Thursday, September 11, 2008

BB10: Latest Live Feeds

My latest live feeds report is live over on TV Squad. Please join us for the live-blogging post I'll be doing here for tonight's live show -- it will be in motion at 8 PM ET. Snacks and beverages should be shared.

We Shall Never Forget 9/11

I want to thank those blog readers who shared their memories and thoughts of 9/11 in the comments of my previous post. I should have put this up earlier, but I had to go out for my weekly blood draw. The tragedy of 9/11 hits very close to home for me -- my company lost seven people, I lost friends, neighbors, and a relative. Life drastically changed in the city and here in the commuting towns in the Greater NYC Metropolitan area. I can still recall the acrid smoke smell which drifted in the air here and my view of the skyline is forever changed. I do wish the politicians would quit bickering about the memorial and just get it up.

This is a photo I shot of the weekly war protest in front of the Shaker building where I live in NJ --

And this is why we should never forget -- the future. I met this little girl in Central Park the week before the attacks. No, I don't know who she is and she's surely changed by now. But in the eyes of a child, things have to change.

Big Brother 10 Live Feeds Into Thursday Dawn

Okay, so Memphis won part two of the HOH comp and he'll face Dan in the final heat. Their plan is for Memphis to throw the comp to Dan so it will be Dan voting out Jerry. Since Memphis already alienated Keesha, at least Jerry will still think he wasn't betrayed. It's boring in the house now with the three of them, it should get even worse when it's down to two. Here's what happened after the comp ended:
  • Dan was so antsy to get out into the yard that I was almost ready to call Allison Grodner and demand they let him out. Sheesh.
  • As for the comp, there were cut-out figures of the houseguests. Jerry thinks the producer of the comp was getting tired of him for taking too long (51 minutes).
  • Once released into the yard, Dan found odd things like balls (one in the pool and another on the patio), juice boxes, and coconut.
  • Ted the spider was there, along with his girlfriend Debbie the spider. Now Jerry is into them even more than Memphis and Dan.
  • But when Dan went through the trash and found the cheat sheets for putting the comp together, the feeds were blocked.
  • Dan wanted to get the flag set up for 9/11.
  • It's apparently a cool night in California.
  • Dan and Memphis have delusions about how famous the Renegades are. They're sure someone has already stolen the domain name for their proposed clothes line. @@ I'm sorry, but neither of them are fashion plates!
  • At one point when Jerry was in the Diary Room, Memphis asked Dan to get his cross and swear that he won't double-cross him if he throws the comp.
  • So Memphis is leery, eh? I think Dan himself is a bit leery if Memphis were to win the final HOH.
  • Memphis told Dan that if he betrays him, he'll cut his head off. Yeah, sure.
  • Then Memphis suggested they just "rock it" -- no throwing the comp on either side, Jerry is going to end up knowing anyway. Hmmm...
  • Jerry talked about his medications and going to the VFW once a week.
  • Both Dan and Memphis tossed and turned a lot -- probably excited about today's events. But all are sleeping now.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Looking at the BB11 Application

Since the application is online now at the CBS site, I thought I'd have some fun with a part of it. You're welcome to supply your answers, too!

Section IV: Your Chance to be Creative
List the three adjectives that best describe you.
Loquacious, cantankerous, intelligent

If you could hold any political office, what would it be and why?
Why would I want to do that? Hmmm ... nope, don't want to, thank you anyway.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
Still being alive and yet crazy after all these years. That and the fact I don't end sentences with prepositions much these days.

What are you most ashamed of, either now or in your past?
I'm too ashamed to say.

Describe your perfect day.
When I've got no deeds to do, no promises to keep, I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep ... and feelin' groovy.

Who is your hero and why?
Spider-Man. Because he can do anything a spider can. Duh.

List three (3) items you would take with you into the Big Brother house if allowed and why.
My privacy, my sanity, and my cat. I'm a private person, I need my mind, and my cat would freak out without me.

Have you ever been to a nude beach? If so, what was it like?
No, but I think that most of the people on nude beaches are probably the types who should be clothed ... heavily.

Finish this sentence: “My life's motto is…”
"Gotta make the donuts."

What would you do if “Big Brother” made you famous?
Become an eccentric recluse.

What types of people would you choose to have living with you in the “Big Brother” house?
Intelligent but not pompous, people who don't cuss every other word, people without loud or shrieking voices.

What types of people would you NOT choose to live with you in the house?
Gypsies, tramps, and thieves.

What would irritate you about living in a house with about a dozen other people?
The dozen other people.

What do you think would be the most difficult part of living in the “Big Brother” house? Explain.
The dozen other people. Lock me alone in a house for three months and I'd be fine.

Which past “Big Brother” houseguest did you like the most? The least? Explain.
The best - Dr. Will. He was fun to watch on the feeds. The least - Jerry. He's not interesting, stares off in space a lot, wears those horrible cut-off sleeves, and has a vile mouth.

Do you have a strategy for winning “Big Brother”?
Lock myself in the bathroom until all the others vow in blood that they won't vote me out and they will vote for me to win in the end.

Aside from the cash prize, what do you hope to gain from winning “Big Brother”?
Um, public humiliation?

A recurring theme on “Big Brother” is “expect the unexpected.” How would you handle “the unexpected?” Are there any possible twists on the show that would be particularly challenging for you to handle?
I'm fine with "expect the unexpected." A possible twist which would be challenging would be if my long deceased evil 6th grade teacher showed up and berated me. Yes, I still carry a grudge.

Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself and why you think you'd make a great Big Brother participant and housemate? Try to differentiate yourself and be creative!
I will not run if nominated and if elected, I will not serve.

BB10: HOH Part Two Winner Bulletin

The feeds just returned. Memphis won the second part. So, it will be Memphis and Dan in the final part.