Thursday, October 04, 2007

TV Squad: Survivor Review, Kid Nation and More!

My review of tonight's Survivor China episode is up over at TV Squad. You can also check out my review of last night's Kid Nation, plus I wrote an article about foreign actors and actresses getting work on shows here using American accents.

Hey ... wasn't tonight Grey's Anatomy? It seems quiet!

'Survivor 15: China' - East Coast Update - 10/04 Show

Keep tuned here (and join in with your comments!) as this post will be updated as events occur on the East Coast!

Rewards Challenge -- Thanks to the women, Zhan Hu won their first challenge. Reward was comforts including a kerosene lantern, kerosene, blankets, and a tarp. They kidnapped Leslie.

Immunity Challenge -- Zhan Hu won, despite spoilers to the contrary! It will be Fei Long going to its first Tribal Council.

Leslie was voted out. Courtney and Leslie voted for Jean-Robert to go, the rest voted for Leslie -- 6-2. Todd and Courtney seemed very reluctant to vote for her to leave, but did.

Tonight's 'Survivor 15: China' Blogging

I'll be putting up an East Coast Update post which will be updated with important events (Immunity, the boot) as the show airs here in the NYC area. Later on this evening, a full review will be posted over on TV Squad. I'll post that link when I have it.

Please feel free to stop by the updates post and share your thoughts on the show!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

TV Newsy Bits - Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Jackie's TV Newsy BitsWell, this is interesting as I'm both a Law and Order: SVU watcher as well as a Lost fan ...

I just finished watching tonight's new SVU and the guest star creepy dude was played by actor Keven Tighe. Now, Kevin Tighe also played John Locke's father in Lost. Guess what? Both characters on both shows used the name Cooper and it wasn't the real name of the character in both instances. Weird, I say!

I think I might watch too much television. I thought of Amber from Big Brother 8 yesterday. Scary. Here's what happened ... I got off my train and took the elevator up to the ground level from the tunnel. I shared the elevator with both a black man and a Latino man. When we got up to the ground level, there was a group of Orthodox Jewish men with flowers and candles. They let the black and Latino men pass by, then stopped me.

"Are you Jewish?" they asked.

Huh? I immediately thought of Amber -- my nose! My name! I wondered why they didn't stop the black man to ask him! Although I wondered if I would get a free candle or flower if I said I was, I told them no. Then I saw the Sukkah-Mobile in the parking lot. It had the canvas walls, but the times they are a'changing. It was kind of cool, though. I've seen sukkot on streets, but never one built on the back of a pick-up truck. Happy Sukkot!

In television viewing, I watched Cavemen tonight. Never again. I actually enjoyed the show following it -- Carpooling. But I don't think it's worth sitting through Cavemen to get there. I'll stick with Bones, thank you.

An article I wrote yesterday for TV Squad was published today. It's about bizarre reality television shows including Celebrity Shark Bait out of the UK.

Monday, October 01, 2007

'Heroes' - "Lizards"

Heroes - NBC
Yes! I'm so glad this show is back on! I need me my Heroes fix each week! The only bad thing about the show is that there's so much going on during each episode and so many intertwining storylines that it's hard to keep up with every bit.


My favorite hero, Hiro, once again had the most giggles from me tonight. He's still in 1671 Japan trying to make the legend of Takezo Kensei come true.

When the "real" impostor of a hero swordsman got too drunk, Hiro donned his armor and used his powers to fight off the attackers and to save the fair maiden -- the swordsmith's beautiful daughter.

In the end, he returned to Kensei and apparently taught him the error of his ways as he could have said fair maiden. Hiro tried to secure the promise that he wouldn't drink anymore, but Kensei wouldn't quite go that far. But when Kensei decided to do right, he ended up getting shot by arrows ... and miraculously recovered. Hmmm...


These new characters are still trying to get to America and we saw more of Maya's powers.

They stopped over at a home where a woman named Nidia was going to send others with them to make it from Guatemala to Mexico. While there, the woman saw something "black" and evil inside of Maya and called her the devil.

As they went through a tunnel, Maya panicked when separated from Alejandro. Her eyes began dripping blood and she seemingly killed the woman who was escorting her. Yikes! But then we found out that Alejandro can make it stop and also seems to be able to reverse the effect if he gets there soon enough. The "dead" woman recovered, called Maya the devil and ran away. Um, okay.

Claire is still having trouble assimilating in school. Her class is studying lizards and regeneration which perks her interest. She asks a few too many questions making her teacher think she's just a very interested student, but definitely catching the attention of West -- a fellow student with special powers.

When her car gets stolen, she stops by the Copy Kingdom, her father's new workplace. While there, she kept pushing him because she wants to know her limits. "Perhaps I can help people with my powers!" Noah told her that the folks after them would push her limits until she had no limits left and they must keep it all a secret.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Bennet insists they have no secrets. So, Noah shows her Isaac's work that he has. He told her that Isaac painted the future and that it was a set of eight -- he needed seven more.

By the end of the episode, she cuts off her toe to see if it will regenerate. And, it does. Oh, but who's peeking in the window at her? West! She ran outside with Mr. Muggles who kept looking and jumping up -- West must be hovering overhead, I think.

Mohinder's new boss at the Hartsdale (NY) office (hey, I used to work in Hartsdale, NY!) sent him to Haiti to cure a "special" person who seemed to have caught the virus. Mohinder's own blood seems to be the only cure.

Once there, the patient turned out to be the Haitian. I always liked the Haitian. Although he resisted at first, he took the cure. Now, the boss thinks that the Haitian, once cured, used his powers to eliminate Mohinder's memory and escaped. In reality, the Haitian showed up at Copy Kingdom to join Noah Bennet and Mohinder knows all about it.


Hiro's father (Lt. Sulu - er - George Takei) did indeed die in the fall from the roof with his assailant. But the assailant's body vanished.

Ando identified Mrs. Petrelli as having a fight with Kito before the assailant arrived. So, good ol' new Detective Parkman and his partner pulled her in for questioning. He eavesdropped her thoughts, but she caught him -- "Get out of my mind!"

When left alone in the interrogation room, she freaked out. They busted in to save her, finding her cowering against the wall. Upon seeing the picture she had, they asked the symbol. She said it was her husband's law firm logo. Ando said the symbol meant "great ability, godsend."

She asked for Nathan, making Parkman think that they weren't estranged. Nathan told him that he was the only one she could ask for help now. They all think Peter is dead.


... is alive and kind of sort of well in Cork, Ireland. The thugs still think he stole the shipment of iPods and try to beat him for information.

The sister of the chief thug, Kaitlyn, tried to help attend to his wounds only to find they healed perfectly as if they had never happened. So we know he retains his Sylar spark throw people power, as well as Claire's powers of healing.

He has no memory of anything prior to being found in the trailer, though. At least he no longer has that silly haircut. When Kaitlyn asked him about the necklace with the symbol, he didn't know what it was.

The iPod theft was supposed to go to someone named McSorley. Well, his brother tried to assault Kaitlyn and Peter used his powers to save her. That didn't make her brother forgive him, though. He taunted Peter with a box which he said was everything he had with him when they found him, but only let Peter know his first name. If Peter wants the box, he has to make up the theft by working with them on a new caper.

Oh, I have so many questions! What's in the box? Mr. Muggles knows West is up high, why doesn't Claire yell at him? How did Kensei live after the arrow attack? How will Hiro get back to his own time? Exactly what company is Mohinder working for -- could it be the same one who employed Bennet?