of Melrose Park, IL. She was a tomboy and grew up loving to play football, softball, basketball as well as tree-climbing and bike-racing. She's done professional writing and today is a real estate agent. From reading her bio, her sports run the gamut. I think this is one gal the guys should worry about. She also has a cerebral side. She was a news anchor for a Filipino-American television show in the Chicago area and seems very driven.

Jenny is married and has a son and three dogs at home.

Will she be the strongest woman on the show? Those who grew up as "tomboys" tend to make it pretty far. We'll see!

Anh-Tuan Bui is nicknamed Cao Boi (pronounced "Cowboy") and was a Vietnam War refugee at the age of 11. He currently works as a nail salon manager, but has held several jobs over the years including fisherman, farm hand, photographer, and used car salesman. He attended college, but it doesn't look like he holds a degree. His sports and hobbies include bicycling, hiking, sky-diving, meditation, photography and classical guitar. He's an U.S. Army veteran and is currently a member of the local Moose Lodge and is involved with the Boy Scouts.

Cao Boi is married, has two children, one dog and two cats.

Oh, he sounds very interesting, doesn't he?

So, there you go... the first tribe (in no particular order) for Survivor 13: Cook Islands. Will you be watching? Stay tuned right here on this blog for show recaps, newsy bits and more!

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Evening and Overnight Into Wednesday 9/06

Well, well, well... did you think Janelle would actually do it? Evict Dr. Delicious? Do you think Erika will stick to her "word on her mom"? I guess we'll see!

To start this, I just wanted to pipe in with my own thoughts regarding last night's big endurance competition. Now, I'm just a watcher of the game, not a player. But, I'd have to assume that the players know as much about the comps as I do. When Julie Chen said "for now" in answer to the question whether both hands have to remain on the key, I understood it fine. I think Janelle probably did, too. The "for now" is because once things start moving, smoking, shaking, whatever they're going to do, Big Brother usually sends out a message that they can only hang on with one hand to make things tougher.

That was the biggest fiasco of an endurance comp I've ever seen. While Janelle's removal of one hand from the key was accidental (she was straining to see what the heck Mike did), Mike's leap off was overly dramatic and will probably backfire on him. He knew he couldn't win against the girls in an endurance comp, so he didn't even try. Will and Mike have said on and off all season that they wouldn't try at an endurance comp. "Remember Richard Hatch?" Oh, I do. He was my pick to win that Survivor season. I remember Richard Hatch won. I bet Janelle and Erika remember he won, too. All the more reason to vote out Mike! I still can't believe an endurance comp which started near the end of the live show and ended before the live show went off the air.

What's that noise I hear? Ah, it's all the eyes rolling out there!

Here are the events since after the live show in that Big Brother House of Take That Chill Town!:

  • Erika and Janelle are beside themselves with glee. Janelle said that Will told her that he was the fox and she was the bunny. "Who's the bunny now, BLEEP?"
  • Mike went to the Diary Room as the two girls celebrated the victory over Chill Town, chortled and chuckled.
  • The girls took a moment to ask Mike if he was okay. He still seems shellshocked. He just mumbled, "I've never been in the house with him..." [Editor's note: Mike was the fourth person evicted from BB2. He really wasn't in the game long at all.]
  • Mike talked to Janelle. He said he knew she had to do what she thought was best for herself in the game. He then said maybe he's better off without Will. [Editor's note: As if! Will carried him into the house and carried him all season!]
  • Mike tried to work mojo on Janelle to swing her away from her trust in Erika.
  • Erika told Janelle that he was just trying to play nice so he can be in the final two.
  • Erika and Janelle then discussed their final two dresses again.
  • Janelle kept imitating Mike's shocked look when Will was voted out.
  • The girls decided they'll both make Mike think them that they're each taking him to the final two.
  • Erika told Janelle that she told her he'd jump off. She thinks he'll throw the next part, too. He's sure that one of them will take him to the final two.
  • They don't think the next part will be on Wednesday because Big Brother gave them alcohol.
  • Janelle's pretty upset that she let go of the key with one hand. She had psyched herself to do the comp.
  • BB gave them a sushi feast for dinner.
  • Erika is still going on about revenge of Chill Town. She's still mad.
  • Mike, alone, told the Internet why he threw the comp. He's sure that because he's so hated, he's the best choice for either woman to bring to the final two as either should win against him. He said he would indeed try at the second part, but he has no worries or pressure - he knows one will take him. [Editor's note: In a way, he's right. Against him, either woman should win. But I so hope that they keep the plan to take each other.]
  • He also said "America loves you even more now, Janelle."
  • Janelle and Erika rehashed the evils of Chill Town and how they affected both nominations and evictions throughout the show.
  • Janelle admitted to Erika that Mike helped her in the doll POV comp by pushing a correct doll her way.
  • The women just went on forever, happy with themselves, toasting each other and going over every wrong that Chill Town ever did. Mike wandered aimlessly or perhaps he's just bereft.
  • Erika told Janelle that she told Will the "gig is up" in her redone goodbye video. [Editor's note: Remember... I said she asked BB if she could redo it once the tides turned.]
  • Mike slept on the floor next to the bed in the room where the two women took the beds. Very quiet, very subdued.

Image by Zoetawny.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Show - 9/05 - East Coast Update - HOH Comp

Part 1 of a three-part HOH starts.

To the backyard. Winner of Round 1 to Final Round, remaining 2 compete for second part - winner of part two competes in final.

Mount HOH - volcano in backyard, climb up and grab key, stay on. Let go of key or feet touch mat, eliminated. Need good grips on keys. Smoke coming from volcano. Mike Boogie... "Julie, Remember Richard Hatch? Both of them have to take me to the finals." And he jumped. Erika and Janelle hanging on.

Mike sitting drinking water. He thinks that whoever wins has to take him, that they won't go together to the final. (At this point, I think he's wrong, though either stands a better chance against him because he'd never win first place.)

He's eliminated from this round. For someone with his move, he looks very worried.

The volcano is going to erupt. Commercial...

Janelle let one hand off the key and Julie snagged her. Erika won this round. I can sleep tonight. Janelle isn't happy. All look confused. Mike looks... intense.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Show - 9/05 - East Coast Update - After Eviction

Mike looks stunned. Erika and Janelle high-five. Mike looks so worried.

Julie asked the PuppetMaster how he lost control. He said he's not really surprised. He did the best he could. Did he underestimate Janelle? - No, he underestimated Erika. He thinks that Janelle and he had something very interesting together. Was he just flirting? It was a game - he's close to her and she's a great friend, but it's a game. He doesn't know how real it was. She was playing him as much as he was playing her. He thinks the girls will have to get Mike out as quick as possible if one of them wants to win.

He thinks Erika and Mike may or may not have a relationship. Goodbye messages. Erika - "The gig is up. I hope Howie doesn't hurt you badly." Janelle - "you talked me into a lot of things. I hope we will be friends."

Will is taking it fine.

Mike wasn't! :-)

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Show - 9/05 - East Coast Update - POV/Eviction

We know this part is taped... because we're omniscent. Yep.

When The Stars Align

Identical stars with clues, put HG faces from "goo pool" according to clues.
Final Golden Power of Veto. 10 faces, 10 side/clues of the star - one solution.

Erika said she had to win, Janelle said she had to win.

Will thought Alison's picture was Jennifer Aniston. Mike was missing a face and didn't realize it.

Janelle won - Erika wasn't far off. Will is smug. Erika says she'll have to appeal to Janelle's sense of logic. She starts right away. Mike is smug. Erika gave Janelle a "what if I gave my word on my mother" speech and said she needs money. Janelle thinks Mike is the biggest liar in the game, Erika looked at her and then Janelle said Will. Erika promised not to take Mike to the Final Two.

Now they're going into the tape from last night when Erika really exposes Chill Town (see my feeds posts). Will just told Mike that he (Will) will go home - Janelle didn't give any eye contact. Erika definitely swore on her mother to take Janelle to the final two.

Now they're discussing how they were both told they were part of Chill Town. It's dawning on both of them that both have been played all along by the guys.

Back to the live stuff --
Julie asked if the bonds will continue outside the house. Will and Janelle both think they'll be friends. Erika said she and Mike would be friends, too. Mike said that if he's in the F2, he'll see how her vote goes - implying Erika won't be there. Janelle is surprised Danielle didn't make it further.

Live Veto Meeting -
Janelle uses the veto to save herself. Mike had to put up Will. The vote is up to Janelle... commercial break. Of course.

Janelle votes to evict...


'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Show - 9/05 - East Coast Update - Sequester

They showed the Jury House. Yes, they had to evacuate due to Hurricane John and have a new location. We didn't see James' entry, but did see Howie fussing with Marcellas. When Danielle arrived, James went pale. Then George arrived. Howie acted like an idiot yelling at George (still mad that he was evicted, I guess). George stood his ground.

'BB7' - Tonight's Live Show Blogging

As important events occur on tonight's show as it airs here on the East Coast, I'll be posting East Coast updates. If you refresh the main blog page or click on the link for September posts on the right sidebar of the main page, that should bring up the most recent posts.

Rumors are that tonight's show will end with the start of the three-part HOH comp. Those same rumors say it's to be an endurance comp to start things off. If indeed that's the case, I'll hang with the comp and post updates as they occur throughout the night. (Hopefully they won't last all night!)

Get yer coffee ready! Oh. And send me some!