Thursday, August 20, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into the Dawn Thursday 8/20

While tonight's show should be interesting (although it can't top Tuesday's Chima Blow Out), the house itself has been relatively quiet. Here's the news from inside that Big Brother House of Feisty Fibbers:
  • Before BB could block him, Jeff sang a line from "Jessie's Girl" to the amusement of Natalie and Kevin. Lydia didn't think it was funny.
  • Natalie accidentally broke her microphone. "Uh-oh, I'm going to get sent home!"
  • They got the materials for tie-dyed t-shirts, a BB standard diversion.
  • The instructions were no dye fights, shout-outs, or messages.
  • The shirts can't be worn on the live show.
  • Lydia acted like a fussy child who thinks she's an expert with the shirts.
  • But she was good at it.
  • But it's supposed to be fun, not art!
  • Natalie is still harping on the Russell problems.
  • Michele is, too.
  • So much for the big happy family.
  • They talked over scenarios if someone uses the veto to save either Lydia or Natalie. It seems to be Russell in the glare of the headlights.
  • Jordan has a hankering to backdoor Russell because Natalie told her if she wins HOH, she'd nominate Lydia or Michele.
  • Um ... what's wrong with Jordan's logic?
  • Well, chances are that Lydia won't be around if Natalie's around.
  • Jeff said he doesn't trust Russell.
  • Once again, I think Jordan and Jeff can only really trust each other. I don't know why they don't get that yet.
  • Jeff thinks they need to keep Russell even though he doesn't trust him.
  • I think he's right there.
  • Jordan has developed a soft spot for Natalie. Argh!
  • Kevin and Natalie studied for comps.
  • Everyone to bed rather early for them.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Through the Daytime Wednesday 8/19

Should we confront him? Do we want to do this?

Russell! What have you been saying about us?

I haven't posted before this because the house has been so boring today. Same lies, different day. The PoV hasn't gone down and I last left you with the idea that Jeff and Jordan have doubts about Russell. Here's the day's scoop from the Big Brother House of Talking In Circles Makes Me Dizzy:
  • Kevin told Natalie that if he wins veto, he'll take her off the block instead of Lydia. He claims Lydia no longer has any interest in playing or winning the game.
  • Jordan got her HOH camera and fun was had by all. Okay.
  • Michele went on with her stories of Russell to Jordan and Jeff. She claims he's all weird and psycho each time they enter the room.
  • Michele claimed that Russell didn't want to talk to Jeff and Jordan.
  • Michele told Jeff about Russell saying he wanted to work out with Jeff to wear him down going into an endurance comp.
  • Jordan is considering backdooring Russell if the veto is used.
  • Jeff said that it doesn't make sense to get rid of Russell if he's an ally. But if he isn't ...
  • Jeff said that if they talk to Russell now, he'll deny everything and paint Michele as a liar.
  • Then Michele said that Russell wants Kevin on the block next week and not Jeff.
  • Are you dizzy yet?
  • Michele's tales to Jeff and Jordan about Russell perfectly play in with Natalie and Kevin's made up tales about Russell.
  • Michele is not in cahoots with Natalie and Kevin.
  • Jordan now thinks they should keep Natalie, not Lydia. She thinks voting out Lydia will give them a new ally.
  • New allies at this point? Hmm. Not sure what sense that makes.
  • Jordan decided she had to confront Jeff.
  • Russell told Jeff and Jordan he only voted for Jessie because he gave him his word he wouldn't put him up, nor vote him out.
  • They called Michele in. As usual, when she lies (and sometimes when she's quasi-truthful), she got all flustered and nervous. She can never be pinned down on specifics or times.
  • Russell denied he was gunning for Jeff.
  • Jeff called in both Natalie and Kevin who backed up Michele's story of Russell targeting Jeff in the Splish Splash room.
  • The both confirmed they overheard Russell plotting the demise of Jeff ... so to speak.
  • Jeff wants to keep the final four intact.
  • He doesn't think they can lose a member know.
  • Now they're bringing up Michele's Colt 45 bit with Jeff.
  • Jeff thought it was a beer, Russell thought gun. I'm confused. I ask again ... Colt 45? Is it a beer or a gun?
  • Okay, all are nicey-nicey now. The final four alliance of Jordan, Jeff, Russell, and Michele all together again. They don't want the other three to think they've weakened as a team.
  • I expect boredom again.
  • Wait -- Michele is still fussing!
  • Jeff is saying things were misconstrued and it's over.
  • Okay. All hunky-dory again.
  • For now.
  • Now they're having a brainstorm about who should go. Russell says Natalie because Lydia can't play well at anything. Michele is iffy.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Overnight Into Wednesday 8/19

Gosh, this is the most wrapped-up and clothed Big Brother ever. Has California been having a record cold wave or what? I'm just as happy not to see nearly naked people all the time, but these folks act like it's November in New Jersey.

And here is little lying mastermind. I don't care for her. But if she successfully convinces everyone and stays in the game, she just might win it all. And, if it gets to that point, I'd have to give her kudos for playing everyone.

Yes, I feel that Jordan and Jeff just could be falling under the spell of Natalie. Scary, eh? I can't understand how anyone thinks a woman who calls other women "dude" is an upstanding ally. Yeah, I'm nitpicking, dudes. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of All the Young Dudes:
  • Michele has become increasingly paranoid and was crying on and off.
  • She finally talked to Jeff, bringing up odd things like she thought he said "Colt 45" when he actually said, "Good night, talk to you in the morning."
  • He consoled her and reaffirmed that she's in with him and Jordan.
  • Jeff claimed he has no clue what Colt 45 is and wouldn't have said it.
  • I'm trying to remember if it's a beer or a gun myself.
  • Jeff and Russell talked. Russell said if the noms remain the same, the strategical choice to to home would be Natalie. Jeff agreed.
  • They both know that if Kevin wins the veto and takes Lydia off, either Russell or Michele will go up.
  • They're all trying to figure out the show and comps schedule.
  • So are we, the viewers.
  • Jeff thinks that Russell isn't being 100% honest with them (himself and Jordan).
  • Michele keeps planting more anti-Russell seeds once again.
  • So much for their final two plan (Russell and Michele) ... or, is it all to throw folks off?
  • Natalie apologized to Lydia for fighting with her but reminded her that Jessie is an ass if she goes to the jury house.
  • Jordan's in a quandary. She knows either Michele or Russell is lying about things like targeting them, but can't figure out which one.
  • The Kevin and Natalie lies about Russell targeting Jeff have really taken seed and sprouted.
  • Russell mocked a man who will go around wearing a shirt with his own picture on it.
  • Well, he does have a point there!
  • They talked of Chima disposing of Little Jeff (the clay figure) in the storage room trash.
  • Jeff thinks Little Jeff had an escape plan out of the house.
  • Michele and Russell are still together (or are they?) -- they talked about how Russell is worried because Jordan is acting like she's having second thoughts. They think Russell will have the edge in an endurance comp if they can get Jeff to keep exercising and wear himself down some beforehand.
  • Jeff told Jordan everyone is lying and she shouldn't be so nice to the other side because they haven't had their backs for the entire game so far.
  • Jeff wants to confront Russell and Michele, yet he doesn't want to as he doesn't want a blow-up. They have conflicting stories. Who's lying?
  • They played cards forever. And a day. Take those cards away, BB!
  • Natalie came across as quite the pro for her tender years. She talked of playing in tournaments.
  • Isn't the age 21 for tournaments? Danger, Will Robinson, danger!
  • Jordan told Michele that she might trust Kevin more than Russell.
  • Michele says that Russell might want Kevin gone because he could easily replace him in the final four scenario.
  • Jordan and Michele confirmed their final three deal -- Jeff, Jordan, and Michele.
  • But what of the final two pact between Russell and Michele?
  • Meanwhile, Jeff and Natalie bonded. Oh, make it be just for show! Make it be not real! Jeff, DANGER! DANGER!
  • Uh-oh. My warnings aren't working.
  • Natalie is working her way into the Michele, Jeff, and Jordan circle.
  • Say it ain't so!
  • I'd rather Kevin work himself in there than Natalie!
  • Natalie gave them her word that if they save her this week, she will be with them all the way.
  • OMG, it's ridonculous (as Kevin would say).
  • Maybe Natalie will usurp the position of the true puppetmaster from Dr. Will.
  • Jordan and Jeff are totally buying into her act.
  • I feel a bit ill.
  • My show review was posted at TV Squad in the wee hours. Give it a gander if you wish!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Big Brother 11: Chima Blow Out Show Blog Party

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated with major events as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages! Later tonight my show review will be posted on TV Squad.

Are you ready for the Chima meltdown?

Mic thrown in pool, refusing commands. Allison Grodner herself called her to the DR and told her there was no need to sit ... "go out this way." Um, I call she got the boot even though she was saying she wanted to quit.

It's scary that Lydia is being the voice of reason with Natalie over it.

Since Michele's nominee Chima left, they're playing for HOH. It was a comp in which they could take prizes won by those eliminated before them. Jordan won and snagged the HOH key from Lydia -- Jordan is the new HOH. And Lydia is one mad little so-and-so.

Jordan nominated Lydia and Natalie.

It sounds like Thursday might be an endurance ... they said POV, eviction and "start of another HOH." We'll see!

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Tuesday Daytime 8/18

OMG, I made my bed, now I must lie in it.

As I get this posted, we still have no POV comp. I don't know what's up with that, neither do the hamsters. Here are the non-events from today in the Big Brother House of Bored Bimbos and Manly Mimbos:
  • Lydia complained about there being no music for the wake-up call.
  • Michele talked with her re-buddy (kind of like re-gifting) Russell. She's very upset that people were talking about her as she slept and that Jeff actually played cards with Lydia.
  • Russell told her they're still partners and that Kevin, Lydia, and Natalie are just buttering up Jeff and Jordan as they expected.
  • Both Michele and Russell feel like they're on the fringes of Jeff and Jordan, nowhere near solid with them.
  • As they should feel.
  • Russell told Michele that she's the strongest woman in the house this season, not Chima or Natalie.
  • Michele and Russell agreed to keep apart for most of the day as they don't want to look like they're together.
  • But they are.
  • Natalie got her phone call from her father (won last Friday). She told Lydia both she and her father cried.
  • But she told Jeff she never cries. She told Jeff she didn't cry about Jessie at the "wake," either.
  • But she did cry then.
  • She cried as she told Kevin and Lydia about the call.
  • But I'm sure she'll deny it.
  • Natalie, Lydia, and Kevin decided they won't mention Jessie's name anymore as it just causes problems between them.
  • So they keep mentioning his name.
  • Natalie told Jeff he's hot.
  • But she has indeed said that before ... just not to Jeff.
  • Hopefully POV will be sometime soon. But chances are we won't know the results for hours.
  • Please stop back for the show blog party starting at 9 PM ET -- there will be a new post up and everyone can party in comments!

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Tuesday Dawn 8/18

Here's the scoop from inside that Big Brother House of Tall Tales and Blocked Stories:
  • I know they can't get releases from everyone, past and present, in the lives of the hamsters. But sheesh ... about 90% of personal stories they tell end up getting blocked on the feeds.
  • Jordan is expecting her period.
  • Russell and Jeff look so uncomfortable whenever she mentions it.
  • Natalie will be getting her phone call from her father sometime today.
  • The Russell, Michele, Jeff, and Jordan contingent talked about their first impressions of everyone in the house.
  • Natalie, Lydia, and Kevin were off playing cards or sleeping.
  • Natalie told Lydia that she (Lydia) is wasting all her time away sleeping.
  • Natalie has a short memory -- she and Jessie slept 3/4 of the day just two weeks ago.
  • Natalie told Jordan that Chima thought if she left, Jessie would come back.
  • Ew! I'm glad that didn't happen!
  • Although Natalie is with Kevin and Lydia all the time, she says she's alone in the game and specifically denies any friendship with Lydia.
  • Natalie said that Jessie wanted a relationship with her and "poured his heart out to her." @@
  • Russell isn't buying any of the Jessie/Natalie relationship tales. He knows Jessie wasn't interested in Natalie except for gameplay.
  • Jordan can't HOH Twitter yet because it hasn't been revealed on TV that she's the HOH.
  • Lydia whined and fussed to Kevin. She can't tan in the unitard! Worlds are collapsing all about her private little universe!
  • Sigh ... more card playing. I want BB to take those cards right back. Give 'em a Twister game instead ... heck, even Scrabble.
  • Lydia and Natalie are still calling Michele psycho-sleeper (amongst other things). That's because of her night terrors and screaming out during the night.
  • Barring any POV changes, the Kevin/Lydia/Natalie group is sure Lydia will be going off to the jury with Jessie.
  • Little do they know, the Michele/Jordan/Jeff/Russell group (if everyone cooperates) will be targeting Natalie.
  • POV should be sometime today.
  • With my luck it will be while I'm at work or while we're all watching the show.

Big brother 11 Live Feeds Into Monday Evening 8/17

Yawn. The hamsters are feasting because at 9 PM they could go off slop.

Here are the events from the evening in that Big Brother House of Dubious Superheroes:
  • Natalie denied crying about Jessie at the wake (this was to Jeff).
  • You know, she never cries and she didn't care that much that he's gone. She was only staying with him for her game.
  • If Jessie could hear her, he'd turn over in his grave.
  • Oh wait. After the wake, I forgot he actually lives.
  • Natalie also told Jeff that neither he or Russell have ever been her targets. She wanted Michele and Lydia out.
  • Jeff told her that he felt he had to get Jessie out because he needed to get the king of the house out.
  • Natalie feels guilty because she told Chima to go to the Diary Room to confront the producers.
  • At least she says that.
  • She also said that Chima was deliberately pushing the limits and wanted out.
  • Jeff told Jordan that the others seem to be gunning for Michele and now Russell isn't in their sights.
  • Jordan thinks that Russell and Michele might be working together. She thinks they should get the remaining two from the other side to target one of them.
  • Jeff told her not to get too far ahead in planning. They haven't played POV yet.
  • Jeff still has some suspicion about Michele "playing a Ronnie" on them. But he also wants the four to look solid to the other side.
  • The playing cards they now have show why they don't usually get playing cards. They sit around playing cards half the day.
  • Russell got a massage from a massage therapist. Lydia told him that now all the toxins have been released and he won't feel well.
  • Lydia fussed that the Diary Room told her to get a scarf or hoodie because they didn't want her pink hair showing.
  • They must be planning on some sort of continuity, eh?
  • I keep expecting them to show the margarita party.
  • At one point Lydia misplaced her cape. She was bereft.
  • Yawn.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Monday Daytime 8/17

Who's on the receiving end of Michele's big smile? Russell. These folks are totally bonkers. I love you! I hate you! I never lie! I lie all the time!

Here are the happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Contrary Marys and Nervous Nancies:
  • Jordan thinks they should get Natalie out this week since Lydia's pretty much a waste (ditzy, doesn't win comps, doesn't really have any oomph in her game). She thinks that Kevin might actually listen to them a bit.
  • Michele thinks their side must win every comp from now on in.
  • I don't think so.
  • They can't tell Kevin anything as they know he'll run to Natalie and Lydia.
  • Jordan doesn't think they can count on Russell's vote as he votes according to his own mind, not with the group.
  • Lydia and Natalie said that Jeff is running Jordan's HOH -- they're not "her" nominations.
  • I say, "Did Jessie ever run his own HOH?"
  • America voted for jalapeno and pepperoni. They're loving the pepperoni.
  • Russell mentioned that Kevin has been almost winning a lot of comps. Michele agreed he's a smart player.
  • Natalie and Lydia talked about doing things to bug Jeff and Jordan.
  • Kevin advised them to just play the game instead.
  • Jeff can't figure out Michele.
  • Neither can I.
  • As expected, Jordan nominated Natalie and Lydia for eviction. She wants Natalie to go.
  • I'm not sure when POV will be, but I'll be posting a report later tonight.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Monday Morning 8/17

I'm going to say it right now. Even if I like certain people in the house, if they're gullible they just might deserve to lose. Sigh. Here are the happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Deceitful Dawgs:
  • Oh, don't tell me that Jeff believes Kevin's lies about Russell! I don't mind so much that he might eventually want Russell out, but let's concentrate on either Lydia or Natalie this week!
  • Jordan still wants to get Natalie out this week -- back to her original plan.
  • But Jeff said if someone wins and uses the POV, backdoor Russell.
  • Jeff and Jordan don't want to bring up her (Michele's) final two plan with Russell that Kevin told them about.
  • Jordan admitted that Michele has a final two "deal" with her ... and with Russell. Jordan said she didn't specify her, but it was sort of understood.
  • So, they think Michele is playing them and Russell has sneaky stuff going on all around.
  • Kudos to Kevin.
  • Michele told Jordan her final two deal with Russell was fake.
  • Jeff wondered if Kevin might have lied to him.
  • Jordan doesn't think Kevin lies.
  • Hey! This is Big Brother! Wake up! Everyone lies!
  • Jeff thinks they still have to take out Natalie this week for the numbers.
  • Good.
  • The hamsters know that nominations are today (Monday), but production is keeping tight-lipped about the PoV comp. It seems to me that it would also have to be today.
  • Jordan once again confirms she plans to put Natalie and Lydia on the block.
  • Natalie asked Lydia all about her sexual escapades with Jessie. Blech.
  • Jordan is having second thoughts ... again. Jeff told her Natalie out this week, Russell later.
  • Adding credence to Kevin's lies about Russell is Michele's ongoing tales of Russell.
  • But then Russell has ongoing tales of Michele, too.
  • Ah, finally Jeff mentioned to Jordan that it's possible Kevin is lying in a last ditch effort! Yes!
  • Jeff and Jordan also think Michele might be lying.
  • Well, duh.
  • They've set their sights on the Natalie eviction this week.
  • For now.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Big Brother 11Live Feeds Sunday 8/16 Into the Evening

Captain Unitard plays cards with Natalie

Kevin tells his schemed lie to Jeff trying to save his own butt in the game.

Even with all the drama as of late, Sundays are boring in the house. There are no comps. Although the show's scheduled happenings have been impacted, there were no nominations and definitely no PoV. Here are the day's events from inside the Big Brother House of Cards:
  • Michele has Jordan worrying that Russell will target Jeff.
  • I honestly don't think he will. He kept his word to Jessie. I think he'll keep his word to Jeff. He's not an ungracious Lydia.
  • Jordan said of Lydia, "I'm sorry. But that girl's weird."
  • Don't be sorry. It's not your fault, Jordan. She is weird.
  • So am I. But I'm not on national television and the Internet showing all my weirdness for the world to mock.
  • Jordan is still planning to put Natalie and Lydia on the block. But now she's leaning more towards a Lydia exit if she's being honest with Michele.
  • Jordan is also worried about fumbling in any speeches she might have to read off of cards.
  • Russell thinks that Kevin might win if he can make it to the final two.
  • He could. But can he get to the final two is the question.
  • Oh! Excitement is afoot! Russell ... get this ... is deep cleaning the refrigerator!
  • I apologize. I didn't mean to get your hearts rushing.
  • Breaking news: Natalie took a shower.
  • She only took one to wash her hair before Lydia braided it.
  • Jordan told Jeff she thinks Russell is going overboard with the paranoia. He's very worried he might go on the block.
  • Natalie and Lydia think it sucks that America might have a jury vote.
  • Heh.
  • Natalie and Lydia caught that Michele just quickly rinses her hands after using the bathroom and will now make comments on that for days on end.
  • Michele, although not HOH now, got her HOH camera and wrote her blog entry for the CBS site.
  • Kevin is desperately trying to scheme to save his butt. He thinks his only choice is to try to convince Jeff that Russell is targeting him. It's a lie, but he has to do something.
  • I'm pretty sure Jeff realizes it's a lie, but he acts all concerned and grateful to Kevin.
  • I think that Jeff and Jordan don't trust Natalie and Lydia at all, don't trust Kevin but can stomach his gameplay, and remain a bit leery of both Russell and Michele.
  • Jordan trusts Russell less than Jeff does. But Jeff hasn't told Jordan everything that Russell has said to him.
  • That's about it.
  • But remember ... Natalie took a shower. That made this report all worthwhile.

Big Brother 11 Sunday Show Blog Party 8/16

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show will be delayed due to golf here on the East Coast (NYC viewing area). Once it starts, this post will be updated with major events as it airs. But the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages! Later tonight my show review will be posted on TV Squad.

I want to say about a fifteen minute delay, but I wasn't paying attention to when 60 Minutes started. So, I'm putting the post up on time and we'll just see.

8:19 PM ET and it's finally starting here.

Lots of recapping, lots of tension in the house. Michele hasn't made the nominations yet.

As Lydia, Chima, and Natalie all act like Jessie, their God, has died, Kevin rolls his eyes. Michele told Jeff and Jordan she wants to see Chima go home. J and J yell YAY!

The Have Have Not had them playing for food for each day. Every day but Monday they'll have food, no cold showers, and they got a grill. Chima acted like a brat through it all.

Key order: Jordan, Jeff, Russell, Kevin, Lydia

Chima and Natalie nominated.

What a letdown! All we got is a teaser for the Tuesday show when "one houseguest self-destructs and is removed from the show."

OFF TOPIC: That Was the Week It Was 8/16/09

It's that time of the week again ... a look at the week behind me in words and photographs. If you're looking for the latest Big Brother news, hit the Big Brother blog tag and you'll be there.

"By the time we got to Woodstock, we were half a million strong ..." - Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. "The New York State Thruway is CLOSED, man!" Ah, the memories! No, I didn't go. My mother forbid me to do so even though I bought a ticket with my babysitting money. We lived about 90 minutes north of Bethel, NY at the time. My mother told me there would be too many drugs and things going on. Gee, y'think? On reflection, I wouldn't let an almost 14-year-old girl go to Woodstock either.

It's hard to believe that was forty years ago ... as were the Manson killings. I did manage to go to Watkins Glen a few years later and, while cool, it was no Woodstock. But I was in college by then. Life was different with free rein.

To this week -- bleh. It's been humid all week here, my cat adoption fell through (although some angles are still being worked on), the bank has foreclosed on my apartment building, and my landlord has declared bankruptcy. Life as usual, huh? Actually, while I prefer the landlord being bankrupt rather than me being bankrupt, I'm not sure what's going to happen.

I've never owed anyone over 40 million dollars. That, of course, is a good thing. As David Letterman would say, "I wouldn't give anyone his problems for a monkey on a rock." As long as a roof is over my head, I'll be fine. We're talking thousands of tenants in the major bankruptcy, plus his bankruptcy actions elsewhere. They can't kick us all out and a new landlord could only be an improvement. My water, trash pick-up, and heat (come winter) just better all stay on. Those are included in the rent.

As for my photography this week, I had nothing really great on an artsy perspective. So, these are more or less, a slice of life here in New Jersey ... clicking on any of the images will open them larger in a new window.

Yeah, it's the (probably) carpenter bees again.

Well ... they're there. I can't resist trying to shoot them. I just wish they'd pose!

While pretty, this can't be healthy for the building structure.

Can it? Doesn't that ivy eat into the brick? I don't know. Plainfield, NJ

Parking Wars Plainfield Style

Unlike the Philadephia Parking Authority folks featured on A&E's Parking Wars, the Plainfield Parking Bureau is just a tad more laidback. At least, in appearance, they are. I always see 'em out there issuing the tickets, though.

NJ Transit, the Way to Go

That's their logo, anyway. I caught the double-decker (also known as fancy-shmancy) commuter train and the bus working their way through the rush hour in downtown Plainfield, NJ.

Jesus Ladies on a Mission

They're really Jehovah's Witnesses spreading the word. I call 'em The Jesus Ladies. They're out pounding the sidewalks everyday in their sensible shoes. There are two contingents in force here -- the Black Jesus Ladies and the Latina Jesus Ladies. I do my best to avoid both groups. If I haven't made my own mind up about religion by this time in life, I don't need to be brainwashed. I don't mean to demean anyone's religion -- I just think that everyone should be free to follow their own faith without people bugging them on the streets or at home. Plainfield, NJ.

The Morning Commute

A cup of coffee and either the free Metro or AMNewYork on the train to work. Both papers are free, but I have no clue when or how they infiltrate the trains. I'd rather they infiltrate my life than the Jesus Ladies. In reference to this particular issue: I'll be able to watch Mad Men once again now that I once again have AMC on my cable due to going digital and I did not win that big Lotto. I'll spend two bucks again this week. You never know. But I will never be one of those fools who invest money in Lotto day after day.

You have to have a lot of gall to live on poison ivy.

Yep, they're called poison ivy gall mites. They're microscopic and what's visible is the plant's reaction to them. Have I mentioned how much I love the Internet? I wish all of this knowledge had been available to me so easily during my school days. I don't know something and I want to learn about it? I have not only the world, but the universe right here in my home! I remember when I was about 20 I wanted to be a professional student for life. Well, I am. But it's just not a paying profession.

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's product placement!

Usually these blimps are for MetLife or Saturn cars. I've never been in a blimp. Have you? (Disclaimer: I'm NOT endorsing DirectTV. I don't have DirectTV. Gee, if they want to give me free DirectTV, I'd glady endorse them. I'd even speak kindly of Comcast if they weren't charging me an arm and a leg for basic *now digital* cable.)

Where is the Plainfield Parking Bureau now?

This is just laziness. It's late enough that there are tons of spaces in the parking lot at the Plainfield Train Station. Behind the NJ Transit Police vehicle are street bums drinking their beers. Where's the cop? Oh, he's up on the Newark/NYC platform yawning and looking bored. And he's parked crooked taking up two handicapped spots. True, no one is using the others. But he should be setting the example, shouldn't he?

Mr. Toady

I found a toad near the Bridgewater (NJ) Train Station. I suppose it could be a frog, but I don't think so. There's no body of water in easy hopping distance. Hmm ... maybe one of those tree frogs? I'm just not sure. All I know is that he was tiny (perhaps 3/4 inch) and didn't like to stay still.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into the Dawn Sunday 8/16

The reigning head of house, Jordan, got White Castle sliders (amongst other things) in her HOH room.

Notice the contrast in expression between Kevin and Michele as they do their HOH room reveal visit. I can't decide whether Kevin is looking like a deer in the headlights or a dead man walking. Meanwhile, Michele is more certain of her place in the house even though her HOH reign was abbreviated.

Here are the late night happenings from inside that Big Brother House of the Real Trouble with Tribbles:
  • Kevin continues to look absolutely miserable most of the time. Is he missing Jessie? Is he missing Chima? Nope. He's missing the game he could have played, methinks.
  • He's very carefully trying to follow Jeff's advice to not push the drama yet scheme to save his own butt in the house.
  • Natalie is all about the scheming. She got over her Chima love on rapid order, but is still enamored with her main man The Man, The Myth, the Legend ... Mr. Pec-tacular.
  • Lydia, albeit a new superhero on the scene (Captain Unitard), has decided bad behavior, anti-social actions, and the crazy card will be her latest approach to the game. She's now playing to get the boot.
  • Jordan is leaning towards a Natalie/Lydia nomination.
  • Natalie, Lydia, and Kevin realize this.
  • What they don't realize is that Jordan, Jeff, Michele, and Russell may lean more to keeping the crazy card in the house while getting rid of the pit bull.
  • Jordan volunteered to go on the Hawaii trip with Jeff if he needs someone. Y'know, he just might take her. They're a cute couple. Of all of the romances and showmances I've seen on the show, Jordan and Jeff just seem to click so well together.
  • Natalie and Kevin have moved the chessboard and are using candy and dates to study for comps.
  • Lydia withdrew from the world.
  • I guess Lydia is closed.
  • I must admit -- I loved her "Lydia is closed" expression. Although she definitely has issues, I've stolen that and have been waiting to say "Jackie is closed" when I have ten employees calling my name at the same time in my workplace.
  • Jeff is as happy as Jordan with Jordan being HOH. Aw, too sweet.
  • Jordan thinks it's great that everyone who was nice (and played well with others) got a nice prize in yesterday's comp while the "mean person" got the unitard.
  • Lydia was in bad behavior mode during the comp. In addition to the prizes I mentioned before Kevin got $5,000 while Russell got a spa visit.
  • At different times Jordan and Jeff talked game with Russell and Michele separately. Both Russell and Michele want to cast a bit of suspicion about each other with the reigning couple.
  • I think Jordan and Jeff realize that both Russell and Michele can be a bit sketchy in their own ways. I think Jeff and Jordan really only trust each other.
  • They both want to give the impression that Lydia's a done deal this week.
  • But she's not. Natalie is unless she wins POV.
  • Lydia remained under the covers and refused to go to the HOH reveal.
  • I think that might be against the rules. I know they've been told in the past that everyone must go (even if they're miserable).
  • Natalie is trying to fit in with Jeff and Jordan, but thinking of 1001 ways to scheme on the side.
  • In Jordan's letter from home, she got scolded by her mother for cursing.
  • Jordan told everyone they're welcome to come up to the HOH room, use the shower, nap, whatever. Yep, even Natalie is welcome.
  • Unlike Lydia and Chima, Natalie and Kevin are each trying to play the game. I'll give them credit for that.
  • Kevin thinks that if it gets down to it, Jeff won't take Jordan to the end because he'd lose to her -- she's so sweet and everyone likes her.
  • Kevin also said that if he wins POV, he'll take Lydia off the block. Natalie is planning to win it herself.
  • Has Natalie won anything?
  • Natalie is sure that Jeff convinced Michele to put Chima on the block.
  • Russell told Jeff that he's sincere about the fact he'd be thrilled with a Jeff win this season. He said he owes still being in the house to Jeff.
  • Well, yeah Russell.
  • Both Jeff and Russell agreed they'd get a bit ill if Natalie, Lydia, or Kevin were to win the season.
  • Jordan had a good cry about missing her family with Jeff there to listen to her. He said he found it refreshing.
  • I wish they'd stop portraying Jordan as a total dummy on the show. While she isn't all that book-smart at times, she really has to be one of the NICEST hamsters ever in the house.
  • Jordan thanked Jeff for letting her win HOH. He said she earned the win.
  • Kevin proposed to Natalie (oh, not marriage ... sheesh!) that they try to come up with a final four deal with Jordan and Jeff.
  • They can't approach either Russell or Michele, so they can only deal with Jordan and Jeff.
  • I don't think it will work.
  • I don't think they seriously think it will work either.
  • Natalie told Kevin not to ever admit to a lie. I suppose that's why she believes her own lie about what happened in the green room.
  • Natalie needs to stop shoving food in her mouth and leaving her mouth open when she chews.
  • Monday will be nominations and the Have Nots start. Lydia, Kevin, and Russell will be the Have Nots for the abbreviated week.
  • The latest lie scheme is that Kevin is going to tell Jeff he's betraying the girls (Natalie and Lydia) and teaming up with them. He's going to convince Jeff and Jordan that he's not after them -- he wants Russell out while Natalie is targeting Michele.
  • Um, okay. Is that the best you got?
  • BB told Kevin and Natalie the chess board must go back upstairs and the dates must be removed. I guess they'll have to depend on their minds.
  • Oh, that's a scary thought.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Saturday Daytime 8/15

These two photos below are an update (10:30 PM ET) -- Lydia has put on her red unitard. Hers comes with night vision goggles and a cape, plus the words "Captain Unitard" across the front.

Kevin tries to make nicey-nice with Michele.

Natalie and Jeff mend those burnt bridges ... or something like that.

Lots of happenings, lots and lots. Here's the latest news from inside that Big Brother House of Hamsters Doing Their Own Fast Forwards:
  • Almost immediately on wake-up call this morning, they were summoned to the Diary Room one by one.
  • Hmm.
  • Lydia denied messing with the belongings of others and said it must have been Chima.
  • Lydia claimed that if she is evicted, she won't scream. She'll just say goodbye to the people she likes and walk out the door.
  • But I bet she'll put a lot of effort into her look for the night!
  • We began the beginning of several feeds blockages for the day.
  • Even the hamsters are confused.
  • "Aren't we supposed to pick the veto players today?"
  • No! It's a new HOH comp in the making!
  • Michele loses all of her stuff early and cannot compete for HOH.
  • Chima's photo on the Memory Wall didn't go black and white until afternoon.
  • Lots of tension going into the comp.
  • Jordan won HOH! How's that for karma working overtime?
  • Um ... one of you is paying that Karma Dude, right? He earned his money this week.
  • Lydia got the unitard, but thus far is refusing to wear it.
  • Natalie won a call from home (which she's fussing about wanting it in private and soon as she says she'll be going home Thursday).
  • Lydia claims that she'll give everyone enough grief so they vote her out and she will wear the unitard then.
  • Michele hurt her arm in the comp.
  • I'm sure she'll live.
  • The miniature golf practice for POV ended up being the theme of the HOH comp.
  • The final two in the comp were Jeff and Jordan. It sounds like he threw it to her.
  • He claimed he wanted the Hawaii trip instead of the HOH key.
  • Nah, I think he's smitten and Jordan in HOH is pretty much the same as Jeff there.
  • Michele got into a brouhaha (I use the word so much this season!) with Lydia about wearing the unitard. Actually, Michele was out of line with her vulgar language. I would have just tattletaled to the DR and fussed about it.
  • Lydia dumped all of Michele's HOH beers.
  • Jeff tried to calm Lydia down.
  • But she's a woman possessed. Perhaps with the spirit of the man, the myth, the legend.
  • Michele hit with the most vulgar word for female anatomy (one in no way do I want on this blog).
  • Well, now I'm getting a bit ticked at Michele.
  • True, Lydia dumped her champagne, but geez ... get her for breaking rules, don't sink to her level.
  • Then as the fires built up, we had feed blockage after feed blockage.
  • On for 20 seconds ... then blocked.
  • Now they've been back a while.
  • Kevin is trying distance himself from Lydia without really distancing himself.
  • Jeff told him they have no hard feelings against him but advised him to try to keep Lydia calm.
  • It was almost the same talk with Jeff and Natalie.
  • Michele and Kevin talked, too.
  • It's all one big happy yet totally dysfunctional family!
  • Well, except for the pink sheep of the family.
  • Lydia is still refusing to wear her unitard and has dyed her hair bright pink.
  • Kevin looks outright miserable.
  • I don't know when the nominations will be. But I did notice CBS is already touting a huge happening which shook up the house.
  • Jordan told Jeff and Michele that she wants to put Natalie and Lydia on the block.
  • However, Natalie and Lydia have both pretty much figured out they're going up.
  • From watching, I think Natalie will let Lydia play the crazy card and try to float on through.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds - Friday Into Saturday 8/15 or Ding Dong, the Wicked Witch

Russell, the plain old non-terrorist yet perhaps imperfect dude, is pining over the loss of Chima from the Big Brother house. (Sure he is!)

Before it all went down, the mood of the house was obviously bothering Jordan.

All of Jeff's clothes were removed from the drawers and tossed around. He put them back and was more ticked each minute.

But the big news of the house from the overnight hours is ...


You heard me. She's gone, outta there, never to darken my live feeds again. She couldn't take the heat, so she's out of that kitchen!

Here's how the night went down in that Big Brother House of Parting Princesses:
  • Oh, it was so boring for so long. Natalie was reading the BB rules book, others were talking small talk.
  • Chima was in hiding under her blankets.
  • I really don't understand why the ex-Jessie crew was in such turmoil. They had their days at the top of the heap, didn't they know that tables can turn? I guess it's time they all learned a life lesson, eh?
  • Jeff finally got to eat. It's a wonder he hasn't lost his appetite with all of the hate going around in the house.
  • Natalie and Lydia, obviously over past differences and united in their blind worship of Jessie the Magnificent, bonded.
  • Chima hid from life.
  • When Jeff got called to the Diary Room, Natalie made a comment to the effect of "yeah, go find out how to #@$# with Chima, Natalie, and Lydia some more."
  • It's a GAME, gals! Sheesh! When they were on the top, the others didn't make snide comments all the time! What is up with these people?
  • Natalie said she's going to dump water all over their beds.
  • When their indoor lockdown was done, they went to the back yard to find a miniature golf type set-up.
  • Jeff wanted to keep on eating. He's one hungry guy after a week on slop!
  • Kevin went to Jeff and said he had nothing to do with messing with his belongings. He said he saw the girls move his own stuff into Jeff's drawers, so he took it out as he didn't want to get involved.
  • I think Kevin, who's remained alone most of the evening, is regretting his allegiance to Chima and the gals. He could have declared the other side long ago.
  • Chima finally emerged at Kevin's request.
  • Production told Chima to put on her microphone.
  • She flipped them off and ignored them.
  • Chima decided that she wouldn't let the others practice -- the golf game is obviously some sort of practice for the POV.
  • Chima threw her microphone into the hot tub.
  • Russell talked about his family coming here from Lebanon.
  • I don't think that makes him a terrorist.
  • Jeff got irked by the Goony Gals because they were deliberately hogging the washer/dryer when he wanted to do his clothes.
  • As Michele tried waiting her turn to practice golf, Natalie said they could hog it all night.
  • Didn't Cappy and Crew do something like that before one of the big brouhahas in that season? Try to intimidate the others during a comp practice scenario?
  • Of the two nominated, Jordan told Michele she'd like Natalie to go because Natalie wants to go after Jeff.
  • Little did she know ...
  • Chima gathered laundry, then went to go sit on the washing machine so she could put hers in before Jeff (who was already not so patiently waiting for the machine).
  • Chima and Natalie talked -- Natalie admitted she was the one who messed with Jeff's clothes. No surprises there for me as Chima was in hiding under covers and feeling sorry for herself.
  • Jordan told her men (Russell and Jeff) that she heard the others were going to pour hot sauce on all of their clothes. She thinks everyone should put their stuff up in the HOH room to keep it safe.
  • Chima kept making nasty comments to the camera. She's either being nasty to us (America's fault she's in the predicament she is) or to production (it's their fault, too!).
  • Lydia brought up that Russell hit her with a ball (a few weeks ago) and BB "let it go and didn't do anything."
  • BB once again told Chima to put her microphone on.
  • Jeff told Jordan he didn't want to have to hide his clothes and act like he's scared.
  • Jeff said, "This is the most miserable cast ever with the biggest bitch on reality TV ever."
  • He said it, not me. But I must agree. Not the whole cast, but ...!
  • Chima told Natalie that even though she hates Russell, she would vote for him to win over Michele, Jordan, or Jeff.
  • I guess she just can't understand why people aren't in love with the princess?
  • Every time they talked about production (unfair, picking on them, taking Jeff's side, etc.), we got blocked feeds.
  • The Battle of the Laundry continued.
  • Chima took Russell's hat and hid it.
  • Lydia said that Jordan is "dumb as a box of hair."
  • Chima said that she shouldn't be called the 5th HOH, just call her the 6th nominee to be evicted thanks to production. Then she gave the finger to said production. Or to me.
  • @@
  • Kevin told Michele that the three girls (Lydia, Natalie, Chima) are acting like they're a cult and their beloved leader (Jessie) died.
  • I think it's too little too late for ya, Kevin. You chose your gal Chima. It's going to be hard to switch sides now, don't you think?
  • Then came a loooong feeds blockage.
  • What? The feeds are back and Chima is nowhere to be seen? Could she be hiding under the covers again?
  • What? They're talking about possibly no eviction this week? They're talking about replacing a houseguest?
  • Oh my. Whatever in the world can be going on? Where's Waldo Chima?
  • Russell said her first meeting will be with the legal department.
  • Ohhhh!
  • Jeff said, "And then there were seven. They're going to black that out!"
  • Ohhhh!
  • Then they worried that Chima may have taken some of their belongings.
  • Russell told Michele that Chima was trying to bait him in the morning, almost like she wanted him to go after her with the knife he was using in the kitchen.
  • It wouldn't surprise me. She wanted to get him mad enough to hit her before so he could get the boot.
  • Meanwhile, there seems to be a loose cannon (okay, maybe a firecracker in perspective) in the Jeff, Michele, Jordan, and Russell faction.
  • Russell seems to be trying to work Michele against Jeff a bit.
  • It's not working. Michele said that she never had any intention to vote Jeff out.
  • Jordan, Jeff, Russell, and Michele talked about Chima's anger issues. Jordan hadn't heard the rape story.
  • They all agree she needs professional help.
  • Natalie is now not only in worship of Jessie, she's agog with Chima, too.
  • "That was HUGE! She threw her microphone in the hot tub!"
  • False idols, I say.
  • Apparently Allison Grodner herself came out during whatever the final straw was.
  • We don't know for sure if Chima got the boot or if she DOR'd (voluntary exit).
  • But we know that ...


Friday, August 14, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Bulletin - Nominations 8/14

The feeds have been blocked for a long time. They came on briefly ... Jeff was saying "they" better not ruin his things. Then it flashed to Natalie saying she read the rule book and Michele can't do that -- "tell her she's going to put her on the block."

It's sure that Natalie is on the block. I think, from what Jeff said, Chima's up there with her.

Feeds back on ... Natalie is reading the rules book, Jeff and Russell are talking about food. Natalie just read out loud that you can't cover up cameras, feeds blocked again.

Natalie says that "she" is going to get karma or some kind of disease for what she did to Chima. Natalie expected it for herself because she never got along with Michele. Hmmm ... it's Natalie and Chima on the block. Chima is hiding under the Jessie covers.

You go with your bad BB-playing self, Michele!