Sunday, October 17, 2010

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - October 17, 2010

Sunday morning is here, time for my weekly reflection on the week gone by in words and photographs I've taken. I'm finally over that bug I had. Man, that was a doozy. It seems like it's going around. I don't think I've been that sick for that long in years. The only problem remaining is that I could probably sleep around the clock for a day or two if not for that pesky thing called my job. Oh well.

Unfortunately, due to that tired factor, I fell asleep early on and off through the week and missed shows I like to watch. Now, if I had planned to fall asleep, I would have recorded them. But there was no plan. It was "I'm just going to close my eyes for five minutes" and then I'd wake up at 3 AM. Argh! There's not much to do at that point other than to head to the bedroom and go to bed. Thankfully, most of the shows I missed can be found online.

We continue to have wacky weather here. One day will start out beautiful, then end with an inch of hail on the ground at nightfall. A nor'easter is finishing out now. Due to the temperatures, there obviously wasn't any snow. We didn't even get horrible rains. But there was the wind. Usually I love autumn weather -- more typically it's highs in the 60s to around 70, cool overnights, dry and sunny skies. That's what I want. Please.

I heard the news that Barbara Billingsly died. For those of my generation, that was June Cleaver, the Beaver's mother. She was 94, but I've seen her on a few things in recent years. She was the epitome of the mother of the 1950s. I blamed a friend for her death. He's a punster and before her death was announced, he came up with this one -- "I hear all the boy bands have disbanded. They decided to leave it to Bieber." Rest in peace, Barbara Billingsly (who always made me wonder why my own mother didn't wear pearls around the house and had no patience with children).

I really don't have much news here. I've worked, slept, hid from the rain, ducked the hail and acorns and had a pretty standard week. I hope your weeks went well! Onto the photos -- if you click on an image, it will open larger in a new window.

Bad Formation

Hey, geese ... it's supposed to be a V. I hope you're not heading to Newark to bring down a plane.

The Sun Also Rises ...

On North Avenue in Plainfield. I enjoy the angles of the sun this time of year. It's not quite as harsh as it is in the winter. Plus, I actually see sunrises and sunsets. It had rained most of the night before I took this shot. My apologies to Ernest Hemingway.





Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset

Swiftly fly the years

One season following another

Laden with happiness and tears

- From "Fiddler on the Roof"

The train arrives with the dawn

Monday morning, moments before the sun came up, I saw the light. Plainfield Train Station.

Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning

Plainfield Train Station the morning of the torrential evening downpours and hail.

Me and my shadow

Okay, not me ... HIM and his shadow. North Avenue, Plainfield.

Dave's birds

Dave, the Indian gentleman who owns The Corner Store on Watchung and East Second in Plainfield must figure that if he feeds the birds daily, they'll spare him when they take over the world. And don't ask me about his name being Dave. I'm sure it isn't. But that's how he introduces himself and what everyone calls him.

Seasons change with the scenery
Weaving time in a tapestry
Won't you stop and remember me
At any convenient time
Funny how my memory slips while looking over manuscripts
Of unpublished rhyme
Drinking my vodka and lime.
-- "Hazy Shade of Winter" by Simon and Garfunkel

Okay, it's not winter. Nor have I ever had a vodka and lime. I've had plenty of unpublished manuscripts, though. Does that count?

The Autumn Reds

This is on East Front Street in Plainfield. This tree is usually beautiful, but this year the leaves are a bit sparse due to all of the wind we've had the last few months. Plus, we went through long hot periods in the summer with no rain, then had terrific storms. That's not too cool with the fall foliage.

Reds and Golds

Warming their feet ...

... before they swoop down and attack us, that is! I know I've taken similar photos of this before, but not with so many birds. Taken at the Dunellen Train Station from inside the train.

Heading away from Newark

Plainfield Train Station

All set for the fall

When winter comes, it will be all decorated with lights and moving things. The house at the corner of East Front Street and Richmond in Plainfield.

Fall flowers abound

Look! A mouse!

It was running along the sidewalk and people scared it. So it hid up there on the wall. Isn't he cute? (As long as he's not inside my apartment!)

VINCENT! Now, stop that!

Sure, she sees a mouse and doesn't bring it home for me. I never have any fun anymore!

Don't forget to stop back tonight for The Amazing Race!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Survivor: Nicaragua - October 13th Episode Blog Party Post


Survivors Ready?

Welcome one, welcome all! The blog party is ready to start! Everyone is welcome to join in with comments as the show airs here on the East Coast or even later in West Coast time. It looks like the merge is on tonight -- that should be interesting, to say the least.

As the show airs, I'll post major events here, but the real fun and most of the reactions are in the comments section. See you there!

With a rock draw, Brenda and Holly are new tribe captains.

Jane, Jill, Marty to younger. La Flor

Alina, Benry, Chase and Bianca to older. Espada

Tribe names remain, La Flor and Espada. No more young vs. old, no more medallion of power. Espada wins reward -- live chickens. La Flor won immunity.

Tyrone was voted out by the fools -- leaving weak Danny and want to go home and didn't play her idol Na'Onka.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Amazing Race - Oct. 10 Episode Blog Party

Jackie's TV Blog, Amazing Race, TAR

Football strikes once again -- the show is delayed here on the East Coast by about an HOUR. Sheesh. Once it starts, as it airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this post with major happenings. Later tonight (or at least by morning) my show review should be posted over on TV Squad. But the real fun will be during showtime right here in the comments area. Everyone is welcome to join in!

1. Connor and Jonathan - each won $5000
2. Gary and Mallory
3. Chad and Stephanie
4. Katie and Rachel
5. Nick and Vicki
6. Brook and Claire
7. Jill and Thomas
8. Nat and Kat
9. Michael and Kevin -- Non-Philimination!

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - October 10, 2010

It's Sunday, time for my weekly off television topic post reflecting on the week gone by in words and photos I've taken.

I still feel a bit "eh" this week. I actually called out Monday and Tuesday from work, an oddity for me. But the apparently-flu really knocked me for a loop. But, as a result, I only spent three days coming and going. I plan on a quiet day today.

Hmm ... John Lennon would have been 70 if he lived. I'm not near 70, but that makes me feel old to think he's been gone thirty years.

Random commuting in New Jersey thoughts:
  • I'm horrible. After sharing my commute home with throngs of NJ Devils hockey fans heading to Newark disrupting my normally peaceful commute, I feel a thrill when I hear the Devils were trounced 7-2.
  • Lady in back of me ... stop singing. Now. You're singing off-key to something you're hearing on your iPod. It makes no sense and hurts my ears. Quit it.
  • You, yes you ... eating the Indian food with the curry, knock it off. Eat that stuff at home or, at the very least, not on the train.
  • Get those nasty feet off the seat. Sheesh.
  • But do keep your shoes on, please.
  • If you like your cell phone so much, why do you keep yelling at it?
  • Okay, lady ... it was funny that you announced the next stop was Tickleville and tickled your child the first twenty times you did it. But even the kid wants you to knock it off now. Make the next stop Quietville, please.
  • Look, if you're going to sit in the aisle seat leaving the window seat unoccupied while you hang out body parts into the aisle space, you're going to get thunked by passersby. Stay within the seat area and that won't happen.
  • Underage hockey fans with the beers, cool it. (Why does NJT let people consume alcohol on the trains?) You're getting loud and obnoxious.
  • Stop trying to scam the conductors. The fares went up six months ago. Don't act so surprised and don't try paying a $4.00 fare with a $100 bill. You'll end up booted at the next stop.
  • Stop trying to impress your friends with your train knowledge. Maybe you ride a train twice a year. You know nothing.
  • Get your knees out of my back, thank you very much. Sit like a human, please.
  • No, the seats don't flip and you can't all sit together -- not on this line, anyway.
  • Don't leave that half-empty cup of coffee on the floor, fool.

Blue stop

This oddly-colored stop sign is down along the railroad tracks. I hope the engineer knows where to stop.

Synchronized eating

The next Olympic sport! The corner of Watchung and North in Plainfield.

Wired in the night

A street lamp lights up the wires in Bridgewater, NJ.

Carpenter bee

I took this one before my vacation (flu) and didn't post it. While I posted the same bee on my Facebook, this is a different shot of him. You can tell it's a carpenter bee because its butt is shiny as opposed to bumblebees who have fluffy butts. I like the sweater vest.

Night train

Strangers in the night, exchanging glances ... but never too close. Raritan Valley line of NJ Transit.

Stop calling me Alvin

Police activity

Watchung and East Second Street in Plainfield. Actually, the only activity was traffic direction. East Second was closed off due to utility work.

At five o'clock it's much too crowded
Much too crowded, so crowded
No room for me (too crowded)
Oh, too crowded

The traffic jam on Watchung and East Third Street in Plainfield rush hour Friday. My apologies to the Soul Survivors ("Expressway to Your Heart")

Golden Rails

An NJT train rides off into the sunset which has lighted the rails a golden hue. Bridgewater, NJ. While the train looks short, it's actually six (or more) cars long. Each of the cars have about forty rows or so of seats and there's a vestibule section with more seating in between each car.

A few minutes later

Fading into white

Vincent in one of his favorite spots.

How was your week? Don't forget to stop back for tonight's Amazing Race blog party!

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Survivor: Nicaragua - October 6th Episode Blog Party Post


Survivors Ready?

Welcome one, welcome all! It's the fourth episode and the blog party is ready to start! Everyone is welcome to join in with comments as the show airs here on the East Coast or even later in West Coast time. Are you as irked as I am that they're still trying to capitalize on Jimmy Johnson in the promos for this week?

As the show airs, I'll post major events here, but the real fun and most of the reactions are in the comments section. See you there!

Rats, NaOnka has the hidden immunity idol.

Younger tribe won reward and immunity ... again.

The knee replacement beats out buffoon. Jimmy T voted out over Danny.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

The Amazing Race - Oct. 3 Episode Blog Party Post

Jackie's TV Blog, Amazing Race, TAR

Oh my, we're starting on time here on the East Coast. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this post with major happenings. Later tonight (or at least by morning) my show review should be posted over on TV Squad. But the real fun will be during showtime right here in the comments area. Everyone is welcome to join in!

In Ghana -
1. Brook and Claire/ Hawaiian trip
2. Katie and Rachel
3. Michael and Kevin
4. Chad and Stephanie
5. Jill and Thomas
6. Connor and Jonathan
7. Nat and Kat
8. Nick and Vicki
9. Gary and Mallory
10. Andie and Jenna - Philiminated

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - October 3, 2010

My apologies, but I've been very sick all week. Thankfully I was on a vacation, so I didn't have to call out from work. I've been in bed most of the week with a cough, fever, chills, headache, body aches, you name it. It honestly felt more like the flu than a cold. I still have a bad cough and feel weak. But since I've eaten very little all week, I guess that's to be expected.

As a result, I didn't take any photo walks. But I do have a Vincent shot for you and I'll be back for the Amazing Race blog party tonight.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Survivor: Nicaragua - Sept. 29 Episode Blog Party Post


Survivors Ready?

Welcome one, welcome all! It's the third episode and the blog party is ready to start! Everyone is welcome to join in with comments as the show airs here on the East Coast or even later in West Coast time.

Just a warning -- I'm SO sick with a killer cold and will try to post the major happenings in this entry. But, if I don't, the comments should have the latest.

Younger tribe wins immunity and reward.

Jimmy Johnson was voted out.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Amazing Race - Season Premiere Blog Party!

Jackie's TV Blog, Amazing Race, TAR

Yes, it's that time of year again! It's time for a whirlwind exciting and hopefully very entertaining trip around the world. I think that we'll all find teams to cheer on this season -- it looks like a good bunch for the most part. I think the show might be starting late due to football, but I'll get this up on time.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this post with major happenings. Later tonight (or at least by morning) my show review should be posted over on TV Squad. But the real fun will be during showtime right here in the comments area. LifeGuard Laurie is running the pool and here are the pool picks for those who are taking the splash --

* Andie & Jenna ... Margo, Sally, Caela
* Brook & Claire ... Jackie, ML, Lynn1
* Chad & Stephanie ... Zoetawny, Dusty, Donna in AL
* Connor & Jonathan ... Sydney, Nana of the NW,Lisanne
* Gary & Mallory ... Monty 924, RBennie, Lars
* Jill & Thomas ... Laurie, Buzzman, JennasMom
* Katie & Rachel ... SueGee, SharonS Ben
* Michael & Kevin ... Donna in FL, DKNYNC, Brent
* Nat & Kat ... meb, PDX Granny, Delee
* Nick & Vicki ... Becky, Karen in CA, dla
* Ron & Tony ... Terry in CA, joy n, Merrilee

Teams ready? GO!

The Express Pass, new this season, will go to the winners of the first leg. It will allow them to bypass a challenge of their choice later on.

They are headed from Massachusetts to London.

Jill and Thomas were first to the pit stop, winning the Express Pass and apparently nothing else.
2. Nat and Kat
3. Connor and Jonathan
4. Brook and Clair
5. Katie and Rachel
6. Gary and Mallory
7. Kevin and Michael
8. Chad and Stephanie
9. Andie and Jenna
10. Nick and Vicki
11. Ron and Tony - Philiminated

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - September 26, 2010

It's Sunday morning, time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. This week is a bit image heavy so I'll be keeping the words part a bit light.

That's all.

Well, maybe not.

The majority of the photos I'm posting today were taken last Sunday when I spent the day at Skaters Circle in Central Park (Manhattan). The Central Park Dance Skaters Association throws a free skating shindig every weekend, weather permitting. I used to go regularly and skate, but the knees have done that in. Some of the folks remembered me, so that was nice.

In addition to photographing the rain, the park and other things (okay, no rain, but I'm thinking of the old Cowsills song "I love the flower girl ... dah, dah ..."), I took a lot of video. I posted a brief clip early in the week. However, I plan on making a mini-movie during the upcoming week as I am having another staycation.

About the only other thing of interest beside work is that I selected my shots for the Plainfield Library photo competition and had them printed into 8 by 10s. I don't really trust my own printer. I'll be dropping them off to the library just shy of the October 1st deadline.

Now, enough said and onto the (million) photos for this week. Clicking on an image will open it larger in a new window.

Police Activity

East Fourth Street in Plainfield. Hmmm ... three marked cars and an unmarked car. I don't think it's a run-of-the-mill traffic stop.

My Baby Takes the Morning Train ...

and then another home again. My apologies to Sheena Easton. Plainfield Train Station.

Busy Bee

It's time for the carpenter bees. Now if the weather would actually turn fall-like. It's actually supposed to cool off today. Yay! Bridgewater, NJ.

Into the city ...

Under Penn Station

I had a few errands to run downtown (in Plainfield), so I took the train into town. I took the bus home from Port Authority Bus Terminal near Times Square because that stops right in front of my apartment building.

Midtown Tourists

I like to take pictures of the tourists on the double-decker tourist buses as they take pictures. I'm not too keen on the ads on the buses (and everywhere else), but ad revenue sources are everywhere these days.

Gah. Gah. I can't breathe!

The subways are all out of whack this weekend and last for track work. Canceled trains, the One line shut entirely down, etc. As a result, the trains are jam-packed. I had to take a few different lines to get where I was going. I was shocked on one crowded train when a man stood up and offered me his seat. That has never happened to me! It was a seat by a door and a cop came along and stood in the doorway with his gun hitting my ear for two stops. But at least I was sitting!

Hubba hubba!

Ohhh, cute NYPD cops. Yeah, go ahead, call me a cougar.
Hubba ...

Waiting for the subway train

The price goes up, the service goes down. Soon we'll all be like Charlie on the MTA -- the man who never returned.

Migrating Monarch

Sure, they're all over the place on their 3,000 mile annual migration and the best photo I got of one was in Central Park.


The tribute to John Lennon in Strawberry Fields, Central Park. There was a tribute band playing just outside the quiet zone.

Call me a cab!

Although it looks like the pedi-cab is passing the horse, that's not going to happen. They're on a slight grade and the pedi-cabs all seem to be set in really low gears causing the human horses to pedal frantically and go almost nowhere up hills. The hansom cab (horse) can only travel in that lane.

Forget the wedding party in the cab!
I needs me some grass!

Sheep Meadow in Central Park

No, I don't sun, thank you very much.

Central Park is a peaceful oasis
surrounded by the city.

Looks are deceiving

This man can skate. Yes, he can. Once I get the video put together, you'll see.

Purty as a postcard

Fleet feet

Meeting of the skates

Balancing Act

This guy's been around for years at the Skaters Circle. He's usually with Bladie Flowness, a one-man tourist attraction (looks like George Clinton and drives a pimped-out tricycle while hawking his CDs), but he was solo Sunday. BTW - those are bottles of water and yes, he's on skates.

I forgot to mention the pants

Both this guy and Bladie wear these big harem pants. Actually, they should be great to skate in.

You can take the crosstown bus If it's raining or is cold The animals will love you if you do
"At the Zoo" - Simon and Garfunkel

It wasn't raining. It wasn't cold. But this is indeed a crosstown bus.


One building is mirrored in another building's windows. So I shot it.

Going nowhere fast

When I left Sunday evening from Port Authority, the traffic was worse than at the weekday rush hours. I have no clue. The buses have their own ramps out of Port Authority and don't deal with this.

Hey, Vincent! Look up!

Heehee. gotcha!
"That's not funny."

How was your week? Don't forget to stop by for The Amazing Race blog party later tonight!

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Amazing Race - Looking at the New Teams, Part 2

Finally, I'm getting to the rest of the teams -- you can find my look at the first five teams right here. The season premiere is this Sunday evening. Of course (it should go without saying, but I'll say it) there will be an episode blog post party going on when the show starts (8:30 PM ET) -- everyone is invited to join in. LifeGuard Laurie is in charge of the blog pool. Who wants to cover the cyber drinks?

Jill and Thomas: A dating couple, I don't know if it's just my mood or what ... but is he really very monotone and did they say "We want to win" a quadrillion times? They sound like they might be Bickering Bickersons, but you can't tell from the monotony of this video. The video left me not caring about this team at all, good or bad. They're just kind of there.

Katie and Rachel: Jersey Girls! Like the one from Cranford on the Princeton team, Katie lives quite nearby me in Rahway. Note that she does NOT talk like Enzo from BB12! I have to give Rachel kudos in the video for not mentioning that Katie's hair kept blowing in her face. They're young, but they might be a strong female team. Once the season starts, I would appreciate name tags so I can tell them apart. SO many young blond women with roughly the same length hair this season!

Michael and Kevin: Now, THIS father is the oldest one in the race at 58 as opposed to Gary at 53. Kevin is the youngest contestant so far at 20 but he seems to be pretty driven for his age. If you can't tell, they're Texans. I found the videos. I think I'm going to enjoy these two, but it would take them a miracle to win the big prize. Here's one of the YouTube videos of Kevin's:

Nat and Kat: They're self-proclaimed nerds, two young women doctors heavily in debt with student loans. So, we know where the money would go if they were to win! I can't imagine the cost of becoming a doctor these days. I like these two based on the video. I particularly liked the "karma" reference. Hopefully they won't namby-pamby out, yet won't be underhanded either.

Nick and Vicki: After Nat and Pat, I want to dub these two Nicky and Vicki. I guess they're down to earth -- she said it enough, as well as the "judging a book by the cover bit." When she first spoke, she reminded me a bit of Rachel "I AM VEGAS!" But as it went on, not so much. I don't know. I'm not overly impressed by the mohawk and the tattoos, but floats his boat. Most men are over that by the time they're 30. However, he is a bartender so perhaps he thinks he's a rock star. Oh, wait ... I'm forming opinions. I'll stop that. I think this team could possibly do well. Maybe.

Ron and Tony: These two might be the closest we have to an alpha male team this season. That is if it's slightly aged (40s) theater circuit alphas. I do like them. I think they're going to be entertaining. I even laughed for a moment in the video. But do they have what it takes to win? I guess we'll see. Like Nick and Vicky, they plan to lay low in the beginning, then sprint to the finish.

So, there are the teams. I think we have some entertainment ahead of us, don't you?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

TV Tidbits and Stuff

My season premiere review of The Big Bang Theory is up over on CliqueClack TV. Sheldon had a date with Blossom ... er, Amy (played by Mayim Bialik). After the horrible skit on last night's The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, it's good to see they weren't tainted. I was so happy when Jim Parsons won the Emmy for his role. Although I do think it comes easy -- he seems quite Sheldon-ish himself.

If Tim Curry is going to have nasty funky teeth, he should just be Pennywise the Dancing Clown (from Stephen King's It). Last night's Criminal Minds finished off the storyline we left off with at the beginning of the summer. Curry, although a very twisted "unsub" who became "knownsub," was creepy ... but nowhere near the performance as Pennywise.

I loved the flashbacks in time with the mother and son (Curry) as a child, all playing Leonard Cohen tunes. The music just so fit into it all. Cohen's poetry and songs have intrigued me for decades. The best video for "Dance Me to the End of Love" (one of the songs featured in Criminal Minds) is this one. Trust me, it's very beautiful and touching.

In other show talk, I fear the new show The Defenders didn't keep my attention. I was looking forward to it as I've always liked Jerry O'Connell. But it just didn't do it for me. Sigh. Perhaps if they brought back the original The Defenders from the early 1960s with the Brady Bunch father Robert Reed and E.G. Marshall, I might watch.

Tomorrow night, besides getting the rest of The Amazing Race teams up, I plan on watching CSI:NY and Blue Bloods. I'll admit being a bit partial to NYC-based shows as it's cool to see places I've actually seen! I'm a cop show buff, so I do have high hopes for Blue Bloods. We'll see.

Don't forget ... only two nights left of dancing animals on The Late Show with David Letterman!

We all float down here ...