Friday, March 21, 2008

BB9 - Latest Live Feeds - POV

Rats, I had to miss it for work and the feeds didn't show the Evel Dick appearance anyway! My latest live feeds post is up over at TV Squad and I'll have more here a bit later tonight.

At the moment, they're sunning and James will live to see another week.

BB9 - Live Feeds Into Friday

I think we have a most unpleasant week ahead. I predict that Sheila won't stay quiet a moment and Natalie will keep thanking God for helping her. No matter if you like the ones on the block or not, Sheila and Natalie are unbearable both upset and vindicated. Chelsia and James, when cornered, aren't fun either.

Here's what's happened through the overnight hours:
  • Chelsia claims she told the producers she'll do sexual favors to stay in the house.
  • Sheila and Natalie think Joshuah will save James if he wins POV.
  • Chelsia thinks Sheila must look like a hag on television.
  • Sheila and Natalie talked about how boring Sharon is.
  • In talking to God, Natalie said that Matt was "executed" out of the house because "he is the best looking and has the biggest muscles."
  • Natalie told the others her job as a cheerleader is to look pretty. (Mind you, she's not a cheerleader.)
  • Natalie told Sheila her period is late. (Uh-oh!)
  • They all thought the POV comp would be held at midnight. It wasn't.
  • They all gave up and went to bed.
Alas, if that wake-up from Dick happens early this morning their time, I'll be at work.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

BB9 - Live Feeds Since Nominations

Sharon, Ryan, and Joshuah discuss the upcoming POV comp.

Here's what's been going in inside that Big Brother House of Vengeful Vixens and the Men Who Do Their Bidding:
  • As I previously mentioned, Adam nominated James and Chelsia.
  • Both Sheila and Natalie are thrilled. Natalie has been going around taunting James.
  • Sheila has been talking nonstop. Nothing new there.
  • Chelsia thinks Adam just caved into Sheila and Natalie.
  • Natalie told Joshuah it's James this week, Chelsia next.
  • James and Chelsia decided to create a stir this week while both are on the block.
  • Chelsia said (jokingly) that if she goes to the sequester house, she'll have sex with Matt.
  • Ryan told James that Natalie will vote for Chelsia to go.
  • Chelsia offered oral sex to Sharon for a vote. I believe she was kidding, but Sharon said no anyway.
  • Ryan and Adam plan to get rid of people in this order: James, Chelsia,Joshuah, Sharon, and Sheila in there if needed. (Um, guys! Natalie ... she needs to be on this list!)
  • The HG were they would be picking POV players tonight.
  • Sheila told Natalie that she has to tell Adam that Joshuah is the target if one is removed from the block. (This is her latest tactic -- she has Natalie tell him, then she spends hours telling him it over and over again.)
  • Sheila told Ryan that James said one of them would get off the block.
  • Sheila told Sharon that she doesn't have to worry about going up on the block if the veto is used. (Aren't you happy Sheila has usurped the HOH?)
  • Joshuah told Chelsia that if Sharon went on the block against James, he would vote her out.
  • Lots of talk too raunchy for here, use your imagination.

'Celebrity Apprentice' - 3/20 Episode - East Coast Updates

Although I won't be writing this episode up in its entirety, I will post the big news here as it airs here on the east coast.

Your comments and discussion, as always, are welcome! The final four go down to the final two tonight. Each candidate will be interviewed by financial publication bigwigs to explain why they should be the winner.

Lennox is fired. He was too laidback for the interviewers. Carol is fired only because Trump wants to see Piers and Trace battle it out.

Piers and Trace each have to put on an event. Both have issues -- Trace with the Backstreet Boys, Piers with Stephen Baldwin.

The finale is next week.

OFF TOPIC: Roofus the Cat

Despite heavy winds, Roofus returned this morning. I took this quick series of shots as the wind gusted near 50 MPH. He's sheltered from the wind there, I wasn't. You can click on the images to see them larger.