Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Some TV Doings, Mostly OFF TOPIC

Although I didn't post yesterday, I did get some television watching time in. I watched American Idol. I think the John Travolta with dreadlocks looking Jason Castro is way out of his league. The judges and public don't seem to be too enthralled with Syesha Mercado, but I personally prefer her singing to Brooke White's. Then, I think the two vying for the big win are the Davids. David Cook's hairstyle annoys me to no end, but he is good. Archuleta? Aw, almost makes me want to have a teenage singing prodigy!

As BB has ended, I was able to watch Hell's Kitchen. I've been catching that online at the FOX site, but forgot to watch last week's show. Right now I'm not super impressed with any of the wannabes. I do think they have some less slobby folks this season. I keep thinking of the guy last season from NJ who kept hiking up his pants and worked at a hot dog stand or something.

Then I went to bed early and didn't sleep. Well, didn't sleep well, I guess. Today was the day of the pre-op testing and my autologous blood donation. I've been living in fear that they'd find something wrong which could be a bad thing, but could also result in the cancellation or postponing of my knee surgery.

It turns out that I panicked and lost sleep for apparently no reason. My blood pressure is "excellent." My EKG was good, temperature normal, chest x-ray looked good, hemocrit and hemogobin (whatever) were good. Of course, I feel like I've been visited by Dracula due to the blood donation for transfusion purposes and all of the vials I gave up for various tests. It gave me a good excuse to eat Milano cookies and quaff pineapple juice, though! After a good more than half a day at the hospital, I'm just tired now.

I'll leave you with some photos of where my surgery will be in exactly two weeks, Somerset Medical Center. It's safe now that New Jersey's most prolific serial killer is no longer employed by the hospital!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Big Brother 9 Live Feeds ... er, NOT

I think I'm still breathing my long sigh of relief that Big Brother 9 is done and over with. Yes, I still enjoy the show, but they really have to get more diversity in the cast for BB10. A mind or two might be nice! I wrote a brief article for TV Squad with links to the Julie Chen Adam/Ryan interview.

I also went back to work today after having last week off. While I was gone, the poison ivy came to life. I know it's evil, but I still think it's a cool plant!

I also found a flower in the rain.

I should be getting back to Newsy Bits and such soon, but I figure I will be mellow for a few days. Thank you everyone for such a great BB9 season here on the blog. The show was iffy, but you guys (gals) were fantastic!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Big Brother 9: Season Finale Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast ... on time for a change! As it airs, I'll be constantly updating this post and I'll be posting a full real review of the show later tonight over on TV Squad. Please forgive any typos as this is being posted as I watch my television, not my keyboard or monitor!

Doesn't Zoetawny's winner graphic rock your socks? :-)

The audience cheers after Julie intros the show. What that is she's wearing, don't ask me! It's a white with black print shell and a charcoal sweater with matching cuffs and collar. We see a brief rundown of the season. Yawn.

Bros to the end. We get to see James in his panties screaming again. We see crying, Sheila floured. And we're still on the recap.

Adam and Ryan are on the plasma screen. We can vote for our favorite juror on the CBS website -- The winner gets 25 grand.

Natalie likes Ryan. Joshuah thinks Ryan had a backbone. Joshuah says Sheila couldn't win -- she can't get herself out of a wet paper bag. Then Sheila walks in. Sheila tells the jurors that Adam threw the third part so Ryan would do Adam's dirty work for him in voting her out. She claims that she has a moral dilemma with both of them. Matt thinks Ryan won comps, but Adam played a smart game.

Natalie still has the glazed dazed look. She thinks Ryn was strong and smart. She doesn't think anyone ever found out that Ryan had all of the alliances. Sheila is very upset at Adam. Sharon thinks Ryan is where he is because Adam brought him there. Matt thinks Ryan made deals with everyone and is a better player.

Lots of ex-HG there in the crowd.

Final jury questions:
Matt -- For Adam, what are you going to do with the money? $100 grand afterschool programs, start a business, car, help children, change lives.
Ryan -- Help my Mom out (Sheila smiles), do something nice for Jen (Chelsia gasps), something for charity. (Josh says worst anser)

Sharon -- Ryan -- She calls out Ryan on getting her evicted. He lies, says it was a last second thing. LIAR. He puts it on Adam.

Chelsia -- Jen was a hatred person. Heh. Ryan defends her. (Wrong answer.)

Joshuah -- Adam, thrown comps and had Ryan do dirty work. Adam says physical, mental and emotional. Adam says he didn't throw the comp. Don't scream.

James -- Adam, better competitor and why in F2 over Sheila -- Turned negativeity to positvity, straight shooter, minimized risks.

Natalie -- It's Chatty! Baller - Why didn't you take me to final three? She thinks he's telling the truth. Ryan -- You voted me out -- why didn't you keep your word? Ry -- it was one of the hardest decisions.

Sheila -- Adam -> why you lied to my face and said you would take me to the end of the game? Adam said he had to do certain things to keep her in the final three. You had a fair shot. He gets upset. She thinks he didn't carry her, she played a smart game, too.

Ryan thinks he did some things he wouldn't do outside the game, thinks he played a stand up game, won't say bad things against Adam.

Adam -- Decision based on personal feelings, gameplay and plans for the money. Joshuah kleeps sneering. Sheila looks disgusted.

Joshuah and Sheila think Adam is all cocky. They seem to be skewing things for a Ryan win, so we might see the opposite. Adam thinks Sheila and Joshuah were psychopaths.

The jury comes to the stage. We're back. Julie checks in with the final two. Adam, one word after the jury. Rough. Nervewracking says Ryan.

Time to cast the votes. One at a time insert key of the person you want to win, may make a statement.

1. Matt -- Misses both, great job, one of you two taking me to Vegas.

2. Natalie -- I miss you love you even though you sucker voted me out. Gow with gut instinct.

3. Joshuah -- Vote for the person who played hard every comp and has a back bone.

4. Sharon -- Most loyal in the game.

5. Sheila -- Very easy decision. Know it's a game but hopes honesty, loyalty and trust had something to do with it.

6. James -- Hope you party away this money.

7. Chelsia -- Hope you hold the deal, what you said at the round table is what you do.

The first six evicted HG are back. Natalie -- were you playing all sides? Both she says. She would have protected the boys.. Matt -- do you want to tell Natalie anything? He apologizes for everything she's about to see.

To Jen -- Ryan paired off with another woman. Her thoughts on Allison (doesn't care for her) haven't changed. Allison, better match? She has no hard feelings towards Jen and thinks Ryan and Jen are a good match. Jen looks like she wants to punch Allison.

Julie shows Adam telling Natalie he voted to keep her. They knew. Now it's Joshuah crying over the pizza and Adam consoling him. Adam is shocked -- he bought the act.

Julie tells the jury about the 25 grand prize going to one of them at the end of the show. Voting is now closed for juror.

Votes revealed:
1. Matt -Adam
2. Natalie - Adam
3. Joshuah - Ryan
4. Sharon - Adam
5. Sheila - Adam


They didn't show James and Chelsia's votes as they weren't needed for the win, but she just showed they voted for Adam. Adam promises money for autistic children.

Sheila came in second place, James got first place for the 25 grand. Now Sheila will have more reason to cry.

And Neil is there in the crowd at the end. He just wasn't sitting with the evicted.

Just a Note

I've been running errands, doing deep-cleaning of the apartment as it might go a bit astray, and doing a million things. But I'm still here! (Well, after napping a bit, I am.) I go back to work tomorrow and have two more weeks of work. I want to thank Laurie for setting something up for during my expected absence. I'm not sure what I'll be doing here -- I was thinking a generic post the day before I go into the hospital so people could comment.

I'll figure out between now and then. I won't be going for surgery until May 14. (I'm hoping the Survivor finale is May 11 ... please!) I personally don't plan being in rehab any longer than I have to. I'm not a hospital, strangers prodding me kind of person. I know it's important for recovery and know that I will do fine. But I'd rather do fine at home!

In a little while, I'll take off comment moderation and open up the BB9 finale live blog post. Wait until you see Zoetawny's graphic for it!

Friday, April 25, 2008

BB9 Live Feeds and Stuff

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. It might be the only interesting news until Sunday!

Although I've had tons to do this week prepping my apartment, running to the DMV and such, they said it was too early for my medical clearance pre-op tests. So, I'll be doing those tests and the autologous blood donation on Wednesday. On the 5th I have my next orthopedic surgeon appointment, the 6th a knee replacement class at the hospital, then the 14th will be the big day. I cannot catch a cold or they'll cancel it. Argh.

Here are some photos I took yesterday while out and about --

This cat lives on the street around the corner from me. I've seen him around for a few years. I worry about him out on city streets, but he has a collar and hangs around a house where I know a bunch of kids live. He thinks I can't see him hiding behind the bush.

The NJ Transit tunnel at the Somerville Train Station is kind of cool. Most just have gang graffiti.

Look up! It's SPRING!

Look over there! It's SPRING!